Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 20-.

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Applied anatomy of hematorrhea control in fracture of pelvis by abdominal artery terminal oppression in vitro

WU Gang, SANG Xian-fu, BAO Guang-xin, et al.   

  1. Department of Emergency, Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
  • Received:2009-05-15 Online:2010-01-25 Published:2010-02-03


        Objective  To supply applied anatomy basis for hematorrhea control in fracture of pelvis by abdominal artery terminal oppression in vitro.  Methods  14 cadaver specimens, 8 male and 6 female, were observed. Taking the superior border of L5 as the basic point, indexes as follows were measured: 1. The relationship between cleft hilum and the distal end of abdominal artery or lumbar vertebrae body; 2. The position of the initial point of the inferior mesenteric plexus. 3. The relationship between the vertic tracks of abdominal artery, lumbar vertebrae, and inferior vena cava. Results  The abdominal artery terminal located between 22 mm above and 15 mm below the superior border of L5. The marker for abdominal artery terminal oppression in vitro, according to the relationship between the body surface projection of cleft hilum and abdominal artery terminal lumbar vertebrae, roughly overlapped the human median line. Conclusions  According to the anatomy basis, cleft hilum can be regard as the marker for abdominal artery terminal oppression in vitro for hematorrhea control in fracture of pelvis.

Key words: Abdominal aorta, Abdominal vertebra, Bellybutton, Fracture of pelvis, Applied anatomy

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