Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2010, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 643-.

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Three-dimensional sectional anatomy of paraprostatic fascia and its adjacent structures

WANG Shi-dong, DENG Xue- fei, HAN Hui, et al.   

  1. Department of Human Anatomy, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, China
  • Received:2010-06-20 Online:2010-11-25 Published:2010-12-01


Objective To illustrate anatomical configration of periprostatic tissues for radical rebropubic prostatectomy. Methods The pelvics from 6 male adult cadavers were serially sectioned transversely, sagittally and coronally respectively, with the thickness of 3mm. Identical levels on three plane were selected to observe the configuration of the periprostatic fascia and its adjacent structures. Results ① Puboprostatic ligament was formed by the end of parietal fascia which fixed the prostate to the pubis; Dorsal vein complex was on the pubourethral ligament between bilateral puboprostatic ligaments, with closely adhering to prostatic fascia anteriorly and to  prostate posteriorly. ② Lateral part of prostatic capsule, venous plexus and prostatic fascia were interlaced each other, which were closely adhered to prostate and loosened to parietal fascia. ③ Rectovesical septum was composed of Denonvillier's fascia and fascia propria in which a potential fascia space was found between them. The former coursed laterally stretching to prostatic fascia and the latter the lateral part of the fascia propria. Denonvillier's fascia, fascia propria and parietal fascia constituted the triangle of neurovascular bundle. Conclusions Dissecting along the prostatic fascia and Denonvillier's fascia, with less bleeding and nerve damage, is the key in radical rebropubic prostatectomy.

Key words: Periprostatic fascia, Radical rebropubic prostatectomy, Section anatomy

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