Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 705-707.

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Arterio-venous anastomosis in the treatment of distal segment severed fingers: analysis of 18 cases

YAO Bao-bing, HU Liang, YIN Cheng-guo, WANG Ye-ben, ZHAO Liang, HAO Zuo-bin   

  1. Department of Hand Surgery, The third People's Hospitial of Jinan City, Jinan 250101, China
  • Received:2012-08-02 Online:2012-11-25 Published:2012-12-11


Objective To explore effects of anastomosis of arteries and veins on blood backflow after finger replantation. Methods Distal end of the nondominat side finger artery of amputated finger were anastomosed with the proximal end of the palmar digital veins or finger lateral vein for treating 18patients with distal segment severed fingers. In which, 11 cases received anastomosis of finger artery and palmar digital vein, 7 cases received anastomosis of finger artery and finger lateral vein. Results Replanted fingers survived well for 16 patients, however, finger necrosis appeared in 1 case, and partial necrosis in 1 case. Conclusions Arterio-venous anastomosis is effective method for treating amputated fingers.

Key words:  Replantation, Vein, Blackflow of blood, Reconstruction

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