Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 61-.

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The choice and the significance of the ideal cervical pedicle screw by the computed tomography of the three-dimensional reconstruction

GAO Ming, LIU Qing-yu, CHEN Jian-yu,et al.   

  1. Department of Radiology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China
  • Received:2009-01-19 Online:2010-01-25 Published:2010-02-03


         Objective   To study the choice and the significance of the ideal cervical pedicle screw by the computed tomography of the three-dimensional reconstruction.  Method  A total of 56 cases were performed cervical pedicle screw fixation of cervical spine by the computed tomography of three-dimensional reconstruction, and measured the ideal shapes of the cervical pedicle screw, including the length, the width, the pedicle transverse angle and the pedicle sagittal angle.  Results   The ideal length of the cervical pedicle screw from C3 to C7 were (28.2±1.9), (27.9±2.1), (29.7±2.0), (30.8±2.3) and (30.6±2.4)mm; The ideal  width were (4.3±0.8), (4.5±0.8), (4.9±0.8), (5.4±0.9) and (6.2±0.9)mm; The ideal  pedicle transverse angle were (48±4)°, (50±5)°, (48±4)°, (43±4)° and (36±3)°; The ideal pedicle sagittal angle were (9±5)°, (6±4)°, (1±3)°, (-1±4)° and (-1±3)° respectively.  Conclusions   The shape of cervical pedicle was very variable. The ideal shapes of the cervical pedicle screw are measured and evaluated by the computed tomography of the three-dimensional reconstruction using the simulation of the operation of the cervical pedicle, having a large significance in selection of the angles and the shapes of the cervical pedicle screw.

Key words: Spiral-CT, Three-dimensional reconstruction, Cervical vertebrae, Pedicle screw

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