Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 135-139.

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Anatomy and clinical significance of laryngeal artery

XIE Yong-jun 1,2,   LUO Tian-you1, WU Shao-ping2   

  1. 1.Department of Radiology, the 1st Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China; 2. Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu 610083, China
  • Received:2010-10-19 Online:2011-03-25 Published:2011-03-28


Objective To explore morphological characteristic of laryngeal artery and further to provide precise anatomic basis for larynx neoplasms 3D radiotherapy, laryngeal transplantation and laryngeal reconstruction. Methods The total of 10 casting cadavers (5 male and 5 female samples, respectively) corroded by hydrochloric acid were used to explore the status of laryngeal arteriole, and then the size of laryngeal arteriole and its branches was measured by sliding caliper. Another total of 20 casting cadavers (10 male and 10 female samples, respectively) were cast by Vinyl chloride and BaSO4 mixture solution, then the scan of horizontal and vertical plane was harvested by GE signa MR/I 1.5T MRI technique to acquire image data of laryngeal arteriole. Thereafter, they were frozen with 1mm/piece-milling and grinded to pinpoint the position of laryngeal arteriole for analysis the localization of blood vessel supplying laryngeal blood. The branching of laryngeal artery and branches of 10 cadavers (5 male and 5 female sample, respectively) were indicated by Micro-dissection under a stereoscopic microscope (coic xtl 23:7.5-30×). At last, the direction and branching of laryngeal artery were explored with quantification analysis. Results The blood supply of laryngeal was from branching of arteria thyreoidea superior and arteria thyreoidea inferior, which length were (4.2±0.2) cm and (4.0±0.2) cm, respectively, with a diameter of (1.5±0.3)cm from the beginning. There were mainly 7 branching origining from arteria thyreoidea superior, as showed in table 1. The length of left and right arteria thyreoidea inferior were (2.3±0.27)cm and (2.2±0.27)cm, respectively, and the terminal diameter was (1.4±0.3) mm and (1.3±0.3) mm, respectively. There were mainly 4 branches origining from arteria thyreoidea, which were the 1st to 4th branches of arteria thyreoidea superior inferior, identified as showed in table 2.    Conclusions    The basic datum of the size, branching, direction of laryngeal arteriole, and the micro-vascularity of tissues around laryngeal are obtained with four morphological methods.

Key words:  Larynx, Artery, Cast, Milling and grinding method, Positioning

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