Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 674-.
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AN Yu, LIU Han-lin, CHEN Shao-yuan,et al.
Objective To evaluate the diagnosis value of dual source computed tomography on congenital coronary anomalies (CCA) in adults. Methods Retrospective analysis was performed on 1824 cases underwent the dual source CT coronary angiography, and the data of patients suffered from CCA were statistically analyzed, for evaluating clinical value of dual source computed tomography. Results A total of 43 cases of CCA were found from 1824 cases who undergoing DSCT, giving the detect rate of 2.3% (43/1824), including anomalies of origin of 24 cases (1.3%, 24/1824), myocardial bridge(MB)of 18 cases (0.99%, 18/1824), and abnormal termination of 1 cases. Conclusions DSCT can be used to display of anomalous coronary arteries accurately, especially for the diagnosis and prognosis of CCA for outpatients.
Key words: Dual source CT, Coronary artery angiograph, Coronary anomalies
CLC Number:
AN Yu, LIU Han-Lin, CHEN Shao-Yuan, FANG Gong-Cheng, SU You-Su. Diagnosis of congenital coronary anomalies in adults by dual source CT[J]. Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy, 2010, 28(6): 674-.
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