Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 721-723.

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To analyse the therapeutic effects of nasal endoscopy in the surgery of the Inverted papilloma of the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses

FENG Chun-ying, KE Chao-yang, LIU qian, LIU fang, ZHOU Jing-chun, ZHANG Bo, HAN Ling    

  1. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University Medical College, Department of Otolaryngnology, Shenzhen Peoples's Hospital, Shenzhen 518020,China
  • Received:2013-04-16 Online:2013-11-25 Published:2013-12-16


Objective To investigate the value of application and the therapeutic effects of nasal endoscopic surgery combined with the nasal anatomy for treatment of inverted papilloma in the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses. By the anatomy of nasal and sinus neoplasma. Methods 26 cases of patients with inverted papilloma in the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses  treated with nasal endoscopic surgery were analysed retrospectively.  According to the Krouse scores, there were 5, 15, 6 and 0  ases inI to IV stages, respectively.  There were 11 patients receiving only nasal endoscopic surgery, 12 patients receiving endoscopic surgery combined with Caldwell-Luc surgery, 3patients receiving combination of nasal endoscopic surgery, Caldwell-Luc surgery and lateral rhinotomy. Results Among those 26 patients, 3 cases had suffered recurrence, butthey were cured after a secondnasal endoscopic surgery. Quite a few cases had nasal cavity dryness,apart from which no other complication were observed. Conclusions Forpatients of stage I, the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses inverted papilloma could be radically removed by nasal endoscopic surgery. For patients of stage II and III,however, endoscopic surgery only may not be sufficient, some cases need Caldwell-Luc operation and even lateral rhinotomy as well. Thus, it is important to accurately assesspatient's condition before surgery. In a word, the high-definition of nasal endoscopic surgery has small trauma, less recurrence rate and could remove tumor radically forpatients of stage I to III.

Key words:  Nasal endoscopic surgery, Nasal and sinus neoplasma, Inverted papilloma

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