Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 453-456.

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Effects of vitamin C on PC12 cells apoptosis in MPP+ induced cell model of Parkinson's Disease

CAO Jian1,WANG Rui2 ,WANG Qian1, WANG Shuang3   

  1. 1.Department of Physiology, Xi'an Medial College, Xi'an 710021, China; 2.Traditional Chinese Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of medical college of Xi'an Jiaotong University, xi'an, 710061,China;  3.Department of Pathophysiology, Xi'an Medial College, Xi'an 710021, China
  • Received:2013-04-26 Online:2013-07-25 Published:2013-07-24


Objective To investigate the effect and the related mechanism of Vitamin C (Vit C) on PC12 cells apoptosis in MPP+ induced cell model of Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods PC12 cells were divided to MPP+ induced cell model of PD group (MPP+ group) and Vit C treatment group (Vit C group). Firstly, Vit C group was incubated with 250 μmol/L Vit C 6 h, and then the two groups were treated with 100 μmol/L MPP+ 12 h. The LDH concentration was measured by LDH kit. The TUNEL method was performed to measure PC12 cells apoptosis in two groups. The expression of Caspase3 and c-Caspase3 was detected by Western-blot. Results   Compared with MPP+ group, Vit C significantly inhibited LDH concentration and decreased apoptosis of PC12 cells, indicating  that Vit C could down-regulate the expression of c-Caspase3 (P<0.05). Conclusion Vit C  can decrease apoptosis of PC12 cells in vitro significantlyand play important protection role in PD  via down-regulation of the expression of c-Caspase3

Key words: Parkinson's disease, TUNEL method, Apoptosis, Vitamin C, MPP+

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