Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 411-412.

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Anatomy and clinical significance of post-pancreas trunk of superior mesenteric vein

LI Zhan-sheng, TIAN Zhi-feng   

  1. Department of Anatomy, Luohe medical collage, Luohe, 462000 China
  • Received:2010-08-10 Published:2011-07-26


Objective To provide anatomic basis for the resection of post-pancreas trunk of superior mesenteric vein (SMV) and the sequencing vessel anastomosis during the surgical treatment of pancreas uncinate process carcinoma. Methods For presumpting the resectable greatest length of the veins during the surgical process of pancreas uncinate process carcinomam, the abdominal specimens (50 male, and 50 female) were used in this study. The length of the SMV behind the uncinate process, and the longitudinal flexure of the SMV were measured after removing the pancreas and duodenum. Results The length of the post-pancreas trunk of SMV was about(3.5±0.8)cm and(3.3±0.6)cm for male and female respectively. For 40 male specimens (80%) and 38 female specimens (76%), the length of the post-pancreas trunk exceeded 3.0cm, respectively. The average length of longitudinal flexure of the SMV ranged from 4.0cm to 5.1cm after resecting the pancreas and duodenum. Conclusions This study provides a clinical anatomic evidence for the direct end-to-end anastomosis of SMV during the duodenopancreatectomy.

Key words: Superior mesenteric vein, Pancreatoduodenectomy, Post-pancreas trunk, Applied anatomy

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