Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 493-.

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Anatomic features of triceps brachii muscle and its significance on the exposure of radial nerve at the postmedian arm

SHAN Jian-lin*, JIANG Heng, GAO Wei-tao   

  1. *Department of Orthopaedics, The Military General Hospital of Beijing, PLA, Beijing 100700, China
  • Received:2010-01-15 Online:2010-09-25 Published:2010-10-18


Objective To investigate anatomic features of the triceps brachii muscle and its relationships to the radial nerve for improving the exposure of the radial nerve at the postmedian arm. Methods 31 adult cadavers (62 sides) were dissected. The lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscles were separated bluntly from lateral brachial intermuscular septum to humerus for exposing the radial nerve. The site where the medial and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscle merged, the state of two heads before the merge, and the relationship of radial nerve with lateral and medial heads of triceps brachii, were observed and analyzed respectively. Results The distance between the site where the radial nerve pierced the lateral brachial intermuscular septum and the proximal merge point of the medial and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscle was approximately (6.7±2.6)cm,at the level of olecranon fossa.  Two heads of the triceps brachii muscle separated from each other distinctly. 79% (49 sides) lateral heads wholly arised from the bone surface of humerus proximately to the radial nerve groove, and 21% (13 sides) partly arised from the bone surface of humerus distally to the radial nerve groove, 9 of which were of tendous and 4 muscular types.  Conclusions To ulitize anatomic features of the triceps brachii muscle, the exposure of radial nerve at the postmedian arm can be more reasonable and secure.

Key words: Radial nerve,  , Triceps brachii muscle, Applied anatomy

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