中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 342-344.

• 临床生物力学 • 上一篇    下一篇


石林1, 夏虹2, 赵卫东3, 刘雅普1, 杨庆磊1, 尹庆水2   

  1. 1.南方医科大学研究生学院,  广州   510515; 2.广州军区总医院骨科医院,  广州   510010;
    3.南方医科大学广东省医用生物力学重点实验室,  广州   510515
  • 收稿日期:2012-01-12 出版日期:2012-05-25 发布日期:2012-06-06
  • 通讯作者: 夏虹,教授,主任医师,博士生导师,
  • 作者简介:石林(1982-)男,重庆人,硕士研究生,主要从事上颈椎损伤及疾患的基础与临床相关研究
  • 基金资助:


Three-dimensional Stability of Type Ⅲ Transoral Atlantoaxial Reduction Plate (TARP) System

SHI Lin1,XIA Hong2,ZHAO Wei-dong3,LIU Ya-pu1,YANG Qing-lei1,YIN Qing-shui2   

  1. 1. Postgraduate Institute, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China; 2.Orthopaedics Hospital, General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region, Guangzhou 510010, China; 3.Key Laboratory of Medical Biomechanics, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
  • Received:2012-01-12 Online:2012-05-25 Published:2012-06-06


目的 对比经口寰枢椎复位钢板固定系统(TARP)与后路椎弓根钉棒固定系统的三维生物力学稳定性,为临床应用提供实验依据。  方法    6具新鲜上颈椎尸体标本(C0~3),随机分为正常组、 TARP组、后路钉棒组。每组标本均利用美国魔神运动分析技术公司步态分析系统(Motion Analysis, co. 6Eagle系统)测量屈伸、侧屈、旋转各个方向的运动范围(ROM),并进行统计学分析。  结果 前路TARP钢板组与后路椎弓根钉棒组在屈伸、侧屈、旋转各个方向上与完整标本差异显著。前路TARP钢板组与后路椎弓根钉棒组在屈伸、侧屈、旋转各个方向均无显著差异。  结论 前路TARP固定系统具有与后路椎弓根钉棒固定系统相当的三维稳定性,具有良好的生物力学性能,前路TARP系统可作为寰枢椎可靠内固定的选择方法之一。

关键词: 寰枢椎, 前路, 后路, 内固定, 生物力学


Objective    To compare the in vitro biomechanics of Type Ⅲ Transoral Atlantoaxial Reduction Plate(TARP) system, with that of conventional posterior atlantoaxial pedicle screw-rods system, and provide biomechanical basis for clinical application.    Methods    6 fresh-frozen human cadaveric cervical spines with occiput (C0~3) were used. Three different groups were examined: (1) control group (intact) (n= 6); (2) TARP group (n= 6); (3) pedicle screw-rods group (n= 6). All specimens were evaluated in flexion-extension, left-right bending, and left-right axial rotation with Motion Analysis in a cadaveric C1-2 fixation model with a nondestructive flexibility method using a nonconstrained skill. Results  Stiffness in any direction was significantly higher in the TARP group and pedicle screw-rod group than in control group (intact). The difference in stiffness between the TARP group and pedicle screw-rod group was not statistically significant. Conclusions    Experimentally, the TARP-Ⅲ system fixation and pedicle screw-rods fixation methods were significantly stiffer than the control group. The anterior TARP-Ⅲ system provided stiffness equal to posterior pedicle screw-rods fixation. Therefore, TARP-Ⅲ system seems reasonable that the reliable and rigid fixation would be the method of choice.

Key words: Atlantoaxial, Anterior approach, Posterior approach, Internal fixation, Bionmechanics
