Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 458-460.

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Classified surgical treatment in the insertion injury of digital extensor tendon

HU Hong-yong, ZHAO Xiao-wei, DOU Qing-yin, LIU Guo-long   

  1. Department of Hand Surgery, Shenzhen Songgang People's Hospital, Shenzhen 518105, China
  • Received:2010-12-30 Published:2011-07-26


Objective To examine the methods of surgical repairs and clinical efficacy in the treatment of the extensor tendon insertion injury. Methods Twenty eight patients with finger extensor tendon insertion injury was categorized into 3 groups: fractures with large blocks, avulsion fracture of bone slices or small bone pieces without bone-crushing which can not be fixed, and tendinous injury at the insertion near the distal dorsal phalanx. The treatments were bone-fix, drilling-fix at the basement of distal phalanx, and direct suture, respectively. Results No re-avulsion or re-fraction occurred in these 28 patients. Stiffness of distal interphalangeal joint was observed in 3 patients. The remaining 25 patients had a limitation of initiative extension for the distal interphalangeal point 0°~10°, and initiative inflextion 30°~70°. Conclusions Targeted selections of bone-fix, drilling-fix at the basement of distal phalanx, and direct suture according to the types of injury are simple and effective in the treatment of insertion injury of digital extensor tendon.

Key words:  Insertion of extensor tendon, Injury, Surgery repair

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