Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 7-.

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Muscle architecture and distribution of muscle spindles of compartments of trapezius and their clinical significance

YANG Fang-jiu, XUE Qian , LI Ji-rong   

  1. Department of Anatomy, Zunyi Medical College, Zunyi 563003,China
  • Received:2009-03-23 Online:2010-01-25 Published:2010-02-03


        Objective  To provide morphological data for clinical application of compartments of trapezius.  Methods  (1) The muscle architecture method was used to evaluate the muscle architecture features of compartments of trapezius in 10 adult cadavers. (2) The stereology method was used to study muscle spindle distribution of compartments of trapezius in 6 adult cadavers.  Results  (1) The muscle weight (MW), muscle length (ML), fiber length(FL)and physiologic cross sectional area (CSA) of the descending part of trapezius were(30.71±7.40) g,(10.45±1.62)cm,(9.18±0.99) cm and (3.11±0.72) cm2 respectively. These indexes of the transverse part of trapezius were (44.14±10.61) g, (8.65±0.84) cm, (7.14±0.84) cm and (5.89±1.66) cm2 respectively. These index of the ascending part of trapezius were (44.89±11.67) g, (11.83±1.12) cm, (9.09±0.94) cm and (5.37±1.55) cm2 respectively. (2) Spindle density of the descending part of trapezius was 39.05±5.08 number/cm3. Spindle density of the transverse part of trapezius was (24.48±6.50) number/cm3. Spindle density of the ascending part of trapezius was (21.68±6.64) number/cm3.  Conclusions  (1) According to muscle architecture features of trapezius, the descending and transverse parts of trapezius are mainly maintain the position of scapula, and the descending and ascending parts of trapezius are most important in the rotation of scapula presumably. (2) The muscle spindle density of the descending part of trapezius is obviously more than that of the transverse and ascending parts.

Key words: Trapezius, Mmuscle compartment, Muscle architecture, Muscle spindle

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