中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 291-294.

• 断层影像解剖 • 上一篇    下一篇


任伟1,2, 王建3, 袁武3, 邵珩3, 李云生3   

  1. 天津医科大学  1.研究生院,3.人体解剖学教研室,天津 300070;    2.天津市天津医院,  天津   300211
  • 收稿日期:2011-07-30 出版日期:2012-05-25 发布日期:2012-06-06
  • 通讯作者: 邵珩,博士,副教授,Tel:(022)2354 2535,E-mail:shaoh
  • 作者简介:任伟(1982-),男,山西运城人,住院医师,硕士在读,主要骨科创伤急救方面的研究,Tel:(022)28331191

Joint interval of the occipitocervical complex: image comparision and clinical significance

REN Wei, WANG Jian, YUAN Wu,SHAO Heng, LI Yun-sheng   

  1. Department of Anatomy, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China
  • Received:2011-07-30 Online:2012-05-25 Published:2012-06-06


目的 将火棉胶微视断层切片相关结构测量数值与CT、MRI的对应数值进行比较,测量和评估枕颈复合体的各关节间隙,探讨CT、MRI对枕颈部关节间隙数据测量的精确性,明确枕颈复合体测量评估的最佳方法。  方法 采用24例正常死亡的中立位成人颈椎标本,以枕颈复合体作为观测对象。 CT、MRI扫描,采集影像学图像。然后经改良火棉胶包埋法处理标本,制作枕颈复合体的横断面(12例)、冠状面(6例)和矢状面(6例)的连续切片,层厚1mm,观察并测量分析三种来源图像中的相关组织间隙。  结果 在火棉胶组织切片、CT、MRI中精确测量枕颈复合体各关节间隙的距离,包括寰齿间隙(ADI)、齿突侧块间隙(LADI)、寰枕间隙(AOI)、寰枢椎间隙(AAI)、基底齿突间隙(BDI)、基底寰椎间隙(BAI)的距离,并将三组数据进行比较分析。统计结果无显著性差异。  结论 ①为临床和基础研究提供精确的关节间隙数据以供参考。②结果提示3组影像来源的数据无统计学差异,可认为CT、MRI均可作为判定枕颈复合体关节间隙的准确方法,MRI是评估枕颈复合体的最佳选择方法。

关键词: 枕颈复合体, 关节间隙, 火棉胶微视断层切片, CT, MRI


Objective To examine and compare image data of normal joint interval of occipitocervical complex (OCC) on colloidin microsection, CT and MRI, and judge the accuracy of OCC data under different methods. Methods 24 specimens from normal upper cervical vertebra were use in this study. The specimens were scanned under CT and MRI firstly, followed by the collection of OCC images. After that, the specimens were embedded into celloidin and cut into successive slices with 1mm thickness (12 horizontal, 6 sagittal, 6 coronal sections). Observation and analysis were performed on the relative joint intervals originated from different sources of images. Results The distances of joint intervals included atlantoodnoid interval (ADI), lateral atlantoodnoid interval (LADI), alantooccipital interval (AOI), atlantoaxial interval (AAI), basion-axial interval (BAI) and basion-dens interval (BDI). Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences among different image data. Conclusions This result provides morphologic basis for clinic application. CT and MRI images, especially MRI images, are reliable for evaluating the details of OCC.

Key words: Occipitocervical complex, Joint interval, Colloidin microsection, CT, MRI
