Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
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ISSN: 1001-165X

Table of Content

    25 January 2014 Volume 32 Issue 1
    An anatomic analysis and clinical study on design of the perforator flaps with double perforators from the peroneal artery
    NIU Guo-Qiang, HUANG Dong, TUN Wei-Chi, HUANG Guo-Yang, OU Yang-Hai-Xiang, DENG Gao-Li
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  1-4.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.001
    Abstract ( 1072 )  
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    Objective To explore the anatomic characteristics of the perforators from the peroneal arteriess to provide morphological basis for design of flaps with double perforators from the peroneal artery. Methods Eight fresh lower limbs of human cadavers were injected with a modified mix of lead oxide and latex. The cutaneous perforator greater than 0.5 mm in diameter was dissected,  recorded in dissection notes and photographed. The number of perforators, distance to fibular head, diameter and the length of the vascular pedicles were measured and  analyzed. Perforators suitable for flaps with double perforators from the peroneal artery were identified. 7 cases with the skin defects were reconstructed with flaps with double perforators from the peroneal artery were identified. the size of the flaps ranged from 5 cm×9 cm  to  8 cm×15 cm. Results The number of perforators greater than 0.5 mm in diameter was 4~5. The second perforator was  the largestone with a diameter of (0.94±0.11)mm and a pedicle length of (6.61±1.32)cm. The second perforator could supply alarger area of skin and serve as the preferred pedicle for design of a flap with double perforators .Clinically, 7 free flaps survived , the flap is good in texture, satisfactory in appearance and functional recovery. Conclusions A larger flap with double perforators from the peroneal artery can be harvested safely with its pedicles based on the second perforator and any other one.

    The applied anatomy of dorsal digital artery of the first toe
    HU De-Feng, DIAO Xiao-Hang, MA Jian-An, HU Zhen-Ye
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  5-7.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.002
    Abstract ( 696 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical basis for using the first toe dorsi-artery free skin flap to reconstruct tissue defects of hand in clinic. Methods Using the 10 embalmed foot specimens with perfusion of red latex, 20 corrosive vascular cast of foot were used for investigation of the origin, distribution, caliber of the dorsal digital artery of the first toe. The innervations and venous drainage of the area supplied the artery were explored.    Results The diameter of the first dorsal artery of the first toe was the (0.8± 0.2) mm. Three patterns of the artery can be observed. In pattern I, the artery was given off from the form first dorsal metatarsal artery. Which could be observed in 20 cases, accounting for 67%; In pattern II, the artery and the lateral metatarsal artery of the first toe were simultaneously given off from the first dorsal metatarsal artery, which could be observed in 7 cases, accounting for 23%; In pattern III, the artery was given off from the lateral metatarsal artery or absent, which could be observed in 3 cases, accounting for 10%.    Conclusion    The first toe dorsi-arterical is large in diameter, consistent in origin, distribution, innervation. The free flap based on has strong anatomical basis.

    Applied anatomical study of the subtendinous bursitis of latissimus dorsi
    GENG Chun-Mei, CHEN Ai-Gang, DIAO Yong-Xiang, WANG Qi, LIU Zong-Liang
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  8-11.  doi: 10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.003
    Abstract ( 772 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical basis for diagnosis and treatment of subtendinous bursitis of latissimus dorsi. Methods 20 adult cadaveric shoulder specimens (11 right shoulders and 9 left shoulders)  were dissected and observed for the latissimus dorsi tendon bursa and the neighboring anatomical structures that can be mistaken with latissimus dorsi tendon bursa. Results The latissimus dorsi tendon bursa was located among the lower end of the intertubercular sulcus, the lesser humeral tubercle and insertions ofteres major and latissimus dorsi tendon to the humerus. The humeral intertubecular sulcus can be divided into the sulcus between the crests of the lesser and greater tubercles and the sulcus between the lesser and greater tubercles. The latissimus dorsi tendon bursa can be located (27.43±4.71)mm inferior to the peak of the lesser tubercle and (8.12±1.23)mm lateral to the medial margin of the long head of the biceps brachii. The length of Latissimus dorsi tendon bursa was (36.5±4.79) mm in the sulcus between crests of the lesser and greater humeral tubercle; the width (8.62±1.83) mm at its midpoint. The structures around latissimus dorsi tendon bursa prone to inflammation included synovial sheath of the long head of biceps tendon, synovial bursae underneath the long head of the biceps brachii, the teres major, the coracoid process, bony channel of the pectoralis major, respectively. Conclusion This study provides a morphological basis for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of the subtendinous bursitis of latissimus dorsi.

    Digital model of the perforators and their relationships in the lumbar and gluteal regions
    GUO Yu, DAN Xiao-Tian, LIU Meng-Meng, TIAN Feng-Yuan, LIU Wan-Ting, CHEN Fei, SHANG Bin-Yan, QIU Xun-Yong
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  12-15.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.004
    Abstract ( 826 )  
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    Objective To build digitized visible model of the perforators and their relationships, and to provide morphological data of an algorithm to safely elevate the cross-boundary perforator flaps in the lumbar and gluteal regions.     Method    Three bodies underwent whole body polyvinyl alcohol - cerium oxide injection, and one body was perfused with gelatin-lead oxide. The cadavers were scanned using a 64 row spiral CT. The computed tomographic data were transformed to digital imaging and communications in medicine format and imported to a personal computer. 3D-reconstructions of lumbar and gluteal regions were then performed using Materialise’s Interactive Medical Image Control System Software (MIMICS).    Results    The 3D reconstructed model of the lumbar and gluteal regions can display the modality, spatial location and the adjacent relationship of the perforators and vascular net clearly.    Conclusion    It is feasible to design various cross-boundary perforator flaps in lumbar and gluteal regions.

    The anatomy of cystic artery and its clinical classification
    HU Meng-Feng, LIN Chi, MO Ting-Ting, DENG Mo-Li, SUN Shan-Quan
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  16-21.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.005
    Abstract ( 1193 )  
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    Objective To investigate the anatomic variations of cystic artery(CA), so as to provide morphological basis for laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC). Methods A total of 45 cadavers were randomly collected. Arteries including abdominal aorta, celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery and their branches were dissected. The origin, course and the relations of CA to the surrounding structures were observed and statistically analyzed. Results According to the relations of CA to the Calot’s triangle, the CAs in this study could be divided into 4 types: Type I  CA within Calot’s triangle (n=35,77.8%),including one CA(n=31,68.9%) and double CAs(n=4,8.9%); Type II  CA outside Calot’s triangle(n=2, 15.6%); Type III  compound type, with at least one CA within Calot’s triangle and others beyond it(n=2,4.4 %); Type Ⅳ CA  within atypical Calot’s triangle(n=1, 2.2% ). Conclusion Based on the relations of CA to the Calot’s triangle, CA can be divided into four types, implying the origin and the course of CA are so complicated and unexpected in some degree that surgeons should pay close attention to these unpredictable variations to avoid occurrence of complications during or after LC.

    The red lip morphological features of a cleft lip and its clinical significance
    JIA Chun-Bei, WANG Ba-Jun, HUI Jin, QIN Xiao-Yun, YU Ming
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  22-25.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.006
    Abstract ( 1082 )  
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    Objective To explore the vermilion morphological features of a cleft lip, and to provide the evidence for surgery.     Methods   vermilion features of 48 children with cleft lip patients were observed. HE staining was used to observe the organizational structure of dry or wet vermilions.    Results    (1)The thichestvermilion thickness in injured side was (3.48±0.41) mm of Ⅲ degrees unilateral cleft lip, lower than that in Ⅱ degrees(P<0.05)(2)The front lip width of upper part  was significantly smaller than the lower in bilateral cleft and the thickness in the middle of the front lip was larger than that of the left and right sides(P<0.05).(3)Epithelial spines layer and inherent layer were thin, the capillary was rich, the submucosal layer was with large glands and the muscle layer was relatively dense in dry vermilion; the capillary in lamina propria layer was sparser submucosal glands were smaller in amount and the muscle layer was  loose in wet vermilion.    Conclusion    The vermilion thickness may correlate with the fissure size in unilateral cleft lip; the front lips were different in shape in the left and right sides in bilateral cleft lip; obvious difference in organization structure exists in dry or wet vermilion in cleft lip, suggesting that the operation should be dealt with caution.

    The imaging study of torcular Herophili region with virtual reality technology
    LI Shi-Qing, WANG Shou-Sen, GAO Jin-Chi, JING Dun-Jie, MA Meng, XUE Liang
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  26-30.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.007
    Abstract ( 755 )  
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    Objective To investigate the value of virtual reality (VR) technology on the anatomy and variation of intracranial torcular Herophili (TH) region. Methods Subjects registered were 45 patients with intracranial meningioma which did not involve TH and 21 patients with trigeminal neuralgia or hemifacial spasm. All participants were examined by complete three dimensional contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography,which was then used to reconstruct TH in the VR workstation to observe the composition and drainage characteristics.  Results  According to the relationship among the superior sagittal sinus(SSS),straight sinus(StS) and bilateral transverse sinus(TS),the VR anatomy of TH region can be classified into three types: typeⅠ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ, with 18, 15, and 33 cases in each type, respectively. According to the way of the SSS drained into the TS, it can be divided into four types: typeⅠ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ were 18, 26,17 and 5 cases, respectively. According to the way of StS drained into the TS, it can be divided into four types as well: typeⅠ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, with 18, 23, and 7 and 18 cases in each type, respectively. The right TS was the dominated pathway for drainage in 25 cases, left TS was the dominated pathway in 9 cases. In the remaining 32 cases, TS in both sides played equal roles.   Conclusion Although the variability of the anatomy of TH region is great , it is effective to observe the anatomy of TH region using VR, which can contribute to understanding the anatomy and drainage characteristics of TH region and has great significance on the clinical diagnosis and the operation at TH region.

    The relationship between the size, shape of corpus callosum and gestational age in neonatal infants
    LIU Rui-Ge, LIU Fang, LIN Chang-Jun, LI Jian-Yang, TUN Xiu-Fang
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  31-35.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.008
    Abstract ( 985 )  
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    Objective  The aim of this study was to study the pattern of callosal development by MRI to investigate neonatal corpus callosum size and shape in different gestational ages and to analyze the relationship between the area, eccentricity ratio and posterior skew of neonatal corpus callosum and gestational age, so that reference for early evaluation of the development of brain can be provided.    Method 286 eligible high field brain MR images of neonates were selected. All corpus callosums were sketched in the MR images. And then, all data were analyzed by Image Processing Function of MATLAB R2010a. Corpus callosum area, eccentricity ratio and skew in 286 neonates were obtained and analyzed statistically, respectively. Result  Pearson correlation analysis indicated the positive linear correlation between the corpus callosum area and gestational age (r=0.61, P<0.001). The corpus callosum area formed a quadratic curve with the gestational age, which was Y=0.132X2-6.179X+141.759(R2=0.37, P<0.001). Spearman rank correlation analysis indicated the positive linear correlation between the eccentricity ratio of corpus callosum and gestational age (r=0.25,P<0.001). The eccentricity ratio of corpus callosum formed a linear equation with the gestational age, which was Y=0.009X+0.319 (R2=0.07,P<0.001). Pearson correlation analysis indicated the positive linear correlation between the skew of posterior corpus callosum and gestational age (r=0.27,P<0.001). The skew of posterior corpus callosum formed a linear equation with the gestational age, which was Y=0.005X+0.349 (R2=0.07,P<0.001).    Conclusion    The results of this study suggest that the smaller the gestational age of the newborn, the smaller and circular the corpus callosum.

    The preliminary study of the cerebellum medulla using Generalized Q-sampling Imaging
    CHEN Yi-Yong, YIN Wei-Gang, LIN Rong, WANG Shou-Dao, HONG Hai-Qing, LI Lin
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  36-40.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.009
    Abstract ( 680 )  
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    Objective To show the fibers that connected the cerebellum with brainstem, diencephalon and spinal cord using GQI. Methods We acquired high-resolution structural and diffusion MRI of 10 subjects from HCP. The tractography based on a GQI and streamline algorithm of the DSI-studio software was performed to reconstruct and show the fibers that linked the cerebellum with other parts of the CNS(Central Nervous System). Results (1) 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional positions and intersections of the superior (SCP), and middle (MCP) and inferior (ICP) cerebellar peduncles were showed using the DSI-studio software.  (2) the main ingredients of the three peduncles of cerebellum which connected to the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, diencephalon were 3-dimensionally demonstrated. Conclusions The cerebellum medulla can reconstructed and displayed using GQI, providing a diagnostic tool for characterizing anatomical disruptions that occur in cerebellar diseases and for monitoring response to therapeutic interventions.     

    The radiological anatomic research of sacroiliac joint
    YANG Xian-Wen, CHEN Jie-Jiang, WANG Chi, LI Xi-Kai
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  41-44.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.010
    Abstract ( 816 )  
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    Objective To provide the accurate radiological anatomical evidence for clinical diagnosis of lesions of the sacroiliac joints by studying the radiographic anatomic features of the SIJ on the anteroposterior and oblique plain radiography. Methods Iliac and sacral auricular surface of each male and female dry adult plevics evenly were coated with barium powder, folded and fastened with the tape and and underwent anteroposterior and oblique plain radiography of the pelvic; then the barium powder was washed away, the edge of the sacral and iliac auricular surfaces were surrounded with thin lead wires, foldedand fastened with tape, and underwent the anterposterior and oblique radiography of the pelvis. the projective changes and morphological characteristics of SIJ and its auricular surface in the anteroposterior and oblique radiography were observed.   Result    The anterior and posterior spaces of sacroiliac spaces and auricular surfaces were clearly displayed in the anteroposterior radiography. the contralateral SIJ could be more clearly displayed in the oblique radiography. The sacroiliac synovial joints were located in the inferior 2/3 of the sacroiliac space.    Conclusions    The radiological anatomic and gender characteristics of SIJ are presented in the anterposterior and oblique radiography of the pelvis. The observation should focus on the anterior and posterior spaces and the scope of auricular surface of SIJ joint. This study indicates that the anteroposterior radiography is enough for meeting the clinical requirement.

    Distribution and significance of dimer interstitial cells of Cajal in the guinea pig bladder
    WANG Jiang-Beng, WANG Qi-Zhang, DING Guo-Fu
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  45-47.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.011
    Abstract ( 642 )  
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    Objective To observe the distribution of dimer interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in the different organizations and parts in guinea pig bladder. Methods The guinea pig bladder sections were made and the distribution of dimer ICC within different organizations were observed using electron microscope; The cryostat tissue sections of guinea pig bladder were made and dimer ICC marked with c-Kit antibody in different bladder parts were observed with immunofluorescence. Results Dimmer ICC, under electron microscope, was mainly distributed in the submucosa of detrusor while monomer ICC was mainly distributed between detrusor bundles. Under high-powered fields of confocal microscopy, the number of dimer ICC in bladder tip was 3.47±0.53 , bladder body was 1.57±0.45 and bladder neck was 0.49±0.19. Dimer ICC density in the bladder tip was significantly higher than that in the bladder body and neck (P <0.01). Conclusion Dimer ICC, mainly located in the submucosa of bladder tip, might accept the tension stimulation from mucous and then trigger the contraction of bladder tip as pacemaker cells.

    Change of OPN expression and distribution during orthodontic tooth movement with application of implant anchorage in rats
    HUANG Min, SHI Jian, DIAO Yue
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  48-51.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.012
    Abstract ( 753 )  
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    bjective The aim of this study was to investigate the osteopontin (OPN) expression in the periodontal tissues and to understand its possible roles in alveolar bone remodeling through orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) with application of implant anchorage in rats. Methods Orthodontic force with application of implant anchorage was used to move mesially the right mandibular molars of the rats. And the left mandibular was the control. The rats were sacrificed after 2d、4d、7d and 14 d respectively. This procedure was assessed by haematoxylin and eosin was performed to assess the  general morphologic change of the mandible and immunohistochemical detection was performed for detection of osteopontin (OPN). Results Osteoblasts increased in number on the tension side of the periodontal ligament space whereas osteoclast increased in number in the compression side. Immunohistochemistry shows that OPN was detectable in the tension region during OTM, but absent in the control group. The expression intensity increased  over time and peaked at 7d of OTM. Conclusion The changing tendency of OPN was consistent with the change of bone remodeling and the number of positive osteoblasts. OPN may play an important role in the bone remodeling during orthodontic tooth movement.

    Preparation and in-situ mineralization of sodium hyaluronate and chitosan
    LIN Yong-Xin, DING Zhi-Yong, ZHOU Xiao-Bin, SUN Guo-Dong, LI Zhi-Zhong, XIE Bi-Hua, MA Chun-Yan, ZHOU Chang-Ren, LI Li-Hua
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  52-56.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.013
    Abstract ( 760 )  
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    Objective  To imitate the structure and composition of natural bone,a ternary composite scaffold was constructed in this paper.    Methods    Sodium hyaluronate (HA) solution with calcium chloride were added dropwise to chitosan (CS) solution with sodium dihydrogenphosphate solution under high speed stirring. Then the mixture was freeze-dried and then aged in ethanol/water/ urea solution to prepare the HA/CS/HAP porous composite scaffold in situ. The morphology, composition and mechanical property were studied in this research.    Results    SEM results showed the scaffold  was porous, sponge-like  with uniform pores with diameter of 100-200 µm. EDS results indicated DCPD was first formed after freeze-drying and the extension of aging time contributed to the transition from DCPD to HA. Conclusion The HA/CS/HAP porous composite scaffold can be used as a basic scaffold material in tissue engineering.

    The effect of Annexin A7 knockdown on Hela cells by MTT and HOECHST stain
    CHEN Xue, LI Xin, GAO Fu-Lu, ZHANG Jin-Ku
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  57-60.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.014
    Abstract ( 613 )  
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    Objective To study whether the knockdown of Annexin A7 can affect apoptosis and proliferation of HeLa cells. Methods (1)Immunohistochemistry and Western blot were used to identify the expression of Annexin A7 in human cervical carcinoma cell line Hela and to identify the inhibitory efficiency of siRNA interference on the Annexin A7 expression. (2) MTT assay was conducted to detect the impact on the proliferation of HeLa cells after the expression of annexin A7 was inhibited by siRNA. (3) Laser confocal microscope was conducted to detect the impact on the apoptosis of HeLa cells after the expression of Annexin A7 was inhibited by siRNA.  Results (1) Annexin A7 was expressed in Hela cells and the Annexin A7 expression of siRNA group was reduced significantly (P<0.05), compared with that of the negative control group and the control group. (2)The cell proliferation of ANXA7siRNA group showed no significant difference compared with that of the negative control group and the control group (P>0.05). (3) The cell apoptotic rate of ANXA7siRNA group was significantly increased (P<0.05) compared with that in the negative control group and the control group.  Conclusion The knockdown of Annexin A7 promotes the apoptosis of Hela cells.

    Bmi -1,hTERT expression in breast cancer cells and its relationship with apoptosis
    LIU Chun-Ling, LI Xiao-Chi, YANG Xu, GAO Feng-Lan, DU Hua-Zhen
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  61-66.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.015
    Abstract ( 612 )  
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    Objective To study the expression changes of proto-oncogene mi-1 and hTERT, and its relationship with apoptosis and to discuss their roles in the occurrence and development of breast cancer. Methods   MTT was used to detect the inhibition of breast cancer cell proliferationand the drug concentrations in the experiment; RT-PCR and Western Blot were used to detect the protein and mRNA expression. TUNEL and Flow cytometry were used to detect the apoptosis situation.    Results    5-FU could significantly inhibit the growth of breast cancer cell. The differences of OD value between the groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). Under the intervention of 5-Fu, the mRNA and Western Blot expression levels of Bmi-1 and hTERT gradually decreased, and the apoptosis index increased, which exhibited great statistical significance (P<0.05) compared with the control group. Bmi-1 and hTERT showed a positive correlation (P<0.05),and their expression had a negative correlation with the apoptosis through the statistical analysis.   Conclusion    The down-regulation of Bmi-1 and hTERT expression in breast cancer cells can promote the apoptosis.

    A kidney-liked n-HA/PA66 cage In transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: a finite element analysis
    WANG Xiao-Feng, OU Yun-Sheng, JIANG Dian-Meng, LI Kai-Ting, YANG Bo, LIU Bo, AN Hong
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  67-71.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.016
    Abstract ( 928 )  
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    Objective To design a new “Kidney” like n-HA/PA66 lumbar fusion cage and analyze the biomechanics of this cage in transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) using the method of finite element analysis. Methods Develop a normal intact three validated model of L3-L5 lumbar segments, compare the biomechanical difference between new kidney-liked cage and usual bullet-liked cage by simulating the TLIF using finite element analysis. Results Compare different TLIF model with the two kinds of cage, the max stress of old cage and new cage was 32.8、32.8、31.4、31.3、32.8、34.2MPa and 13.2、11.4、10.9、10.1、11.7、11.1MPa, separately. And the new cage’s area of stress concentration was smaller than the old cage’s. Conclusion This brand new cage has good biomechanical stability and reduced stress of the cage-endplate interface. This may reduce the sedimentation rate of cage.

    Biomechanical analysis of a new type of artificial temporomandibular joint
    YAN Hua-Min, FU Cheng, LIU Xiong, ZHANG Jun-Wei, LI Zi-Wen
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  72-75.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.017
    Abstract ( 695 )  
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    Objective Mandibular condylar defects in the finite element model is established to study the new artificial temporomandibular joints stress distribution and displacement of the change.    Methods    Mimics, Geomagic, Solidworks, ANSYS software were used to establish complete denture mandibular condylar defects on the right side of the finite element model and analyze the new TMJ condylar prosthesis in simulation of the bite force load of mandibular condylar prosthesis and hard tissue stress distribution and displacement. Results The whole Mandibular  equivalent stress values were smaller than 20 Mpa, the maximum deformation value was smaller that 0.05 mm. Conclusions New artificial temporomandibular joints can avoid prosthesis fracture and bone absorption  caused by excessive stress , and has a good biomechanical properties.

    Stability evaluation of a new posterior atlanto-axial dynamic fixation system
    JIANG Wei-Yu, XU Liang, MA Wei-Hu, DIAO Liu-Jun, XU Rong-Meng, WANG Si-Jin
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  76-79.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.018
    Abstract ( 587 )  
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    Objective To evaluate the stability of a new posterior dynamic fixation system in atlanto-axial spine.    Methods Eight fresh human cadaveric specimens (C0~4) were divided randomly into 4 groups: The intact state group (group A), instable state group (group B), posterior atlanto-axial dynamic fixation group (group C) and posterior atlanto-axial pedicle screw fixation group (group D). The rage of motions C1 relative to C2 by loading 1.50 Nm were measured under the six conditions of flexion/extension, left/right lateral bending and left/right rotation.The obtained data was statistically analyzed.     Results    Under the six conditions, there were no significant differences between group C and group A in ROM (P>0.05), but there were significant differences between group C and group D in ROM (P<0.001). There were significant differences between group C and group B, D in stability index under the conditions of flexion/extension, left/right lateral bending and left/right rotation (P<0.05). However, the stability index of group C was mostly similar to the intact state group.Conclusion    In vivo biomechanical studies show that the new posterior atlanto-axial dynamic fixation has unique superiority in the reconstruction of atlanto-axial stability. It may ideally restore the stability of atlanto-axial joint, as well maintain the atlanto-axial range of motion.It is a new surgical choice for treatment of atlanto-axial instability.

    Research of the motion compensation after double segmental cervical spine fusion surgery
    ZHOU Wen-Yu, ZHANG Rui, GU Hong-Sheng, LIU Wei-Jiang, WANG Da-Beng
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  80-83.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.019
    Abstract ( 698 )  
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    Objective    To investigate the mechanics of adjacent degeneration segments and the motion compensation regulation after double segmental cervical spine fusion surgery.   Method   With the help of 3D motion information collecting system, the movement angle of each segment was recorded before and after double segmental cervical spine fusion surgery under the condition of flexion, extensional left bending, right bending, left rotation, right rotation.   Result    All statistics are dealt with normalization, we got the statistics of the motion compensation regulation of each segments after double segmental cervical spine fusion surgery, range of motion of each segment increased diversely under each condition,especially the lower adjacent segment(P<0.05).  It fused better than other conditions under the condition of flexion, extension, left and right bending. The motion compensation ratio of the lower adjacent segment was greater than others (the average≥30%) under each condition.   Conclusions    Compensatory enhancement of the range of motion of adjacent segments is one of the important reasons lead to the degeneration

    Stress changes in superior facet joint after artificial lumbar disc replacement
    YUAN Yi, KONG Chao, LU Shi-Bao, ZHANG Mei-Chao
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  84-87.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.201410.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.020
    Abstract ( 741 )  
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    Objective To study the stress change of the superior facet joint after artificial disc replacement, compare the result with spinal fusion and provide theoretical evidences for ADR in clinical treatment. Methods A total of six fresh human cadaveric lumbosacral spines (L2-S1) were used in this investigation. Each specimen was prepared to three models: intact spine, artificial disc replacement in L4/5 and spinal fusion in L4/5. The specimens were reconstructed by total disc replacement in L4/5 before spinal fusion. A stress sensor was implanted in L3/4 facet joint and the stress was measured under axial rotation, extension and lateral bending, with pure, unconstrained moments(±7.5Nm). Results Under simulated-physiological loading conditions, compared with the intact condition, stress in superior facet joint was similar with that of the ADR condition and the difference was insignificant (P>0.05). However,  stress in superior facet joint was remarkably increased after spinal fusion compared with the intact condition and the ADR condition(P<0.05). Conclusion The stress of superior facet joint was well maintained after artificial disc replacement, and remarkably increased after spinal fusion.

    Arthroscopic treatment of patellar dislocation by medial retinacular reefing and lateral retinacular release
    DIAO Liang, WANG Xi-Juan, FAN Shi-Cai, JIN Da-De, CA Dao-Zhang
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  88-92.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.021
    Abstract ( 908 )  
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    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of arthroscopic medial retinacular reefing and lateral retinacular release for patellar dislocation.   Methods   From March, 2009 to July, 2011, 25 patients of patellar dislocations were treated by arthroscopic medial retinacular reefing and lateral retinacular release. All patients accepted regular rehabilitation training and were followed up for 20 months in average (18 to 24 months). The rate of recurrence,the subjective symptoms and the function of the injured leg were evaluated according to the Lysholm score. X-ray examination was taken to evaluate the patella-femur congruence and the lateral patella angle.    Results    The patellar stability was restored in all patients,and no recurrence of patellar dislocation was found within follow-up. The Lysholm scores were(59.00±13.37)and(92.14±5.15)(P<0.05)before and after surgery respectively. X-ray examination showed that patella-femur congruence angle improved from(21.10±5.61)° to(-1.70±7.41)°(P<0.05), and the lateral patella angle from(-1.3±1.6)° to(6.1±1.4)° (P<0.05) in average. The three indicators compared before and after surgery had significantly statistic differences.   Conclusion     Arthroscopic medial retinacular reefing and lateral retinacular release for patellar dislocations is effective and minimally invasive.

    Superficial peroneal nerve branch to medial dorsal cutaneous nerve and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot at high position:one case report
    DENG Hui, ZHOU Chao, WANG Huai-Lin, JIAO Lin, MA Lin-Lu, FU Sheng-Qi
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  92.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.030
    Abstract ( 644 )  
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    Transperitoneal laparoscopic anatomic retro-adrenalectomy
    FU Quan-Qing, SU Ze-Han, ZHUO Yo-Min-
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  93-97.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.022
    Abstract ( 676 )  
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    Objective To introduce the surgical skill and clinical experience of transperitoneal laparoscopic anatomic retro-adrenalectomy. Methods From January 2009 to January 2013, 47 patients underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic anatomic retro-adrenalectomy. Also, 36 patients underwent posterior laparosciopic adrenalectomy. Clinical data and surgical outcomes were compared retrospectively. Results Patients in the transperitoneal laparoscopic anatomic retro-adrenalectomy group were all successful in surgery. There was significant difference in mean operative time(45.6±23.4 min vs.115.5±18.2 min)and intraoperative blood loss(25.3±10.6 ml vs.110.6±30.3 ml)(P<0.001). No postoperative complications occurred in the transperitoneal laparoscopic anatomic retro-adrenalectomy group(0 vs.13.8%). Conclusions The key advantage to this technique is its minimally invasive approach, shortened surgical time and reduced blood loss. We believe this approach to be a viable and safe option in the removal of benign adrenal lesions. 

    The 5th lumbar artery variation origin from median sacral artery: a case report
    DU An-Run, ZHOU Chao, MA Lin-Lu, ZHANG Gui-Beng, DENG Hui, LIU Sai-Sai, FU Sheng-Qi, MA Hui-Jiang
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  97.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.031
    Abstract ( 649 )  
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    A comparative study between single lever Coflex implantation and lumbar fusion in treating single-level degenerative lumbar spinal disorders
    LIANG Chang-Xiang, CHANG Yun-Bing, DAN Shi-Jiang, WANG Xi-Sheng, KE Yu-Hong, YIN Dong, XIAO Dan, ZHENG Xiao-Jing
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  98-101.  doi: 10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.023
    Abstract ( 501 )  
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    Objective To compare the clinical effectiveness and adjacent segment degeneration of posterior decompression combined with Coflex interspinous dynamic reconstruction or lumbar intervertebral fusion for degenerative lumbar spinal disorders. Methods The patients with the age ranging from 40 to 60 that received the coflex implantation and lumbar intervertebral fusion at L4/5 were retrospectively investigated from May, 2008 to May, 2010.There were 48 cases in group coflex with an average age of 48.7 and an average follow-up of 34.6 months. There were 52 cases in group fusion with an average age of 49.5 and an average follow-up of 37.4 months. Compare the difference in surgical duration, blood loss and hospitalization length between two groups. The JOA score, VAS score and ODI score were preoperatively compared and postoperatively compared at follow-up. The range of motion (ROM) and intervertebral height of affected adjacent segments were measured before operation and last follow-up. Results There were not statistical differences at JOA score, ODI score and VAS score between two groups prior to surgery and at last follow-up. Compared with the fusion group, the Coflex group had shorter surgical duration, less blood loss and shorter hospitalization length. Patients in the fusion group had a larger range of motion at adjacent segments. There was no statistic difference in the intervertebral height between pre- and post-operation in both groups.  Conclusions  Treating degenerative lumbar spinal disorders on people with age between 40-60 can achieve good clinical results by the use of Both Coflex interspinous dynamic reconstruction and lumbar intervertebral fusion. However, using the coflex implantation have shorter surgical duration and quicker recover, which can also protect the adjacent segments effectively.

    The fixation of humeral condylar fracture by olecranon osteotomy and "Y"-shaped locking plate
    CHEN Xiao-Lei, TUN Chun-Hui, LI Jian-Chi, TANG Ying-Chun, XU Zi-Jiang
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  102-104.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.024
    Abstract ( 680 )  
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    Objective To investigate the fixation of humeral fractures by olecranon osteotomy and "Y"-shaped locking plate as well as the clinical efficacy of this approach. Methods Form December 2009 to December 2011, 30 cases of adult type "C" humeral condylar fracture, were selected for treatment by olecranon osteotomy and "Y"-shaped locking plate fixation. The patients included 18 males and 12 females, whose age ranged from 18 to 50 years, with average of (38.6±7.8) years old. Mayo elbow performance scoring was used for post-operative efficacy evaluation. Results The patients were followed up for 12 to 18 months. Bone healing, taking an average of (3.0±0.6) months, was achieved in humerus fractures and olecranon osteotomy. The efficacy evaluation scored 50 to 100 by Myo performance scoring system, with an average of 87 points, The efficacy was excellent in 24 cases, good in 1 case, mediocre in 3 cases and poor in 2 cases. The good rate was 83.3%. Conclusion The fixation of humeral condylar fracture by olecranon osteotomy and "Y"-shaped locking plate has such advantages as a clear operative field, internal rigid fixation, and enabling for early functional elbow exercises. The clinical results were satisfactory.

    Analysis for the nasopharyngeal structure of different degrees of nasal endoscopic observation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy
    LIN Gao-Ran, YANG Tian-Fu, YANG Li, LIANG Hua-Feng, LI Dui-Feng
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  105-108.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.025
    Abstract ( 685 )  
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    Objective To explore the difference in the mirror image of nasopharyngeal structures observed using nasal endoscopy in various angles (0 °、30 °、 70 ° mirror) and to analyze  the advantages and disadvantages of the various lens application. Methods 70 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated by radiotherapy and with regular follow-up from June, 2012 to August, 2013  in our department were involved. Clinical data about the mirror image of the nasopharyngeal structures observed using nasal endoscopy in various degrees were retrospectively analyzed. Results the mirror image of the nasopharyngeal structures observed using nasal endoscopy in various degrees were statistically different, and the visual fields of nasal endoscopy under various angles were statistically different (P<0.05) , with statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusions Endoscopic imaging using nasal endoscopy with different angles in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy can result in different mirror image,  which has its respective advantages and disadvantages. The outcomes of this study  can be used for reference for the selection of lens.

    The variation of musculocutaneous nerve: a case report
    LI Mei-Xiu-Li, BANG Tian-Gong, CHEN Qing-Hua
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  108.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.032
    Abstract ( 659 )  
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    An improved method of latex perfusion in anticorrosion fixation
    HOU Feng-Gao
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  109-110.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.026
    Abstract ( 895 )  
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    Triplets placenta vascular cast specimen production and experience
    JIA Cheng-En, XIAO Zhao-Meng, LI Ze-Yu, LIU Chang, TUN Kun-Cheng, HONG Hui-Wen, HU An-Wei, HE Shan-Li, LI Zhong-Hua, JIA Shi-Wen, MA Zi-Wei, JIA Bao-Hua
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  111.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.027
    Abstract ( 723 )  
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    The course variation of ulnar artery in the middle and lower forearm segments:one case
    CHENG He-Yun, DIAO Jiang, DU Wei-Wei, JU Ji-Hui
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2014, 32(1):  117.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2014.01.033
    Abstract ( 631 )  
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