中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2009, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 737-.

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

甲沟解剖重建术治疗 趾嵌甲症的临床研究

朱小弟, 王 利, 张 鹏, 李文庆, 宫云霞, 杨 涛, 陈传煌, 姚海波   

  1. 深圳市第六人民医院手足显微外科 ,  广东   深圳     518052
  • 发布日期:2010-01-06
  • 作者简介:朱小弟(1968-),男,江苏昆山人,学士,副主任医师,主要从事显微外科、手足外科工作,Tel:13670153863

The treatment of ingrown toenails of the hallux adopting anatomy reconstruction of nail groove: clinical study

ZHU Xiao-di ,WANG Li,  ZHANG Peng, et al.   

  1. Department of Hand-foot & Microsurgery, the Sixth People's Hospital of Shenzhen, Shenzhen  518052, China
  • Published:2010-01-06


        目的:探讨甲皱襞和甲床楔形切除甲沟解剖重建治疗 趾嵌甲症的疗效及 趾嵌甲症与甲沟解剖的关系。方法:2001年4月至2007年12月,采用部分甲皱襞和甲床楔形切除,缝合甲皱襞与甲床重建甲沟的方法治疗 趾嵌甲症126例。同时测量40例甲沟深度。结果:术后伤口甲级愈合占87.3%(110例),乙级愈合占9.5%(12例),丙级愈合占3.2%(4例),趾甲生长良好,解除了 趾疼痛,甲沟炎无复发。嵌甲症 趾甲沟深度:男性(5.73±0.49 )mm,女性(4.99±0.63)mm。甲沟深度男女差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论: 趾甲沟的深度与嵌甲症的发生有密切关系,甲沟解剖重建术是治疗 趾嵌甲症的有效方法。

关键词:  趾, 嵌甲症, 甲沟, 解剖重建


        Objective: To investigate  the  curative effects of anatomy  reconstruction  of  nail  groove on ingrown toenails of the  hallux, and explore anatomic relationship between  ingrown  toenail  and  nail groove.  Methods: From April  2001  to  December  2007,  126  patients   with  ingrown  toenails  in  hallux  were  treated with wedge resection  of nail  fold  and  nail bed, and then nail groove was reconstructed. At the same time, the depth of nail groove of 40 cases was measured. Results: 110 cases (87.3%) healed by first intention, 12 cases (9.5%) by second intention, and  4 cases (3.2%) by third intention. The toenails grew well, with no pain and recurrence of panaritium. The nail groove depth of ingrown toenails  was  about (5.73±0.49 )mm in male and  (4.99±0.63)mm in female respectively, which presented significant sex difference(P<0.01).Conclusions: The depth of nail groove deals with the occurrence of ingrown toenails of the hallux closely. Anatomy reconstruction of nail groove is an effective method to treat ingrown toenails of the hallux.

Key words: hallux, ingrown , toenails, nail , groove, anatomy reconstruction
