Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
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Table of Content

    25 March 2016 Volume 34 Issue 2
    The anatomical study of infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve and design of a modified incision to decrease numbness following total knee arthroplasty
    GAO Xing-hua, LIU Yong-yi, WANG Min-cong, ZHANG Guang-ming, HOU Zi-qi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  121-125.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.001
    Abstract ( 894 )  
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    Objective To explore the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve (IPBSN) that is apt to be injured during total knee arthroplasty (TKA), leading to numbness in its area of distribution, and modify the incision of TKA to decrease numbness. Methods 12 cadaveric knees were dissected, the origin of the nerve was traced in relation with the sartouius muscle and the knee anatomy mark, the course and terminal branches of the nerve were observed and recorded. Then a modified knee lateral incision for TKA was designed, and the results were collected and compared with the med-line incision group. Results The nerve was found to the emerge near the anterior border of sartorius muscle, with a distance to the medial margin of the patella being 3.2 cm. In a majority of the cases (75%), there were 3 branches between the apex of patella and tibial tuberosity; in the center of the patella tendon, a coordinate system was made, and the majority of the nerve fibers lied in the first quartile of the right knee, and in the second quartile of the left knee. 15 TKA cases were performed using the modified lateral incision. The surgery was uneventful, and the post-operation numbness rate and scope were significantly reduced than in the control group. Conclusion By enriching the knowledge of these variable anatomical position of the IPBSN, an modified lateral incision for TKA with reduced incidence of numbness is feasible and valuable.

    Anatomic study on the reconstruction of ligaments between the first cuneiform and second metatarsal base
    LIU Song-bo, HUANGD Dong, WEI Bao-fu,HUANG Yong-jun, LIU Xiao-chun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  126-129.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.002
    Abstract ( 1165 )  
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    Objective Morphological measurements of Lisfranc ligament complex were made to provide anatomical basis for ligament reconstruction. Methods 8 fresh adult cadaver foot specimens were dissected. The length, width and area of the ligaments between the medial cuneiform(C1) and second metatarsal base (M2), including dorsal ligament, plantar ligament and Lisfranc ligament, the distance from the articular surface of Lisfranc ligament, and the angle of Lisfranc ligament were measured and analyzed, respectively. According to the measurement results, bone tunnel between the first cuneiform and second metatarsal base was established. Results Lisfranc ligament was the largest among the three ligaments, The lengths,widths and area were (9.11~12.03 mm), (7.36~10.16 mm), (92.01~120.01 mm²),respectively. Lisfranc bone tunnel: the entry point was (8.25~11.22 mm) from C2-M2 joint; the angle was consistent with the Lisfranc ligament course, which was (39.2°~47.6°) degrees to the sagittal plane and (12.5°~19.8°) degrees to horizontal plane;  the exit point was Lisfranc ligament origin of the first cuneiform.    Conclusion   Lisfranc is the most robust among the three ligaments. The bone tunnel of reconstruction is established for the formation of Lisfranc ligament and dorsal ligament in accordance with Lisfranc ligament angle and attachment. Since the position of plantar ligament is deep, the reconstruction is close to approximate anatomical reconstruction due to the technical limitations.

    Anatomic reasons for the iatrogenic injury of deep branches of radial nerve in the Thompson approach in the proximal forearm and its countermeasures
    SHAN Jian-lin, WANG Chong-wei, REN Da-jiang, NIE Zheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  130-133.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.003
    Abstract ( 745 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic reasons for the iatrogenic injury of the deep branches of the radial nerve in the Thompson approach in the proximal forearm and propose countermeasures. Methods Forty-eight upper limbs from skeletally mature embalmed cadavers were studied. After Thompson approach was performed, the anatomic relationships of forearm extensor to the deep branches of radial nerve was observed. The transverse distance between the ulnar edge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and the point where the deep branch of radial nerve exits from the supinator was measured, the fusing condition of the extensor digitorum communis with the extensor carpi radialis brevis at proximal forearm was observed, and the length of its fusion was measured. Results extensor digitorum communis and the extensor carpi radialis brevis fused at the proximal forearm, approximately (7.1±2.1)cm distally from the humeroradial joint.The transverse distance between the ulnar edge of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and the point where the deep branch of radial nerve exits from the supinator was (1.3±0.3)cm, and the distance between the humeroradial joint and this point was (6.1±1.8)cm. Conclusion There are anatomic reasons for the profound branches of radial nerve to be vulnerable to being injured during the Thompson approach. Its anatomic features and location relationship with other structures of forearm can be used to avoid iatrogenic injury. 

    The important anatomic landmarks and their clinical significance during neuroendoscopic expanded endonasal approach
    WANG Yong, QIU Bo, TANG Jun, WANG Wei, WANG Jian-chao, WANG Yi-bao, WANG Yun-jie
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  134-137.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.004
    Abstract ( 993 )  
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    Objective To study the important anatomic landmarks for expanded endonasal approach (EEA), thereby providing morphologic and anatomic ground for planning operative strategy of EEA.  Methods  Ten wet cadaveric heads were used to mimic the standard EEA procedure, and several important anatomic landmarks for this approach were then observed and measured under neuroendoscope.  Result  (1)The normal anatomic locations of anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries were affirmed. (2)The anatomic constitution of opticocoratid recess (OCR) was investigated and verified. (3) Anatomical subregions of the cavernous sinus were re-observed using neuroendoscope, and the anatomical segmentation for abducent nerve were conducted through a nasal endoscopic perspective.  Conclusion It is significant to have profound knowledge of these important anatomic landmarks for improving safety of neuroendoscopic EEA.    

    Image anatomic study of safe zone for screw insertion at upper boundary of acetabular quadrilateral plate
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  138-144.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.005
    Abstract ( 673 )  
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    Objective To identify the safe zone for screws to fix fractures of acetabular quadrilateral plateby anatomical parameter measurement and virtual screws insertion at upper boundary of three-dimensional reconstruction quadrilateral plate model. Methods 50 pelves(100 sides) including 25 females and 25 males were reconstructed in three-dimensional form and cut by Mimics software. The quadrilateral plate anatomical parameters were measured and the dangerous zone of screw insertion was determined;then the virtual screws were placed in the quadrilateral plate through different entry points at upper boundary,and the safe ranges of the screws were calculated. Results The maximum backward incline angles of screw P1 were (7.63±5.47)° in male and(6.18±5.16)° in female, and the maximum forward incline angles of screw P5 were(7.50±6.09)° in male and(7.30±6.54)° in female, both of them had no significant difference between genders. The inward and outward incline safe ranges of screw P2 and P4 were(7.60±2.93)° and (16.88±5.61)° in male and(7.96±2.98)° and(15.82±5.94)° in female, respectively. There were 13 sides in male and 28 sides in female whose safe range of screw P3 was extremely narrow that they have to be inserted at given angles, which were(-0.22±2.87)°in male and (-5.62±4.48)°in female, and the difference between male and female had statistical significance. The safe ranges of screw P3 of the remaining 59 sides were (5.39±2.60)° in male and(4.06±2.58)°  in female, with no significant difference between genders. Conclusions Point P3 is the most dangerous zone of the upper boundary of the quadrilateral plate, which is about 27 mm from point P3 to point P1. If the thickness of the thinnest portion of quadrilateral plate is less than 4.47 mm in male or 3.56 mm in female by Mimics measurement, then no screw or short screw with length shorter than 14 mm in male or 12 mm in female is recommended to be inserted at point P3.

    The study of the three-dimensional relationship between medial axis line of spinous processes in lumbarvertebrae and the pedicle insertion channel
    SUN Qiu-min, WANG Ai-ping, ZHOU Zi-jia, CHEN Xi, LIU Fang, XIE Wei, ZHOU Xiao-bing, PENG Tian-hong, CHEN Sheng-hua, LV Yun-cheng, LI Yan-bing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  145-150.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.006
    Abstract ( 534 )  
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    Objective To investigate the three-dimensional relationship between the spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae and the pedicle insertion channel, and to provide anatomical basis for lumbar spine fixation and the application of auxiliary fixation techniques. Methods CT scan images were imported into Mimics 18.0 software (Materalise) and UG13.2 imaging software for measurement. Firstly, the line L was located in the pedicle insertion channel, and the line M represented the medial axis of the spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae, then the angles between two lines and the three-dimensional reference plane in 70% and 90% boundary depth were measured, respectively. Secondly, the line L and the anterior surface of centrum intersected at A, the line L and the posterior surface vertebral arch intersected at B,the line L intersected the coronal plane at C were observed. Thirdly, the line M intersected the anterior wall of pedicle plate and the back edge of spinous process at D, E respectively were observed. Finally, the distances between point A, B, C and line L, M and three-dimensional reference plane were measured respectively.  Results (1)The angels between the medial axis of the lumbar spinous process and the sagittal, coronal and horizontal planes were 2º~3º, 11º ~18º and 71º ~77º respectively. The angles between the pedicle insertion channel and the sagittal plane in 70%, 90% boundary depth were 7º~22º and 16º~33º respectively. The angles between the pedicle insertion channel and the horizontal plane in 70%,90% boundary depth were 1.8º~2.9º and 1.4º~2.4º. The angles between the pedicle insertion channel and the coronal plane in 70%, 90% boundary depth were 67º~82º and 56º~73º; (2)With the decrease of the level of lumbar vertebrae, the distance between points and lines changed regularly; (3) The distance between points and planes changed regularly. Conclusion The three-dimensional relationship between the medial axis of spinous processes and the pedicle insertion channel in 70%, 90% boundary depth in this study have been analyzed, and the anatomical basis been laid for percutaneous cervical pedicle screw placement and its instrument design.

    Research on positioning methods of the ankle joint in three-dimensional model
    CHEN Qing, LI Xing-rui, SHENG Hua-jun, LV Fa-jin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  151-154.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.007
    Abstract ( 804 )  
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    Objective To find out the exact center of ankle joint position, this study use different methods in three-dimensional(3D) reconstruction model, and determine the feasibility of these methods. Then provide morphological basis for the 3D simulation of lower limb knee arthroplasty. Methods 33 cases of normal adult ankle joints were scanned by CT. The data was imported into three-dimensional reconstruction software. 3D reconstruction software was used to reconstruct the 3D model of the ankle joint; the midpoint of top talus (point A)、the centroid of point cloud in top talus(point B) and the midpoint between the medial malleolus and lateral malleolus(point C) respectively were used for positioning of the center of the ankle joint in the reverse engineering software, and measurement of the distance among these three points in the coronal plane. Data analysis was performed using statistics package for social science (SPSS). Results The 3D model of the ankle joint was successfully established, and the center of ankle joint  was located using different positioning methods. The measurement results showed: The average distance between point A and point B was (1.058±0.714)mm; The average distance between point B and point C was (1.684±1.283)mm; The average distance between point A and point C was (1.484±1.040)mm. And the distance difference between each group was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion Location of center of the ankle joint based on 3D reconstruction is feasible, and more stable than positioning methods in two-dimensional plane. And the centroid of point cloud in top talus as the talus center of ankle joint are more convenient than the other two methods.

    The research of the relationship between perihilarportal vein anatomical variations and biliary tract variations bythe computed 3D reconstruction
    MENG Xiang-fei, DUAN Wei-dong, WANG Xue-dong, WANG Xian-qiang, DONG Jia-hong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  155-159.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.008
    Abstract ( 513 )  
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    Objective  To investigate the relationship between perihilar portal vein anatomy and perihilar biliary duct anatomy. Methods The research involved continuous 100 low-part obstructive jaundice cases. Each case accepted MDCT scan. The researcher reconstructed 3-dimensional models of liver, portal vein and biliary ducts for each case using Intrasense Myrian software. The detailed anatomy of portal vein and biliary ducts was observed in these computed 3D models. Result All involved cases were constructed successfully. The liver, portal vein and biliary tract models could be combined and rotated freely. The total variation rate of perihilar portal vein was 21% and of the biliary ducts was 36%. The biliary tract variation rate in portal vein normal anatomy group (n=79) and portal vein variation group was 30.4% and 57.1%, respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion The perihilar portal vein anatomical variations may predict more biliary tract variation. The computed 3-dimensional reconstruction is an effective tool to investigate the anatomy of liver vessels.

    MRI evaluation of fetal cervical spine length in normal second and third trimester of pregnancy
    ZHAO Hui, LIN Xiang-tao, XIAO Lian-xiang, WU Yong, DONG Jin-ye,ZHANG Zhong-he,TANG Yu-chun,LIU Shu-wei,WANG Guang-bing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  160-164.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.009
    Abstract ( 672 )  
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    Objective  Using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure the normal fetal cervical spine length at different gestational ages,to investigate a more sensitive nomogram of fetal spine length and gestational ages.    Methods This research is a prospective study, Postmortem MR imaging was performed on 65 fetuses ranging from 16 to 42 gestational ages. 3D-T2WI of the whole spine was performed in sagittal plane and the images were reconstructed in the coronal , sagittal and axial planes to measure the length of the cervical spine segments and the 4th cervical vertebra in the midsagittal images. Liner regression equations were established.     Results     A statistically significant linear relationship was established between the lengths of cervical segments of the fetal spine and gestational ages, and the function were expressed by the regression as: Cervical length = 0.193+0.117×gestational age,R2 =0.94;The C4 height=-0.586+0.155×gestational age,R2 =0.94. At the same time, the development of the cervical segment and the 4th cervical vertebra is imbalanced. There were two peaks during growth stages,which were 23~26 gestational age and 31~34 weeks, respectively.    Conclusions    The fetal spine length appears as an easily acquired and valuable parameter, which strongly correlates with gestational age. Therefore it can be used to evaluate gestational age and to assess morphologic maturity of fetuses in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

    An evaluation of the consistency with the inclined direction of different part of the teeth in skeletal class III malocclusion
    LIU Juan, JIA Ying, YANG Hua, ZHANG Jun-mei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  165-170.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.010
    Abstract ( 663 )  
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    Objective To investigate the relationship among the crown, root and the whole tooth position and to provide technical and data support for the future in-depth study. Methods 29 adult skeletal Class III malocclusion patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected. They all were shot Cone-beam CT(CBCT)and the DICOM data were collected. The tilt angle and torque angle of all teeth (except the third molar) in the upper and lower jaws in skeletal Class III were measured respectively by the software Invivo5.1. Results (1) In skeletal Class III malocclusion, there was a good consistency among the tooth crown, root and the whole tooth tip angles in the upper and lower jaws(P>0.05). (2) In skeletal Class III malocclusion, there was a good consistency among the upper teeth crown, root and the whole teeth torque angles(P>0.05). However there were great differences between the crown and the root torque angles in lower teeth except for the first molar(P<0.05). And torque angles between the root and whole tooth were consistent in lower jaw (P>0.05). Conclusions (1) In skeletal Class III malocclusion, there is low consistency between the tilt angle of the crown and the root or the whole tooth, which may be ascribed to the discrimination error of the tooth position; (2) There is a good consistency between the tilting grade of the root and that of the whole tooth.

    Measurementand correlation analysis between the mandibular dental and basal arch forms in three skeletalmalocclusions
    LIN Si-dou,WU Bu-lin,SUN Feng-yang,TIAN Zhi-hui,ZHONG En-yi,CI Bo-wen,HUANG Wen-hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  171-175.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.011
    Abstract ( 968 )  
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    Objective  To investigate the differences and correlations between the mandibular dental and basal arch forms in subjects with normal occlusion and those of skeletal malocclusions.  Methods Virtual pretreatment mandibular models of patients (27 Class I,30 Class II, 20 Class III and 27 normal occlusion) were selected to measure widths and lengths of dental and basal arch. The differences and correlations between indicators were analyzed, and then fitting curves of dental and basal arch were made.Results The mandibular basal arch widths and lengths were significantly greater in the Class III group compared to other groups, the dental arch widths were significantly greater in the Class Ⅲ group compared to the Class II group, the anterior dental lengths were significantly greater in the Class Ⅱ group compared to other groups. The widths in canine, molar regions and the whole arch lengths of dental and basal arch demonstrated high correlation coefficient (r=0.818, 0.836, 0.818), the anterior arch lengths demonstrated low correlation coefficient(r=0.395). Conclusions The basal arch of Class III group is overgrown, while the anterior arch lengths of Class II group are largest to cover its basal arch hypoplasia. The dental and basal arch demonstrates correlation.

    CT imaging features of sacroiliac joint in uSpA female patients of child-bearing age
    LIN Tian-wu, NIU Li-ping, LI Jun-xia, YUAN Xiao-juan, HUANG Wen-hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  176-179.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.012
    Abstract ( 874 )  
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    Objective To investigate CT imaging features of sacroiliac joint in uSpA female patients of child-bearing age. Methods The sacroiliac joint CT of 60 uSpA female patients of child-bearing age was analyzed. The width of sacroiliac joint space and the thickness of sacroiliac cortex were measured, the clearness of sacroiliac joint space, the smooth of sacroiliac cortex edge and the bone density under the cortex were observed. Result The sacroiliac joint spaces were blurred in 53% uSpA female patients of child-bearing age. The width of sacroiliac joint space of uSpA female patients of child-bearing age was less than 2 mm in 68.5% of the cases. It was fuzzy on the surface of unilateral or bilateral joint, rough on the edge of sacroiliac cortex, uneven in densities of cartilage in 95% uSpA female patients of child-bearing age, 20% articular surfaces were classified as graded 3. The sacroiliac cortex became thicker with age. The erosions of the articular surface and the cortex thickened changes were more severe in the iliac side. 36.6% of the articular cavity in the normal child-bearing age women had linear, dotted and gasiform low density shadow. Conclusion The incidence and extent of sacroiliac joint spaces blurring, narrowing of the joint space,erosion of articular surface and grade, and bone proliferation under surface are higher in uSpA female patients of child-bearing age than that in normal child-bearing age women. The incidence of sacroiliac joint vacuum phenomenon is higher in uSpA female patients and is related to uSpA. For normal women of child-bearing age with abnormal sacroiliac joint changes, they should be determined whether the arthritis exists based on history, laboratory tests and MR. For normal women of child-bearing age with symptoms but being by graded CT as 0 or 1, MR should be further undertaken to visualize early active inflammation.

    Expression of subtypes acetylcholine receptors in donor and recipient muscles after musculocutaneous nerve transection and reconstruction of elbow flexion in rats
    YI Xiao-dong,YANG Sheng-bo
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  180-185.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.013
    Abstract ( 372 )  
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    Objective To explore the expression changes of acetylcholinereceptors(AChR)ε and γ subtypes (ε-AChR and γ-AChR) in the recipient muscle (biceps brachii) and donor muscle (oblique part of pectoralis major) after musculocutaneous nerve transection and elbow flexion reconstruction, and to provide a scientific guidance for the prevention and treatment of donor and recipient muscles’ atrophy. Methods Seventy adult Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into group A (normal); groups B1 and B2 (2w and 4w post-musculocutaneous nerve transection); groups C1 and C2 (2w and 4w post-false-reconstruction of elbow flexion); groups D1 and D2 (2w and 4w post-reconstruction of elbow flexion); There were 7 animal groups, and each group had 10 rats. Muscle wet weights were assessed, muscle fiber cross-sectional area were measured after H&E staining. ε-AChR and γ-AChR mRNA expressions were detected by RT-PCR. ε-AChR and γ-AChR protein expressions were detected by western blot technology. Results Compared with rats in group A, rats in group B became limp after musculocutaneous nerve transection, and the foraging movements were restricted, the weight of biceps brachii (recipient muscle) muscle shrunk gradually, the cross-sectional area decreased, the ε-AChR mRNA and protein expressions were downregulated. The γ-AChR expression reappeared later and followed an increasing trend gradually; However, the aboveme ntioned changes were far worse in group C and gradually improved in group D while expression of γ-AChR and ε-AChR in pectoralis major(donor muscle) showed only transient changes. Conclusions The transfer of the oblique part of the pectoralis major for elbow flexion reconstruction after musculocutaneous nerve transection can upregulate ε-AChR and downregulate γ-AChR in the recipient muscle and improve the function of elbow flexion in rats.

    The role of BDNF on demyelination after compressed spinal cord injury in rat
    YU Hai-jun,SUN Shan-quan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  186-190.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.014
    Abstract ( 605 )  
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    Objective The objective of this study was to observe the relationship between the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the demyelinating of the myelinated nerve fibers after compressed spinal cord injury (CSCI) and to clarify the role of BDNF in demyelination. Methods 60 male SD rats were divided into 3 groups evenly and randomly:a model group,a sham group and a normal group. The CSCI rat model was established by a self-designed compression device. For the model group, 24h spinal cord compression was given; spinal cord exposition was made to the sham group, with no compression; and nothing was done to the normal group. Osmic acid and luxol fast blue (LFB) staining were used for observing the changes of myelinated nerve fibers. Expression of BNDF and MBP(myelin basic protein) were identified by Western-blot analysis. Results 24h after CSCI,the myelinated nerve fibers had no obvious swelling or change in number in the compressed anterior (T11); but there were excessive swelling and decrease in number in the compressed part (T12) and inferior to the compressed part (L1) (P<0.05). In the compressed anterior (T11), MBP expression was unchanged (P>0.05) 24h after CSCI and the expression of BDNF increased (P<0.05). On the contrary, both MBP and BDNF expression decreased in the compressed part(T12) and the compressed posterior(L1) (P<0.05). And the demyelination was more serious in the compressed part with significant reduction in BDNF (P<0.01).  Conclusion Decreased expression of BNDF can lead to demyelination after CSCI , while increased expression of BNDF may have protective effect on demyelination.

    Construction of adeno-associated virus over-expressing vector of complexin-1/2 gene and overexpres -sion of complexin-1/2 on spatial memory impairment in mice of Alzheimer’s disease
    ZHANG Yan-ling, LIU Jian-jun, XU Hua, YANG Xi-fei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  191-197.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.015
    Abstract ( 711 )  
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    Objective To construct recombinant adeno-associated virus over-expressing vector of complexin-1/2 (CPLX-1/2) and investigate the effects of overexpression of  CPLX-1/2 on spatial memory impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease. Methods  The CPLX-1/2 gene sequences of mice reported in Genbank were analyzed by Oligo software, and the CPLX-1/2 gene was synthesized. The overexpressing vector was constructed and transfected into Escherichia coli TOP 10. Purified plasmids from the positive clones was confirmed by PCR and sequencing. The AAV293 cells were transfected by the recombinant adeno-associated virus vector to achieve the adeno-associated virus packaging production. The recombinant adeno-associated virus vector was injected into hippocampus of 3XTg-AD mice using a stereotaxic instrument guided by a computer and a motorized nanoinjector. The expression of CPLX-1/2 in hippocampus was detected by Western-blot and immunofluorescence; Morris water maze was performed to measure the change of spatial memory impairment in 3XTg-AD mice.  Results The PCR and sequencing confirmed that the recombinant adeno-associated virus vector was successfully constructed. Injection of the overexpessing vector led to significantly increased expression of CPLX-1/2 in hippocampus, and significantly improved the spatial memory impairment in 3XTg-AD mice. Conclusion The adeno-associated virus overexpressing vector of CPLX-1/2 gene was successfully constructed, and highly expressed in hippocampus of 3XTg-AD mice. The expression of CPLX-1/2 gene in hippocampus significantly improved spatial memory impairment in 3XTg-AD mice. This study provides a new approach to further study the function of CPLX-1/2 at in vivo levels. These findings suggest that CPLX-1/2 may serve as key therapeutic targets for AD.

    The research of tea polyphenols for liver failure due to chronic alcoholic liver damage
    TANG Yin-juan,WANG Jian-jun,WANG Xiang-hai,PAN Meng-jie,CHEN Zhuo,XIAO Ling-long, LIU Jia-hua, CAI Wei-jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  198-201.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.016
    Abstract ( 729 )  
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    Objective To investigate the preventive effect of tea polyphenols from liver injury in chronic alcoholism, and explore its possible molecular mechanisms. Methods 40 male kunming mice were divided into a control group, an alcohol group, a low dose group and a high dose group randomly. The mice model of alcoholic liver injury was duplicated by gavage and was given Alcohol and tea polyphenol respectively, using pure water as the control group. Then the mice′s AST, ALT, SOD, MDA, ROS, GSH-px,Bcl-2 and Bax of blood serum and liver tissue in each group weredetermined. Result The treatment medicine indicated that both the high or low doses of tea polyphenols could reduce the model of mice′s liver damage.     Conclusion The tea polyphenols could alleviate liver injury through inhibiting the preoxidation and eliminating free radicals.

    Establishment and Identification of SETD4gene knockout mice
    HUANG Sui, HUANG Meng-yi, ZHONG Yu-yun, LEI Ye-ming, ZHAO Shu-qi, CAI Jun-wei, JIANG Yong, LIU Jing-hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  202-207.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.017
    Abstract ( 738 )  
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    Objective To study the function of SETD4, the SETD4 gene knockout homozygous mice has been established.  Methods SETD4flox/+ mice and EIIa-Cre mice were interbred,the offspring of which was genotyping SETD4+/-.EIIa-Cre were crossed with C57BL/6 mice to obtain the mice with the SETD4+/- genotype,SETD4+/-  heterozygous mice were inbred and then the SETD4-/-  homozygous mice were gained. PCR was used to identify the genotype of the offspring,the expression of SETD4 mRNA was detected by RT-PCR and qPCR,and morphological changes of liver and lung were observed by HE staining. Result PCR results showed genotypes of the offspring of SETD4 gene knockout mice was in accordance with SETD4-/-. Compared with the wild type mice,expression of SETD4 mRNA in SETD4 gene knockout homozygous mice was significantly decreased,and morphological characteristics of liver and lung in SETD4 gene knockout homozygous mice had no significant changes. Conclusion Wehave successfully generated SETD4 gene knockout homozygous mice which can be used for study ofSETD4 function.

    A case concerned with variation of the accessory right hepatic artery
    MEI Jun-yang, MA Jian-jun, YU Si-yu, PAN Shao-you, REN Guan-hua, PING Jie-ming,HUANG Wei, LAI Jia-hui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  207.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.026
    Abstract ( 483 )  
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    The influence of two different types of surface modification with implants in experimental peri-implantitis
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  208-213.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.018
    Abstract ( 258 )  
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    Objective To explore the influence of the occurance and development of experimental peri-implantitis between Sandblasted/Large-grit/Acide -tched (SLA) surface and nanoporous tantalum(Ta)-incorporated Sandblasted/Large-grit/Acide -tched (SLA) surface. Methods Two types of implants with different surface modification were implanted in the mandible of 6 Beagle dogs after the extraction of mandibular premolars. After prosthesis-abutment connection, suture line was twined to the neck of abutment in the experimental group, while there’s no suture in the control group. The implants were recorded sequentially from left to right of the distal as 1~6; 3、4 served as the control group while others served as the experimental group. Clinical indicators like plaque index, modified Sulcus Bleeding Index and probing depth were measured for 4 times. Micro-CT scan, surgical recording and pathological changes of peri-implant bone morphology were studied. MANOVA of repeated measuring was used. Result There were significant differences (P<0.05) for plaque index, modified Sulcus Bleeding Index and probing depth and surgical measurement between SLA+Ta twined with the suture group and SLA twined with the suture group, the degree of inflammation for SLA+Ta twined with the suture group were inferior to SLA twined with the suture group. Conclusion  Implants with nanoporous tantalum(Ta)-incorporated Sandblasted/Large-grit/Acide -tched (SLA) surface shows postponed occurrence and development of peri-implantitis than Sandblasted/Large-grit/Acide -tched,(SLA) surface implants and can relieve the degree of inflammation.

    Modeling and stability comparison of length plate and lag screw fixation in the posterior column of the acetabulum
    DAI Yuan-yuan, ZHANG Ying, XIA Yuan-jun, XIE Hui-bing, GUO Xiao-ze, ZHU Chang-rong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  214-219.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.019
    Abstract ( 636 )  
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    Objective To evaluate the biomechanical stability of long plates and retrograde percutaneous lag screws in internal fixation surgery for the treatment of acetabular posterior column fracture.Methods    Finite element modeling software was used to establish internal fixation models for treating an acetabular posterior column fracture, including a retrograde percutaneous lag screw (A) and a long plate (B). The finite element analysis was carried out in standing and sitting by the same loading way.    Results    In standing and sitting postures , the maximum stress (A were 12.35 MPa, 3.30 MPa; B was 9.75 MPa, 2.87 MPa; respectively), the maximum displacement(0.45 mm and 0.38 mm respectively for A; 0.44 mm and 0.32 mm respectively for B) and the mean node displacement of fracture lines (0.404±0.049 mm and 0.341±0.020 mm for A; 0.381 ± 0.055 mm and 0.300 ± 0.019 mm respectively for B) of posterior column acetabular fracture were all larger in A than in B, and the difference between A and B were significant.    Conclusion  Compared with retrograde percutaneous lag screws, internal fixation using long plates for the treatment of posterior column acetabular fracture was better for mechanical stability.

    A biomechanical comparison of influence of lumbarstability by different pedicle screws fixation
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  220-223.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.020
    Abstract ( 368 )  
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    Objective To analyze and evaluate the impact on biomechanical stability between the bilateral pedicle screws fixation and the one side pedicle screw combined transfaect screw in the opposite side internal fixation, so as to provide theoretical basis in clinics to select different fixation method. Method  Ten lumbar samples (L4-5 functional spinal units)of fresh corpses were tested. The range of motion(ROM) of these lumbar samples were tested by experimental machine under flexion, extension, right and left lateral bending, right and left rotating state before and after different fixations. Results  All of the six ROMs of bilateral pedicle screws fixation and zygopophysis screw with single pedicle screw fixation were reduced compared to preoperativestate, and the difference were statistically significant(P<0.05).Compared with the bilateral pedicle screws fixation, the differences were statistically significant under left lateral rotating and right bending(P<0.05)and not statistically significant under flexion, extension, left(transfaect screw side) lateral bending, right(pedicle screw side) rotating state. Conclusion Both of bilateral pedicle screws fixation and one side pedicle screw combined transfaect screw in the opposite side internal fixation could add to the biomechanic stability obviously. Compared with the bilateral pedicle screws fixation, the biomechanic stability of one side pedicle screw combined transfaect screw in the opposite side internal fixation is inferior under left lateral rotating and right bending.

    Clinical study on treatment of intractable paronychia caused by ingrown toenails by the method of subcutaneous tissue packing
    YAO Hai-bo, LIW en-qing, ZHU Xiao-di, CHEN Chuan-huang, YANG Tao, WANG Wen-sheng, MAO Ren-qun, ZHANG Guo-lei, LI Chu-yan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  224-226.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.021
    Abstract ( 622 )  
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    Objective  To introduce a new method for the treatment of  intractable paronychia caused by ingrown toenails, and observe its clinical therapeutic effect. Methods 20 cases of great toe intractable paronychia caused by ingrown toenails were treated with the method of subcutaneous tissue packing from June 2011 to June 2014, to observe the clinical curative effect, and evaluate the function.  Results After following-up 6 to 12 months , There ware excellent curative effect in 15 cases, good effect in 2 cases, and poor therapeutic effects in 2 cases.The effective rate was 85%. Conclusion The treatment of intractable paronychia caused by ingrown toenails by subcutaneous tissue packing method has a significant therapeutic effect and lower recurrence rate. The thrapy method is effective and deserves the clinical promotion.

    The study on the improved formaldehyde preservative
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  227-231.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.022
    Abstract ( 624 )  
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    Objective To reduce the harm of formaldehyde-containing preservatives to the health of staff, a new improved preservative, EM1, was developed, which has lower concentration of formaldehyde.Methods By means of formaldehyde release test, bacterial quantitative germicidal test and fungus germicidal test, laboratory rat injection antisepsis test, and a field test on cadavers in funeral home, the disinfection and antiseptic effect of EM1 was investigated. Results EM1 showed lower formaldehyde release as 35.7% of formal antiseptic; it could effectively kill Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and other microorganisms; it could help the dead rats injected with EM1 staying for 30 days, and the morphology of which was closer tothe alive condition in comparison with that of the Dodge-treated rats; the effective embalming rate of cadaver was above 95%at room temperature. Conclusions This improved preservative EM1 has the characteristics of low toxicity, good antiseptic and fixed effect. Furthermore, the embalmed specimens shrink little, and almost show the living condition. By effectively controlling the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, the development of corruption and autolysis of remains, EM1 can do contribution to anatomy research and embalming for funeral.

    The research progress of SDF-1 and its receptor CXCR4 in the flap surgery
    XI Shan-shan, DING Mao-chao, YANG Da-ping, TANG Mao-lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  232-234.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.023
    Abstract ( 751 )  
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    Multiple variation of superficial and deep palmar arch a case report
    WANG Yong,ZHANG Qi2,LIU Wan-li,FU Sheng-qi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  238.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.027
    Abstract ( 699 )  
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    Cephalic vein emptying into internal jugular vein: case report
    WANG Jian-zhong, SHI Wen-long, ZHANG Zhi-cai, WANG Hai-yan, LI Xiao-he
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2016, 34(2):  239.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2016.02.025
    Abstract ( 796 )  
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