Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 620-624.

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Applied anatomy of the tibial nerve and its blood supply

QU Zhi-gang, LIU Yu-jie, DING Xiao-hen, ZHAO Feng   

  1. The Hand Surgery Center of PLA, The 401th Hospital of PLA, Qingdao 266071, China
  • Received:2012-04-23 Online:2012-11-25 Published:2012-12-11


Objective To explore anatomic features of the tibial nerve and its blood supply for nerve injury and nerve transplantation. Methods ① 26 fixed adult lower limber specimens were used in this study. The tibial nerve and branches were dissected. The diameter, length, origin location and the course of tibial nerve were measured and analyzed. ② 4 fresh adult lower limber  specimens were injected with red lactoprene and Indian ink, followed by the transparent procedure and dissociation of tibial nerve and its nutrient vessel for observing its blood supply pattern. ③ Tibial nerve and its branches were dissected quickly from another 4 fresh adult specimens. Cholinesterase staining was performed to identify sensory bundles and motor bundles respectively. Results The vital muscular branches of the tibial nerve originated from the upper part of the leg. The medial and lateral cords coursed a long distance. The blood supply of tibial nerve was sufficient, with the proximal 7/8-5/8 part from peroneal artery, and the distal 5/8-1/8 part from posterior tibial artery. Posterior tibial artery closed to the nerve during its course. Each bundle had it's own special vessel blood. Conclusions Our data provide anatomic basis for tibial nerve injury repairing. The distal segment of medial cord of tibial nerve is valuable for the vascularized nerve grafts, for its independent and complete blood supply.

Key words: Tibial nerve, Applied anatomy, Blood supply, The bundle of tibial nerve

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