Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
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Table of Content

    25 March 2023 Volume 41 Issue 2
    Anatomic study on the distance between two insertion points and reproductive structures of retrograde superior ramus intramedullary screw
    Yang Demeng, Huo Nianci, Zhou Aoran, Liu Yuan, Liang Shuang, Wang Xueyao, Zhang Hao, Li Zhuangzhi, Ma Jianjun, Chen Zhiguo
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  121-127.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.01
    Abstract ( 199 )   PDF (4548KB) ( 43 )  
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    Objective    To measure the anatomical distance between the insertion point of two different percutaneous retrograde superior ramus of the pubis screw and the surrounding important reproductive structure, and compare the risk of damaging the surrounding important reproductive structure during the insertion of the two insertion points, so as to provide basis for clinical safety of the insertion of the screw.    Methods    Fourteen anticorrosive adult specimens were selected. With the C arm machine monitoring, bilateral percutaneous retrograde screw needle placement was completed by hand. The entry point of A was selected at the front end of the cortex of the internal margin of the pubis, and the entry point of B was selected at the medial point of the pubic tuberculum in the ventral cortex of the pubis. Imaging monitoring equipment confirmed that all needles were located in the osseous channel. Anatomical specimens were used to expose important reproductive structures. The closest distance between the two insertion points and bilateral spermatic cord, dorsal nerve of penis, and corpus cavernosum of the penis was measured in male specimens. The closest distance between the two insertion points and round uterine ligament, the dorsal nerve of the clitoris, the base of the clitoral body, and the glans of the clitoris was measured in female specimens.   Results The average distance between the insertion point A and ipsilateral spermatic cord was (51.17±5.82)mm > the dorsal nerve of penis (20.94±4.16)mm > the contralateral spermatic cord (19.77±5.23)mm > the corpus cavernosum (19.65±7.30)mm. The average distance between the entry point A and the ipsilateral round uterine ligament was (63.12±10.26) mm > the contralateral round uterine ligament (56.11±8.20) mm > the glans of clitoris (40.72±3.30) mm > the dorsal nerve of clitoris (20.46±5.81) mm > the base of clitoral body (17.72±1.76) mm. The mean distance between the insertion point B and the contralateral spermatic cord was (32.22±8.50) mm > the dorsal nerve of penis (31.18±6.23) mm > the ipsilateral spermatic cord (27.09±5.58)mm > penile cavernous body (20.01±7.54)mm. The mean distance between the insertion point B and  the clitoral head was (52.80±5.91) mm > the dorsal nerve of clitoris (50.79±5.05) mm > the contralateral round ligament (43.40±6.70) mm > the ipsilateral round ligament (35.04±11.25) mm > the base of the clitoral body (33.99±3.86) mm.    Conclusions    The risk of injury of the contralateral spermatic cord, the dorsal nerve of penis, in male and the  dorsal nerve of clitoris,  the base of the clitoral body in female at the insertion point A is higher than that at the insertion point B. For the insertion point B, the possibility of injury to the dorsal nerve of clitoris in male is greater than that of in female, the possibility of injury to the dorsal penile nerve and the base of the clitoral body is greater than that of than the cavernosum of the penis. Caution should be paid when performing the same operation at the same insertion point. 
    Anatomical study on the treatment of osseous mallet finger by simple wire compression fixation. 
    Zhang Yujun, Ju Jihui, Zhao Qiang, Wang Benyuan, Cheng Heyun, Ju Wen
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  128-131.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.02
    Abstract ( 137 )   PDF (3463KB) ( 21 )  
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    Objective   To investigate the feasibility of simple wire compression fixation in the treatment of osseous mallet finger.    Methods    Four adult cadavers hand specimens, with a total of 16 fingers including index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger, were collected to measure and study the width of the extensor tendon insertion, the distance from the extensor tendon insertion to the nail matrix, the total length of the distal phalanx, and the nail matrix length. A total of 12 finger specimens (three fingers each in index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger) were selected for imitated operation. The model of bony mallet finger was artificially designed. The wire was traversed and bent from the junction of the tendon and the bone fragment, and the wire exit point on the distal phalanx was found. Three horizontal holes were drilled with Kirschner wires along the piercing point and the sides of the distal and proximal ends. After the wire was pierced, it was tightened with the other end and buried under the skin. The position changes of cross pressure points above the bone block were observed.    Results   The final phalanx exit point moved in the same direction as the wire crossing point. The avulsion bone was unstable after the penetration point moved to both ends. When the penetration point was the proximal 1/3 of the end phalanx, the wire was crossed over the bone block without loosening the avulsion bone block.   Conclusions   The most suitable point of bone penetration is the intersection of the extension line and the phalangette. It is feasible to treat mallet fingers by wire compression fixation.
    Anatomical study and clinical significance of superficial lateral sural artery perforator flap 
    He Xiaoqing, Yang Xi, Shi Yan, Xu Yuexian, Fang Xiang, Fan Xinyu, Wu Yaling, Xu Yongqing
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  132-136.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.03
    Abstract ( 154 )   PDF (1884KB) ( 25 )  
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    Objective   To observe the anatomical characteristics of superficial lateral sural artery perforator flap, so as to provide theoretical basis for flap application.   Methods   From January 2017 to December 2019, the intraoperative anatomical observation of the lateral sural artery perforator flap surgery was performed, and a total of 17 consecutive cases were observed. From the beginning of the operation, the flap size, the source of perforator, the origin and end of the perforator, the perforator length, the number and inner diameter of the perforator, and the adjacent relationship between the perforator and the lateral sural nerve were recorded.    Results    Among 17 cases of flap surgery, 15 cases were harvested as superficial lateral sural artery perforator flap, the occurrence of superficial lateral sural artery was 88.2%. Among 15 cases of superficial lateral sural artery perforator flap, 86.7% of perforators originated from the popliteal artery, and 13.3% of perforators originated from the lateral sural artery. The origin of perforator was 86.7% above the popliteal fossa, with an average distance of 1.5 cm from the popliteal fossa. One artery and one vein accounted for 73.3%, and one artery and two veins accounted for 26.7%. Superficial lateral sural artery were (3-7) cm in length, with an average of 4.8 cm. Arterial inner diameter was (0.4-0.8) mm, with an average of 0.59 mm; vein inner diameter was (0.4-1.3) mm, with an average of 0.78 mm. There were four types of relationship between superficial lateral sural artery and lateral sural nerve: Ⅰtype no concomitant (20.0%), Ⅱtype crossing (26.7%), Ⅲ type loosely concomitant (26.7%), and Ⅳ type tightly concomitant (26.7%) %). Ⅳtype was divided into separable subtype (13.3%) and inseparable subtype (13.3%).    Conclusions   The anatomy of superficial lateral sural artery perforator flap has its own characteristics. Familiar with the position, course, diameter of superficial lateral sural artery and its relationship with the lateral sural nerve is vital to improve operation efficiency and reduce complications.
    Explore the long-term axial changes of vagina after radical hysterectomy by three-dimensional visualization
    Lu Yijia , Chen Chunlin , Liu Yunlu, Feng Jie , Liu Ping
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  137-142.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.04
    Abstract ( 348 )   PDF (4378KB) ( 28 )  
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    Objective    To explore the axial changes of vagina before, 1 year and 5 years after radical hysterectomy (RH) by MRI visualization.    Methods    A total of 30 cervical cancer patients who received RH in Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University from October 2015 to October 2016 underwent pelvic MRI examination 1 year and 5 years after operation respectively were included.  Mimics 23.0 software was used to reconstruct the pelvis and vagina, the preoperative and posterior pelvis and vagina were matched and corrected by pelvic tilt correction system and placed in the same space. The axial stress points of vagina were named P1~P3 before surgery, 1 year and 5 years after surgery, respectively. The length of vagina, the angle and coordinates of upper and lower sections of P1~P3 were measured, and the differences of axial changes of vagina after operation were compared.    Results    The angle of P2 was (19.99±4.26) °higher than that of P1 and the vagina shortened by (5.55±0.6) cm one year after operation, The angle of P3 was (24.50±4.33)°  higher than that of P1 and the vagina shortened by (5.95±1.13) cm five years after operation. The angle of P3 was (4.51±0.33) ° higher than that of P2, and the vagina was shortened (0.42±0.53) cm 5 years after surgery compared with 1 year after surgery (P<0.05). Stress point coordinates of P1 (3.19±0.69, 1.59±0.52), P2 (2.52±0.38, 0.94±0.87), P3 (2.39±0.46, 0.69±0.59).    Conclusions    After RH, the angle between the upper and lower segments of the vagina is gradually blunt and forward, and the force point is closer to the pubic symphysis in the forward direction and to the vaginal opening in the downward direction, which may be one of the reasons for the long-term rare occurrence of pelvic organ prolapse.
    Comparative study of anatomical structure and functional characteristics of pelvic floor in normal young men and women by static and dynamic magnetic resonance imaging
    Zhao Zhiheng, Wu Yue, Zhang Jing, Yang Zitao, Zhang Qinyong, Wang Qingwei, Cheng Jingliang , Che Yingyu
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  143-149.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.05
    Abstract ( 179 )   PDF (4147KB) ( 110 )  
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    Objective    To compare the differences of anatomical parameters of pelvic floor between normal young men and women by static and dynamic pelvic floor magnetic resonance imaging.    Methods    Sixty male and sixty female healthy young volunteers were prospectively collected. All volunteers underwent static and dynamic pelvic floor MRI with 3.0T MRI scanners. The length of H line, the length of M line, the vertical distance from bladder neck (BN) to pubococcygeal line (PCL line) (BN-PCL), the vertical distance from uterus to PCL line (U-PCL), anorectal angle (ARA), levator ani plate angle (LPA), puboprostatic angle (PPA) were measured on static and dynamic maximum force phase sagittal T2WI images, and the static and dynamic differences of the above parameters were calculated. The thickness of puborectal muscle (PRM) and iliococcygeal muscle (ICM) were measured on static axial T2WI images. The differences of the parameters between the two groups were compared whether there was statistical significance or not.    Results    The static M line length, static and dynamic maximum force phase BN-PCL line length of normal young male were significantly longer than that of female (P<0.05); the thickness of iliococcygeal muscle in male was significantly higher than that in female (P<0.05); by comparing the changes of parameters in the two states, the length changes of H line and BN-PCL line in female were significantly greater than those in male (P<0.05).    Conclusions    Static and dynamic MRI shows that there are difference in anorectal junction, bladder neck position and pelvic floor supporting structure between men and women, suggesting that clinicians should pay attention to gender and individual differences when evaluating the anatomical structure and function of pelvic floor by magnetic resonance imaging, so as to improve the effective cure rate of pelvic floor dysfunctional diseases (PFD).
    Study on clinical application of 256-slice spiral CT in 3D reconstruction of anatomical relationship between the right hepatic portal vein and hepatic vein 
    Zhou Ruiling, Li Ying, Huang Diqing, Zhao Zengjiang, Ding Hui, Zhang Hui, Chen Wei
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  150-155.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.06
    Abstract ( 135 )   PDF (3594KB) ( 27 )  
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    Objective    To describe the CT features of the right hepatic portal vein and hepatic vein by upper abdominal angiography with 256-slice spiral CT, and to explore the anatomical relationship and the redefinition of liver segmentation, so as to explore its clinical significance.    Methods    One hundred cases who were randomly collected were examined with plain CT scanning and three-phase enhanced CT scanning. The distribution of right hepatic portal vein and the branches, hepatic vein and the branches after 3D reconstruction were observed, and the relevant data were statistically analyzed.    Results    The distribution of portal vein: S5 segment could be divided into 4 types. There were 66 cases of A type, 10 cases of B type, 8 cases of C type, and 16 cases of D type. S6 segment could be divided into 6 types, A type 56 cases, B type 15 cases, C type 4 cases, D type 17 cases, E type 4 cases, F type 4 cases . S7 segment could be divided into 3 types, A type 73 cases, B type 23 cases, C type 4 cases. S8 segment could be divided into 5 types, A type 67 cases, B type 3 cases, C type 2 cases, D type 8 cases, E type 20 cases. The distribution of hepatic vein: 45 cases of LHV, MHV and RHV were imported into IVC respectively. Fifty-five cases of LHV and MHV formed common trunk and were imported into IVC. IRHV was found in 36 cases, 11 cases of RHV were small with compensatory blood supply to the right liver by developed MHV. The main MHV trunk was located above the main bifurcation of the portal vein in 15 cases, and the MHV was located right of the Rex-Cantlie line in 41 cases. In this paper, the spatial position relationship between hepatic vein and portal vein was divided into four types. Type A has the most (accounting for 64%) and type D has the least (accounting for 3%).    Conclusions    The anatomical features of the hepatic vein and portal vein in the right part of the liver is complex and diverse. The spatial distribution of hepatic vein and portal vein also change when the main portal vein is mutated. It has imaging guiding significance for the smooth implementation of individualized liver surgery.
    Application of multimodal electromagnetic navigation in endoscopic endonasal approach of fresh cadavers
    Zhou Chunhui, Lv Wenying, Dong Chao, Zhang Jianning, Sun Junzhao
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  156-161.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.07
    Abstract ( 198 )   PDF (5366KB) ( 21 )  
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    Objective    To explore the role of multimodal electromagnetic navigation in assisting endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) dissection of fresh cadavers.    Methods   Multi-modal reconstruction of fresh cadaveric head specimen was explored, the accuracy of electromagnetic navigation in the measurement of deep structure in EEA was verified. Electromagnetic navigation was used to locate the characteristic fixed bony markers in the nasal cavity and sinuses.     Results    The computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) T1 sequences of fresh cadavers could be used for multimodal reconstruction, but other sequences failed.  There was no statistical difference between the measurement results of electromagnetic navigation and millimeter soft ruler, which confirmed that electromagnetic navigation was suitable for EEA deep measurement of fresh cadavers.    Conclusions    CT and the T1 sequence of MRI can be used for EEA measurement of fresh cadaveric by multi-modal electromagnetic navigation. Positioning of characteristic anatomical markers in the nasal cavity and sinuses by navigation provides basis for subsequent intracranial anatomical measurement
    Action mechanism of pinoresinol diglucoside on improving osteoporosis in mice based on Nrf2 pathway
    Huang Xingxiang, Zhong Chao, Ye Hua, Xu Chunyi, Liu Yunfei, Jiang Lu
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  162-171.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.08
    Abstract ( 123 )   PDF (6014KB) ( 195 )  
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    Objective    To analyze the action mechanism of pinoresinol diglucoside (PD) on improving osteoporosis.   Methods    The trabecular bone volume/total volume (BV/TV), average trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), average number of trabeculae (Tb.N) and average trabecular spacing (Tb.Sp) were analyzed by micro-CT. The damage of bone tissues was detected by HE staining. Number of bone cells/bone circumference (N.Ob/B.Pm), vacuole rate and osteoclast surface/bone surface (Ocs/BS) were analyzed by TRAP staining. The relative activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) were detected by ELISA. The expressions of Nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) and HO-1 were detected by Western Blotting.     Results    Compared with sham operation group, bone loss was increased in model group, BV/TV, Tb.Th, Tb.N, N.Ob/B.Pm, relative activity of ALP, SOD, GSH, Nrf2 and HO-1 expression levels were significantly decreased, Tb.Sp, vacuole rate, Ocs/BS, relative activity of TRAP and MDA level were significantly increased (P<0.05). The changes in E2 group and PD group were completely opposite to those in model group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the above indexes between PD group and E2 group (P>0.05).    Conclusions   PD can improve osteoporosis in mice by activating Nrf2 signaling pathway. 
    Anti-inflammatory effect of sargentodoxa cuneata decoction promotes the recovery of motor function in mice after spinal cord injury
    Yang Dan, Song Haiwang, Liang Yinhua, Liu Guoxiang, Luo Yi, Zeng Zhu
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  172-177.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.09
    Abstract ( 469 )   PDF (2126KB) ( 27 )  
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    Objective   To investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of sargentodoxa cuneata decoction (SCD) after spinal cord injury (SCI) and its effect on the recovery of motor function.    Methods    Thirty-six SPF grade mice were randomly divided into a sham operation group, a SCI group and a SCD group. The recovery of hindlimb motor function was detected by BMS (Basso mouse scale), and the expression levels of interleukin (IL) -6, IL-12A, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -α and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) were detected by Western blot. Immunofluorescence staining of NeuN was performed to observe the changes of neurons in anterior horn of spinal cord. The distribution of spinal cord motoneurons related to tibialis anterior muscle (TA) was observed by rAAV-retro retrograde tracing.    Results    Compared with SCI group, the BMS score of SCD group was significantly higher at 7 days after injury (P<0.05), and IL-6, IL-12A and TNF-α were significantly higher at 14 days after injury, while the expression of BDNF was significantly higher than that in SCI group (P<0.05). Compared with SCI group, the number of spinal cord anterior horn neurons in SCD group was significantly increased (P<0.05), and the number of rAAV-retro retrograde labeled TA related motor neurons was also significantly increased (P<0.05).    Conclusions    The sargentodoxa cuneata decoction can significantly down-regulate the levels of inflammatory factors IL-6, IL-12A and TNF- α to play an anti-inflammatory role and up-regulate the expression of BDNF, so as to protect motor neurons and promote the recovery of motor function in mice after spinal cord injury.
    Effects of cannabidiol on AQP4 expression in brain tissue of rats with traumatic brain injury
    Wu Deye, Cao Yan, Li Hengxi, Wu Douwei, Li Jiali, Ling Tenghan, Wu Haiying, Li Ping
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  178-181.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.10
    Abstract ( 95 )   PDF (1812KB) ( 39 )  
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    Objective    To explore the expression of aquaporin 4 (AQP4) in the brain tissue of rats with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its time-course change pattern, and to explore the intervention effect of cannabidiol (CBD) on AQP4.     Methods    The TBI model of rats was prepared by the modified “Feeney free fall method”, and then randomly divided into six injury groups and six CBD intervention groups at 8 h, 1 d, 2 d, 3 d, 5 d, and 7 d after injury. The normal control group (Control group) and the sham operation group (Sham group) were also established. Immunofluorescence single-label staining and Western blotting were used to observe the expression of AQP4 protein in the injured lateral cortical area in each group of rats.   Results  Immunofluorescence staining result showed that compared with Sham group, AQP4 positive expression gradually increased over time after TBI injury, peaked at 3 d and then decreased at 5 d and 7 d (P<0.05), but still higher than that of Sham group. AQP4 positive expression decreased at 1 d, 2 d, 3 d, and 5 d after CBD intervention (P<0.05). Western blotting result showed that compared with Sham group, AQP4 protein expression increased at 8 h, 1 d, 2 d, and 3 d after TBI injury (P<0.05). AQP4 protein expression decreased after CBD intervention (P<0.05).    Conclusions    TBI can increase the expression of AQP4, reaching a peak at 3 d. While CBD can inhibit the overexpression of AQP4, the effect of intervention on 1 d, 2 d, and 3 d is the most obvious.
    Effects of streptozotocin on spermatogenic function and testicular m6A methylase expression in diabetic mice
    Meng Xingqi, Deng Jing, Peng Lixuan, Zhang Yuan, Lin Yi, Zhou Xiaobing, Cao Wenyu, Li Suyun
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  182-186.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.11
    Abstract ( 96 )   PDF (2250KB) ( 16 )  
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    Objective    To investigate the effects of streptozotocin (STZ) on spermatogenic function and testicular m6A methylase expression in diabetic mice.    Methods   Twenty 8-week-old male ICR mice were randomly divided into a vehicle control group (NS) and a model group (STZ), and an animal model of diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of STZ. Blood glucose and body weight changes were measured on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th week after STZ injection. On the 8th week, testes and epididymis were weighed and the number of sperm was also counted, HE staining was then used to detect sperm motility and testicular morphology changes. Real-time PCR and Western blotting methods were used to detect the expression level of m6A methylase mRNA and protein in the testis of each group of mice.    Results   Compared with the NS group, the fasting blood glucose was significantly increased and body weight was significantly decreased in the model group (P<0.01), the weight of the testis and epididymis was significantly decreased (P<0.01), and the number of sperm was significantly decreased (P<0.05); the morphological structure of the testis was destroyed, the seminiferous tubules shrinked, the diameter of the lumen became smaller, the arrangement of spermatogenic cells at all levels was disordered, and the number of sperm in the lumen decreased; the expression of testicular m6A methylases METTL3, FTO, and YTHDF3 mRNA were significantly decreased (P<0.05); the expression of METTL3 and FTO protein were significantly reduced (P<0.05).    Conclusions   The spermatogenesis disorder in STZ-induced diabetic mice may be related to the abnormal expression of m6A methylase METTL3 and FTO in the testis.
    Analysis on the differential expression of mRNA in the dura mater of Ovis aries and the potential signaling pathways affecting cell migration
    Wang Menghui, GaoYan, Ye Xiaojian, Zhang Chunyang, Shao Guo, Wu Qirun
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  187-193.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.12
    Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (5880KB) ( 33 )  
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    Objective    To explore the differentially expressed genes of the suture dura compared with the normal subcranial dura and the mechanism of the suture dura mater on the migration of cranial suture cells, so as to provide theoretical basis for clinical suture premature closure.    Methods    Six 51-day- old Ovis aries were selected. The dura mater under the cranial suture and non-cranial suture were extracted, respectively. The second-generation sequencing was used to detect the differential expression of mRNA in the dural cells of different parts of the Ovis aries in the developmental stage. The biological information were analyzed. The changes of mRNA expression in the sequencing results were verified by Real-time PCR.    Results    Through the analysis of the biological information of the differential expression up-regulation genes shared by the dura mater at the suture and the dura below the skull, it was found that the up-regulation of the dura at the suture, relative to the dura below the skull, was mainly focused on cell migration, vascular bundle formation, and extracellular matrix production. The most enriched cell pathway was PI3K-AKT cell signaling pathway. Validation of the PI3K signaling pathway gene with high expression in the dura showed that the expression of PI3K-AKT cell signaling pathway in the dura below the suture was higher than that of the normal skull, and it was statistically significant (P<0.05).    Conclusions    The PI3K-AKT cell signaling pathway expression level in the dura at the suture is significantly increased compared with that below the skull, which may be related to the proliferation and migration function of the PI3K-AKT cell signaling pathway.
    microRNA-3651 overexpression inhibiting the growth and invasion of human tongue cancer CAL27 cells by mediating nuclear factor κB signaling pathway
    Lv Yanli , Ba Kai, Fang Zheng
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  194-199.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.13
    Abstract ( 86 )   PDF (3884KB) ( 9 )  
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    Objective    To explore the mechanism of microRNA (miR)-3651 overexpression on inhibiting the growth and invasion of human tongue cancer CAL27 cells by mediating nuclear factor (NF)-κB signaling pathway.     Methods    CAL27 cells in logarithmic growth phase were divided into a miR-3651 mimic group, a mimic-NC group and a control group. The level of miR-3651 in each group after transfection was detected by fluorescent quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The cell vitality in each group was detected by cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8). The invasion ability of cells in each group was detected by Transwell. The migration ability of cells in each group was detected by scratch assay. The formation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in each group was observed under light microscope. The expression of E-cadherin, N-cadherin, Vimentin, NF-κB p65 and p-NF-κB p65 was detected by Western Blot.    Results    There was no  statistically significant difference in miR-3651 level, activity of cells vitality, number of invasion cells, cells migration rate and cells morphology between mimic-NC group and control group (P>0.05), and there was no significant difference in the expression of E-cadherin, N-cadherin, Vimentin and p-NF-κB p65/NF-κB p65 proteins (P>0.05). Compared with the mimic-NC group, in the miR-3651 mimic group, miR-3651 level was significantly increased (P<0.05), cells vitality were significantly decreased at 2d, 3d, 4d after cell culture (P<0.05), number of invasion cells and cells migration rate were significantly decreased (P<0.05), expression of E-cadherin protein was significantly increased (P<0.05), expression of N-cadherin, Vimentin and p-NF-κB p65/NF-κB p65 proteins were significantly decreased (P<0.05), and EMT formation under microscope was decreased.   Conclusions   miR-3651 overexpression can inhibit the growth and invasion of CAL27 cells, and its action mechanism may be related to the inhibiting the phosphorylation of NF-κB signaling pathway.
    Effect of miR-181a on the apoptosis of hippocampal neurons induced by sevoflurane by regulating the sirt1 pathway
    Li Linan, Ding Hanlin, Liu Jinchuan
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  200-206.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.14
    Abstract ( 82 )   PDF (5195KB) ( 7 )  
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    Objective    To explore the effect of miR-181a on the apoptosis of hippocampal neurons induced by sevoflurane and its mechanism.  Methods  The relationship between miR-181a and silent information regulator 1 (sirt1) was verified. The effect of sevoflurane on miR-181a expression and apoptosis in hippocampal neurons was detected. Hippocampal neurons were transfected with 3% sevoflurane Alkane treatment for 4 h. They were divided into the following group: a blank group, a miR-NC group, a miR-181a group, an anti-miR-NC group, an anti-miR-181a group, an anti-miR-NC+si-NC group, an anti-miR-181a +si-NC group and an anti-miR-181a+si-sirt1 group. The expression of sirt1, nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), sirt1 protein, miR-181a and apoptosis of cells in each group were detected. The changes of neuronal apoptosis in hippocampus were detected after sevoflurane treatment or simultaneous inhibition of miR-181a and sirt1 expression by in vivo experiments.    Results   miR-181a regulated the expression of sirt1 by targeting. After sevoflurane treatment, the expression of miR-181a and the apoptosis rate in hippocampal neurons increased (P<0.05). Up-regulation of miR-181a inhibited the expression of sirt1 protein and promoted the expression of NF-κB protein, while inhibiting miR-181a showed the opposite trend (P<0.05). In vivo and in vitro experiments confirmed that silencing sirt1 attenuated the inhibitory effect of down-regulated miR-181a on sevoflurane-induced apoptosis in hippocampal neurons.  Conclusions Silencing miR-181a inhibits hippocampal neuronal apoptosis by activating the sirt1/NF-κB pathway in hippocampal neurons treated with sevoflurane.
    Effects of miRNA-130a-3p on cardiomyocyte injury through regulating NF-κB signaling pathway
    Miao Yingying, An Leilei, Fu Shengqi
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  207-211.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.15
    Abstract ( 95 )   PDF (3915KB) ( 13 )  
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    Objective   To investigate the role and possible mechanism of miRNA-130a-3p in cardiomyocyte injury induced by LPS.    Methods    H9C2 cells were divided into the following four groups: a normal control group, a LPS model group, a miRNA negative control group and a miRNA-130a-3p mimics group. The expression level of miRNA-130a-3p mRNA in each group was detected by RT-qPCR. The CCK-8 assay was used to detect the cell activity in each group. The contents of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β were detected by ELISA assay. Western blot was used to detect the protein expression levels of NF-κBp65, IκBα, Bax, Bcl-2 and Cleaved-Caspase-3.    Results    The results of RT-qPCR showed that the level of miRNA-130a-3p mRNA in the LPS model group was significantly lower than that in normal control group. The results of CCK-8 showed that the cell activity of LPS group was significantly lower than that of normal control group, while compared with the LPS group, the cell activity in miRNA-130a-3p mimics group increased significantly. The results of ELISA showed that the contents of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β in cell culture medium of LPS group were significantly higher than those of normal control group, while compared with the LPS group, the contents of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β in cell culture medium of miRNA-130a-3p mimics group decreased significantly. The results of Western blot showed that compared with normal control group, the protein expression levels of NF-κBp65, Bax and Cleaved-Caspase-3 increased significantly in the LPS group , while the protein expression levels of IκBα and Bcl-2 decreased significantly. Compared with the LPS group, the protein expression levels of NF-κBp65, Bax and Cleaved-Caspase-3 decreased significantly, while the protein expression levels of IκBα and Bcl-2 increased significantly in miRNA-130a-3p mimics group.    Conclusions    miRNA-130A-3P can inhibit cell apoptosis, improve cell activity and reduce the release of inflammatory factors, so as to alleviate cardiomyocyte injury induced LPS, through inhibiting the activation of NF-κB signaling pathway.
    Biomechanical analysis of hindfoot joint after ankle arthrodesis
    Lin Wenjie, Sun Xin, Huang Wenhua, Wei Bo, Lin Tao, Liang Zhenming, Zhong Huan, Zhang Xin, Ouyang Hanbin
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  212-217.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.16
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    Objective   To investigate the biomechanical characteristics of hindfoot joint after ankle arthrodesis.    Methods   Based on the CT images of the right ankle of healthy adult male volunteers, a three-dimensional finite element model of the normal ankle was constructed. On this basis, the bony fusion after ankle arthrodesis was simulated. Five load cases of neutral, external rotation, internal rotation, dorsiflexion, and plantar flexion were used to analyze the model group before and after fusion, and to evaluate the changes of overall stiffness and the contact mechanical characteristics of subtalar joint and talonavicular joint before and after ankle arthrodesis.    Results    After ankle arthrodesis, the overall structural stiffness was significantly higher than that of the model before fusion. Except for neutral condition, the contact area of subtalar joint after fusion decreased, while the contact area of talonavicular joint increased. The contact stress of subtalar joint and talonavicular joint after fusion generally showed a downward trend under various working conditions.   Conclusions  The change of contact characteristics of adjacent joints after ankle arthrodesis may be the result of the change of bearing mode after the improvement of the overall structural stiffness of the foot, and its association with the degenerative changes of adjacent hindfoot joints needs to be confirmed by further research. 
    The surgical treatment strategy for adjacent segment disease after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion of multi-segments
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  218-223.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.17
    Abstract ( 545 )   PDF (3631KB) ( 78 )  
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    Objective    To explore the surgical treatment strategy for adjacent segment disease (ASD) after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion of multi-segments.    Methods    From 2015 to 2019, 13 patients with ASD in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Eight patients were treated with anterior cervical Zero-P plate and 5 patients were treated with single-door laminoplasty. JOA, VAS, and NDI were noted to evaluate the clinical outcomes, and X-ray, CT, and MRI imaging were recorded and analyzed as well.   Results    All the patients were followed up for an average of 11.6 months (6~24 months). The JOA, VAS and NDI were significantly improved after both surgeries. In the anterior cervical operation group, the position of the internal fixation was good and no loosening of the plate screw was observed during follow-up. The average time of bone fusion was about 7.6 months. In patients who were treated with single-door laminoplasty, there were no complications such as C5 nerve root palsy, lamina re-closing and so on.   Conclusions   The selection of reoperation methods for ASD after multilevel anterior cervical fusion should follow the principle of individualization. For single-level ASD without severe posterior longitudinal ligament ossification, anterior decompression and fusion with the Zero-P system should be selected. For multi-levels ASD, the posterior single-door laminoplasty is preferred.
    Clinical effect of bone transport of external fixation combined with intramedullary nail in the treatment of tibial bone defects 
    Shao Mu, Luo Junhao, Wu Yongwei, Liu Bin, Wang Chao, Sun Zhenzhong, Rui Yongjun, Yin Qudong
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  224-229.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.18
    Abstract ( 176 )   PDF (4999KB) ( 121 )  
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    Objective    To investigate the clinical effect of tibial bone defects treated with bone transport of external fixation combined with intramedullary nail.    Methods    From January 2012 to May 2020, data of 58 patients with tibial bone defects treated with bone transport were retrospectively analyzed. According to different treatment methods, they were divided into an external fixation group (traditional group, 40 cases) and an external fixation with intramedullary nail fixation group (combined group, 18 cases). There was no statistical difference between the two groups in gender, age, course of disease, length and type of bone defect, combined injury, number of operations and score of adjacent joints before bone handling (P>0.05). The wound healing, bone healing, external fixation time, healing index, lower limb functional recovery, complications, physical and mental health were compared. Bone healing and functional recovery of lower extremity were evaluated according to ASAMI. The complications of Ilizarov technique were classified into major and minor complications according to Paley method. The physiological function (PCS) and mental health quality (MCS) were evaluated respectively by item short form health survey (SF-36).   Results   All patients were followed up for 16 to 40 months, with an average of 25.5 months. The external fixation time, bone healing time, postoperative major complications, minor complications and MCS in the combined group were significantly better than those in the traditional group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in incision healing, healing index, lower limb functional recovery and PCS (P>0.05).   Conclusions   External fixation with intramedullary nail fixation for tibial bone defects can avoid poor alignment and malunion, significantly reduce the external fixation time, complications and adverse effects on mental health.
    Clinical Observation and MRI imaging of the middle layer of superficial  fascia and its natural barrier effect against the lipoma in Limbs and Spine
    Du Xinru , Yao Xingchen, Xu Ye, Yu Xiaoyu , Shi Xiangjun, Xu Ziyu
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  230-233.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.19
    Abstract ( 195 )   PDF (2279KB) ( 5 )  
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    Objective    To explore the barrier effect of the middle layer of superficial  fascia against the proliferation of lipoma by MRI imaging and the observation of the growth pattern of the lipoma in the spine and extremities.    Methods    117 lipoma cases(total 121 sites) ( 48 males, 69 females) were collected in this retrospective study, all of which were treated with  operation performed in Beijing Chao-yang Hospital. All the lesions were confirmed by the histopathologic results. The barrier role of the fascia at the site of the tumor was identified in operation and compared with the preoperative MRI. The deep fascia, superficial fascia, and the middle layer of superficial  fascia were identified and the relationship between the lipoma with those structures were observed in operation and in MRI images.     Results    The average age of patient was 52.2(15-82)ys ;  52 case( 44.4%)in left, 57 cases(48.7%) in right,  6 case (5.1%) in bilateral and 2 cases( 1.7%)in midline; according the site of lipoma ,there was 9(7.5%) in the neck,7(5.8%) in the upper back, 28(23.1%) in the shoulder,19(15.7%)in the arm , 9(7.4%)in the forearm, 4(3.3%)in the hand, 42(34.7%)in the thigh , 3(2.5%)in the leg; according the position of lipoma ,47cases( 40.2%)was in the muscule, 21 cases(17.9%)was under the deep fascia, 28 cases(23.9%)between the deep fascia and the middle layer of the superficial  fascia, 7 cases(5.9%)between the skin and the middle layer of the superficial fascia, 11 cases(9.4%) in the intermuscular space ;  57 cases (48.7%)  was lobubar shape ,49 cases(41.9%)more ellipticaland  11 cases(9.4%)flat according to the tumor shape, they are bordered with normal tissue and can be separated in operation;    4 cases( 3.4%) was hibernoma , 2 cases( 1.7%)angiolipoma,  101 cases(86.3%) typical lipoma, 10 cases( 8.4%)fibrolipoma in the histopathologic classification. Conclusion   The middle layer of superficial fascia was a mesh fascia that is widely located in spine and extremities. It plays an important role as a natural barrier against the proliferation of lipoma. It was also found that the deep fascia and muscle septum have a strong barrier and restrictive effects on tumors.  
    Hepatic CT perfusion imaging of PHT in cirrhotic patients before and after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
    Li Sirui, Wu Ning, Huang Wei, Lu Xianming, Ma Mingzhao
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  234-239.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.20
    Abstract ( 123 )   PDF (2381KB) ( 40 )  
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    Objective    To investigate the application value of CT perfusion imaging in liver cirrhosis patients with portal hypertension (PHT) before and after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.  Methods    A retrospective analysis of 62 patients with PHT of liver cirrhosis who underwent transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in our hospital from January 2018 to January 2020 was performed. The CT images before and after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt was collected.  The perfusion of hepatic artery and portal vein before and after the intrahepatic portal shunt of internal jugular vein were calculated to analyze the differences of CT perfusion parameters . Then, according to the treatment effect, the AEF values of each group were calculated. The serum examination results before and after operation were collected, and the MELD score of patients was calculated.    Results   The HAP and HPI of patients after operation were significantly improved compared with those before operation. There was no significant difference in hepatic portal vein before and after operation. There were statistically significant differences in several perfusion parameters before and after operation (P<0.05). AEF increased after operation, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).The MELD value of PHT patients with liver cirrhosis increased after operation, and the difference was statistically significant compared with that before operation (P<0.05).     Conclusions    Hepatic CT perfusion imaging can reflect the changes of hepatic microcirculation before and after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in PHT patients with liver cirrhosis, and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt does not worsen the liver function.
    Exploring the treatment of round ligament of uterus in adult female laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair from anatomy view
    Wang Xuena, Xie Mingzheng, Li Shenglong, Ye Fulin, Wu Zhaofeng, Yixipingcuo, Renzengluobu
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  240-244.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.21
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    The mechanism of LncRNA in intervertebral disc degeneration and its application prospects 
    Wang Liang, Zhang Hulin, Wang Xiaomin , Lai Xueqian, Yang Chaoqiang, Wang Yican
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  245-247.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.22
    Abstract ( 73 )   PDF (525KB) ( 14 )  
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    Bilateral sternalis muscle: a case report
    Long Meiyi, Liu Huanyu, Piao Chengzhe
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  142.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.23
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF (1183KB) ( 41 )  
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    The variation of brachial artery branch: a case report
    An Yuxuan
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  149.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.24
    Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (1068KB) ( 33 )  
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    A case report of anatomical composition in brachial plexus 
    Feng Boya, Hao Yan, Wang Chenyang, Shi Juan
    Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy. 2023, 41(2):  171.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2023.2.25
    Abstract ( 133 )   PDF (751KB) ( 52 )  
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