Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 500-.

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Applied anatomy of the liver segment IX and the implication for interventional therapy of hepatoma

PU Miao-shui*, HUO Feng, ZHONG Shi-zhen   

  1. *Department of hepatobiliary Surgery, General Hospital of Guangzhou Miliary Area, PLA, Guangzhou 510010,  China
  • Received:2010-03-18 Online:2010-09-25 Published:2010-10-18


Objective To study applied anatomy of the liver segment IX and explore interventional therapy of hepatoma in segment IX. Methods Anatomic features of segment IX were performed on 50 liver specimens, while, 6 cases with primary hepatocullar carcinoma were embolized with overliquefied iodine-oil admixed with mitomycin, epirubicin and fluorouracil. Results Arteries of segment IX mainly originated from the right hepatic artery, and partly from the hepatic medial or left arteries. The branches of its portal vein came chiefly from the right anterior superior PV, and partly from the transverse part of the left PV, its bile duct drained into the right bile duct, while the drainage vein of the segment IX flowed into the inferior cava vein through the third porta hepatis, and partly into the right hepatic vein. The tumors within the segment IX became smaller and the liver function relieved obviously after intervene embolization. Conclusions The liver segment IX, which located deeply and latently in the liver, is a relative independent region with special vessels and draining duct systems. It is difficult to perform tumor incision in this region through separated or combined way. The embolization of the artery vessels with intervene technique was feasible and effective for the tumor treatment within the segment IX. Introduced with microcatheter by Seldlinger technique, tumors located deeply in special regions of the liver such as the segment IX could be treated availably. The intervene embolization and chemotherapy could be applied repeatedly for treating liver carcinoma with micro-wound and less complication which could not be treated by operational hepatectomy in some special region.

Key words: Liver segment IX, Applied anatomy, Tumor, Iintervene embolization chemotherapy

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