Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 389-391.

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Anatomy and clinical significance of the tissues separating the deep infrapatellar bursa and knee joint cavity

YONG Liu-jun1, ZHONG He-qing2, DU Xin-yu2, LUO Ying2, WU Shao-ping3   

  1. 1. Department of Anatomy, 2. The 3th Team of Clinical Speciality, 3. Department of Radiology of  Affiliated First Hospital,Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu  610083, China
  • Received:2010-08-06 Published:2011-07-26


Objective To investigate structural features of the soft tissues separating the deep infrapatellar bursa and knee joint cavity, and provide anatomic basis for imaging diagnosis of knee joint diseases. Methods 20 specimens of antiseptic knee joint were dissected. Synovial membrane of knee joint cavity and deep infrapatellar bursa, and the related connective tissue were observed and analyzed. Meanwhile, 20 knee cast samples were used to explore the origin, branches, and distribution of the blood vessels in knee joint cavity and deep infrapatellar bursa. Results Synovial tissues covered the internal surface of knee joint cavity and deep infrapatellar bursa, however, synovial membrane of deep infrapatellar bursa was separated from that of knee joint cavity by infrapatellar adipose tissue. Different arteries, including descending genicular artery, inferior-internal arteries of knee, superior-external artery of knee, inferior-external arteries of knee and its branches passed through knee joint cavity and deep infrapatellar bursa. Conclusions The synovial tissue of knee joint cavity is divided from that of deep infrapatellar bursa, however, arterial connection occurs between them. Different pathological and imaging changes maybe appear in knee joint cavity and deep infrapatellar bursa for different kinds of diseases.

Key words: Deep infrapatellar bursa, Knee joint cavity, Tissue structure, Clinical significanc

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