Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 673-676.

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Anatomical radiographic research of the teardrop and anteverted angle of the distal humerus in children

LIAO Shi-jie, ZHAO Jin-min, LU Rong-bin, SU Zhu-cheng, DING Xiao-fei   

  1. Department of Hand and Traumatic Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China
  • Received:2013-03-20 Online:2013-11-25 Published:2013-12-16


Objective To explore the anatomical structure of the teardrop of the distal humerus and anteverted angle of the capitellum and trochlea in children. Methods We explored the anatomical formation of teardrop of the distal humerus and observed the antevertion angle of the capitellum and trochlea by simulating their shape in the elbow cadavers through DR-X-ray radiography system. Results The anterior, posterior, and lower edges of the teardrop corresponded to the posterior edge of the coronary fossa, the front edge of the olecranon fossa and the sub-epiphyseal bone of humeral metaphysis facing the trochlea, respectively. The degree of anteverted angulation of the capitellum and trochlea was (42.63±2.24)° and (10.58±2.82)°, respectively. Conclusions The change of teardrop may be helpful in diagnosis of the occult supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children. And the anteverted angle of the capitellum and trochlea should be restored after reduction of the distal humeral fracture.

Key words: Distal humerus, Capitellum, Trochlea, Teardrop shadow, Children

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