Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
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Advisor: ZHONG Shi-zhen
Editor-in-chief: OUYANG Jun
Former Editor-in-chief: XU Da-chuan
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ISSN: 1001-165X

Table of Content

    25 May 2010 Volume 28 Issue 3
    Anatomy of the lobulated anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap pedicled with the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery
    CHEN Qing-Hua, XU Da-Chuan, ZHOU Xiao-Bing, AN  Gao, ZHONG Guang-Meng, TUN Kun-Cheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  237. 
    Abstract ( 3048 )  
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    Objective    To provide anatomical basis for the design and application of the lobulated anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap pedicled with the descending branches of the lateral femoral circumflex artery.   Methods 20 fresh lower extremities, with artery injecting of red lactoprene, were used in this study. The entry sites of the descending branches into the vastus lateralis muscle, and the branches, distribution and the anastomosis of vessels in the muscle were explored.   Results  (1) Descending branches mainly (80.8%) came from the lateral femoral circumflex artery, with the average external diameter of (3.7±0.9) mm. the artery laid deep the rectus femoris muscle, and ran downwards along the anterior border of the vastus lateralis muscle, and branched into medial and lateral branches under the starting point about (9.0±3.5)cm. (2)The lateral branches, with the average length of the vascular pedicle of (8.1±3.3)cm, supplied the vastus lateralis muscle, which gave off 6.7 branches averagely to the vastus lateralis muscles and the skin of the anterolateral thigh. The average diameter of it was about 1.0mm, and the distance between the neighboring branches was about (1.9±0.9) cm. (3) There were (2.5±1.2) cutaneous branches appeared in the anterolateral thigh area with the diameter of (0.8±0.3)mm, and in these branches, 23.8% were spatium intermusculare perforators and 76.2% musculo-cutaneous perforators. High cutaneous artery branches were found in 15 cases (57.7 %).   Conclusions (1) Utilizing the different branches, the lobulated anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap can be designed, and the space between the flaps can be adjusted according to the shape and the location of the recipient site. (2)The lobulated anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap pedicled with the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery is an ideal selection to restore the complex wounds.

    The variations of the aortic arch’s branches in one case
    ZHONG Guang-Meng, LIU  Chang, XIAO Zhao-Meng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  241. 
    Abstract ( 1189 )  
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    The repair of leg skin defect by the retrograde sartorius myocutaneous flap:clinical anatomy
    ZUO Rong-Ti, SHI Ceng-Yuan, YIN Wei-Gang, SHU  Miao, MAO Hai-Jiao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  242. 
    Abstract ( 3302 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomic basis for repairing leg skin defects by the retrograde sartorius myocutaneous flap.   Methods The origin, course, diameter, distribution and  anastomosis of sartorius's arteries were explored in 40 cadaveric lower limb specimens. Arteriographies were made in 4 sides of fresh specimens to study the arterial anastomosis in sartorius.  Results    Nutrient arteries of sartorius represented segmental distribution, including 6~7 branches. The arterial branches in the proximal 1/5 of sartorius came from superficial ilium circumflex artery, lateral femoral circumflex artery or deep femoral artery, in the middle 2/5 from femoral artery, and in the distal 2/5 from saphenous artery, respectively. The diameter of saphenous artery at the origin was about (1.5±0.2)mm, which was near the proximal level of adductor tubercle about (10.2±1.0)cm, and gave rise to 3~5 branches before reaching into  sartorius. The terminal branches of saphenous artery composed an arterial network around knee joint below and inside the knee joint. Segmental arteries entered into sartorius and passed along it's vertical axis with 4~7 branches. Link-pattern arterial anastomosises were formed by branches of adjacent vascular pedicles. The diameter was about 0.3 mm at anastomosis point. Cutaneous arteries and musculocutaneous arteries above deep fascia formed interlocking arterial anastomosis net which provided blood supply for the skin on sartorius.   Conclusions    Interlocking arterial anastomosises in sartorius provide blood supply for retrograde sartorius myocutaneous flap,and enlarge its cutting length. Retrograde sartorius myocutaneous flap pedicled with saphenous artery can be used to repair soft tissue defect of the middle and distal legs.

    Microdissection of the thenar flap pedicled with the superficial palmar branch of the radials artery
    DIAO Yang-Bei, HOU Shu-Jian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  245. 
    Abstract ( 2489 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic basis of the thenar flap pedicled with the superficial palmar branch of the radials artery, for repairing ventral soft tissue defect of the finger.    Methods Twenty fresh hand specimens were selected in this study. Red 1atex was perfused into radia1 arteries after the dissecting of the arteries 10cm above the dista1 wrist line, as well, blue latex into the accompanying veins and cephalic veins. The origins, distributions and anastomosis of the vessels and nerves in the thenar eminence area were observed under operation microscope. Five hands were perfused with ink at the beginning of the superficial palmar branch of the radials artery for measuring the ink extension areas.   Results The origin diameter of the superficial palmar branch of the radials artery was about (1.40±0.22)mm, and the length (2.0±0.5)cm.The area of the flaps was about 2cm×3cm~4cm×5cm. The venous return of flaps passed through two routes, and the innervations of the flap mainly from ramus cutaneous volaris of mediani nerve.   Conclusions The origin and courses of the superficial palmar branch of the radials artery is constant, which can be applied in the free grafting for repairing ventral defect of the finger.

    One case of the three lobes variant in left lung
    WANG  Feng, ZHANG Fu-Qing, QU Yong-Song, AN Ru-Yong, FEI Yan-Fang, HAN Wen-Xiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  247. 
    Abstract ( 956 )  
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    Three-dimensional visualization of the structures correlating with the posterior cervical approach
    FU  Dong, JIN An-Min, LUO  Yi, ZHANG  Yu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  248. 
    Abstract ( 1899 )  
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    Objective To explore the method for establishing digital model and three-dimensional visualization of the correlated structures of posterior cervical approach.  Methods Basing on CT and MRI continuous 2-Dimensional pictures from the vertex to the inferior border of the T3 of one healthy volunteer,half-auto cut and reconstruction was taken on skeleton,muscles and nerves with the Mimics software. The tiny anatomic structures were reconstructed with the MedCAD module. Three-dimensional model of posterior cervical approach and its surrounding structures was successfully displayed.   Results    A three-dimensional digital model of the correlated structures of posterior cervical approach was established. The position relation of different structures was successfully presented, such as the skeleton; 17 groups of muscles covering the nape, formed 4 layers from the superficial to the deep; 4 kinds of ligaments; ramus posterior nervorum spinalium of C1-T2; and the superficial cervical muscles.  Conclusions On the basis of three-dimensional visualization model of the nape,the correlated important structures of posterior cervical approach can be displayed step by step, which is a favorable tool for anatomic teaching and operation training.

    Anatomic allocation and digital simulation of the costal facet of the middle and lower thoracic vertebra
    LI Xiao-He, LI Shao-Hua, YAO  Bo, LI Zhi-Jun, WANG  Xing, CHEN Hai-Fang, ZHANG Ye-Hui, XU Da-Chuan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  251. 
    Abstract ( 2988 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomic data for lateral and anterior fixation of the middle and lower thoracic vertebra according to the location of costal facet.   Methods On 40 intact specimens of the middle and lower thoracic vertebra((T4~T12), with the age from 25 to 60, the distances from anterior border of costal facet to anterior border of vertebral foramen (DCFC), from anterior border of vertebral foramen to anterior border of intervertebral foramina(DCF), from inferior border of costal facet to superior border of superior terminal plate(DIFSP) were measured respectively. CT data of 6 healthy adults were used to reconstruct and simulate screw canal fixation.  Results    The DCFC decreased gradually from the middle to lower thoracic vertebra, however, there were no obvious difference for DCF, despite of minimum value of T6, and maximum value of T4.  DIFSP gradually increased from T4 to T12.  The coordinate of the screw gradually removed to the superior of the lower thoracic vertebra, with the increased length of screw canal.   Conclusions    The location of costal facet gradually reaches the posterolateral of vertebra from middle to lower thoracic vertebra, which is a valuable reference for determining the site of screw fixation and the length of screw canal.

    The research and clinical application for thoracolumbar spine lateral vascular anatomy and images
    OU Yang-Hou-Gan, ZHOU  Bing, DING Zi-Hai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  255. 
    Abstract ( 1600 )  
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    Objective To provide an operation zone for spine surgery.   Methods Observed the course and the adjacent relation of thoracolumbar spine segmental vascular and surveyed the related datas by the adult corpse specimens and normal adult CT images.   Results   We could observe the course and the adjacent relation of segmental vascular,one segmental artery has two main branches. That between the upper and lower segmental vessels consists a relatively non-vascular nerve "safety range" where the intervertebral space locates. And we had surveyed the related datas. The distance between adjacent segmental arteries in the T10/11, T11/12, T12/L1, L1/2, L2/3 is (23.38±0.88), (25.57±0.95), (29.07±1.11),(32.63±1.28),(33.62±1.47)mm respectively. And the observation of the three-dimensional CT image in the T10/11,T11/12,T12/L1,L1/2,L2/3 is (23.43±1.40)、(25.63±2.01)、(29.13±2.10)、(32.59±2.10)、(33.52±2.11)mm mm respectively.  Conclusions    The operating space is safe enough for some surgeries like thoracoscope - assisted anterior approach intervertebral fusion and we can take the intervertebral disc as a reference mark. we can also take the three-dimensional CT image as a reference for surgical plan by surveying the safety range

    The measurement of three-dimensional anatomy of the proximal femoral medullary cavity
    ZHANG  Cheng, TU  Bin, LUO Ji-Wei, HUANG Meng-Quan, HUANG Hua-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  258. 
    Abstract ( 2010 )  
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    Objectives To study the morphologic features of the proximal femoral medullary cavity, and provide basis for the design and application of the domestic proximal femoral nail(PFNA).    Methods The CT image data of 120 Chinese proximal femurs(male 55 cases, female 65 cases)were collected in this study. Three-dimensional anatomic parameters, including internal diameter of medullary cavity, and the canal flare index of the proximal femurs, were analyzed adopting mimics software, while, the correlations of the above parameters with the age, the height and the gender of patients were analyzed statistically.  Results  Using the mid-point of lesser trochanter as a reference,the internal diameter of medullary cavity were  T+20(44.79±5.42)mm and (39.79±4.96) mm;T+10(34.00±3.64) mm and (32.06±3.29) mm;T(26.93±3.71)mm and (24.18±3.31) mm;T-20((18.65±2.96) mm and (18.21±2.60) mm for male and female respectively, as well as of the isthmic portion (10.40±1.45)mm and  (10.15±1.05) mm respectively. There were significant difference of the above parameters between both sexes in T+20, T+10 and T states (P<0.05), on the contrary, no significance appeared in T-20 and isthmus states. All data were positively correlated with patients' height except for MCFI, which was negative correlated with the height. The internal diameter of the medullary cavity were positively correlated with patients' age (P<0.05), however, there were no correlation between the age and CFI, MCFI and DCFI. Conclusions The anatomic parameters of medullary cavity are variable for both sexes and different races, which implicates that, it is important to select the suitable fixation devices for treating different intertrochanteric fracture.

    Neuroendoscopic applied anatomy of the lateral ventricular approach
    TUN Chun-Fu, LIU  Hua, LIANG Jian-An, TUN Wei-Jiang, JIANG Yun-Shao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  262. 
    Abstract ( 4584 )  
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    Objective    To study characteristics of the lateral ventricle and the third ventricle, and provide anatomic basis for neuroendoscopic operations.  Methods    By adopting three kinds of approaches (forecoronale frontal horn, triangular area and occipital horn approach) to the ventricles respectively, the structures of lateral ventricles and the third ventricles were observed and measured in 10 adult cadaveric head specimens under neuroendoscope.   Results    (1) Through forecoronale frontal horn approach, the rigid endoscope can clearly show the bodies and frontal horns of the ventricles, and the "Y" shaped interventricular foramen, which connected to third ventricle. (2)The distances from cortex-punctured point to later ventricle and interventricular foramen were (28.7±2.6) mm and (55.1±2.8) mm through forecoronale approach, and the distance from frontal horn to interventricular foramen were (30.8±2.3) mm, as well the sagittal and transverse diameters of interventricular foreman (5.6±1.4) mm and (3.2±1.1) mm, the sagittal and transverse diameters of interthalamic adhesion (6.3±1.8) mm and (3.4±1.2) mm. (3) Bodies of the ventricles and choroids plexus could be exposed through transoccipital horn and triangular area approaches.   Conclusions     (1) Neuroendoscopic forecoronale frontal horn approach was a ideal approach to present lateral ventricle, interventricular foramen areas and the third ventricle. (2) An ideal operational space in the trigone and body of lateral ventricle can be provided by endoscopic transoccipital horn approach,which is a valuable way to treat lesions in occipital horn and trigone of lateral ventricle.(3)Triangular area approach is less value during clinical application.

    The cleidohyoid muscle: a case report
    MAO Yi-Ze, LIU Yu-Chun, XIE Hong-Xiang, WANG Xiao-Fang, LIU Ren-Gang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  284. 
    Abstract ( 1833 )  
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    The value of post-processing images by multi-slice spiral CT reconstruction of the Pterygopalatine Fossa
    ZHANG  Xu, LIU  Cheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  285. 
    Abstract ( 1858 )  
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    Objective To explore Multi-slice spiral CT Isotropic Scanning features of the pterygopalatine fossa (PPF)and its communications,the method of reconstruction by multiplanar reformation (MPR), study the  Clinical value.  Method Multi-slice spira CT images of Siemens 16 were performed in 100 adult patients for paranasal sinusitis without abnormality in PPF communications.All original images were transferred to workstation for image processing.According to the shape and appearance of the PPF communications,the best depictive multiplanar reformation(MPR)、maximum intensity projection(MIP)、volume rendering(VR) images were acquired for study.To observe the structure of the pterygopalatine fossa and the channel.  Results The visualization rates of the foramen rotundum,the  pterygoid canal ,the sphenopalatine foramen,the pterygopalatine canal,the palatovaginal canal and the vomerovaginal canal were 99%、98%、99%、96%、96% and 85% respectively.  Conclusion Images of Multi-slice spiral CT could accurately demonstrate the shape of the PPF communications and their adjacent structures,and provide scientific and objective foundation for early detection and the formulation of clinical treatment programs.

    Anatomy and anomalies of coronary artery: dual-source CT angiography study
    ZHANG  Gang, CHENG Guan-Xun, LIU  Ting, ZHANG  Jing, LI  Lei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  290. 
    Abstract ( 2496 )  
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    Objective   To discuss the diagnostic value of dual-source CT (DSCT) angiography on detecting coronary anatomy and anomalies.   Methods The coronary artery imaging data of 638 patients who underwent DSCT angiography were reviewed from May 2009 to October 2009.  Results For 638 cases, left-side dominance type was about 2.8%(18 cases), right-side dominance type 89.0%(568 cases), balanced type 8.2%(52 cases). The total of coronary anomalies was about 9.4% (60 cases), which included myocardial bridging 32 cases, RCA high takeoff 3 cases, left coronary artery high takeoff 8 cases, accessory coronary artery 8 cases, absence of LM trunk 2 cases, single coronary artery 2 cases, coronary aneurysm of LCX 1 case, coronary fistula between noncoronary sinus and left atrium 1 case, LCX from RCA 1 case, and RCA from left sinus 1 case.  Conclusions The DSCT can be used to observe coronary anatomy and anomalies accurately, which is a valuable skill to screen early coronary anomalies.

    Clinical significance of PACS on the measurement of posterior cervical structures
    GU Wei-Dou, GU Wei-Wei, YANG  Fei, YANG Bo-Gui, ZHENG Tie-Gang, HU Yang-Jie, YUN De-Cai, SUN  Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  294. 
    Abstract ( 2151 )  
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    Objective To measure posterior cervical structures adopting the picture archiving and communication system (PACS) combined with CT, and provide anatomic data for the cervical pedicle screws placement.   Methods Adopting PACS combined with CT skill, the sagittal and transverse slices through the neck of cervical vertebral arch from 2000 cases of the normal adults were measured precisely by 5 spinal surgeons separately. The mean values and standard deviations of the pedicle length, width, height, introversion angle, anteversion angle, and retroversion angle, at the different levels, were collected and statistically analyzed.   Results The screw entry-point of atlas was at the midpoint of posterior arch about 17~20 mm laterally. The marrow cavities appeared from C2 to C7 pedicles, and the pedicle heights were more extensive than the pedicle widths from C2 to C7.  3.5 mm screws can be placed into pedicle arches of C3 and C4, despite of their smallest diameters. On the sagittal plane, the superior cervical screw should be tilted cranially, however, inferior cervical screws tilted caudally, with the C4 angle of horizontal direction, C5~7 angles of increasing, and C7 of about -19°.  On the transverse planes, screw entry angle of C2 was the smallest, however, inferior entry screw angles were more variable.   Conclusions Application of PACS system combined with CT images, the cervical pedicle screws can be inserted more safely, with no complications happened.

    Imageology and clinical significance of the degenerative lumbar endplates
    WANG  Fei, JIANG Jian-Meng, WANG Feng-Long, FU Zhao-Zong, ZHANG Zhao-Fei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  299. 
    Abstract ( 2034 )  
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     Objective To examine the shape changes of the end plates in patients suffered from the lower back pain, and investigate the correlation between end plate and disc degeneration.  Methods  Retrospective review was underwent in this study. The charts, operative reports, preoperative lateral plain radiographs, and MRI scans of 84 patients were reviewed and analyzed respectively. End plate shapes was determined on midsagittal MRI cuts, disc degeneration was graded on T2 sequences, and disc height was measured on lateral plain radiographs from L2 to S1 in all patients. Student t-test was used to detect significant differences and associations.   Results For degenerative disc disease (DDD) patients, flat endplates were the most common shape in the lower lumbar spine. In addition, the concaved and irregular endplates could be found. The height of degenerated discs related with the shapes of endplate, viz, the highest of concaved endplate, and the lowest of irregular ones, and there was no difference between that of flat and irregular endplates.   Conclusions The sagittal profile of end plates in the lumbar spine was described for patients with DDD. For those patients, most of severely degenerated disc present concave, flat or irregular endplates. the intervertebral space of flat and irregular discs are depressed obviously, which is helpful for direct the prosthetic disc nucleus-pulposus (PDN) replacement surgery.

    The proliferation and differentiation of C2C12 cells treated with reversine in vitro
    HONG Hai-Yi, TUN Jia-Meng, WANG Le-Yu, QIN Jian-Jiang, TU  Lei, SONG Chen-Gang, WANG  Ji, QIU Xiao-Zhong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  303. 
    Abstract ( 2105 )  
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    Objective To investigate the effects of reversine on the proliferation and differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts in vitro.   Methods    C2C12 cells cultured in vitro were treated with 1μM reversine about 12h and 24h respectively, and then flow cytometric analysis was used to detect the apoptosis of treated cells after staining with Annexin-V/PI. Furthermore, myoblast were divided into five groups: control group(CG), reversine group(Revs only), bone induction factor group (BIF only),  reversine and bone induction factor group(Revs and BIF), reversine, bone induction factor and reversine group(Revs and BIF and Revs). The morphological changes of myoblast were observed under the inverted microscope. The mRNA expression of inhibitor of differentiation (ID2), muscle regulatory factor (Myogenin) and myogenic factor (Desmin) was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) respectively. Results: Compared with group A, significant apoptosis of C2C12 cells appeared in those treated with 1μM reversine about 24h, whereas, no significant apoptosis appeared in group B. Compared with group D, proliferation was significantly inhibited in cells of group E and H, however, cell proliferated and differentiated (fusion) in group F and G. Conclusions    Reversine significantly inhibits the proliferation and differentiation of cultured myoblasts.

    The variation branches of external jugular vein and high into the jugular vein: one case report
    YUN Guo-Yun, LIANG Cheng-Jing, HUANG Da-Yuan, XIONG  Jian, SHU Yao-Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  307. 
    Abstract ( 1712 )  
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    The effects of stress on Ⅰand Ⅲ collagen expression in the repaired conjunction between tendon and bone after acute rupture of rabbit supraspinatus tendon
    LI  Sen, JIN An-Min, FU Guo-Jian, WANG Feng-Cheng, MIN Shao-Xiong, ZHANG  Hui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  308. 
    Abstract ( 1950 )  
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     Objective To explore the effects of stress on Ⅰ and Ⅲ collagen expression in the repaired conjunction between tendon and bone after acute rupture of rabbit supraspinatus tendon.   Methods 18 adult male New Zealand white rabbits were selected in this study. Two of them were taken as the controls randomly. Another 16 animals were randomly divided into two groups: stress stimulation group (group A, n=8) and no stimulation group (group B, n=8). 2 weeks after operation of tendon rupture, animals of group A were trained, while of group B were normally feed. After 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks ,respectively, 2 rabbits at each time in each group were put to death, and prepared the specimens for detecting the expression of Ⅰ and Ⅲ collagens. Results Collagen fibers appeared in repaired tissue for each group at the second week of the operation, with no significant difference; however, collagen expression was more strong in group A than that in group B, especially for Ⅲ collagen at the 4 weeks after operation; at the 6 weeks after operation, Ⅰ and Ⅲ collagens stained more strong and wide, followed by orderly arranged collagen fibers, compared with that of previous time points, furthermore, well-arranged and stained uniformly Ⅰ type collagen fibers appeared in A group at the 8 week. Conclusions Stress stimulation is favorable for promoting collagen synthesis of the repaired tendon-bone interface, which will contribute to the recovery of damaged rotator cuff.

    Protective effect of modified recombinant hunan aFGF on the neurons in substantia nigra of Parkinson disease rats
    XIAO Chun-Gou, CHEN Wei-Zai, GUO Guo-Qiang, LI Jiao-Kun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  312. 
    Abstract ( 1620 )  
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    Objective To explore the protective effect of modified recombinant hunan aFGF(Mrh-aFGF) on the neurons in substantia nigra of Parkinson disease rats.   Methods The Parkinson's disease( PD) rats were induced by injecting 6-OHDA into the left substantia nigra compacta (SNC) and ventral tegmental area(VTA), Then, the PD rats were treated with Mrh-aFGF or saline by lateral ventricle injection. The behavioral changes of the treated rats were detected after apomorphine injection. The morphologic features of the neurons in the substantia nigra were observed by Nissl's staining and electronic microscopy.   Results Rotation behavior was not found in the intacted rats, otherwise, the average rotation rate speeded by degrees in PD and NS groups, however, rats treated with Mrh-aFGF showed slower rotation rate (P<0.05). In PD and NS groups, the neurons in left(the injured side)SNC of PD rats decreased significantly ( P<0.05) compared to that of right side. In Mrh-aFGF group, the structure of the left(the injured side)SNC was significantly improved and the number of neurons was increased, compared with that of PD and NS groups (P<0.05). The nigral neurons of PD rats appeared karyopyknosis, the swollen mitochondria, and the crista lost, as well, endoplasmic reticulum was found to be dilatated and degranulated obviouly, moreover, pre-synaptic and post-synaptic membranes were not clear and the synaptic space disappeared. In Mrh-aFGF group, the ultrastructure of nigral neurons, such as nuclei, mitochondria, synaptic structure, kept well compared to that of PD group.   Conclusions Mrh-aFGF could modify the rotation behavior, protect nigral neurons from the loss and keep the normal ultrastructures of nigral neurons of Parkinson disease rats.

    Effects of facial nerve ischemia on facial nerve and facial nucleus
    CHEN Zhi-Hong, MA  Quan, XIE Li-De, YA  Yong, XUE Jing-Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  317. 
    Abstract ( 1238 )  
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    Objective To explore the effects of facial nerve ischemia on facial nerve and facial nucleus, and provide references for parotidectomy.  Methods Rabbits were used to simulate parotidectomy in this study. The facial nerve and facial nucleus on one side of each rabbit was taken as experimental side randomly, and another side as control side. For experimental side, the capillary net of facial nerve was separated and damaged, following the resection of parotid gland   under operation microscope. The rabbits survived 4 weeks after operation, and the following indexes were observed and detected: ①The conduction velocity, CMAP wave amplitude and latency period of buccal branch of facial nerve on experimental and control sides. ②The ultrastructure of the trunk of facial nerve outside the stylomastoid foramen on two sides. ③Choline acetyltransferase (CHAT) expression and telomerase activity of the facial nucleus of bilateral sides.  Results ①The conduction velocity of buccal branch of facial nerve on experimental side was obviously lower than that on control side, as well, the CMAP wave amplitude; while the CMAP latency was obviously longer (P<0.01, P<0.05). ②The ultrastructure of facial nerve on experimental side changed remarkably, with mainly the axonal degeneration: hyperplasied and fractured microfilamen in neuraxon, swelled mitochondria and broken cristae, dissolved degenerated neuraxon. ③CHAT expression and telomerase activity of facial nucleus on experimental side were significantly lower than that on control side (P<0.01, P<0.05).   Conclusions Dissociating of facial nerve and damaging of its' capillary net during parotidectomy can induce obvious changes of the ultrastructure of facial nerve, the decrease of neural conduction function and acetylcholine synthesis in facial nucleus and the increase of neurons apoptosis in facial nucleus. It is necessary to protect capillary net of facial nerve as far as possible during parotidectomy for avoiding the happen of facial paralysis after the operation.

    Expression of gap junctional proteins Cx37 in cerebral basilar artery of different aged rabbits and its significance   
    LIN Xue-Qun, CHU Gao-Chun, MO Li-Dan, XUE Guo-Yong, TANG Xun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  321. 
    Abstract ( 2221 )  
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    Objective To investigate the effects of gap junctional proteins Cx37 on regulating the vasoconstriction and vasodilation of cerebral vessels. Methods Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) and Western blotting were used to examine the expression of Cx37 in cerebral basilar artery of rabbits at different ages, respectively.  Results    Cx37 mRNA expression in basilar artery was positive from young rabbit, and the expression reached a peak at adult stage of animals, and then descended again at the old stage. Cx37 protein expression in basilar artery of rabbits was stronger at adult stage than that of young and old stages.  Conclusions The expression of cx37 in the basilar artery of rabbit increased gradually, until the adult stage of animal, which implicates that, Cx37 may play an important role in regulating the cerebral vasculomotor activity. However, the decreased expression level of the protein for older animals may relate to the development of cerebrovascular sclerosis.   

    Anatomic research on the transposition of vagus nerve to phrenic nerve in the rat
    WEN Jun-Xiang, LI  Cuan, SUN Gui-Xin, LI Li-Jun, TAN  Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  324. 
    Abstract ( 2270 )  
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    Objective To provide micro-anatomical basis for recovering diaphragmatic function after cervical spinal injury by vagus nerve transposition to phrenic nerve.   Methods   10 healthy female SD rats were dissected to free the bilateral phrenic nerves, the vagus nerves and their branches under the surgical microscope. The distances between the vagus nerve and the phrenic nerve were measured by a sliding caliper(precision of 0.01mm) at "the phrenic nerve trunk originated level", "supraclavicula level" and "the level of diaphragma", and then the diameters of vagus nerves and phrenic nerves at the levels mentioned above were measured by microscope (precision of 0.0025mm) respectively.   Results    The diameter of vagus nerves was bigger than that of phrenic nerves by one third at the cervical part [the diameter of vagus nerve was (0.3284±0.0247)mm,phrenic nerve (0.2267±0.0164)mm], and the distance between them was no more than 2.5mm either at "the phrenic nerve trunk originated level" or at "supraclavicula level". At the "the level of diaphragma", the diameters of both nerves were roughly the same [vagus nerve was(0.2912±0.0326)mm,and phrenic nerve (0.2794±0.0282)mm], and at this level, the distance between them was (8.71±0.804) mm and (6.203±0.952) mm on the left and right sides respectively.   Conclusions    The diameters of vagus nerves and the phrenic nerves are not different so much in the cervical part. The two nerves get close to each other, therefore, it is possible to suture them directly without any tension, especially at "the level of diaphragma".

    The comparison of scar nerve fiber staining by protein gene product 9.5 and neurofilament protein
    WANG Yi-Bing, HE Jian-Ta, FENG Yong-Jiang, LI  Hao, ZHANG Yang-De
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  327. 
    Abstract ( 1674 )  
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    Objective  To compare the effects on scar nerve fiber staining by PGP9.5 and NFP.   Methods   25 scar samples at the proliferative or maturation stages were harvested. Two different researchers performed test respectively. Scar nerve fibers were labeled with PGP9.5 or NFP by immunofluorescent technique. Gray values were determined and nerve fiber volume fractions (NVF) were calculated adopting semi-quantitation. Positive rate of different markers were determined.   Results    ⑴There was no significant difference between researchers (F=0.542, P>0.05). ⑵Gray value of PGP9.5 positive nerve fibers in scar were 51.55±41.47, which were lower than that of NFP(81.38±32.1,P <0.05); ⑶ NVF of PGP9.5 positive nerve fibers in scar were 0.57±0.38, lower than that of NFP 0.82±0.28, (P <0.05). ⑷PGP9.5 positive rate was significant lower than that of NFP.   Conclusions    PGP9.5 is less effective in labeling scar nerve fibers than NFP.

    Biomechanical study of vertically unstable pelvic fracture
    CHEN  Liang, HUANG Ji-Feng, DIAO Wei-Dong, CA Xian-Hua, CHEN Peng-Hong, HUI  Chao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  330. 
    Abstract ( 1953 )  
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    Objective To construct the model of the sacroiliac joints (SIJ) displacement and prelimilarily explore the biomechanical characteristics of the sacroiliac complex(SIC) injury.   Methods Six frozen pelvis taken from six adult male cadavers were examined and fixed on the Material Testing System (MTS). Six markers were fixed to pot the pelvis in order to measure the displacement of the SIJ. The pelvis were then subjected to dynamic compressive loading at a rate of approximately 2 m/s using the servo-hydraulic MTS. The maximum impact stress and response time were measured when the SIJ was completely disrupted, at the same time, we measured the 3-dimensional displacement using a 3-dimensional video system (Gait Analasis System) at the point of joint failure, furthermore, anatomic characteristics of the disrupted SIC were explored.  Results The SIJ displacement model was constructed succeed. The average maximum impact stress was about 4.05±0.42kN and average response time 22.99±1.89ms. The maximum vertical displacement was about 8.15±1.34mm. The SIC injury always combined with fracture of ilium or sacrum. Each concerned ligament had different injury characteristics.   Conclusions For the vertically unstable pelvic fracture, some regularity and characteristics can be summaried and considered during the clinical diagnosis and treatment. Under the condition of the vertical displacement beyond 0.9cm, all the ligaments concerned with the SIC maybe destroy.

    The blood supply of the peroneus brevis muscle flap and its clinical application
    SHU Di-Chi, LI Lian-Xiang, XU Jian-Hua, LV Zhi-Jun, LI Qiang-Dong, WANG Wen-Beng, ZHANG Yan-Jun, CHAI Li-Jun, YU Zhao-Jiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  334. 
    Abstract ( 1560 )  
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    Objective To understand anatomic features of the blood supply of peroneus brevis muscle, and explore the viability of the peroneus brevis muscle flap or pedicled peroneus brevis muscle flap transfer within soft tissue for repairing ankle soft tissue defeats or the tibial nonunion. Methods Thirty fixed adult lower limb specimens were perfused with red emulsion. The vessel origin, course and distribution of the peroneus brevis muscle were dissected and observed. For 10 cases, arcuate arteries of peroneal artery were taken as a pedicle to repair soft tissue defects in ankle and tibia bone nonunion.  Results The vessels of peroneus brevis showed a segmental distribution, mainly from the arcuate arteries of peroneal artery, and the average distance of the most distal branch to lateral malleolus was about (50.81±5.45)mm. According to anatomic features of peroneus brevis muscles and its blood supply, peroneus brevis muscle flap was designed and used to treat 10 patients successfully.  Conclusions The blood supply of peroneus brevis muscle was rich and stable, which can be taken as the ideal muscle flap to repair ankle soft tissue defects and tibial nonunion.

    A case report of the aberrant external jugular vein
    YI Sai-Sai, DAO Wen-Jiang, HUANG Wen-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  338. 
    Abstract ( 903 )  
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    Surgical treatment of anterior sacroiliac fusion for sacroiliac dislocation
    HUANG Bing-Sheng, CHEN Li-An, CHEN Jian-Min, LIAO Le-Yue, HUANG Jiong-Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  339. 
    Abstract ( 2209 )  
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    Objective To report the methods and results of the surgical treatment of anterior sacroiliac fusion for sacroiliac dislocation.Methods Twenty one patients were treated by anterior sacroiliac fusion with internal fixation and autograft bones.   Results 21 cases with sacroiliac dislocation were treated by sacroiliac fusion from anterior approach.The follow up about 10~24 months (mean 12.5 months) proved that,all the patients can walk and back to their normal life. 17 cases of them were with no pain, however, other 4 with mild pain. No complications happened, such as dislocation. Conclusions The surgical treatment of anterior sacroiliac fusion can maintain the stability of sacroiliac joint. This treatment is simply-operated, effective and reliable.

    The diagnosis and treatment on rotator cuff tear
    LIANG Jiang-Qing, HUANG Bi-Liu, TAN Jia-Qun, XU Zi-Jiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  342. 
    Abstract ( 1808 )  
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    Objective To explore the diagnostic method and evaluate curative effects on the rotator cuff tear. Methods     From July 2004 to July 2008,48 cases of rotator cuff tear were selected for conservative therapy (17 cases) or surgical therapy (31 cases)according to the types of rotator cuff tear. For patients of conservative therapy, the combined therapies, involving the resting, traditional Chinese medicine, NSAIDs, topical drugs, blocking therapy and traction were used. However, the excision of acromiocoracoid ligament through lateral shoulder approach, followed by acromial arthroplasty,shoulder cuff repair,mattress suture for infraspinatus,infraspinatus and subscapularis, and the shoulder fixation at the abduction position after the operation were performed for patients of surgical therapy. Results    All 48 patients were followed up for more than 6 months, averagely 13 months. The outcomes were evaluated using scoring system of UCLA.20 shoulders graded excellent in the group of operations,10 good,1 bad.the excellent and good result was about 96.8%.8 shoulders graded excellent in the group of conservative treatment, 6 good,3 bad. The excellent and good result was about 82.4%.   Conclusions    Correct analysis and diagnosis of the types of rotator cuff tear, and the prompt surgical treatment, especially for the Neer Ⅱand Ⅲ, are crucial for improving curative effects on rotator cuff tear.

    A new method to show the optic pathway and its important syntopy
    XIAO Yang-Yang, HE Wen-Long, LIU Jia-Li, WANG Wen-Jing, GONG Jia-Ji, CHAI Xiao-Shan, WANG  Miao, ZHANG Jian-Yi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  345. 
    Abstract ( 1260 )  
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    The progress on study of anterolateral thigh perforator flap
    SHU Zi-Guan, TANG Ju-Yu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  347. 
    Abstract ( 906 )  
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    Right subclavian artery behind esophagus and abnormal position of left brachiocephalic vein: one case report
    CUI Yang-Jian, XU Jiang-Fa, DAO Wei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  350. 
    Abstract ( 1014 )  
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    Progress in clinical anatomy of TFCC
    ZHANG Feng-Lei, LIU Zhi-Gang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  351. 
    Abstract ( 1231 )  
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    Incomplete transposition of abdominal organs: one case report
    CONG Gui-Cheng, LAO  Meng, CHEN Jie-Hua, MO Xiao-Min, ZHOU  Dun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  353. 
    Abstract ( 1492 )  
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    Rare persistent truncus arteriosus with multiple vascular variations:a case report
    BI Xiao-Fei, LI  Yang, GUO Jian-Lei, ZHANG Xiao-Qi, KUANG  Liang, WANG  Yang, CHEN Bo-Wen, ZHANG  Lu, CHEN  Cong, GAO Lin-Feng, HU Jiao-Sheng, LI Qi-Yu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(3):  355. 
    Abstract ( 1318 )  
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