中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 693-695.

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


周荣, 金光哲, 巨积辉, 李建宁, 赵强, 刘跃飞, 李雷, 侯瑞兴   

  1. 苏州大学附属瑞华医院手外科,  江苏   苏州    215104
  • 收稿日期:2012-06-29 出版日期:2012-11-25 发布日期:2012-12-11
  • 作者简介:周荣(1980-),男,贵州毕节人,主治医师,研究方向:手外科临床,Tel:(0512)65133680

Repair of ankle skin defect with upper perforator flap of the medial malleolus

ZHOU Rong,JIN Guang-zhe,JU Ji-hui, LI Jian-ning,ZHAO Qiang,LIU Yue-fei,LI Lei, HOU Rui-xing   

  1. ZHOU Rong,JIN Guang-zhe,JU Ji-hui, LI Jian-ning,ZHAO Qiang,LIU Yue-fei,LI Lei, HOU Rui-xing
  • Received:2012-06-29 Online:2012-11-25 Published:2012-12-11


目的 报道以内踝上胫后动脉为蒂的穿支皮瓣修复足踝部皮肤软组织缺损的临床效果。  方法 2003年2月~2010年2月,对22例足踝部皮肤软组织缺损患者,采用以内踝上胫后动脉为蒂的穿支皮瓣修复术。皮瓣面积10 cm×7 cm~15 cm×11 cm,供区采用下腹部全厚皮片植皮。  结果 术后22例患者皮瓣均一期成活,供区伤口一期愈合。经随访6~36个月,平均随访12个月。皮瓣质地优良,外观不臃肿,感觉恢复S2~S3+,足部行走功能恢复满意。供区植皮者植皮区松软,外观可,无瘢痕挛缩。  结论 内踝上以胫后动脉为蒂的穿支皮瓣修复足踝部皮肤软组织缺损,具有解剖恒定,手术操作安全、简便,可满足踝部部创面覆盖的需要。

关键词:  , 外科皮瓣, 穿支, 足, 损伤修复


Objective To report clinical effects of the upper perforator flap of the medial malleolus pedicled with the posterior tibial artery on repairing skin and soft tissue defect of foot and ankle. Methods From Feb. 2003 ~ Feb. 2010, 22, patients with skin and soft tissue defect of foot and ankle were treated with the upper perforator flap of the medial malleolus pedicled with the posterior tibial artery. Flap area was about 10cm ×7cm ~ 15cm×11cm, and the donor field was treated with the lower abdomen area full-thickness skin graft. Results The flaps of 22 patients primarily survived, as well donor wounds primarily healed. The follow-up extended 6 to 36 months, averagely 12 months. Flaps appeared well, with sensory recovery of S2~S3+, and satisfied function recovery of foot walking. Donor areas recovered well, without cicatricial contration. Conclusions The upper perforator flap of the medial malleolus pedicled with the posterior tibial artery can be used to repair skin and soft tissue defects of foot and ankle, for its stable anatomic features and convenient operative procedure.

Key words: Surgical flaps, Perforating branches, Foot, Damage repair
