中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 646-649.

• 应用解剖 • 上一篇    下一篇


郁耀平1, 陈大伟1, 张鹏1, 俞光荣1, 杨云峰1, 李兵1, 张凯2   

  1. 1.同济大学附属同济医院骨科,  上海   200065; 2. 同济大学医学院解剖教研室,  上海   200082
  • 收稿日期:2013-08-26 出版日期:2013-11-25 发布日期:2013-12-16
  • 通讯作者: 俞光荣,教授,主任医师,博士生导师,
  • 作者简介:郁耀平(1986-),男,浙江宁波人,在读硕士,研究方向:足踝外科

An anatomic study on the plantar plates of the lesser metatarsophalangeal joints

YU Yao-ping1, CHEN Da-wei1, ZHANG Peng1, YU Guang-rong1, YANG Yu-feng1, Li Bing1, Zhang Kai2   

  1. 1.Department of Orthopaedics, Tongji Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200065, China; 2. Department of Anatomy, Medical College of Tongji University,Shanghai 200082,China
  • Received:2013-08-26 Online:2013-11-25 Published:2013-12-16


目的 通过对跖板及周围组织解剖测量,进一步了解跖板的结构特点及其损伤修复的方式。  方法 解剖19例新鲜足标本,观察跖板及周围组织结构,测量2~5跖板长度、远端宽度、近端宽度、中间及旁侧厚度。  结果 跖板作为跖趾关节周围软组织结构附着点,是跖趾关节的中心结构。测量男性足第2~5跖板的长度依次为(20.05±0.92)mm,(19.80±1.41)mm,(17.45±0.55)mm,(14.91±0.86)mm;中间宽度为(11.63±1.01)mm,(10.72±1.13)mm,(10.34±1.24)mm,(9.26±0.86);旁侧厚度为(2.04±0.16)mm,(1.97±0.29)mm,(1.69±0.12)mm,(1.47±0.10)mm。女性足第2~5跖板的长度依次为(17.29±0.82)mm,(17.36±0.51)mm,(16.03±1.14)mm,(12.12±1.19)mm;中间宽度为(10.74±0.62)mm,(10.53±0.39)mm;(10.23±0.67)mm,(9.35±0.79)mm;旁侧厚度为(2.02±0.16)mm,(2.01±0.14)mm,(1.82±0.22)mm,(1.66± 0.30)mm。足第2~5跖板的长、宽、厚,从第2跖板到第5跖板依次递减,参数差异比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。  结论 跖板维系跖趾关节周围软组织稳定,对跖板撕裂损伤进行修复是必要且可行的。

关键词: 跖板, 跖趾关节, 应用解剖, 跖板修复


Objective To investigate the anatomical characteristics of the plantar plates of the lesser metatarsophalangeal joints and explore the repairing methods of the plantar plate injury.    Methods    Nineteen fresh-frozen cadaveric foot specimens were dissected. The plantar plates and surrounding soft tissues were observed andmeasured. The anatomic parameters (length, distal width, proximal width, central thickness and lateral thickness) of the plantar plates of the lesser metatarsophalangeal jointswere measured.    Results   The planter plate was an attaching point for the surrounding soft tissues of the metatarsophalangeal joint. The male plantar plates of length was(20.05±0.92)mm, (19.80±1.41)mm, (17.45±0.55)mm, (14.91±0.86)mm in less metatarsophalangeal joints, respectively; The male plantar plates of width was (11.63±1.01)mm, (10.72±1.13)mm, (10.34±1.24)mm, (9.26±0.86)mm; The male plantar plates of lateral thickness was (2.04±0.16)mm, (1.97±0.29)mm, (1.69±0.12)mm, (1.47±0.10)mm. The female plantarplates of length was (17.29±0.82)mm, (17.36±0.51)mm, (16.03±1.14)mm, (12.12±1.19)mm in less metatarsophalangeal joints, respectively; The female plantar plates of width was(10.74±0.62)mm, (10.53±0.39)mm, (10.23±0.67)mm, (9.35±0.79)mm; The female plantar plates of lateral thickness was (2.02±0.16)mm, (2.01±0.14)mm, (1.82±0.22)mm, (1.66±0.30)mm. The length, width and thickness of the plantar plates declined in sequence from the second plantar plate to the fifth. The parameter differences were statisticallysignificant (P<0.05). Conclusions The plantar plate maintains the stability of the metatarsophalangeal joint. It's necessary and feasible to repair the tore plantar plates.

Key words: Plantar plate, Lesser metatarsophalangeal joint, Applied anatomy, The plantar plate repair
