Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 165-169.

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Secondary spinal cord injury of cervical spine fracturedislocation in rats

JIANG Jie, DING Yin, ZHOU Jian, HUANG Zhi-ping, WU Xiu-hua, CHEN Jian-ting, ZHU Qing-an   

  1. Department of Spine Surgery, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515,China
  • Received:2012-11-20 Published:2013-04-08


Objective    To establish a model of secondary SCI of cervical fracture dislocation in rats. Methods    11 male rats were randomly assigned into the cervical fractured islocation group (n=11), the sham group (n=6)。Rats in the experiment group was subjected to fracture dislocation of 1.65 mm at C4/5 at speed of 200 mm/sec, and then stabilized 8 weeks with a custom designed cervical spinal fixation. Behavior was evaluated using the forelimb locomotor and grooming tests. Histology examination was conducted at the lesion epicenter using HE stain.    Results    The behavior scores of the experiment group were both lower than the sham group. There was rupture of grey mater, cavity in the cord and the cord shrink in the experiment group at 8 weeks after injury. The spared area of the cord at epicenter was (2.79±0.98)mm2 in the experiment group, and lower than the area in the sham group (6.36±0.08) mm2 (P=0.034).    Conclusions    The present study established the secondary SCI of cervical fracture dislocation in rats. The injury was characterized with the cord damage and locomotor function impair. 

Key words: Secondary spinal cord injury, Cervical spine, Dislocation fracture, Rat model

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