中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 505-.

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白文媛1, 顾洪生2, 廖振华3, 刘伟强1,3   

  1. 1.清华大学深圳研究生院,  深圳   518055;    2.深圳市第二人民医院,  深圳   518049;
    3.深圳清华大学研究院,  深圳   518057
  • 收稿日期:2013-05-15 出版日期:2013-09-25 发布日期:2013-10-16
  • 通讯作者: 刘伟强,教授,博士生导师,
  • 作者简介:白文媛(1989-),女,黑龙江牡丹江人,在读硕士,主要从事骨科植入器械方面的研究
  • 基金资助:


The measurement of normal lumbar intervertebral discs and its significance

BAI Wen-yuan1,  GU Hong-sheng2,  LIAO Zhen-hua3,  LIU-Wei-qiang 1.3   

  1. 1.Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China;  2.Shenzhen Second People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518049, China;  3.Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen,  Shenzhen 518057, China
  • Received:2013-05-15 Online:2013-09-25 Published:2013-10-16


目的 测量正常成人腰椎间盘相关参数,为设计符合国人腰椎结构特征的人工腰椎间盘和人工髓核提供参数值,同时提供正常人腰椎间隙高度数据,为临床诊断腰椎疾病提供依据。  方法 随机抽取自2010.1~2013.1间,腰背痛患者的MRI阴性图像资料300例(男136例,女164例)。分别测量L1/2~L5/S1 5个节段椎间隙的前高、中高、后高、角度以及L2/3~L5/S1 4个节段的椎间盘矢径、横径和髓核矢径、横径。  结果 各测量值年龄差异不显著(P>0.05)。性别差异显著,且测量值多为男性大于女性。节段差异显著(P<0.05),椎间盘前高和角度的测量值随着节段增加而递增,中高、后高、椎间盘矢径和横径、髓核矢径和横径的测量值除L5/S1节段外都随着节段的增高而递增。各节段椎间盘的矢径和横径,髓核的矢径和横径间存在线性关系。  结论    腰椎间隙高度测量对腰椎疾病的诊断具有参考价值;在设计人工腰椎间盘和人工髓核时应考虑性别和节段差异,并且应符合矢径和横径间的线性规律。

关键词:  , 人工椎间盘, 人工髓核, 腰椎, 测量, MRI


Objective Relevant parameters of normal lumbar intervertebral discs were measured, in order to provide basic data for designing artificial lumbar disc and artificial prosthetic nucleus that are suitable for Chinese as well as offer data of normal disc height as reference for clinical diagnosis of disc height loss.  Methods    MRI data of normal lumbar vertebrae of 300 Chinese adults (including 136 males and 164 females) who complained of low back pain were collected. The anterior height, the middle height, the posterior height and the intervertebral angle in segment L1/2~L5/S1, the sagittal and transverse diameter of disc, the sagittal and transverse diameter of nucleus pulposus in segment L2/3~L5/S1 were measured. Results No significance was detected in age (P>0.05). Significance was detected in gender (P<0.05) and data got from male was higher than that from female mostly. Significance was detected in segment (P<0.05). The anterior height and intervertebral angle increased with the increment of the segment number. The middle height, the posterior height, the sagittal and transverse diameter of disc, the sagittal and transverse diameter of nucleus pulposus increased with the increment of the segment number except for segment L5/S1. In each segment, There were linear relationships between the sagittal and transverse diameter of disc, with the same case in the sagittal and transverse diameter of nucleus pulposus. Conclusions Measurement of disc height is valuable to the diagnosis of lumbar spine disease. In the design of artificial lumbar disc and artificial prosthetic nucleus, gender and segmental difference should be considered. The linear relationship between the sagittal and transverse diameter of disc and nucleus pulposus should also be taken into account.
