Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 265-268.

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Measurement of linear geometric parameters of the tibial plateau by the technique of computed tomography three-dimensional reconstruction

LIU Feng,LI Shi-chun, YUN Cai   

  1. Shi Jing Shan Hospital,Beijing 100034
  • Received:2012-12-17 Online:2013-05-25 Published:2013-06-06


Objective To construct the three-dimensional model of tibial plateau by the technique of computed tomography three-dimensional reconstruction, and explore the clinical application of using this technique in measuring the geometrical parameters of the tibial plateau. Methods 49 patients from the wards and out-patient clinic (normal knee and any tibial injure not to be involved in ) and volunteers were recruited, and then randomly divided into 2 groups according to their gender. Linear geometric parameters of the tibial plateau including the width of the tibial plateau ( WTP )、the width of the medial tibial plateau ( WMTP )、the sagittal length of the medial tibial plateau ( SLMTP )、the width of the lateral tibial plateau ( WLTP ) and the sagittal length of the lateral tibial plateau ( SLLTP ) .   Results    (1)Male are larger in value than female in terms of the linear parameters(P<0.01);(2)Width of the lateral tibial plateau(WLTP)was larger than the width of the medial tibial plateau (WMTP), sagittal length of the medial tibial plateau (SLMTP) was larger than the sagittal length of the  lateral tibial plateau(SLLTP)(P<0.05); (3)Positive correlation was found between the width of tibial plateau and SLLTP or SLMTP(P<0.05).   Conclusion    Measurement of the linear geometric parameters of the tibial plateau by technique of computed tomography three-dimensional reconstruction, could provide valuable data on the design and improvement of the knee geometry in Chinese people.

Key words: Tibial plateau, Geometrical characteristics, Three-dimensional reconstruction

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