刘金伟, 朱朝晖, 张增方, 刘得恒, 杨斌, 郑良孝, 陈东亮, 宋晓峰, 刘鹏, 赛佳明, 丁自海
Development and preliminary evaluation of the calcaneal sustentaculum tali director using the method of positioning from the medial of the calcaneus 
LIU Jin-wei, ZHU Zhao-hui, ZHANG Zeng-fang, LIU De-heng, YANG Bin, ZHENG Liang-xiao, CHEN Dong-liang, SONG Xiao-feng, LIU Peng, SAI Jia-ming, DING Zi-hai
中国临床解剖学杂志 . 2019, (6): 691 -696 .  DOI: 10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2019.06.016