Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 37-.

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Sectional anatomy of the gastric peripheral space and its application in imageology

GUO Yu, WU Bing, MIN Peng-qiu,et al.   

  1. Department of Anatomy, Hainan Medical College,  Haikou  571101, China
  • Received:2009-04-29 Online:2010-01-25 Published:2010-02-03


       Objective   To investigate anatomic features of perigastric space and gastric bare area, and explore their clinical values.  Methods   Perigastric space and gastric bare area were dissected and analyzed on 65 adult cadavers, while continuous cross sections of 46 cadaveric abdomens were performed and observed the appearance plane and scope of extraperitoneal space in posterior gastric bare area under diaphragm. 2 specimens of epigastrium were perfused red latex into pararenal space from the site of the tail of pancreas and observed the distribution of it.  Results   For all specimens, gastric bare area was behind abdominal esophagus, near the posterior wall of stomach, without peritoneal covering. Gastric bare area was divided by internal gastrophrenic ligament, external gastrophrenic ligament and gastropancrestic ligament. Left extraperitoneal space under diaphragm was the space between gastric bare area and left diaphragm. Perigastric space could be divided into hepatogastric recess, superior recess of lesser sac, left extraperitoneal space under diaphragm, inferior recess of lesser sac, and gastrosplenic recess. Left extraperitoneal space under diaphragm had connection with left anterior pararenal space.  Conclusions (1) Gastric bare area is divided by internal gastrophrenic, external gastrophrenic and gastropancrestic ligaments, which are marks for the division of perigastric space area. (2)Perigastric space can be divided into hepatogastric recess, superior recess of lesser sac, left extraperitoneal space under diaphragm, inferior recess of lesser sac, and gastrosplenic recess.(3)Left extraperitoneal space under diaphragm connects with left anterior pararenal space.

Key words: Gastric bare area, Gastrophrenic ligament, Extraperitoneal space, Sectional anatomy

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