中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 432-436.doi: 10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.04.015

• 实验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

人脐带Wharton’s jelly间充质干细胞生物学特性的研究

李士欣1, 华映坤1, 王林坪1, 杨慧2, 鲁俊1, 吕超绍1, 董旭东3, 撒亚莲1   

  1. 云南省第一人民医院 1.临床基础医学研究所,云南省出生缺陷与遗传病研究重点实验室
     2.病理科,  3.产科,  云南   昆明    650032
  • 收稿日期:2013-10-20 出版日期:2014-07-25 发布日期:2014-08-07
  • 通讯作者: 撒亚莲,主任技师,E-mail:
  • 作者简介:并列第一作者:李士欣(1978-),男,河南永城人,医师,从事临床应用解剖学的研究,Tel(0871)63638454,现工作单位:河南省永城县人民医院; 华映坤(1964-),男,云南昆明人,主管技师,从事细胞生物学研究,Tel:(0871)63638454
  • 基金资助:

    云南省教育厅科学研究基金资助项目(2013J122C); 云南省自然科学基金资助项目(2007C0034R, 2012FB096)

Study on biological characterization of Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord

LI Shi-xin1, HUA Ying-kun1, WANG Lin-ping1, YANG Hui2, LU Jun1, LV Chao-Shao1, DONG Xu-dong3, SA Ya-lian1   

  1. Yunnan Provincial First People’s Hospital, 1.Institute of Clinical and Basic Medical Sciences, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory for Birth Defects and Genetic Diseases, 2. Department of Pathology, 3. Department of Obstetrics, Kunming 650032, China
  • Received:2013-10-20 Online:2014-07-25 Published:2014-08-07


目的 探讨人脐带Wharton’s jelly间充质干细胞的培养方法及生物学特性。 方法 将脐带Wharton’s jelly剪成约0.5 mm3种植到培养瓶,3 h后添加培养液。细胞达90%融合时用胰酶消化传代。用免疫组化检测波形蛋白的表达;用流式检测细胞膜表型;用诱导液检测其分化为脂肪样细胞和神经样细胞的潜能。  结果 培养6 d 左右,细胞从组织块游出,为长梭形的成纤维样细胞,传代后细胞增殖加快,呈放射状分布。间充质干细胞标记物CD90等为阳性,而CD34等为阴性;波形蛋白呈强阳性。成脂诱导后,细胞质出现脂滴,油红O染色为阳性。经黄芪诱导24 h,细胞表达Nestin和NF,而NSE和GFAP为阴性。  结论 人脐带Wharton’s jelly中有间充质干细胞,且有多向分化潜能。

关键词: 间充质干细胞, 脐带, Wharton’s jelly, 分离, 培养


 Objective To establish the culture methods of Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells from human umbilical cord(hWJ-MSCs)and observe the biological characteristics. Methods The umbilical cord organization of healthy full-term caesarean section was collected under sterile condition. The WJ was diced into cubes of approximately 0.5 mm3, and then plant them in culture flasks which kept still in 3 h before adding L-DMEM with 100 ml/L fetal bovine serum. The WJ-MSCs were passaged using 1.25 g/L Trypsin when they reached 90% confluence. Vimentin was tested by immunocytochemistry. The cell phenotype of WJ-MSCs was detected by flow cytometry. The hWJ-MSCs can differentiate into adipocytes like cell identified by oil-red stain. WJ-MSCs were cultured in medium containing 0.05 g//L Astragalus, then tested the expression of GFAP, NF, Nestin and NSE by immunocytochemical staining. Results Some cells swam out from the tissue block for 6 days or so, which belong to fibroblast-like cell appearing long spindle shaped fibroblast-like cells. WJ-MSCs after subculture presented in a uniform spindle morphology shape, showing parallel growth or vortex growth. The marks of MSCs such as CD90 were positive. The expression of CD34 was negative. Immunocytochemical staining showed WJ-MSCs expressed Vimentin with strong positive. After adipocyte like cells committed induction, these cells with lipid vacuoles accumulated in the cytoplasm gradually could be stained by oil-red O. After committed induction in 24 h by Astragalus, the differentiated cells were stained by Nestin and NF, but GFAP and NSE were negative. Conclusions WJ-MSCs can be effectively obtained from Wharton's jelly with the planting culture, which possess multi-differentiated capability.

Key words: Mesenchymal stem cells, Umbilical cord, Wharton's jelly, Isolation, Culture
