中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 28-31.

• 应用解剖 • 上一篇    下一篇


李仕1 , 柴瑜1, 曾广南2, 梁善皓2, 李义凯 2   

  1. 南方医科大学  1.第一临床医学院,    2.中医药学院,  广州   510515
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-08 发布日期:2013-01-29
  • 通讯作者: 李义凯,教授,博士生导师,Tel: 020-61648255,
  • 作者简介:李仕(1989-),男,浙江省温州市,临床医学八年制在读,Tel:15017587784

Classification of occipital condyles and its implication

LI Shi1, CHAI Yu1, ZENG Guang-nan2,LIANG Shan-hao2, LI Yi-kai2   

  1. 1.The First School of Clinical Medicine,Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China; .College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
  • Received:2012-03-08 Published:2013-01-29


目的 研究干燥枕骨髁的解剖形态学特征。  方法 对165例枕骨髁的形状进行分类,并测量其长(前后径)、宽(左右径),厚度及前后径与枕骨大孔正中矢状线的连线的夹角。  结果 枕骨髁的形状可分为6型,两侧椭圆占66.1%(109例)、两侧哑铃占7.9%(13例)、左椭圆右哑铃占6.7%(11例)、左哑铃右椭圆占8.5%(14例)、左椭圆右三角占3.6%(6例)、左三角右椭圆占7.3%(12例)。  结论 枕骨髁存在较多的解剖学形态,以两侧椭圆为主,传统对其认识并不全面。

关键词: 枕骨, 枕骨髁, 分型 


Objective To study the morphology of the occipital condyles. Methods The occipital condyles were measured and classified in 165 occipital bones. The anteroposterior dimension, mediolateral dimension, the thickness and the angle between the anteroposterior axis and the medial sagittal line of the foramen magnum were measured. Results The mophology of the occipital condyles can be divided into 6 types, namely, elliptical shape in two sides, accounting for 66.1%(109 cases), dumbbell-like shape in two sides, accounting for 7.9%(13 cases), elliptical shape at the left and dumbbell-like in the right, accounting for 6.7%(11 cases), dumbbell-like at the left and elliptical at the right, accounting for 8.5%(14 cases), elliptical shape at the left and triangular shape at the right, accounting for 3.6% (6 cases) triangular shape at the left and elliptical shape at the right, accounting for 7.3% (12 cases). Conclusions The occipital condyles have more anatomical shapes than traditional description With the elliptical shape occupying the majority.

Key words: Occipital bone, Occipital condyle, Morphology
