Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 218-.

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The exposure and biomechanics of sagittal osteotomy of olecranon at the median cubital position

ZHENG Gan-xuan, HU Yi-shan, LIN Wei-guang, et al.   

  1. Department of Orthopaedic, Shantou Central Hospital, Shantou 515031, China
  • Received:2009-09-07 Online:2010-03-25 Published:2010-04-13


        Objective    To investigate the exposure scope and fixation effects after sagittal osteotomy of olecranon at the median cubital position, and explore its feasibility for treating intercondylar fracture of humerus.  Methods    Sagittal osteotomy of olecranon was performed on 18 fresh adult upper limb specimens. The exposure scope of distal humerus after the osteotomy of olecranon was measured, and then PDS-Ⅱ suture was used to fix the muscle-bone flaps in situ. The fixture effects were detected using the fatigue test of flexion-extension motion which executed by the MTS to simulate the effects of CPM.  Results    ①The humeral medial and lateral condyles, medial and lateral surface of supracondylar can be completely exposed in all specimens, while intercondylar fossa, the inferior and posterior articular surface of humeral trochlea and capitellum can be completely presented when elbow joint was flexed to 1000. ②Transverse distance and longitudinal distance pre- and post-fatigue test were (0.025±0.009)mm and (0.030±0.009)mm respectively, lower than 0.05mm(P<0.001). Conclusions   Exposure scope of humeral intercondylar after the sagittal osteotomy of olecranon is satisfied, meanwhile, the suture fixation of muscle-bone flaps is a comparatively stable fixture method, which is favorable for post-operational functional exercise.

Key words: Osteotomy of olecranon, Surgical approach, Exposure scope, Biomechanics

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