Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 603-.

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Digital anatomy of the submental artery perforator flap

DING Mao-chao, MAO Yi-hua, CHEN Shi-xin,et al.   

  1. Department of Anatomy, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou  325035, China
  • Received:2010-04-09 Online:2010-11-25 Published:2010-12-01


Objective To provide algorithmic morphological data that enables safe elevation of the submental artery perforator flap. Methods Two fresh unfixed corpses underwent whole body latex injection; eight fresh cadavers were injected with a modified lead oxide-gelatin mixture. Two of them were selected for three-dimensional reconstruction using a spiral computed tomography scanner and specialized volume-rendering software. Ten specimens were dissected by layers. Angiography and photography were used to document the precise course, size, location, and type of individual perforators in the submental region. The surface areas of cutaneous territories and perforator zones were measured and calculate with Photoshop and Scion Image. Results The skin and muscles on the anterior neck and mandible are nourished by several arterial perforators: lingual artery, the superior thyroid artery, the submental artery, mental artery, and the facial artery. The diameter of the submental artery was (1.7±0.4)mm at its origin from the facial artery. It sends(1.8± 0.6) perforators to the skin on its course toward the chin. The average size of the territory supplied was(45± 10.2 )cm2. Its largest perforating branch arised behind the medial border of the anterior belly of the digastrics muscle. There were multiple anastomosis between perforators from the submental artery, facial artery, and sublingual artery. Conclusions This study clarifies the anatomy of the submental flap and provides a three dimensional understanding to this important head and neck donor site.

Key words: Perforator flap, Submental artery, Angiography, 3D-reconstruction, Digital anatomy

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