Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 625-.

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Applied anatomy of the hepatic portal vein

ZHANG Hui, ZHOU Ting-yong, QIAN Xue-hua, et al.   

  1. Department of Anatomy, Laboratory of Forensic Medicine and Biomedicine Information, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China
  • Received:2010-02-05 Online:2010-11-25 Published:2010-12-01


Objective To provide morphologic data for diagnosis and treatment of the liver diseases by observation of the anatomic properties and embranchment of the hepatic portal vein. Methods 50 adult liver specimens without visual pathological changes were used in this study. The embranchment of the hepatic portal vein were dissected and observed, as well the features of main trunk of portal vein were measured and analyzed statistically. Results For 54.0% specimens, the main portal vein bifurcated outside liver parenchyma, with the vertical distance from the bifurcation site to porta hepatis of(8.94±3.17)mm, however, for 34.0%specimens, bifurcation of porta hepatis was in the liver. The lengths of the left main trunk of hepatic portal vein and its pars transverse were(47.44±7.23)mm and (23.90±5.29)mm, and the external diameter of the left main trunk was about(7.43±1.09)mm respectively. The length of pars sagitalis and its external diameter were (24.02±4.97)mm and (7.07±1.36) mm respectively. The angle of the pars angularis was about(114.18±22.59)°. The length and external diameter of the right main trunk of hepatic portal vein were(20.63±6.59)mm and (9.26±1.77)mm respectively. According to the distribution features, 8 types of portal vein could be established.  Conclusions  Hepatic portal veins are variable, especially for its distribution and bifurcation site, which should be remarked during the liver operation.

Key words: Hepatic portal vein, Applied anatomy

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