中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 5-9.

• 应用解剖 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘晓东, 徐启武   

  1. 复旦大学附属华山医院神经外科,  上海   200040
  • 收稿日期:2012-11-04 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-01-29
  • 通讯作者: 徐启武, 教授,博士生导师,Tel:(021)52888112,
  • 作者简介:刘晓东(1973-),男,山西人,博士,主治医师,主要从事脑脊髓肿瘤的基础与临床研究

Study of microsurgical anatomy of Meckel's cave and adjacent structure in operation of middle cranial fossa

LIU Xiao-dong, XU Qi-wu   

  1. Departemt of Neurosurgery, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China
  • Received:2012-11-04 Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-01-29


目的 研究Meckel腔及毗邻结构的显微外科解剖关系,为临床手术治疗相关疾病提供解剖学依据。  方法 成人尸头标本10例(20侧),采用手术显微镜观察Meckel腔及毗邻结构。  结果  Meckel腔是颅后窝向颅中窝后内侧突入的硬脑膜凹陷,内有三叉神经运动根和感觉根、三叉神经节及三叉神经池,腔前后长(14.53±0.98)mm,内外宽(15.24±1.29)mm,上下厚(4.95±0.54)mm。三叉神经孔至Dorello管开口(9.25±1.14)mm,至内耳道开口(15.30±1.14)mm。Meckel腔内侧壁为各壁中比较薄的,内侧壁后部与颞骨岩尖部岩蝶韧带相贴,毗邻Dorell管;下壁前方隔岩舌韧带与颈内动脉破裂孔段相邻。  结论 Meckel腔内侧壁的硬膜脑膜层较为菲薄,并直接与海绵窦静脉腔隙相邻,可能是肿瘤侵入海绵窦的薄弱点之一。岩蝶韧带和岩舌韧带可以作为前部经岩手术识别展神经和颈内动脉破裂孔段的解剖结构。

关键词: Meckel腔, 显微解剖, 应用研究


Objective To obtain more detailed information about Meckel's cave and adjacent structures in order to offer anatomical base for clinical application.    Methods    Twenty sides of 10 adult cadaver heads fixed in formalin were used. The relationship of the main structures adjacent to Meckel's cave was observed. Result    Meckel's cave is a cleft-like dural pocket that protruding from the posterior cranial fossa into the middle cranial fossa. The contents of the Meckel's cave are the sensory and motor roots of the trigeminal nerve, gasserian ganglion (GG), and the trigeminal cistern. The lengh, width, thickness of Meckel's cave is (14.53±0.98)mm, (15.24±1.29)mm and (4.95±0.54)mm, respectively. The average distance between porus trigeminus and Dorello's canal and IAC is (9.25±1.14)mm, (15.30±1.14)mm, respectively. The posterior part of the medial wall of Meckel's cave is separated from Dorell's canal by the petrosphenoidal ligament, and the inferior wall is separated from the ICA lacerum segment (C3) by the petrolingual ligament.    Conclusion    The medial wall of Meckel's cave, which directly contacts the venous channel of the cavernous sinus, is very thin, and maybe a weak point for tumor invasion to the cavernous sinus. The petrosphenoidal ligament and the petrolingual ligament can be regarded as anatomical landmarks to identify CN VI and ICA lacerum segment.

Key words: Meckel's cave, Microsurgical anatomy, Application study
