Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 611-.

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Anatomy and significance of the nasal endoscopic lamina erbitalis approach

CHEN He-xin, ZHANG Wei,WANG Zhang-feng,et al.   

  1. Hospital of Otorhinolaryngology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China
  • Received:2010-05-21 Online:2010-11-25 Published:2010-12-01


Objective To provide anatomic basis for the nasal endoscopic orbital interior operative approach.  Methods According to the reported approach, the range and thickness of lamina erbitalis excised during the process, and the thickness of fasciae and fossae ischiorectalisadipose body of orbit were measured. Results Excisional range of lamina erbitalis was about 22.15±6.06 mm(20.16~14.68 mm) in length, and 13.45±2.08 mm(12.66~14.44 mm) in height. The thickness of orbital paper plate was 0.38±0.06 mm(0.30~0.46mm), the thickness of the fasciae of orbit was(0.32±0.02 mm(0.30~0.38 mm), and that of fossae ischiorectalisadipose body of orbit (fixed specimens) was about 1.40±0.34 mm(1.18~1.76 mm).   Conclusions  It is feasible to perform orbital interior operation under the guiding of nasal endoscope, and our result provide anatomic basis for clinical application of nasal endoscope.

Key words:  Nasal endoscope, Amina erbitalis, Operative approach

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