Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 327-.

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The comparison of scar nerve fiber staining by protein gene product 9.5 and neurofilament protein

WANG Yi-bing,HE Jian-tai,FENG Yong-qiang, et al.   

  1. National Hepatobiliary & Enteric Surgery Research Center, Ministry of Health, Central South University, Changsha 410008, China
  • Received:2009-12-10 Online:2010-05-25 Published:2010-06-11


Objective  To compare the effects on scar nerve fiber staining by PGP9.5 and NFP.   Methods   25 scar samples at the proliferative or maturation stages were harvested. Two different researchers performed test respectively. Scar nerve fibers were labeled with PGP9.5 or NFP by immunofluorescent technique. Gray values were determined and nerve fiber volume fractions (NVF) were calculated adopting semi-quantitation. Positive rate of different markers were determined.   Results    ⑴There was no significant difference between researchers (F=0.542, P>0.05). ⑵Gray value of PGP9.5 positive nerve fibers in scar were 51.55±41.47, which were lower than that of NFP(81.38±32.1,P <0.05); ⑶ NVF of PGP9.5 positive nerve fibers in scar were 0.57±0.38, lower than that of NFP 0.82±0.28, (P <0.05). ⑷PGP9.5 positive rate was significant lower than that of NFP.   Conclusions    PGP9.5 is less effective in labeling scar nerve fibers than NFP.

Key words: Scar!Skin innervation!PGP9.5!NFP

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