Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
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Advisor: ZHONG Shi-zhen
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Table of Content

    25 March 2010 Volume 28 Issue 2
    Microsurgical anatomy and clinical application of sclerotin segment of facial nerve
    DU Chang-Sheng, WANG She-Jun, WANG Jian-Zhen, TUN Jian-An
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  119. 
    Abstract ( 2460 )  
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        Objective To study the microsurgical anatomy of sclerotin segment of facial nerve so as to provide anatomic parameters for clinical application.  Methods Ten adult cadavers were fixed and perfused with color silicon. Facial nerves of these cadavers were observed and measured under operating microscope according to the lateral cranial base operative approach. Ten dry skulls were dissected to observe the relationships of osseous structures. The anatomic relationship and data of different segments of facial nerve were obtained respectively.  Results The facial nerve was divided into four segments, namely, internal acoustic meatus segment, labyrinthine segment, tympanum segment and mastoid segment. The cerebellopontine angle segment and internal acoustic meatus segment of facial nerve paralleled the vestibulocochlear nerve. The tympanum segment was closely related with osseous labyrinth and left the cranium from stylomastoid foramen. Conclusions Arcuate eminence and greater superficial petrosal nerve are important mark to locate internal acoustic meatus segment and labyrinthine segment in antepetrosal approach. Approach by the labyrinthine of Bill Crest is an important indicator of internal acoustic meatus segment of facial nerve. The angle bisector of Arcuate eminence and greater superficial petrosal nerve is the best marker to locate the internal acoustic meatus from middle cranial fossa.

    One example of abnormality of bilateral styloid process
    Lu Shi-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  122. 
    Abstract ( 1355 )  
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    Applied anatomy of broad nasal bone reduction
    AN  Yang, LIU Da-Lie, CHEN  Bing, CHAN  Lei, WANG Jing-Feng, WANG  Yang, YUAN Ji-Long, ZHOU  Zhi, DU Ben-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  123. 
    Abstract ( 2630 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical basis for broad nasal bone reduction.  Methods Clinical surgical dissection of nasal dorsum was studied bilaterally on 10 embalmed cadaveric head specimens.  Results  Nasal dorsum involved in nasal bone, nasal process of maxilla, and nasal process of frontal bone. The suture line length of nasal bone was about (25.2±2.91)mm, and suture line length of nasomaxillary (29.2±2.51)mm. The thickness of nasal process of maxilla at the level of piriform aperture was about (1.86±0.22)mm, at the level of the infraorbital border (2.18±0.22)mm, and at the level of medial canthal ligaments (2.78±0.10)mm. The distance between nasomaxillary groove and nasolacrimal duct was (3.52±1.22)mm for superior  part, (5.10±1.48)mm for middle part and (5.62±1.26)mm for inferior part respectively. The distance from the midpoint of insertion of the anterior branch of the medial canthal ligament to the nasomaxilloric suture was (2.87±0.08)mm.  Conclusions    For osteotomies of broad nasal bone reduction, the lateral incision have to be made from the superior part of inferior nasal concha, along with nasomaxillary groove under the periosteum and leaving the nasal lateral vein, reach to nasal root for meeting with medial incision, which is about the 3.5mm near the medial inferior aspect of orbital margin.

    The abnormity of median nerve complicating musculocutaneous nerve: one case report
    JIA Chun-Bei, JIANG Chang-Wen, QIN Xiao-Yun, ZHOU  Sai, LAN Ling-Yuan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  126. 
    Abstract ( 1377 )  
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    Applied anatomy of intrusive operations of lumbar intervertebral foramen
    YUAN Shi-Guo, LI Xi-Kai, WANG Hua-Jun, BO Chang-Qing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  127. 
    Abstract ( 2537 )  
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    Objective To provide data for intrusive operations of lumbar intervertebral foramen.   Methods Blood vessels, ligaments and nerves through L1-5 intervertebral foramen and their adjacent structures on 10 antisepsis corpses were dissected and observed.   Results Lumbar intervertebral foramen exit zones were almost sealed with nerves and blood vessels. Two zones relatively lacking blood vessel and nerve (triangular working zones) were sat beside lamina of vertebral arch and the midpoint of the line of two adjacent roots of transverse processus, and upon root of transverse processus. Ascending lumbar vein and linking vein between intervertebral vein and lumbar veins were observed in 12% triangular working zones upon root of transverse processus.  Conclusions Triangular working zone is relatively avascular zone. Attentions should be paid to the veins in admission passage zone for intrusive operations of posterolateral lumbar vertebra. Intervertebral foramen puncture is recommended to prick beside lamina of vertebral arch and the midpoint of the line of two adjacent roots of transverse processus. As lumbar intervertebral foramina exit zone is almost sealed with nerves and blood vessels, blind acupotomy is dangerous in this area.

    Anatomy of thumb reconstruction by transferring modified great toe skin-nail flap and second toe
    Mu  Yong, HUANG  Dong, TUN Wei-Chi, ZHANG Hui-Ru, DING Zi-Hai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  131. 
    Abstract ( 2419 )  
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    Objective To offer anatomic basis for thumb reconstruction by transferring modified great toe nail-skin flap and second toe.  Methods 20 adult cadaveric feet perfused with emulsion were microdissected and observed blood supply of great toe skin-nail flap and second toe compound flap. Results There were different blood origin for great toe skin-nail flap, mainly from plantar digital artery on fibular side of 1st toe and hallucis dorsal digital artery, with the diameters of (1.5±0.3)mm and (0.9±0.2)mm respectively. The vein drained into the great saphenous vein from the 1st dorsal metararsal vein and dorsal digital vein on fibular side of 1st; The nerve was the branches of the deep peroneal nerve and fibular marginal plantar digital nerve of 1st. For free composite tissue flap of second toe, its arteries were mainly from dorsal artery on fibular side of 2st toe and dorsal digital artery of 2st, with the diamaters of (0.7±0.1)mm and (0.3±0.1)mm respectively, while, its veins drained into the great saphenous vein from the 1st dorsal metararsal vein and the dorsal digital vein on tibial side of 2st, and its nerve was the branches of the tibial marginal plantar digital nerve of 2st.   Conclusions   Plantar digital artery on fibular side of 1st toe, hallucis dorsal digital artery, the dorsal artery on fibular side of 2st toe and dorsal digital artery of 2st will provide ideal blood supply for thumb reconstruction adopting modified the second toe and great toe skin-nail flap, for its wide diameter, extensive and plenty of cutaneous branches.

    The left kidneys and ureters incomplete repeat malformation:a case report
    DU Ai-She, SUN Feng-Gang, LI  Ti, LIU  Shuai, AN Chu-Gong, LV Ba-Shi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  134. 
    Abstract ( 971 )  
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    The development of fetal cerebellum assessed by MR images
    LIU  Fei, LI Zhen-Beng, LIU Shu-Wei, ZHANG Zhong-He, LIN Xiang-Chao, GENG He-Qun, XU Jun-Hai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  155. 
    Abstract ( 1894 )  
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    Objective To measure the volume and main dimensions of fetal cerebellum with MRI, and obtain the ranges of their normal values.  Methods 87 fetal specimens without CNS diseases aged from 14-40 gestational weeks were scanned under 3.0T MRI. The cerebellar transverse diameter (TCD), anteroposterior diameter (A-PD), vermis length and cerebellar volume were then calculated by Amira software. Lastly the relationship between these values with fetal age(FA) was analyzed statistically.   Results The TCD, A-PD and vermis length increased linearitily following the growth of the fetuses [TCD=0.165FA-1.410; A-PD=0.091FA-0.717; vermis length=0.108FA-0.832]. The relationship between cerebellar volume (in cubic centimeters) and FA (in weeks) was well described by a single exponential function [CV=0.034 exp (FA/5.918)]. The doubling time of CV was about 4.1 weeks.   Conclusions The development of fetal cerebellum could be displayed and quantified by 3.0T MRI, which is valuable for clinical diagnosis and evaluation of fetal development in vivo.

    Radiological correlation between the frontal gasification and the height of olfactory fossa
    DIAO Chun-Gong, FENG Yun-Hai, YANG Xiu-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  159. 
    Abstract ( 1930 )  
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        Objective To analyze the relationship between the frontal & ethmoidal area and the hyperpneumatization of frontal sinus. Methods A retrospective analysis of paranasal coronal computedtomography scans of 200 sides from 100 patients were performed. The junction point between vertical line of orbital plate and anterior cranial fossa, the angle from the line between the above point and attachment point of cribriform plate to horizontal line, the distance from vertical line of orbital plate to attachment point of cribriform plate, were measure respectively.  Results The angles from the line between the junctional point and attachment point of cribriform plate to horizontal line were (34.52±5.09)°, (42.80±6.19)°, and (52.80±4.89)° at the level of the olfactory fossa with the depths ≤3 mm, 4~7 mm or ≥8 mm respectively. The distances from vertical line of orbital plate to attachment point of cribriform plate were(10.12±1.44)mm and (11.18±1.45 )mm for the left and right respectively.  Conclusions    The presence of hyperpneumatization of the frontal sinus concerns with the angle from the line between the junctional point and attachment point of cribriform plate to horizontal line, with the more large angle, the more high rate of frontal gasification, and the more deep olfactory fossa.                                               

    Muti-slice computed tomography study of the mandible of the normal female
    LUO  Ai, LIU Da-Lie, HAN Lu-Jun, ZHANG  Jin, WANG Jing-Peng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  162. 
    Abstract ( 2241 )  
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        Objective To measure the thickness of cortical bone of the posterior border, the angle and the inferior border of mandible, and provide anatomical basis for plastic surgery.  Methods 60 healthy young women undergone mandible MSCT examination, then the multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) was done, followed with the measurement of the exterior, interior and marginal cortical bone thickness of the posterior border, the angle and the inferior border of mandible. The data were analyzed by SPSS13.0.  Results The exterior, interior and marginal cortical bone thickness of the left posterior border of mandible were (2.13±0.29) mm,(2.89±0.35) mm,and (4.40±0.66) mm; The exterior, interior and marginal cortical bone thickness of the left angle of mandible were (2.15±0.35) mm,(2.91±0.36) mm and (5.80±1.23) mm;The exterior, interior and marginal cortical bone thickness of the left inferior border of mandible were (2.20±0.41)mm,(3.02±0.42)mm and (4.31±0.68)mm respectively. The above parameters of the right were (2.14±0.25)mm,(2.73±0.29)mm and (4.17±0.59)mm; (2.25±0.25)mm,(2.76±0.32)mm and (5.60±1.06) mm;(2.40±0.39)mm,(2.99±0.41)mm and (4.15±0.65)mm respectively. Significant difference can be find among the thickness of exterior cortical bone of bilateral posterior border of mandible, the thickness of exterior cortical bone of bilateral angle, and the thickness of interior cortical bone of the inferior border of bilateral mandible.   Conclusions The measurement of cortical bone thickness of the posterior border, the angle and the inferior border of mandible by Multi-slice computed tomography is valuable to reduce the complications during the plastic surgery.

    Observation of lumbosacral nerve root anomalies on three-dimensional MR-PROSET imaging
    DAN Feng-Cheng, CHAI Xiao-Meng, LI Song-Bai, LI  Lin, LIU  Bei, LIU Yu-Pin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  166. 
    Abstract ( 2971 )  
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    The evaluation of 3D reconstruction on transarticular screw placement in the lower cervical spine
    DUAN  Yang, JIN An-Min, MIN Shao-Xiong, HU Kong-He, ZHANG  Li
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  170. 
    Abstract ( 2320 )  
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    The impact of transverse angle on the shape of ideal cervical pedicle screw
    LIU Qiang-Tu, GAO  Meng, CHEN Jian-Yu, SU Pei-Jiang, HUANG Dong-Sheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  174. 
    Abstract ( 2231 )  
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    CT measurement of posteromedial part of the distal tibia and its clinical significance
    HONG Jia-Yuan, DING Zhen-Ai, KANG Liang-Ji, DI Wen-Liang, LIAN Ke-Jian, YAN Cheng-De, GUO Lin-Xin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  178. 
    Abstract ( 2937 )  
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        Objective To offer anatomic basis for designing anatomical plate of posteromedial part of the distal tibia.  Methods 40 cases of healthy adults were scanned by spiral CT, and then three-dimensional reconstruction of tibia was performed. Anatomy characteristics of posteromedial distal tibia, including the postero-version angle of distal tibia, the twist height in the sagittal plane and the height of security zone for the screw in the distal tibia cross-section, were measured.  Results The postero-version angle increased gradually, whereas, the twist height decreased, from the lateral to medial. Correlation analysis showed that the postero-version angle had no correlation with the length of tibia,gender and age, however, the height of security zone and the twist height appeared positive correlation with the length of tibia, despite of gender and age. Conclusions The anatomical characteristics of posteromedial distal tibia are valuable for guiding the development of posteromedial anatomical plate of distal tibial and its clinical application.

    The diagnosis of MR cholangiopancreatography on the low junction of cystic duct
    YUAN  Fei, LIU Yin-She, DIAO  Jun, YUAN  Bin, ZHANG Zhong-Jiang, AI Ke-Wen
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  181. 
    Abstract ( 3527 )  
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    Objective    To assess clinical significance and value of magnetic resonance cholangio- pancreatography (MRCP) as a noninvasive method to evaluate the low junction of the cystic duct.Methods 304 patients undergoing MRCP from April 2004 to June 2009 were evaluated retrospectively.The low junction of cystic duct was defined when the cystic junction was detected in the lower third of the common bile duct. The location of insertion, the length and diameter of cystic duct and the associated lesions were also evaluated.   Results Low junction of the cystic duct was clearly assessed in11 patients by MRCP. The cystic duct inserted to the left side of the common bile duct in 8 patients, to the posterior side in 2 cases and to the right side in 1 patient. The length of cystic duct exceeded 40mm except one 10 years old patient with 38.5mm. 7 cases were associated with cholecystitis and gallstone.  Conclusions    MRCP is a useful, rapid, and non-invasive method for demonstrating the low junction of the cystic duct. Diagnosis of this anatomic variation prior to surgery may be helpful for procedures choice and preventing iatrogenic injury to bile ducts.

    The depressive effects of sTβRⅡ on Smad signal induced by TGF-β1 in neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts and myofibroblast differentiation
    LIAN Rui-Jing, CHEN Ti-Jie, HU Ceng-Lu, ZHANG Xiao-Dong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  184. 
    Abstract ( 1793 )  
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        Objective To investigate the inhibitory effects of sTβRⅡ on Smad signal induced by TGF-β1 in neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts and myofibroblast differentiation.  Methods Cardiac fibroblasts obtained from neonatal rats were cultured and randomly divided into 4 groups: PBS control group, TGF-β1 (5 ng/ml) group, sTβRⅡ (50 ng/ml) group and TGF-β1+sTβRⅡ group. 30min, 1h and 2h after the treatment, the expression of P-Smad2 and Smad3 was measured by immunocytochemistry (ICC) staining; after 24h, the expression of  α-SMA was measured by ICC staining.   Results Compared with that of PBS control group, the expression of P-Smad2, Smad3 (percentage of nuclear stained cells) and α-SMA increased significantly in TGF-β1 group (P<0.05); compared with that of TGF-β1 group, the expression of P-Smad2, Smad3 (percentage of nuclear stained cells) and α-SMA decreased markedly in TGF-β1+sTβRⅡ group (P<0.05).  Conclusions sT RβⅡ antagonizes the phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of Smad2/Smad3 protein induced by TGF-β1, blocks Smad signal transduction pathway, and inhibits myofibroblast differentiation in neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts.

    The effect of IGF-1 on reconstruction of femoral head and chondrification of articular cartilage
    XU Xiao-Bing,  Diao-De-Wei,  Wang-Tie-Nan,  Wang-Ben-Jie
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  188. 
    Abstract ( 1921 )  
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    Objective To analyze the effects of insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) on reconstruction of femoral head and chondrification of articular cartilage from the periost and aponeurosis of the greater trochanter bone flap surface.  Methods    Animal models of bilateral avascular necrosis of femoral head (ONFH) using liquid nitrogen frozen skill were performed. Animals were randomly divided into A and B groups , with the number of 20 for every group. The joint capsule of left femoral head were sutured after the treatment, however, the right femoral head underwent different approaches. For group A(bone flap treatment group), femoral head reconstruction were performed using the greater trochanteric bone flap with vessel pedicle, and for group B (bone flap and IGF-1 gene therapy treatment group), intra-articular injection of Ad-IGF-1 were performed after the femoral head reconstruction by greater trochanteric bone flap. At the 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 weeks point after treating, 4 animals were killed at every time point respectively, for morphologic observation, histopathologic detection of bone flaps. Results   Tissue nevrosis appeared at the frozen left femoral head for all animals, accompanied by fiber coverage, and debris-like tissue repair. Histologic detection confirmed that, hyaline cartilage cells appeared in the right bone area at the 6 week point for group A, whereas, hyaline cartilage cells appeared in group B as early as 3 week point, which implied the better repair effects of group B, compared to that of group A.  Conclusions    The periost and the aponeurosis of greater trochanteric bone flap are capable of chondrometaplasia, which will be prompted by the help of IGF-1. Our work is a beneficial attempt for applying cytokines during the treatment of ONFH.

    EphA5 mediate mesostriatal projection from midbrain to striatum
    FANG  Peng, YANG  Hun, LIU Wen-Jing, YANG Chu-Hua, YANG  Ji, ZHANG  Jing, LI Zhen-Hua, YANG  Lin, SUN Jin-Gao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  193. 
    Abstract ( 1688 )  
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        Objective To explore the effects of axon guidance molecular EphA5 on mesostriatal projection. Methods Immunofluorescence staining was performed to examine the expression of EphA5 in embryonic neuroepithelial stem cells of mesencephalon and the expression of Ephrin-A5 in striatum, while, RT-PCR and Western-blot techniques were performed to detect the expression of mRNA and protein of Ephrin-A5 in striatum. Furthermore, neuroepithelial stem cells were co-cultured with striatum explants of newborn rat brains for exploring targeted growth of cultured cells.  Results A great quantity of neuroepithelial stem cells were EphA5 positive, with the high expression of Ephrin-A5 in striatum. Co-cultured mesencephalon neuroepithelial stem cells extended towards the striatum. Conclusions    This study suggests that axon guidance molecular EphA5 receptor and its ligand Ephrin-A5 promotes the axon growth of neuroepithelial stem cells toward striatum during development, and these two molecules mediate the establishment of mesostriatal projection.   

    Comparative study of spatial and monolayer cultures of myoblasts in vitro
    AI He-Yang, QIN Jian-Jiang, TU  Lei, LIAO  Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  198. 
    Abstract ( 2386 )  
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    Objective To compare morphologic and functional features of C2C12 cells cultured on monolayer or Sylgard 184.   Methods    C2C12 cells were seeded on the culture dishes or the Sylgard 184 slots modified by type I collagen and Matrigel Matrix respectively. 2% horse serum was added into DMEM for priming the cell differentiation after the cell proliferating and confluencing about 80%. The morphologic and functional features were explored, adopting the inverted microscope, RT-PCR, and immunoflurecence. Results: After 5 day's induction, C2C12 on Sylgard 184 slots fused into polynuclear and polar myotubes. At the culturing time of 17d, the myotubes became matured, with extended diameter, paralleled distribution and the further confluence. This constructed muscle tissue showed automatic contractility, with the thickness of about 0.15 mm. Under the scanning electron microscopy, myotubes closely arranged and overlapped with each other. Compared with that of spatial culture, the differentiated myotubes of monolayer culture was tiny, arranged more randomly. The results of RT-PCR proved that, spacial culture prompted to the expression of MyoD and Myogenin mRNAs, compared to monolayer cultures, as well the protein levels of Desmin, F-actin, MHC, and nAChR. Conclusions   Compared with the traditional monolayer culture, three-dimensional culture is preferential to the differentiation, paralleled arrangement and the expression of functional molecules of myotubes in vitro, which is a favorable model to explore the development and stress loading of muscle tissue, as well the principals of skeletal muscle diseases.

    Isolation and identification of the peripheral blood derived mesenchymal stem cells and the induction of its into Schwann cells
    DAI  Xiang, TIE Xiao-Che, JIANG Yan-Wen, SHANG Yin-Juan, ZHANG Li-Hua, LIU Zhong-Yang, DONG Wei-Ren, GUO Jia-Song
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  203. 
    Abstract ( 1771 )  
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        Objective    To isolate and identify the peripheral blood derived mesenchymal stem cells (PBMSCs ) and the induction of it into Schwann cells in vitro. Methods: PBMSCs was isolated from SD rat blood, then special surface markers of the PBMSCs were identified by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. After the induction of PBMSCs towards Schwann cells successively with β-mercaptoethanol, all-trans retinoic acid and compound induce medium, the expression of S-100 or P75 was detected with immunocytochemistry.   Results    Flow Cytometry showed that the positive rates of CD11b, CD29, CD45, CD49d, CD90 and CD106 in cultured PBMSCs were 19.97%, 99.96%, 46.62%, 5.46%, 71.22% and 10.76% respectively. The immunocytochemistry demonstrated the negative expression of CD34 in PBMSCs. The percentage of the BrdU positive cells in PBMSCs was (34.1±4.3)% after BrdU treatment about 4h. The positive rates of S-100 and P75 were (75.2±4.1)% and (78.9±4.6)% respectively after inducing into Schwann cells.  Conclusions    Stem cells isolated from peripheral blood have the characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells, which can be induced into Schwann cells under specific conditions.

    The establishment and evaluation on rabbit model of compression spinal cord injury
    SUN Yu-Xing, TANG Wen-Jing, HUANG Hai-Xia, WANG Xin-Lu, LIU Gui-Yong, SUN Shan-Quan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  208. 
    Abstract ( 2387 )  
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     Objective To establish a new and reliable rabbit model of compression spinal cord injury, so as to provide a basis for further studies on molecular mechanism and clinical therapy of this kind of disease. Methods A self-made device for establishing acute compressed spinal cord injury was designed according to the characteristics of rabbit spinal column and vertebrae, which included four parts: screw, plastic cannula, fixed steel board and compressed steel board on spinal cord. Postoperative behavioral and histological changes were observed. TTC, HE, Nissl staining methods were used to evaluate the effects of this model.   Results The modified Tarlov behavior testing showed that, all rabbits in model group presented with weakness of muscle power in their hind legs and motor abnormalities. TTC staining showed the ischemia of diversity degrees at different segments of spinal cord, the compressed segment, the anterior segment adjacent to the compressed segment and the posterior segment adjacent to the compressed segment. In addition, the hemorrhage and tissue necrosis occurred in the posterior segment adjacent to the compressed segment; HE and Nissl staining showed the edema of neuronal tissue, karyopyknosis in some neurons and the decrease or even the disappearance of Nissl body.   Conclusions The acute compressed spinal cord injury model established by our self-made device accurately replicates the characteristics of acute compressed spinal cord injury , which is simple, replicable and adjustable.

    The finite element analysis of anterior screw fixation on lower thoracic vertebra
    LI Xiao-He, YAO  Bo, LI Shao-Hua, LI Zhi-Jun, WANG  Xing, CHEN Hai-Fang, ZHANG Ye-Hui, XU Da-Chuan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  214. 
    Abstract ( 2440 )  
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    Objective    To develop a 3-D finite element (FE) model of anterior screw fixation on lower thoracic vertebra, evaluate and modify the stress of screw and the stick.  Methods    The geometrical model was created by Mimics13.0 based on CT data of T11~12 motion segment from one adult male, and then, the above models were imported into the Ansys11.0 for establishing the 3-D FE of anterior screw fixation on lower thoracic vertebra. The 3D FE models were further imported into Ansys11.0 and analyzed under 500N pressure loading on the upper surface of T11, and 10Nm torque loading for simulating thoracic axial compression, anteflexion, extension, lateral bending and rotation. The Von mises stress of screws and stick were recorded and analyzed statistically the difference of different stress distribution of the screws and stick. Results    It was obviously that, the Von mises of the screw concentrated on the tail of screws, with the bigger stress at the inferior part than that at the superior part. Rotation movement resulted in breakage of the tails of screw and lower part of stick.  Conclusions    Anterior screw fixation system on lower thoracic vertebra will thicken the tails of screws and lower segment of stick. It is necessary to limit patients' activities by a waist-brace protection after operation.

    The exposure and biomechanics of sagittal osteotomy of olecranon at the median cubital position
    ZHENG An-Han, HU Yi-Shan, LIN Wei-Guang, SHI Pan-Zhang, DIAO Wei-Dong, LIN Ben-Dan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  218. 
    Abstract ( 2866 )  
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            Objective    To investigate the exposure scope and fixation effects after sagittal osteotomy of olecranon at the median cubital position, and explore its feasibility for treating intercondylar fracture of humerus.  Methods    Sagittal osteotomy of olecranon was performed on 18 fresh adult upper limb specimens. The exposure scope of distal humerus after the osteotomy of olecranon was measured, and then PDS-Ⅱ suture was used to fix the muscle-bone flaps in situ. The fixture effects were detected using the fatigue test of flexion-extension motion which executed by the MTS to simulate the effects of CPM.  Results    ①The humeral medial and lateral condyles, medial and lateral surface of supracondylar can be completely exposed in all specimens, while intercondylar fossa, the inferior and posterior articular surface of humeral trochlea and capitellum can be completely presented when elbow joint was flexed to 1000. ②Transverse distance and longitudinal distance pre- and post-fatigue test were (0.025±0.009)mm and (0.030±0.009)mm respectively, lower than 0.05mm(P<0.001). Conclusions   Exposure scope of humeral intercondylar after the sagittal osteotomy of olecranon is satisfied, meanwhile, the suture fixation of muscle-bone flaps is a comparatively stable fixture method, which is favorable for post-operational functional exercise.

    Sural neurofasciocutaneous composite flap with gastrocnemius tendon for repairing defects of Achilles tendon and overlying skin
    DONG Zhong-Gen, WANG Zhi-Hua, LIU Li-Hong, NI Jiang-Dong, HE Ai-Yong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  222. 
    Abstract ( 2510 )  
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    Objective To report the clinical effects of sural neurofsciocutaneous composite flap with gastrocnemius tendon on repairing defect of Achilles tendon and overlying skin.  Methods Six cases of defects of Achilles tendon and overlying soft tissue were reconstructed by the sural neurofasciocutaneous composite flap with gastrocnemius tendon. Be sure to keep the connection between gastrocnemius tendon and deep fascia of the composite flap during the surgery. The smallest and the largest areas of transfered skin flaps were 7cm× 5cm  and 11cm×10cm respectively. The size of gastrocnemius tendon were about 5cm×3cm to 9cm×4cm. Results All of the six flaps survived well, without obvious infection. The 3-50 months' of follow-up showed that the functions of Achilles tendon and the appearance of the flaps of 6 patients were satisfactory, with no Achilles tendon disruption appeared. Conclusions Sural neurofsciocutaneous composite flap with gastrocnemius tendon is easy to operate in repairing defect of Achilles tendon and overlying skin, with only slight syncretio of Achilles tendon, and excellent function recovery of ankle joint.

    Bi-pedicled gastrocnemius flap for repairing the composite defect of Achilles tendon: the modifications and anatomy
    SHU Ti-Liang, XU Yong-Qing, LI  Jun, YANG  Jun, HE Xiao-Qing, FAN Xin-Yu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  225. 
    Abstract ( 2662 )  
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    Objective: To modify the sliding bi-pedicled gastrocnemius flap technique, quantify its indications for repairing the composite Achilles tendon defects, and lessen the donor site morbidity. Methods: Thirty adult specimens of the lower extremity were used. The simulations of the bi-pedicaled gastrocnemius flap were made on these specimens with the detachment of the proximal soleus and the preservation of the integrity of Achilles tendon. The sliding distances of this flap were measured under different degrees of knee flexion. Results: When the knees flexed 0 , 30 , 60  and 90 , the average sliding distances of the flap were 13.83mm, 25.00mm, 32.67mm and 39.50mm respectively. Conclusions: The mere detachment of the proximal soleus and preservation of the integrity of Achilles tendon during the sliding of bi-pedicled gastrocnemius flap is applicable anatomically and is suitable for repairing the composite Achilles tendon defects within 40mm.

    Two-sided extensor indicis brevis : a case report
    CHEN  Bei, GAO  Yun, LIAO Xin-Pin, LIU Jian-Chuan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(2):  227. 
    Abstract ( 1210 )  
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    Multi-slice spiral CT examination of wandering spleen and vascular variant
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