Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
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Advisor: ZHONG Shi-zhen
Editor-in-chief: OUYANG Jun
Former Editor-in-chief: XU Da-chuan
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Table of Content

    25 January 2013 Volume 31 Issue 1
    Recent development of vascularized bone and periosteum transposition in China
    CHEN Zhen-Guang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  1-4. 
    Abstract ( 819 )  
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    Study of microsurgical anatomy of Meckel's cave and adjacent structure in operation of middle cranial fossa
    LIU Xiao-Dong, XU Qi-Wu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  5-9. 
    Abstract ( 420 )  
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    Objective To obtain more detailed information about Meckel's cave and adjacent structures in order to offer anatomical base for clinical application.    Methods    Twenty sides of 10 adult cadaver heads fixed in formalin were used. The relationship of the main structures adjacent to Meckel's cave was observed. Result    Meckel's cave is a cleft-like dural pocket that protruding from the posterior cranial fossa into the middle cranial fossa. The contents of the Meckel's cave are the sensory and motor roots of the trigeminal nerve, gasserian ganglion (GG), and the trigeminal cistern. The lengh, width, thickness of Meckel's cave is (14.53±0.98)mm, (15.24±1.29)mm and (4.95±0.54)mm, respectively. The average distance between porus trigeminus and Dorello's canal and IAC is (9.25±1.14)mm, (15.30±1.14)mm, respectively. The posterior part of the medial wall of Meckel's cave is separated from Dorell's canal by the petrosphenoidal ligament, and the inferior wall is separated from the ICA lacerum segment (C3) by the petrolingual ligament.    Conclusion    The medial wall of Meckel's cave, which directly contacts the venous channel of the cavernous sinus, is very thin, and maybe a weak point for tumor invasion to the cavernous sinus. The petrosphenoidal ligament and the petrolingual ligament can be regarded as anatomical landmarks to identify CN VI and ICA lacerum segment.

    Study on microsurgical anatomy and related approaches of apex of basilar artery
    YIN Gao, LIU Chuang-Xi, LIU Chao, SHU Lei, CHEN Hong-Bin, MA Jun, HAN Guo-Jiang, GAO Fang-You, WANG Chao, WANG Qu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  10-12. 
    Abstract ( 240 )  
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    Objective To study the neurosurgical microanatomy of approaches to the apex of the basilar artery to evaluate their exposure range. Methods 10 cranial cadaver (20 sides) were researched in simulative neurosurgical approaches. Petrional approach, subtemporal transtentorial approach and presigmoid approach were used to observe the apex of basilar artery, and the exposure range of the three approaches was compared. Their exposure range was evaluated subjectively. Results The minimum exposure distance of the petrional approach, the subtemporal transtentorial approach, the presigmoid approach was (63.85±2.54)mm, (66.58±2.03)mm,(66.01±1.41)mm, respectively. Exposure distance of the petrional approach was shortest, there was no statistic difference in the subjective scorings of the three approaches. Conclusion The best exposure approach of the apex of basilar artery is the pterional approach.

    Applied anatomic study of surgical safe zone for placement plates and screws in treatment of fracture of the posterior wall of acetabulum
    ZHOU Cheng-Feng, GAO Shi-Chang, LIU Jie, NI Wei-Dong, JIANG Dian-Meng, SUN Shan-Quan, LI Yong-Mei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  13-18. 
    Abstract ( 312 )  
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    Objective To investigate the safe position of the plates and safe angles of the screws through measurement of the parameter of the acetabulum and virtual plate-screw placement in the three-dimensional posterior wall of the acetabulum. Methods The thin slice CT data of 50 pelvics and 15 normal cadavers were used in this study. Three-dimensional reconstruction of pelvics were achieved by Mimics 10.0; then the virtual 3-dimensional acetabulum was resliced ,and the transverse, longitudinal diameter of the acetabulum and the width of the posterior wall of the acetabulum were measured, respectively. The virtual plate was designed by the software of Solidworks2010 and was introduced into the software of Mimics 10.0. The position of the plates and the angle of the screws were measured and the safe zones of the plate and the safe angles of the screws were deduced. Based on the above-mentioned data, the plates were fixed on the 30 posterior walls of the acetabulum 6mm away from the posterior edge of the acetabulum.   Results  The longitudinal and transverse diameter of the acetabulum were 55 mm and 52 mm, respectively. The widest width of posterior wall was 51 mm, which was at the superior edge; The narrowest was 38 mm,which was at the edge of middle-lower part of the posterior wall. When the screws could be drived into the hole of the plates, the smallest angle between the reconstructive plate and the screws were from 50° to 66°. The screws were not inserted into the acetabulum ,when plate-screw fixation were palced in the posterior wall of the acetabulum in cadavers 6mm away from the lateral edge of acetabulum.   Conclusions   When the plate is at least 6mm away from the posterior edge of the acetabulum, the screws could safely avoid entering the hip joint. As the distance of the plate away from the lateral edge of the acetabulum grows, the safe range of for screw placement increases.

    Adult female nipple and areola nerve complex anatomical characteristics and clinical significance
    ZHOU Chao-Long, LUO Cheng-Kang, HONG Hai-Bin, SUN Zhong-Sheng, XU Xiang, CHEN Gui-Zong, NIE Yun-Fei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  19-21. 
    Abstract ( 709 )  
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    Objective To investigate the origin and distribution of the nerves to adult female nipples and areola area and provide guidance to clinical practice so that sensation around the nipple-areolar complex can be maximally preserved. Method Origin and distribution of nerves around the nipple-areolar complex on 15 side breast specimens from eight adult female bodies were,explore and traced with microsurgical instruments. Result Anterior and lateral cutaneous branches from the intercostal nerves formed a neural network in the nipple-areola complex. The nipple-areolar complex was innervated by anterior cutaneous branches from the 3rd and 4th intercostal nerve and the lateral cutaneous branches from the 4th and 5th intercostal nerve, with the lateral cutaneous branch from the 4th intercostal nerve innervating about 75% of the nipple-areolar complex. Conclusion Innervation of Nipple-areolar complex have various sources with complementary property. When the 3rd or 5th intercostal nerve is damaged, the majority of the sensation of the nipple-areolar complex can be preserved.

    Distribution and significance of muscular branches of radial nerve in posterior region of forearm
    CHEN Shi-Wen, ZHOU Xiao, WANG Wen-Yan, WANG Shen-Huan, LIU Hong-Sheng, LIAO E-Beng, LIU Dong-Bo
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  22-24. 
    Abstract ( 767 )  
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    Objective To investigate the innervation of the radial nerve in the posterior region of the forearm muscles and provide the anatomical basis for autologous skeletal muscle graft. Methods Ten forearms were dissected from five fresh adult cadavers to observe the extramuscular distribution of the nerve and the intramuscular distribution of the nerve using the standard Sihler's nerve staining method. Results The intramuscular nerve branches were stained purple-black and could be visualized clearly. The muscles were classified into different categories  according to common shapes and intramuscular neural distribution. Conclusions According to the intramuscular neural distribution, some of the forearm muscles can be split into different compartments and serve as independent function units for segmental muscle transplantation. the outcomes of our anatomical investigation is of crucial guiding significance for clinical muscle transplants.

    Anatomic investigation of modified approach of puncture of pterygopalatine fossa from orbit
    AN Ru-Yong, LIANG Xiu-Fen, AN Ran, QU Yong-Song, ZHOU Yan, FENG Jian-Kun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  25-27. 
    Abstract ( 358 )  
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    Objective To provide an anatomic basis for a modified approach of the puncture of the pterygopalatine fossa through the orbit. Methods The pterygopalatine fossa and orbit were observed with relevant anatomical data obtained in seventy-seven human skulls. Results  (1) The distance from the point of lateral orbital margin to the point of the inferolateral edge of the orbit was (4.93±1.80) mm at the left side and (4.02±2.05) mm at the right side; (2) The distance from the point of the lateral orbital margin to the point of the lower edge of the external aperture of the foramen rotundum was (43.74±2.74) mm at the left side and (43.80±2.89) mm at the right side; (3) The distance from the point of the lateral orbital margin to the point of the posterior end of the superior orbital fissure was (47.83±2.47) mm at the left side and (47.74±2.53) mm at the right side;(4)The distance from the point of the lateral orbital margin to the point of anterior end of the inferior orbital fissure was ( 17.74±2.18) mm at the left side and (17.43±1.97) mm at the right side.(5)The success rate of the puncture of the pterygopalatine fossa from the point of the lateral orbital margin with a straight needle was 96.10% at the left side and 93.51% at the right side;(6)The combined success rate of the puncture of the pterygopalatine fossa from the point of the lateral orbital margin using both a straight needle and a curved needle could reach 98.70% at both sides. Conclusion The success rate of the puncture of the pterygopalatine fossa from the point of lateral orbital margin was higher than that of other puncture methods.

    Classification of occipital condyles and its implication
    LI Shi, CHAI Yu, CENG An-Na, LIANG Shan-Hao, LI Xi-Kai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  28-31. 
    Abstract ( 1198 )  
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    Objective To study the morphology of the occipital condyles. Methods The occipital condyles were measured and classified in 165 occipital bones. The anteroposterior dimension, mediolateral dimension, the thickness and the angle between the anteroposterior axis and the medial sagittal line of the foramen magnum were measured. Results The mophology of the occipital condyles can be divided into 6 types, namely, elliptical shape in two sides, accounting for 66.1%(109 cases), dumbbell-like shape in two sides, accounting for 7.9%(13 cases), elliptical shape at the left and dumbbell-like in the right, accounting for 6.7%(11 cases), dumbbell-like at the left and elliptical at the right, accounting for 8.5%(14 cases), elliptical shape at the left and triangular shape at the right, accounting for 3.6% (6 cases) triangular shape at the left and elliptical shape at the right, accounting for 7.3% (12 cases). Conclusions The occipital condyles have more anatomical shapes than traditional description With the elliptical shape occupying the majority.

    The measurement of cervical disc of Chinese people and its significance
    JIANG Jin-Feng, GU Hong-Sheng, LIU Wei-Jiang, XUE Qing-Hua, LIAO Zhen-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  32-36. 
    Abstract ( 564 )  
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    Objective To present a method for measuring cervical intervertebral discs of Chinese people, and provide basis for designing artificial disc. Methods MRI data of cervical vertebra of 219 healthy Chinese adults free from cervical disease were selected. The anterior height, the middle height, the posterior height, the intervertebral angle, the sagittal diameter and the transverse diameter of cervical intervertebral discs were measured and analyzed, respectively.    Results The anterior, middle and posterior heights of discs varied from 2.5mm to 6.9mm, 3.4mm to 9.3mm, and 1.9mm to 6.5mm, respectively. The intervertebral angle varied from 1.2°to 10°, the sagittal diameter varied from 11.1mm to 21.4mm, while the transverse diameter varied from 16.1mm to 29.6mm. Conclusions Significance can be detected for references of cervical discs, between both gender and different segments, which is helpful for guiding the design of artificial cervical disc.

    Anatomic research on effect of abductor pollicis brevis on extension of interphalangeal joint of thumb
    FANG Ti-Che, PENG Yong-Jing, CHANG Li-Feng, SHANG Yin-Kuai, JIANG Gao-Li, XIONG Hong-Chao, FU Jiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  37-41. 
    Abstract ( 917 )  
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    Objective    This study aimed to provide anatomical evidence to solve the flexion deformity of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb caused by the surgical procedure of reconstruction of thumb opposition function with pectoralis minor muscle. Methods On 15 cadaveric hand specimens with the thumb in the opposition position, we measured the natural flexion angle of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb before and after transection of abductor pollicis brevis; Meanwhile, the interphalangeal joint was rendered into flexion angle of 45°and 60°by external force to analyze the effect of abductor pollicis brevis on the flexion and extension function of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb. Results When the thumb was in the opposition position, the natural flexion angles of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb was (13.30±2.13)°and (24.03±1.25)°before and after transection of abductor pollicis brevis; rendering of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb at the flexion angle of 45°required application of external force by(0.50±0.08)N and(0.22±0.07)N, respectively, while rendering of the interphalangeal joint at 60°required application of external force by(1.48±0.09)N and(1.15±0.04)N, respectively. Conclusions The main function of abductor pollicis brevis is to dorsally extend the interphalangeal joint of the thumb. Consequently, the function of abductor pollicis brevis on the thumb should be restored when reconstruction of thumb opposition with functional pectoralis minor muscle flap is performed,so that we can rectify the postoperative the flexion deformity of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb.   

    A case of the variation of dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery
    ZHENG Da-Wei, LI Zhang-Can, HU Li, ZHANG Xu-Yang, DAN Rong-Jian, SUN Feng, SHOU Kui-Shui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  41. 
    Abstract ( 193 )  
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    Anatomic study of treatment of short nail of fingers reconstructed by  2nd, 3rd toe transplantation with eponychial flap and resection
    WANG Bao-Dan, SUN Li-Ying, TIAN Guang-Lei, TIAN Yu, LUO Jian, XU Jin-Hui, WANG Qing-Chao, WANG Xin-Min
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  42-46. 
    Abstract ( 368 )  
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    Objective To estimate the results of the treatment of short nail of fingers reconstructed by the 2nd , 3rd toe transplantation with the eponychial flap and eponychial resection.    Methods    The length and width of nail body were measured on 400 fingers, 160 2nd and 160 3rd toes of 40 normal adult persons(20 male, 20 female). The difference of the lengths between fingernail and toenail bodies, the width-to-length ratio of fingernail and toenail bodies and the difference of the length between fingernail and toenail bodies with the same width-to-length ratio were calculated, respectively. The results of the treatment of short nail of fingers reconstructed by the 2nd , 3rd toe transplantation with the eponychial flap and eponychial resection , which were reported previously by others, were evaluated again, taking consideration of the difference of the length between fingernail and toenail bodies, the difference of the length of fingernail and toenail bodies with the same width-to-length ratio.   Results    The length of the 2nd and 3rd toenail bodies was 3.7~4.5 mm, 4.8~5.5 mm, 5.6~6.3 mm, 5.9~6.8 mm, 6.5~8 mm shorter than the length of the little, ring, middle, index, thumb fingernail bodies, respectively Under the circumstances of the same width-to-length ratio, the length of the 2nd and 3rd toenail bodies was 4.7~6.6 mm, 3.7~4.7 mm, 3.6~4.6 mm, 4.4~5.6 mm, 3.0~4.5 mm shorter than the lengths of little, ring, middle, index and thumb fingernail body, respectively. The maximum increasing length of the transplanted 2nd and 3rd toenail bodies were 3mm postoperatively,which was less than half of the difference of the length between the toenail and thumb, index, middle fingernail bodies. The width-to-length ratio of the toenail body was not the same as that of the fingernail body as well.  Conclusions   It is still inconclusive that eponychial flap, eponchial resection were satisfying when they were applied to the thumb, index and middle fingers reconstructed by the 2nd and 3rd toe transplantation.

    Evaluation of relationship between sphenoid sinus and clivus with CT in transsphenoidal approach to clival region
    FANG Qiong, JIANG An-Gong, LONG Gang, ZHANG Zi-Han, DENG Xue-Fei, DAO Ye, YANG Jian-Meng, HAN Hui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  47-50. 
    Abstract ( 182 )  
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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the sphenoid sinus and clivus with CT, serving to provide an anatomic basis for design of a transsphenoidal approach to the clival region. Methods A total of 30 patients underwent thin-layer head scan with 64-slice spiral CT, the sagittal images were reconstructed in AW 4.2 workspace. The incidence of the clival recess, the area of the sphenoid sinus, the thickness and height of the clivus behind the sphenoid sinus, and the relationship between them were analysed in the midsagittal plane. Results The thickness of clivus in 73% of patients was less than 6.0 mm, while the height of the clivus was more than 9.0 mm. The incidence of the clival recess was 63%. When the clival recess was present, the thickness of clivus was (1.8±1.1)mm; The thickness of clivus was less than 6.0 mm in 10% of patients with no clival recess. There was negative linear correlation between the area of the sphenoid sinus and the thickness of the clivus. The thickness of clivus in 17% of patients was more than 6.0 mm, while the area of the sphenoid sinus was more than 3 cm2. Conclusion The assessment of thickness of the clivus and the clival recess with CT is useful in designing the individualized transsphenoidal approach to the clival region.

    Acquisition of digital dataset of celloidin axial sectional images of temporal bone and comparative observation with CT images  
    LI Xi-Beng, JIA Yin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  51-55. 
    Abstract ( 182 )  
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    Objective To make sequential axial sectional slices of the lateral skull base and obtain digitized dataset of the lateral skull base in order to provide reference for sectional study of imaging and clinical diagnosis of lateral skull base diseases. Methods Two cadaveric heads underwent coronal section after spiral CT scanning.  After celloidin embedding, a brain slicer was used to make axial thin slices (100 μm), which was then photographed with a Sony F-717 and saved in a computer representative sections were selected for HE staining. Then the digital photo, the HE staining picture and the CT image were compared to describe the characteristics of anatomical structures, including the common crus plane, lateral semicircular canal plane, the horizontal segment of facial nerve plane, the vestibular window plane, the round window plane, internal orifice of jugular foramen plane. Results Two sets of complete axial digital thin sectional data were obtained (300 and 340 images, respectively). Delicate structures were shown clearly and spatial relationships between anatomical structures can be understood deeply by sequential, histological and CT comparative observation. Conclusion Celloidin embedding is an important method for obtaining high resolution sequential digital imaging data of lateral skull base. Histological and CT image comparative observation is an ideal method for studying characteristics of sectional anatomy of the lateral skull base. It provides valuble reference for imaging diagnosis.

    The variation of the stomach, duodenum and jejunum: one case report
    YUAN Zhang-Gen, SHU Xiao-Yu, MAO Yi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  55. 
    Abstract ( 293 )  
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    Study on 3D-reconstruction of decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle of brainstem using 3T MR
    DOU Yu, LEI Jun-Jiang, GUO Shun-Lin, MA Xian, HAN Hong-Bin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  56-59. 
    Abstract ( 260 )  
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    Objective  To investigate the features of decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle(SCP) by diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) and diffusion tensor tractography(DTT) on 3.0T MR. Methods Twenty healthy volunteers were examined on SIEMENS 3.0T MRI diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (b0=0 s/mm2, b1 =1000 s/mm2) ; post processing were made in SIEMENS Leonardo workstation using SIEMENS Standard 6 directions software to reconstruct the white matter fibers with fractional anisotropy (FA) threshold value 0.08, angle threshold value 80°and voxel size 1.2 mm×1.2 mm×3 mm. The FA of decussation of SCP was compared with that of the fiber of SCP by paired t-test. Results  There were three kinds of MR fiber tracking appearances at decussation of SCP of brainstem on MRI diffusion tensor tractography(DTT). Decussation of SCP of 20 cases was classified as follows: ①crossing fiber, accounting for 65% (13 cases); ②>< kissing fiber, accounting for 25% (5 cases); ③ Y forking fiber, accounting for 10% (2 cases). There was  statistically significant difference in FA value (t=7.22, 0.40±0.13 and 0.65±0.08,P<0.05) between decussation of SCP and that of the fiber of SCP. Conclusions 3.0T MR would be a useful technology for demonstrating the anatomic features of decussation of SCP of the brainstem, while DTT 3D-reconstruction is valuable for demonstrating the distribution of the crossing fibers in the brainstem during clinical application.

    Rare aortic arch branches variation: a case report
    ZHANG Jie-De, CHENG Dao-Bin, LI Ning-Hu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  59. 
    Abstract ( 212 )  
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    Imaging anatomy of location of top point of '∧' shape crest by using three-dimensional CT
    YANG Jing, CHANG Xin, WANG Jiang, SHU Wei, DIAO Xiao-Kuai, DU Xin-Ru
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  60-63. 
    Abstract ( 629 )  
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    Objective to study three methods of lumbar pedicle placement in different level based on CT tomographic image reconstruction model in order to determine the location of "∧" shape crest of the Lumbar vertebra and provide objective basis. Methods In 30 cases of lumbar CT three-dimensional reconstruction model, the placement of the screw was simulated, using the method of the "∧ "shape crest, the method of above the "∧ "shape crest and the method of below the "∧ "shape crest, the distance between screw entry point and the pedicle axis was measured, and the anatomic relationship between the upper and lower edges, the internal and the external edges was studied. Differences, advantages and disadvantages of three methods at each segment of lumbar were analysed. Results The anatomic relationship between  "∧ "shape crest and lumbar pedicle was different in the three methods. The distance between "∧ "shape crest and the pedicle axis was shortest in the median sagittal plane, but was slightly higher than pedicle axis in the L1, and was slightly lower than the horizontal axis in L5 . The Upper "∧ " shape crest was located above the pedicle axis. Only in 2 cases Upper "∧ " shape crest was lower than the pedicle axis in the L5. Conclusion in the lumbar pedicle screw fixation, "∧ "shape crest method is safe and reliable, applicable to L1~ L5. But in L1 the screw in the median sagittal plane is slightly higher than the pedicle axis, and was slightly lower the axis of the pedicle in L5 .

    A cose of variations for the path of aorta and the branch of aortic arch
    DENG Xiao-Jiang, AN Fang-Zhou, WANG Cheng-Jia, TUN Fang-Yuan, ZHANG Dun, ZHANG Quan-Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  63. 
    Abstract ( 227 )  
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    Clinical significance of three-dimensional digital reconstruction and measurement of lesser trochanter of femur
    XIE Shu-Xi, YANG Cheng-Liang, XIONG Ran, WANG Hua, LI Chao, HAN Wei-Yu, FAN Shi-Cai, JIN Da-De
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  64-67. 
    Abstract ( 431 )  
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    Objective To explore digital measurement of the lesser trochanter anatomy on three-dimensional reconstruction of CT images of the femur so that reasonable parameters can be provided for design of Proximal femoral fixation system.    Method    CT scanning of Intact adult femur was conducted (left 40, right 40), the three-dimensional reconstruction of the femur was performed using Mimics10.01 software on the basis of the CT data. The bony landmarks determining relevant anatomy were made on the three-dimensional images of the normal femur. Measurement included the anatomic indexes of the lesser trochanter.    Results Length of the vertical axis of the lesser trochanter was (27.01±1.72)mm and its the transverse diameter was(17.82±1.22)mm. The angle of retroversion and the up-dip angle was (22.42±9.08)°and (17.02±2.02)°, respectively. The minimum length of the screw which was used to fix the lesser trochanter of femur was (49.25±3.20) mm, The Height and the volume of the lesser trochanter was (8.59±1.44) mm and (755.91±150.14) mm3, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference of the abovementioned parameters in two sides. Conclusion It is feasible to accurately identify the anatomy landmarks on the three-dimensional reconstruction of the femur. Digital measurement of the lesser trochanter anatomy can provide reasonable parameters for design of the proximal femoral fixation system.

    Clinical significance and morphological measurements of Tibia medullary cavity in Tibet mini-pigs
    DONG Fu, ZHANG Cheng, JIANG Nan, CHEN An-Fu, TU Bin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  68-71. 
    Abstract ( 299 )  
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    Objective To compare the advantages and disadvantages of three methods in the morphological measurements and explore the morphological characteristics of the tibia medullary cavity in Tibet mini-pigs. Methods Tibia specimens were collected from thirty Tibet mini-pigs. Measurement of the length, arc as well as the coronal and sagittal width of the narrowest point of the tibial medullary cavity was carried out through plain radiography and CT 3-dimensional reconstruction or and directly in the specimens Data were recorded and processed using appropriate statistic methods. Results The main morphological characteristics of the tibial medullary cavity in Tibet mini-pigs is being triangular and elliptical in shape in the proximal and distal ends, respectively, and being intermediate in shape in the middle segment. The length of the medullary cavity measured by X-ray , CT and specimen were (11.75±0.58)cm, (11.58±0.55)cm and (11.70±0.65)cm, respectively. (P=0.524). Measurements of the coronal width of the narrowest point were 0.88±0.08 cm,0.84±0.06 cm, 0.85±0.07cm , respectively (P=0.032). No significant differences were detected in the measurements of  the arc of tibial medullary cavity (26.89±0.50°,26.06±0.49°, 26.50±0.42°,P=0.106 ). Conclusion The accuracy of measurement through CT 3-dimensional reconstruction is higher than that through plain radiography. and the results of measurement through CT 3-dimensional reconstruction is closer to measurement directly performed in specimens. Therefore, data measured through CT 3-dimensional reconstruction are recommended for scientific research. The shape of the tibia medullary cavity in Tibet mini-pigs is similar to the human's, making it suitable for designing new intramedullary nails.

    Study of anatomy and variation of intrahepatic biliary ducts through cholangiography and its clinical significance
    JIN Wu-Nan, YANG Xiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  72-74. 
    Abstract ( 229 )  
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    Objective To observe the anatomy of the bile ducts and its variation through revolving radiography of the bile ducts by percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC). Methods 50 cases of PTC were carried out with 20ml syringe connected to external drainage tube and the bile duct anatomy and the variation were observed by revolving radigography of the bile ducts at the fully developing status. Results The variation of the bile ducts was revealed in 21 of 50 cases, accouting 42%.In 6 cases, accounting for 12%, intrahepatic bile ducts of the right anterior lobe, intrahepatic bile ducts of the right posterior lobe and left bile ducts united to form the common bile duct; In 4 cases, accounting for 8.0%, the left bile ducts first converged with the intrahepatic bile ducts of the right anterior lobe, and then they converged with the intrahepatic bile ducts of the right posterior lobe at the hepatic portal; in 10 cases, accounting for 20.0%),  the left bile ducts converged first with the intrahepatic bile ducts of the right posterior lobe, and then they converged with intrahepatic bile ducts of the right anterior lobe at the hepatic portal; in 1 case , accounting for 2.0% , multiple bile ducts formed the common bile duct at the hepatic portal. Conclusion Analysis of the bile duct anatomy and the variation holds a clinical significance on determination of the operative pattern.

    The mechanism of oxygen free radical/JNK inducing nerve injury after different degrees of intermittent hypoxia in rats
    WANG Gong-Yang, GUO Xia, DIAO Ya-Ning, LI Lin, HAN Xiao-Qiang, ZHANG Fen-Fen
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  75-80. 
    Abstract ( 149 )  
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    Objective To investigate the mechanisms of oxygen free radical/JNK signaling pathway on nerve injury after different degree of intermittent hypoxia (IH) in rats. Methods one hundred and sixty Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups: control group(n=40),mild intermittent hypoxia group(n=40), moderate intermittent hypoxia group(n=40),severe intermittent hypoxia group(n=40). Rats in the control group were exposed in the air,the three intermittent hypoxia groups were exposed respectively in different intermittent hypoxia conditions:100 ml/L,75 ml/L and 50 ml/L; 8-hour-intermittent hypoxia everyday; the duration of experiment 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks, respectively. The morphological changes were observed by electron microscopy;the malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in cortex were measured with spectrophotometry;the expressions of phosphorylated JNK and c-fos proteins were detected with immunohistochemistry and Western-Blot. The quantity of apoptotic cells was measured by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transfernase medicated nick end labeling (TUNEL) method. Results Compared with the control group,the ultrastructure of nerve cell nucleus was injured more severely and the phosphorylated JNK and c-fos expressions and TUNEL-positive cells numbers increased obviously in a time-dependant manner. Moreover, the abovementioned changes were more significant in severe intermittent hypoxia group. The MDA level,phosphorylated JNK and c-fos expressions and TUNEL-positive cells numbers reached peak at 6 weeks in the mild and moderate intermittent hypoxia groups and there were no significant difference between the two group; The MDA level,phosphorylated JNK and c-fos expressions and TUNEL-positive cells numbers reached peak at 8 weeks in severe intermittent hypoxia group and there was significant difference when compared with the mild or moderate intermittent hypoxia groups. Conclusions After intermittent hypoxia,oxygen free radical activated ERK1/2 signaling pathway played an important role in the process of nerve cell apoptosis by regulating c-fos expression.

    Endogenous proliferation and morphological characteristics of NG2-cells in compressed spinal cord injury of rats
    QI Wei, SUN Shan-Quan, DAN Jian-Hua, HUANG Sai-Qin, WU Xiu-Yu, HOU Liang-Juan, ZHUO Fei, CHEN Zhen
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  81-84. 
    Abstract ( 149 )  
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     Objective To investigate endogenous proliferation and morphological characteristics of NG2-cells in the white matter of compressed spinal cord injury (ACSCI) of rats. Methods 42 adult SD rats were randomly divided into 2 groups: model group (n=21), which underwent spinal cord compression by a self-made device, and sham group (n=21), which underwent only laminectomy. Expression of NG2-positive cells was detected by IHC after 1, 3 and 7 days. The average number, soma area, process length of NG2+-cells were measured by Image Pro Plus6.0. Results Compared with control group (19.92±6.68 per field), the number of NG2+-cells increased at 1d (30.17±11.08 per field), peaked at 3d (90.75±9.40 per field), and decreased at 7d (78.38±8.91 per field) (P<0.05). NG2+-cells' soma became smaller (128.25±32.06 μm2) and processes became shorter (10.98±4.25 μm) at 1d, then NG2+-cells' soma became larger (225.26±16.64 μm2) and processes became longer (18.63±2.26 μm) at 3d (P<0.05). However, the soma area and process length of NG2+-cells at 7d kept unchanged compared with that at 3d (P>0.05). There were many clusters of NG2+ cells that had smaller and round soma, fewer or no processes after CSCI. Conclusion NG2+-cells could proliferate actively with the soma growing larger and the process growing longer but still shorter than normal in CSCI after a week.

    Quantitative study of variation of number of neurons in cortical dysplasia rat hippocampus by stereological method
    FENG Fei, CHEN Xiao-Shan, HE Xin, ZHANG Jian-Gang, WEN Meng, TANG Yong, YAN Yong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  85-88. 
    Abstract ( 312 )  
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    Objective To investigate the variation of number and volume of hippocampus neuron in CA1,CA3 and DG region of rats with cortical dysplasia induced by X-ray using stereological method.   Methods  5 normal rats and 5 model rats with 2 months old  were used in this study with their brain subsequently and sequentially taken out, embedded in paraffin blocks and being subject to coronal section in thickness of 8 ?滋m. The sections were uniformly and randomly sampled from the consecutive sections of the hippocampus according to the principles of systematic,uniform and random sampling.The sections were stained for Nissl substance for quantification of neuron number in CA1,CA3 ,DG region and volume of the hippocampus using stereological device.   Results    The number of unilateral hippocampus neurons in CA1,and DG region in normal rats was 8.35×104±1.44×104、8.23×104±1.60×104 and 1.43×105±2.24×104, respectively,and was 3.70×104±1.96×104、3.57×104±1.47×104 and 6.86×104±4.85×104 in model rats with cortical dysplasia, respectively. The volume of the  unilateral hippocampus in normal rats and rats with disorders of cortical development was (14.18±1.52) mm3 and (8.49±3.41) mm3, respectively. Compared to normal rats, the number of neurons in CA1,CA3 and DG region and the volume of hippocampus in model rats decreased(P<0.05). Conclusion Compared with normal rats, the number and volume of hippocampus neuron in CA1, CA3 and DG regions of rats with cortical dysplasia induced by X-ray is significantly reduced.

    Fabrication of niobium-based biological materials via impregnation and its properties
    XIONG Jian-Xi, OU Yang-Jian-An, WANG Da-Beng, RUAN Jian-Meng, SHU Wei-Min, BI Zhi-Jiang, ZHANG Hong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  89-94. 
    Abstract ( 140 )  
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    Objective    to fabricate porous niobium and evaluate its properties.   Methods    Novel preparation of Polyurethane foam impregnated with niobium powders was used to fabricate the niobium-based materials, which have high strength and excellent biocompatibility. Analytical balance, XRD ,CS600carbon and sulfur analyzer and SEM were used to characterize its porosity, properties and microstructure. Cell biology techniques were used to evaluate the biocompatibility of porous niobium.  Results    There were three-dimensional, connected pore structure and pure phase in the porous niobium-based materials prepared by solid phase sintering. The porosity, pore size and average density was 71.4%, 500 μm and 2.45 g/cm3, respectively. The elastic modulus and compressive strength of three-dimensional connected porous Nb coincided with cancellous bone in mechanical properties. Porous niobium was suitable for the adhesion, growth and differentiation of osteoblasts.    Conclusions    Porous niobium possessed high porosity structure, good mechanical properties and biocompatibility.

    Experimental study of relationship between plantar fascia and motion range of first metatarsophalangeal joint
    CHEN Da-Wei, LI Bing, YANG Yun-Feng, SHU Guang-Rong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  95-99. 
    Abstract ( 376 )  
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      Objective    To reveal the importance that the plantar fascia takes to the stability maintenance of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and to investigate the feasibility of treating Hallux rigidus in its early stage through surgery.  Methods    6 fresh cadaveric foot specimens were used in the experiment. A digital detective device was adopted to measure the motion range of the first metatarsophalangeal joint before and after the severance of the plantar fascia beneath the first metatarsal bone. During the measuring process, the distal end of the hallux was loaded to dorsiflexion with the whole specimen fixed to homemade braces.   Results   The dorsiflexion range of the first metatarsophalangeal joint was (68.34±3.05)°and (78.50±3.77)° before and after the severance of the plantar fascia, respectively. The motion range increased by (10.16±2.10)°after the plantar fascia was severed (t=11.83, P<0.05).    Conclusions    The plantar fascia plays an important role in maintaining the stability of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The injury of the plantar fascia should be treated in its earliest stage possible. Surgical release of the plantar fascia should be well-planned to minimize the effect on its structural and functional integrity. Partial section of plantar fascia may be used as an effective operative approach to deal with Hallux rigidus in its early stage.

    The variation of branches of proper hepatic artery and its abnormal anastomosis
    SU Yao, TUN Ying-Yi, CHEN Hui-Xiang, CHEN Jia-Ni, WANG Gong-Juan, WANG Zhi-Hua, LIU Wen-Qiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  99. 
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    Effects of different tunnel sizes of femoral head core decompression on femoral neck biomechanics
    HE Guo-Zhong, LONG Qing-Jiang, CHEN Xian-Jun, TU Xiao, DIAO Wei-Dong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  100-103. 
    Abstract ( 244 )  
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    Objective To observe the effects of different tunnel sizes of the femoral head core decompression on femoral neck biomechanics. Methods 24 fresh cadaver femur specimens were randomly divided into four groups: a normal group, a single-tunnel core decompression group (D=10 mm), a 2-tunnel core decompression group (D=7mm) and a 3- tunnel core decompression group (D=7mm). 3 points in main tension side, main pressure side and the lesser trochanter were chosen as the test points of strain from 0N to 1200N load. Results The strain of the 2-tunnel group was the lowest among the normal group, the single-tunnel group, 2-tunnel group and 3-tunnel group; furthermore, the strain values of all of the 3 core decompression groups were larger than that in the normal group in tension side and the pressure side. Conclusions There is a significant effect on the femoral neck biomechanics by femoral head core decompression. The 2-tunnel (D= 7mm) with the lowest strain value may be the best choice to femoral head core decompression.

    Finite element analysis of midshaft, oblique clavicle, fractures fixed with reconstruction plates in anterior and posterior placement
    SHU Chang-Rong, ZHANG Ying, GUO Xiao-Ze, XIAO Jin, JIA Hu-Ge
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  104-107. 
    Abstract ( 279 )  
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    Objective To explore and compare the biomechanical properties of midshaft, oblique clavicle fractures fixed with reconstruction plates in anterior and posterior placement using finite element(FE) analysis, and therefore to provide theoretic reference for clinic application. Methods 3D FE model of the midshaft, oblique clavicle fractures fixed with reconstruction plates in anterior and posterior placement was developed. Each mode was tested in axial compression, bending, internal, and external torsion. The different position fixations were compared for von Mises distribution, and the von Mises distribution of the fracture surface contact pressure, maximum comprehensive displacement were also compared. Results The evaluation index data showed no difference between plate fixation in anterior and superior placement under compression loading; under the bending, internal, and external torsion loading, the maximum stress of the anterior plate placement was significantly greater than that of the superior plate placement, but the fracture fragments displacement and the maximum stress on the fracture fragments showed no difference. Conclusions For the midshaft, oblique clavicle fractures, reconstruction plates in anterior placement is more prone to stress concentration than places in superior placment, suggesting that the biomechanical stability of the plates in superior placement is superior to that in anterior placement.

    Repair of class I degloving injuries of fingers with dorsal and tibial flaps of the second toe
    WANG Tian-Liang, JU Ji-Hui, DIAO Jiang, LI Jian-Ning, CHENG He-Yun, WANG Jiang, HOU Rui-Xin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  108-111. 
    Abstract ( 225 )  
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    Objective To explore the treatment of class I degloving injuries of fingers with the free wrap-around flap of the second toe and the tibial flap of the opposite second toe.    Method From March, 2009 to June, 2012, our department used the free wrap-around flap of the second toe and the tibial flap of the opposite second toe to repair class I degloving Injuries of fingers in 13 cases. All caes were followed up.    Results   After 6~24 months of follow-up, flaps underwent no significant atrophy, reconstructing full pulps; fingers were in good shape With nails growing well. The two-point discrimination was 6 to 10mm. According to the functional evaluation criteria by the Hand Surgery Society of Chinese Medical Association, the functional results were satisfactory in all patients (excellent in 8 cases, good in 4 cases, and satisfactory in 1 case ), achieving an excellent and good rate of 92.3%. Donor sites of the toes healed well without scar contracture and no gait disturbance.    Conclusion    Using free wrap-around flaps of the second toe and tibial flaps of the opposite second toe to repair class I degloving Injuries of fingers is an ideal method.

    Anterior atlantoaxial fixation: advances and prospects
    DING Xiang, NIU Guo-Qi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  112-114. 
    Abstract ( 149 )  
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    The ligament of Berry and Zuckerkandl’s tubercle and their clinical significance  in endoscopic thyroid lobectomy
    TANG Shi-Ban, CHEN Xiao-Wu, TUN Lu-Yang, FENG Jian-Beng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2013, 31(1):  115-117. 
    Abstract ( 476 )  
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