Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
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Advisor: ZHONG Shi-zhen
Editor-in-chief: OUYANG Jun
Former Editor-in-chief: XU Da-chuan
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Table of Content

    25 September 2010 Volume 28 Issue 5
    Consensus on terminology of perforator flap and its related nomenclature
    ZHANG Shi-Min, TANG Mao-Lin, MU An-Tai, XU Da-Chuan, XU Yong-Qing, CHAI Yi-Min, ZHANG Yi-Xin, TANG Ju-Yu, ZHENG He-Beng, HOU Chun-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  475. 
    Abstract ( 1828 )  
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    Variation of superficial palmar arch and ulnaris artery of thumb: a case report
    XIAO  Cong, LIU Guo-Meng, SHAN Zhen-Wei, ZHANG Ding-Wei, CHEN Jia-Lei, LIU  Gang, TENG  Lin, HUANG Fu-Guo
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  477. 
    Abstract ( 1253 )  
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    The angle between the pedicle axis of lumbar vertebrae and the lateral border of vertebral plate: the measurement and clinical significance
    YU Xiao, PANG Qing-Jiang, YU Guang-Rong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  478. 
    Abstract ( 1862 )  
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    Objective To measure the angle between the pedicle axis of lumbar vertebrae and the lateral border of vertebral plate and discuss its' clinical significance. Methods 100 adult volunteers and 15 human lumbar spine specimens were chose to measure the angle between the pedicle axis of lumbar vertebrae and the lateral border of vertebral plate by the computer and the protractor, and then the collected data were compared and analyzed. Results  The angles obtained from X-ray images of volunteers were respectively, from L1 to L5, 90.7°±3.0°, 92.8°±3.0°, 94.6°±2.3°, 96.6°±2.6°, and 100.5°±3.2°. Significant differences appeared among different groups (P<0.05), but no gender difference appeared (P>0.05). The angles obtained from lumbar spine specimens were respectively 89.8°±3.3°, 91.9°±2.7°, 93.8°±2.4°, 95.1°±2.4°, and 99.2°±3.6°. As the results of X-ray data, there were significant differences among different groups(P<0.05), and no gender difference. Compared the data from X-ray images and specimens, there was no significant difference in L1, L2 and L3 (P>0.05), despite of the significant differences among L4 and L5 (P<0.05). Conclusions The insertion accuracy may be improved if the angle between the pedicle axis of lumbar vertebrae and the lateral border of vertebral plate can be used as the reference for the insertion of the pedicle screw.

    The diagnostic significance of transverse and sagittal diameters of lateral recess on lumbar spinal stenosis
    CHEN  Tong, LI Lin-Hong, JIAN Hua-Hua, ZHOU Ting-Yong, LI Pan-Pan, XU  Wei, ZHANG  Hui, LV Fa-Jin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  483. 
    Abstract ( 1628 )  
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    Objective To investigate the reasons of lateral recess stenosis and the diagnostic value of anatomic measurements on it. Methods 38 lumbar spinal specimens were made sagittal and transverse sections. The morphologic characteristics concerning with lateral recess, ligamenta flava and intervertebral disc were measured and analyzed. Results (1) Sagittal diameters of lateral recess of L3-5  vertebrae were(6.97±0.95),(6.46±0.86) and(6.37±0.54)mm,  respectively on section A, as well (7.21±0.82), (7.20±0.79) and(7.01±0.59)mm on section C. (2) For different lumbar vertebrae, there was a significant sex difference for transverse diameter and sagittal diameter of intervertebral disc, thickness of ligamenta flava, but not for transverse diameter and sagittal diameter of lateral recess on transverse sections, while there was no significant difference for transverse and sagittal diameter of lateral recess and thickness of ligamenta flava for bilateral lumbar vertebrae. (3)The height of anterior border of disc was significantly higher than that of posterior border on sagittal sections, especially in L5 ~ S1. The rate between the height of anterior and posterior borders of disc was smaller at L4~L5 than that at L5~S1. Conclusions  ⑴There is a significant difference among different sexes and lumbar vertebrae for morphologic parameters. ⑵ Transverse diameter and sagittal diameter of intervertebral disc, thickness of ligamenta flava are valuable for evaluating of lateral recess stenosis. ⑶ The narrow of lateral recess is possible for inducing of lumbar spinal stenosis.

    Volumetic analysis of osteonecrosis of the femoral head using computer software
    DOU E-Dong, DIAO De-Wei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  487. 
    Abstract ( 1681 )  
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    Objective To evaluate the accuracy of volume ratio of osteonecrosis of the femoral head measured by special computer software. Methods Necrotic volumetric ratio was evaluated by two methods in forty necrotic hips (from twenty beagle dogs) induced by liquid nitrogen: firstly, volume ratio was confirmed by the volume percentage of the necrotic lesion and the entire femoral head measured using fluid displacement. Secondly, all dogs were subjected to MRI scan before operation, and the image data were transferred to Dicom format using Mimics software, for reconstructing the three dimensional modal of the osteonecrosis of the femoral head, and then, Geomagic process and Ansys division was used to analyze the volume ratio. Results There were no significant difference appeared between the results of fluid displacement (25.8±10.6)% and the Mimic analysis(26.4±10.2)%. Conclusions As a new method, computer software is reliable for the accurate assessment of lesion size of ONFH.

    Anatomy of the insertion of brachialis and its implication on the fixation of coronoid process fracture
    MA Dun-Feng, ZHANG Shi-Min, WANG  Xin, RAO Zhi-Chao, LI  Bing, LOU Guo-Xiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  490. 
    Abstract ( 1407 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic features of the brachialis insertion and provide basis for the placement of the coronoid plate. Methods 8 normal adult fresh elbow specimens were dissected. The insertion site of brachialis, the length and width of the insertion, the distance from the insertion to the attachment of anterior bundle of medial collateral ligament, and the distance from the proximal edge of brachialis insertion to coronoid tip, were measured and analyzed respectively. Results For all cases, two brachialis insertions could be detected, which was in the medial side of the line of olecranon-coronoid tip, with the insertion length of (21.79±2.70)mm. The width of the superficial head insertion was about (4.11±1.12)mm, constituted with aponeurosis。The width of the deep head insertion was about (11.25±3.07)mm, constituted with aponeurosis and muscle. The widths of the radial and ulnar aponeurosis were (1.77±0.46)mm and (2.75±0.57)mm respectively. The width of the muscle between two insertions was (6.82±2.08)mm. The distance from brachialis insertion to the attachment of anterior bundle of medial collateral ligament was about (4.14±0.49)mm, and the length from the proximal edge of brachialis insertion to coronoid tip was about (9.30±1.51)mm. Conclusions (1) The interval between the brachialis insertion and the attachment of the anterior bundle of medial collateral ligament is adaptive for coronoid plate placement. (2) The interval will be extended to 6.89mm once the the ulnar aponeurosis is released, and even reach about 13.71mm after releasing muscle between two insertions, which is enough for placing coronoid plate.

    Anatomic features of triceps brachii muscle and its significance on the exposure of radial nerve at the postmedian arm
    CHAN Jian-Lin, JIANG  Heng, GAO Wei-Chao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  493. 
    Abstract ( 1861 )  
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    Objective To investigate anatomic features of the triceps brachii muscle and its relationships to the radial nerve for improving the exposure of the radial nerve at the postmedian arm. Methods 31 adult cadavers (62 sides) were dissected. The lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscles were separated bluntly from lateral brachial intermuscular septum to humerus for exposing the radial nerve. The site where the medial and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscle merged, the state of two heads before the merge, and the relationship of radial nerve with lateral and medial heads of triceps brachii, were observed and analyzed respectively. Results The distance between the site where the radial nerve pierced the lateral brachial intermuscular septum and the proximal merge point of the medial and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscle was approximately (6.7±2.6)cm,at the level of olecranon fossa.  Two heads of the triceps brachii muscle separated from each other distinctly. 79% (49 sides) lateral heads wholly arised from the bone surface of humerus proximately to the radial nerve groove, and 21% (13 sides) partly arised from the bone surface of humerus distally to the radial nerve groove, 9 of which were of tendous and 4 muscular types.  Conclusions To ulitize anatomic features of the triceps brachii muscle, the exposure of radial nerve at the postmedian arm can be more reasonable and secure.

    "T" operational approach in the treatment of proximal tibial fractures: anatomic study
    BANG Wei-Xiong, LIANG Ji-Gong, BAI  Bei, ZHANG  Zhi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  496. 
    Abstract ( 1683 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomic basis for "T"operational approach in the treatment of proximal tibial fractures. Methods After perfusing with red plastics via the femoral artery of 4 adult leg specimens, the distributions of the vessels and the nerves around the upper tibia were described in details. While, "T" approaches were simulated on other 4 specimens and analyzed. Results (1) The blood supply of the superior tibia consisted of the epiphyses,epiphysial and metaphyseal arteries, the tibial nutrient artery and the periosteal arteries. The nerve distribution concerned with infrapatellar branch of saphenous nerve and anterior tibial recurrent nerve. (2) Only the infrapatellar branch of the descending genicular artery was broken during "T" approaches, but the nerve branches were not found. Red plastics could be seen in different tissues. "T" approaches could explore the proximal tibia and the surface of knee joint completely. Conclusions (1) There are abundant vessel networks around "T" approach area. (2) "T" approach is more valuable, for its sufficient surgical exposure, convenient and safe operative procedure.

    Applied anatomy of the liver segment IX and the implication for interventional therapy of hepatoma
    BO Miao-Shui, HE  Feng, ZHONG Shi-Tian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  500. 
    Abstract ( 1977 )  
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    Objective To study applied anatomy of the liver segment IX and explore interventional therapy of hepatoma in segment IX. Methods Anatomic features of segment IX were performed on 50 liver specimens, while, 6 cases with primary hepatocullar carcinoma were embolized with overliquefied iodine-oil admixed with mitomycin, epirubicin and fluorouracil. Results Arteries of segment IX mainly originated from the right hepatic artery, and partly from the hepatic medial or left arteries. The branches of its portal vein came chiefly from the right anterior superior PV, and partly from the transverse part of the left PV, its bile duct drained into the right bile duct, while the drainage vein of the segment IX flowed into the inferior cava vein through the third porta hepatis, and partly into the right hepatic vein. The tumors within the segment IX became smaller and the liver function relieved obviously after intervene embolization. Conclusions The liver segment IX, which located deeply and latently in the liver, is a relative independent region with special vessels and draining duct systems. It is difficult to perform tumor incision in this region through separated or combined way. The embolization of the artery vessels with intervene technique was feasible and effective for the tumor treatment within the segment IX. Introduced with microcatheter by Seldlinger technique, tumors located deeply in special regions of the liver such as the segment IX could be treated availably. The intervene embolization and chemotherapy could be applied repeatedly for treating liver carcinoma with micro-wound and less complication which could not be treated by operational hepatectomy in some special region.

    A cass of hydatid diease in omentum
    HOU Li-Hua, MIAO Shan, GU Yuan-Li, WU Jin-Hu, ZHENG  Hao, ZHANG Chi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  503. 
    Abstract ( 779 )  
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    Anatomic communication between subperitoneal space of the transverse mesocolon and anterior pararenal space
    CUI  Hui, XIN Shun-Bao, LIU Feng-Jie, XU  Min, DONG  Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  504. 
    Abstract ( 1721 )  
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    Objective To study the communication between the subperitoneal space of the transverse mesocolon (SpST) and the anterior pararenal space. Methods Four cadavers (including 3 males, 1 female) were carried out latex injection into the anterior pararenal space, and then undergo CT scanning. After that, sectional specimens (including the transverse and sagittal sections) were performed. The data of CT images, sectional specimens, and the latex diffusion extent in SpST and anterior pararenal space were observed and analyzed. Results The latex perfused into the SpST, and encased the middle colonic vessels. In the right portion of SpST, latex got to the body or/and verge of the SpST, while, int the left portion of SpST, latex only diffused to the body, with no reaching to the verge. Conclusions SpST communicates with the anterior pararenal space. The relation between SpST and anterior pararenal space can be showed clearly through the latex injection and CT scan.

    Morphological classification of styloid process of radius and its clinical significance
    XIAO  Liang, LIU  Jiang, LI Xi-Kai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  507. 
    Abstract ( 2021 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical data for local blocking treatment and the needle knife therapy through investigating features and classification of the bony styloid process of radius. Methods The morphology of adult styloid process of radius was studied on 61 specimens. The sulcus and the bony ridges on styloid process of radius were observed. The distance from processus of the palmar bony ridge to the processus of the posterior bony ridge and the distance from the processus of the palmar bony ridge to the sharp point of styloid process of radius were measured and analyzed. Results In 39 specimens (63.93%), styloid process was deep and divided into two sulcuses by a tiny bone ridge. In 17 specimens (27.88%), styloid process was smooth without the tiny bone ridge. Bony sulcus was complanate and unconspicuous in 5 specimens (8.19%). The palmar bony ridge was more prominent than the posterior bony ridge for all the specimens. The distance was about 11.48±1.36mm from the processus of the palmar bony ridge to the processus of the posterior bony ridge. The vertical distance was 17.00±2.02mm from the processus of the palmar bony ridge to the sharp point of styloid process of radius. Conclusions  The processus of the palmar bony ridge was the most prominent part on styloid process of radius, which can be regarded as a positioning mark during the clinical operation.

    Digital anatomy of the gluteal intramascular injection site
    XIE Xia-Yan, DAI Kai-Yu, JIANG Rong-Bang, JIN Pei-Qing, HU Shi-Wang, TANG Mao-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  510. 
    Abstract ( 1906 )  
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    Objective To provide morphological data of an algorithm for optimal the site and needle length for gluteal intramuscular injection in adults. Methods (1) Twenty-three embalmed cadavers were injected with red latex. The buttock injection sites were identified as a probe. Dissection, measurement and photography were used to document the precise soft tissue thickness and relationship between the sciatic nerve and the gluteal intramascular injection sites in the gluteal region; (2) Six fresh cadavers underwent whole-body lead oxide injection for three-dimensional reconstruction using a spiral CT scanner and specialized volume-rendering software.    Results    Mean soft tissues thickness at injection site was (6.63±1.06) cm, the depth from intergluteal fissure to iliac periosteum was (4.37±0.62) cm, the depth from skin to intergluteal fissure was (2.26±0.89) cm, the length from injection needle to main trunk of superior gluteal vessels and sciatic nerve was (5.87±0.93) cm and (7.46±0.94)cm respectively in trichotomy way. The length between reference point and sciatic nerve was (3.63±0.68) cm in crossing way.    Conclusions    The finding that buttock subcutaneous fat thickness exceeds the length of the most commonly used needle for intramuscular buttock injection (2.7~4.0cm), suggests that the currently used injection technique may not be therapeutically optimal. We suggest that a needle longer than 6 cm should be used in for intramuscular buttock injections in adults.

    The spatial configuration and significance of mastoid segment of rabbit facial nerve
    TUN Cai-Qin, DAI Pei-Dong, YANG  Lin, ZHANG Tian-Yu, WANG Ke-Jiang, ZHANG Gong-Qi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  514. 
    Abstract ( 1428 )  
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    Objective To investigate the spatial configuration of the mastoid segment of facial nerve adopting the three dimensional (3D) reconstruction technique. Methods Five pairs of rabbit facial nerve and temporal bone were extracted and embedded in paraffin. After special trichrome stain, the serial sections were performed, observed and photoed under the microscope. And then, the images were imported to the Mimics software to reconstruct the 3D model to show the spatial configuration of facial nerve bundles. Results The facial nerve fibers assembled to fascicles without perineurium, and intertwined with each other to form a complex network structure. Conclusions The computer aided 3D reconstruction can show the spatial structure of facial nerve bundles and provide reference for the microanatomy.

    Sectional and applied anatomy of operative approach through optic canal
    LV Yang-Bei, DIAO Li-Wu, TUN  Yue, WANG  Beng, JING  Xiang, GAO Shi-Jie
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  518. 
    Abstract ( 1463 )  
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    Comparative study on serial slices and MSCT of the larynx and laryngeal MSCT three-dimensional reconstruction
    WANG  Chao, WANG Bin-Quan, CHAN Yun-Guan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  523. 
    Abstract ( 1601 )  
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    Sagittal and coronal sectional anatomy and clinical significance of the lateral cranial base
    FU Sheng-Qi, WANG  Hua, MIAO Ying-Ying, FAN Ti-Yi, DAO  Jing, YUE Hua-Jiang, OU Yang-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  529. 
    Abstract ( 1967 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical basis for imaging diagnosis and surgical approach of the diseases of lateral cranial base. Methods 40 headneck specimens from adult corpses were selected and cut into the sagittal and coronal sections respectively. On sagittal sections through the vertical part of carotid canal, foramen ovale, and on the coronal section through the foramen ovale and root part of styloid process, anatomical relationship of the structures of lateral cranial base were observed, and measured about anatomic parameters among the important structures of lateral cranial base with the vernier caliper. Results The sagittal, coronal sections could clearly display the foramen ovale, jugular foramen, vertical part of carotid canal, jugular fossa, temporomandibular joint, styloid process of lateral cranial base and its adjacent structures, and the structures in parapharyngeal space of the lateral cranial base. The distance from the external opening of carotid canal, foramen ovale, root part of styloid process to the jugular foramen were 16.60±2.34 mm, 22.70±1.64 mm, 21.14±2.05 mm in sagittal and coronal section respectively. Styloid process was bony mark for observing relationship among the structures and searching the nerve and vessels during the imaging diagnosis and surgical approach of the lateral cranial base. The structures of lateral cranial base were symmetrical of both sides, and there were no significant differences in the diameter and distance between the important structures. Conclusions  It's better to show structures in the internal acoustic meatus and infratemporal space, and valuable references for imaging diagnosis and planning surgical approach of the diseases of lateral cranial base, under the sagittal and coronal sections separately.

    Sectional anatomy and clinical significance of the cruciate ligaments and collateral ligaments of knee joint
    HENG Hua-Jun, XU  Wei, ZHOU Ting-Yong, JIAN Hua-Hua, LIU Ben-Ju, ZHANG  Hui, LI Lin-Hong, LV Fa-Jin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  533. 
    Abstract ( 1780 )  
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    Objective To provide morphological basis for the imaging diagnosis of the ligament diseases of knee joint. Methods A total of 27 sides of adult genicular specimens were used in this study. 6 serial transverse,9 sagittal,and 12 coronal sections of 5mm in thickness were made respectively. The features and parameters of different ligaments on three-dimensional sections was observed and measured. Results On sagittal plane, the lengths of anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments were (29.66±4.21)mm and (40.26±6.81)mm, the thickness of anterior and posterior cruciate ligament were (10.03±1.97)mm and (11.24±3.50)mm respectively. On coronal plane, the longitudinal diameters of the two ligaments were (15.18±3.25)mm and (18.79±3.35)mm, and the transverse diameters (6.37±1.32)mm and (8.03±1.46)mm respectively. The lengths of tibial and fibular collateral ligament were (102.85±19.64)mm and (45.52±14.91)mm, and the thickness of them (2.63±0.72)mm and (3.43±1.04)mm respectively. On serial transverse plane passed through intercondylar eminence, the longitudinal diameter of tibial collateral ligament was (21.98±11.95)mm and the transverse one  (2.03±0.59)mm, as well the fibular collateral ligament  (5.25±1.93)mm and (2.87±0.64)mm respectively. Conclusions (1)The adequate plane for observing the cruciate ligament was the mid-sagittal plane and the lateral sagital plane. The lengths and the widths of the attachment region from femur to tibia between anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament were different, however, the thickness is the exception. (2)The collateral ligament can be seen clearly on transverse and coronal planes, especially on coronal ones. (3) Sagittal and coronal planes are better for observing the cruciate ligaments, otherwise, coronal and transverses planes for collateral ligaments.

    Lingual arterial CT angiography and its clinic significance for patients of the obsturctive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
    LI Shu-Hua, DAN Hong-Jin, TUN Da-Hai, BAO Ji-Min, YANG Ben-Jiang, DONG Wei-Dong, TUN  Di
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  538. 
    Abstract ( 1631 )  
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    Objective To explore imaging features of lingual arterial CT angiography (CTA) among patients of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) with different lingua-palate position types. Methods: Ninety-three patients with OSAHS were included in the study and the lingual upper airway CT and lingual arterial CTA were obtained. The CT data among 4 groups of patients with different lingua-palate position types were compared. Results  There were no difference in the ages, AHI and LSaO2 among 4 groups of patients, however, the difference appeared in the BMI, area of lingual airway, length and thickness of lingua. For 4 groups, the length of lingual artery(mm) were 93.6±15.84, 95.9±16.39, 99.6±15.19 and 110.0±12.16, respectively, and the depth(mm) at the site of lacuna of tongue 27.4±5.81, 27.3±4.28, 28.0±4.43 and 31.2±6.38, respectively. The distance between bilateral lingual arteries (mm)  were 21.7±3.57, 23.1±4.90, 22.8±5.53, and 25.6±4.60,respectively, with the significant difference. There were correlation between the depth of lingual artery and lingual thickness, as well the distance of bilateral lingual arteries and the lingual width. Conclusions For OSAHS patients, the courses of lingual artery and imaging data are different, which maybe concerned with the anatomic features of tongue.

    Fenestration of vertebro-basilar artery detected by the head and carotid angiography under 64-slice multidetector spiral CT
    LIU Yin-She, YUAN  Fei, DONG Shao-Xi, GU  Xin, FENG Kai-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  543. 
    Abstract ( 1999 )  
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    Objective To analyze CT angiography features of arterial fenestrations concerning with vertebro-basilar arteries and its branches in an effort to improve our understanding of this anomaly. Methods  Between November 2007 and July 2009, 2051 head and carotid CT angiographies were performed in our hospital, and 4.2% (88 fenestrations) were diagnosed in 86 patients. The CTA of those 86 patients were evaluated retrospectively to determine the incidence, location and configuration of the fenestration and the relationship between the anomaly and the surrounding structures. The coexisting abnormalities were also evaluated. Results 48 fenestrations of basilar artery (2.34%) were detected in this study. The fenestrations were at the proximal portion of basilar artery trunk in 31 cases, and at vertebrobasilar junction in 16 cases. 37 fenestrations of vertebral artery (1.8%) were detected, with 19 anomalies at the intracranial level. In which, 16 fenestrations were at the extracranial level, and 2 at the atlantoaxial level and the intracranial segment of the artery. 2 fenestrations of the posterior cerebral artery and 1 fenestration of inferior cerebellar artery were found. 15 small fenestrations (less than 2 mm) presented foramen-like shape. 37 of 73 large fenestrations simulated an "ok" hand sign, and 36 showed partial duplication type of fenestration. 1 aneurysm associated with basilar artery fenestration and 3 aneurysms near the other arteries were found. In 7 patients there were additional cerebrovascular anomalies, 2 of them were associated with anterior cerebral artery fenestrations, while other 5 coexisted with origin variation in left vertebral arteries (emanated from aortic arch). Conclusions 64-slice CTA of the cranio-cervical arteries is a rapid, intuitive, and accurate method for demonstrating vertebrobasilar artery fenestration and its coexisting abnormalities. Diagnosis of this anatomic variation prior to surgery and intervention may be helpful for procedures choice and decreasing the risk of operation.

    MRI and clinic significance of the disc between the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae and the sacrum
    DU Xin-Ru, DIAO Ling-Xiu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  547. 
    Abstract ( 1554 )  
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    Objective To explore MRI features and clinic significance of the disc between the lumbosacral transitional vertebrae (LSTV) and the sacrum. Methods The MRI and X-ray data from 52 patients with lumbosacral transitional vertebrae, and the average age of 49.3 years, were analyzed.  Results  The LSTV types of Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ were 23.1%(12 cases), 17.3% (9 cases), 48.1% (25 cases) and 11.5% (6 cases) respectively according to the Castellvis classification. The disc between LSTV Ⅰ and the sacrum were significantly less degenerative than the disc immediately above the LSTV, more like the remnant compared with the disc at the other levels. However, the lumbar discs immediately above the LSTV were more significantly degenerative than the disc at the other levels. Conclusions The disc between the LSTV and the sacrum is a kind of remnant and less degenerative, especially in the Ⅲ and Ⅳ types, for its' stability between the transitional vertebrae and the sacrum could be preserved by the articulation or bony union between the LSTV and the sacrum through its transverse process, which protect the disc from the degeneration in the long term.

    The correlation between the volume of the sphenoid and the bulge of the internal carotid artery in the sphenoid: CT study
    SHU Xi-Wen, SUN Jia-Qi, LI Ru-Feng, GU Bing-Xin, XU  Jin, JIANG  Beng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  551. 
    Abstract ( 1477 )  
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    Objective To investigate the relationships between the bulges of the internal carotid arteries (ICA) in the sphenoid and the volume of the sphenoid by CT study. Methods The incidence of the bulges of the ICA were observed on 350 subjects without abnormal paranasal sinus diseases by CT, and then these subjects which were drawn randomly out the results were divided into three groups (group of NO bulge of ICA, one bulge and double bulges separately) and each group consisted of 30 subjects. The volume of the sphenoid was measured and the relation between sphenoid volume and bulges of ICA were analyzed. Results Group of No bulges of ICA in the sphenoid sinus were seen in 70.75% (258 subjects), one bulg in 8.49% (31 subjects), and double bulges in 20.74% (108 subjects). The sphenoid volume was (11.16±1.60) cm3 in NO bulge of ICA, (14.20±1.80) cm3 in one bulge and (25.03±2.21) cm3 in double bulges. There was significant difference between each group. Conclusions The volume of sphenoid is correlated with the incidence of the bulges in the sphenoid. If the volume of sphenoid is small, the incidence of the bulge is lower, otherwise, the larger volume with the higher incidence.

    Reference frame conversion and section reconstruction in head of digital human
    CHEN  Yu, HAN  Feng, WANG  Wei, HAO Jia-Na, LI Yao-Qiong, NIU Song-Jing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  554. 
    Abstract ( 805 )  
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    The effects of ATMFS on the bone healing of iliopectineal crest fracture and the expression of osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein
    NIU Yun-Fei, HU Shuo-Gui, ZHANG Chun-Cai, LIU Xin-Wei, CAO Lie-Hu, WANG Pan-Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  557. 
    Abstract ( 1601 )  
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    Objective To explore the effects of acetabular tridimensional memory fixation system(ATMFS) on the bone healing and the expression of osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein of canine iliopectineal crest fracture models. Methods 15 adult mixed breed dogs without significant individual difference were made transverse fracture at bilateral iliopectineal crest 1.5 cm above the dome of acetabulum,which were fixed with ATMFS and steel plate respectively. The animals were examined at 2,4,6,8 and 12 weeks after operation by X-ray and macropathological observation. The expression of osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein were investigated by in situ hybridization, histological image analysis and real-time PCR respectively. Results There was no disordered bony callus appeared in ATMFS fixed bone, with the shorter healing time of it compared to that of steel plate fixation. The more strong expression of osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein can be found in fixation groups compared to that of the control, furthermore, significantly strong expression of them appeared in ATMFS group than that of steel plate group(P<0.05), especially at the 6 weeks(P<0.01)after the operation. Conclusions ATMFS is valuable for the production of osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein during the process of bone healing by generating persistent compressive stress.

    The expression and distribution of endothelin-1 in middle cerebral arteries of endotoxemia rats
    MO Li-Dan, LIN Xue-Qun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  562. 
    Abstract ( 1463 )  
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    Objective To investigate the relationship between endothelin-1(ET-1) and cerebral vasospasm in endotoxemia rats. Methods 96 Wistar rats were randomly divided into control and experimental groups, the latter was then subdivided into 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48-h groups after the injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The alteration of plasma ET-1 was detected by radioimmunoassay technique, and ET-1 immunoreactive nerve fibers in middle cerebral artery were examined with immunohistochemistry and measured with stereoscopy method. Results LPS treatment caused a significant increase of plasma ET-1 concentration at 3, 6 and 12 h after the treatment compared to that of control (P<0.05). For 24 and 48-h LPS-treated groups, the plasma ET-1 decreased and closed to the normal level (P>0.05). The ET-1 immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in all groups, which were brown and thin line-shaped. Moreover, at 6 and 12 h after LPS treatment, the density of ET-1 immunoreactive nerve fibers on middle cerebral arteries was much higher than that of the controls (P<0.05). Conclusions Our findings suggest that, after endotoxemia, the elevated plasma ET-1 concentration, as well enhanced ET-1 immunoreactivity in cerebral arterial nerve fibers, are both involved in the development of cerebral vasospasm induced by endotoxemia.

    Establish of new type rat model of chronic compressive cervical myelopathy
    LONG Hou-Qing, WEN Chun-Yi, HU  Yong, LI An-Cheng, LIU Shao-Yu, LI Bi-Bao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  566. 
    Abstract ( 1613 )  
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    Objective To establish the new type chronic compressive cervical myelopathy on rat. Methods Total 20 rats were operated with implantation of a water-absorbing polymer sheet in cervical spinal canal(C5~C6), which expanded gradually to induce chronic compression to the spinal cord. At 6 months after surgery, SEP, radiological (Micro-CT) and pathohistological(HE)/histochemistry(LFB) evaluations were done. Results All 20 rats’ spinal cord showed significant morphological compressed deformity after chronic compression. It was also characterized by higher contrast intensity, distortion of gray matter and whiter matter under Micro-CT evaluations. 14 of 20 showed prolonged latency and/or decreased amplitude: decreased amplitude (n=5), prolonged latency (n=5), prolonged latency and decreased amplitude (n= 4). Compared with 6 rats with normal SEP responses, these 14 rats spinal cord showed significant less myelin staining in white matter (102±13 vs. 138±7; P<0.05),significant different regarding contrast medium density in posterior dorsal column(98±5 vs. 88±6; P<0.05), and lower neuron density and cavitation in gray matter(23±8/mm2  vs. 27±6/mm2; P>0.05). Histological cystic cavitations, angiogenesis, and sinusoidal dilation of veins were noted in spinal cord with significant distortion after compression. Conclusion This new animal model provided convenient, intuitive, high succeed rate, multi-parameters, and stable tool for studying the mechanism of cervical spondylotic myelopathy.

    Evaluation on parameters of normal knee ligaments during weight-bearing flexion after motion analysis with the 2D/3D image registration technology
    LI Ping-Ti, YIN Qiang-Shui, HUANG Hua-Yang, CHEN Hong-Wan, WANG  Qiang, WANG Ze-Jin, LI Jian-Die
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  571. 
    Abstract ( 1429 )  
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    Objective To get the length parameters in vivo of ligaments of healthy knees of Chinese during weight-bearing flexion after motion analysis with the 2D/3D registration technique. Methods 2 orthogonal X ray images of knees were got under weight-bearing flexion 0°, 15°, 30°, 60°, and 90° in 8 healthy knees of volunteers. These orthogonal images were then imported into virtual fluoroscopic registration system and registered with the three-dimensional models which were reconstructed from CT data with the 2D/3D image registration technology. After 2D/3D image registration, the three-dimensional motions of knees under weight-bearing were showed. Through the bone insertion of ACL/PCL, MCL/LCL, the length parameters of ligaments in vivo were analyzed. Results With the flexion angle increased, ACL length gradually shortened, from (27.73±1.34)mm at 0° to (23.34±1.48)mm at 90°s; PCL length increased gradually, from (26.5±1.65) mm at 0° to (33.80±1.97) mm at 90°; MCL length decreased gradually, From(38.17±1.40) mm at 0° to (35.98±1.50) mm at 90°; LCL length gradually reduced, from (52.56±1.64)mm at 0° to (50.22±1.41) mm at 90 °. Differences have statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusions The in vivo ligaments parameters of the healthy knee at different flexion angle can be got through the 2D/3D image registration technique.

    Biomechanic evaluation of screw pull-out strength on the axis of anterior transoralpharyngeal atlantoaxial reduction plate
    TUN  Feng, YIN Qiang-Shui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  575. 
    Abstract ( 1478 )  
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    Objective To evaluate the transoral screw pull-out srength on C2 of transoralpharyngeal atlantoaxial reduction plate (TARP). Methods Six fresh spine specimens involving C1 and C2 (12 sides) were designed to compare screw pull-out strength  of C1 and C2. C1 screw was implanted into the lateral mass, while C2 screw was separately implanted into pedicle, vertebrae and articular process, and then the pull-out strength was tested and compared. Results There were no statistical difference of the screw pull-out strength between C1 lateral mass screw(546.45±85.07 N)and C2 pedicle screw(593.14±97.77 N),however, C1 lateral mass screw was stronger than C2 vertebrae screw and C2 screw underneath the articular process. The pull-out strength of C2 articular process screw(469.94±73.32N)was stronger than that of C2 vertebrae screw(395.15±75.07 N). Conclusions: Experimentally, screw fixation transoral approach to C2 pedicle and C2 articular process of TARP is strong and safe.

    Real-time monitor of intra-stress distribution in cervical spine during cervical rotatory manipulation.
    WU Li-Beng, CHEN  Xi, FAN Ji-Hong, JIAO Pei-Feng, ZHONG Shi-Tian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  578. 
    Abstract ( 1595 )  
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    Objective To explore the characters of intra-stress distribution in cervical spine during cervical rotatory manipulation (CRM). Methods A 3D finite element model of C3/4~C6/7 was set up through software systems handling normal C3~C7 CT images. The decomposed mechanic parameters of CRM were analyzed by the finite element system. The changes of intra-stress distribution in model were displayed simultaneously during simulating manipulation. Results The size and region of stress suffered cervical model gradually decreased, and then increased gradually during pulling manipulation. The regions of stress concentration were mainly in C3/4 zygapophyseak joints. With increased thrust in C4 spinous process turning to the left, left bottom and root of C4 spinous process, combination area in left bottom and vertebral of pedicle C4 spinous process appeared stress concentration in turn, with the greatest stress of 9.627 kpa. In the process of cervical spine turning and right rotating about 40°, bilateral C3~C6 zygapophyseak joints, C4~C6 vertebral arch, the root of C4~C6 spinous process and the lateral side of C4~C6 vertebral body appeared stress concentration in turn, with the greatest stress of 363.6kpa in right of C3/4  zygapophyseak joints. The size and the region of stress suffered model reduced quickly at the stage of quickly returning to neutral position. Conclusions Cervical spine has its unique characters of intra-stress distribution under the CRM. Zygapophyseak joints suffer the major stress during the cervical spine movement.Model suffered the greatest stress under right rotation with 40°, but it did not injure the normal structrue of cervical spine.

    A case report ofmedianartery type superficial palmar arch
    WEI Xian-Fei, LONG Jia-Yin, BANG Gao, CHEN Wei-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  581. 
    Abstract ( 1543 )  
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    Biomechanics of the distal femoral fracture fixation with bolt locked intramedullary nail
    LIU  Yang, ZHANG Meng-Qing, CENG Ling-Feng, BI Zhen-Yu, DIAO Wei-Dong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  582. 
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    The progress on study of medial sural artery perforator flap
    CHEN Pan-Ming, TANG Ju-Yu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  586. 
    Abstract ( 885 )  
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    Two case report of variation of brachial arteries
    LI  Liang, HE Dong-Sheng, LUO Yong-Qing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  588. 
    Abstract ( 949 )  
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    Angiography with polyvinyl alcohol and bismuth oxide
    ZHANG Hui-Ai, JIANG Xiu-Yan, DAN Xiao-Tian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  589. 
    Abstract ( 1754 )  
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    The design and manufacture of lactiferous duct cast model for CT scanning
    LIU  Chang, DAN  Jin, LI Ze-Yu, ZHONG Guang-Meng, LI Zhong-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  591. 
    Abstract ( 827 )  
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    One case of right coronary artery
    WANG Lian-Xiang, LI Chu-Yang, ZHANG Li-Ping, HOU Ying-Long
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  592. 
    Abstract ( 906 )  
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    Variation of hepatic artery and renal artery as well as incompleteness ureteral duplication malformation: one case report
    WANG  Zheng, LI Gui-Bao, LI Zhen-Zhong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2010, 28(5):  59300. 
    Abstract ( 894 )  
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