Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2009, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 681-.

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Application of image postprocessing technique of multi-slice spiral computed tomography in dividing pulmonary segments in superior lobe of the left lung

WANG Shou-an, ZHANG Zhao-ming, LIU Shu-Wei,et al.   

  1. Research Center for Sectional and Imaging Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China
  • Received:2009-06-11 Online:2009-12-25 Published:2010-01-06


         Objective: To investigate the division method of pulmonary segments in superior lobe of the left lung in CT images. Methods: The MSCT images of 160 healthy males were reconstructed in a Volume Wizard Work Station. To investigate the division method of the superior lobe of the left lung, the branch numbers, the confluens types, and the distribution regularity of the pulmonary segmental and subsegmental veins were analyzed in CT images. Results: 1.The approximate occurrence rate of V1+2 was 71.2%, and V2+3 28.8%; V4 and V5 joining together into trunk (V4+5) was 61.2%, and the rate of them joining into left lung separately was 38.8%. 2.Trunk of V1+2, V1, external branch of V2, low-set V2, superior branch of V2, or apical branch of V2 can be the intersectional branches of anterior and apicoposterior segments. Inferior part of anterior branch, middle part, posterior part, anterointernal part, anteroleteral part of V3 can be the intersectional branches of superior lingular, and anterior segments. Apical branch of V3 was the intersectional branch of anterior and apicoposterior segments. V4 and trunk of V5 were the intersectional branches of superior and inferior lingular segments. Conclusions: Pulmonary segmental veins and their branches can be recognized well via the MSCT image postprocessing technique, which is helpful for the division method of pulmonary segments.

Key words: pulmonary vein, pulmonary segment, multi-slice spiral CT, image postprocessing technique

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