中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 467-470.doi: 10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.04.023

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


冯华杰, 吴焯鹏, 关万宁, 李振科, 匡光志   

  1. 开平市中心医院骨科,  广东   开平    529300
  • 收稿日期:2014-03-17 出版日期:2014-07-25 发布日期:2014-08-07
  • 作者简介:冯华杰(1969-),男,广东开平人,学士,副主任医师,主要从事创伤骨科,关节外科方面的研究,Tel:0750-2371781

Ilio-inguinal and Kocher-Langenbeck (K-L) approach for internal fixation and reduction of complex acetabular fractures

FENG Hua-jie, WU Zhuo-peng, GUAN Wan-ning, LI Zhen-ke, KUANG Guang-zhi   

  1. Department of Orthopedics, Kaiping Central Hospital, Kaiping 52900, Guangdong Province, China
  • Received:2014-03-17 Online:2014-07-25 Published:2014-08-07


目的 髂腹股沟联合Kocher-Langenbeek(K-L)入路复位内固定治疗复杂髋臼骨折的临床评价。  方法    回顾性分析2006年1月-2012年8月采用髂腹股沟联合K-L入路切开复位内固定治疗65例复杂髋臼骨折患者临床资料,分析手术时间、术中出血量、术后复位程度、Merle d’Aubigne-Pestel评分结果。  结果    术后患者平均随访28.5个月(15~42个月),手术时间(186±21)min,术中出血量分别为(820±21)ml。术后骨折复位情况按Matta评定标准:优43例、良18例、可4例,优良率93.8%。关节功能按照改良的Merle d’Aubigne-Pestel评分系统进行评估,优41例、良18例、可6例,优良率90.8%。  结论    髂腹股沟联合K-L入路复位内固定治疗复杂髋臼骨折的临床效果良好。

关键词: 髋臼, 骨折内固定术, 手术入路


Objective    To evaluate the clinic effect of ilio-inguinal and Kocher-Langenbeek (K-L) approach for internal fixation and reduction in the treatment of complex acetabular fractures.    Methods    A retrospective study was done on 65 patients with complex acetabular fractures who received treatment ofinternal reduction and fixation from January 2006 to August 2012 through ilio-inguinal and K-L approach. surgical length, intra-operative blood loss, degree of postoperative reduction,results of Merle d’Aubigne-Pestel scores were recorded.    Results     All patients were followed up for 15~42 months. The surgical length was (186±21) minutes, the intra-operative blood loss was (820±21) ml.According to Mata-analysis standard,the rate of good and excellent postoperative fracture reduction was 93.8%.The modified Merle d’Aubigne-Pestel score system showed rate of excellence and good joint function was 90.8%.Conclusions    The clinical efficacy of combined ilio-inguinal and K-L approach for internal fixation and reduction in the treatment of complex acetabular fractures is good.

Key words:  Acetabulum, Fracture fixation, internal, Approach
