Objective To provide the reference of applied anatomy for flap design of maxillofacial region, by adopting macromicrodissection and blood vessel cast skill. Methods ①Antisepsis fixation and by way of common carotid artery filling emulsion stuffing dealt with 3 specimens of healthy adult cephal-neck region. Dissection was performed bit by bit from the surface to the deep, for observing and recording the origin diameter, courses, branches, distribution of maxillofacial region's blood vessels; ②Three fresh healthy adult cephal-neck region's specimen were filled with red perchloroethylene stuffing through the common carotid artery. After the corrosion, the origin, courses, branches, distribution and anastomosis of maxillofacial region's blood vessels were explored. Results Maxillofacial region's blood supply was mainly from the branches of facial artery, ophthalmic and maxillary artery, and superficial temporal artery, while that of cheek, lips, nose and chin area were from the branches of facial artery, that of eyeball, extraocular muscles, lacrimal gland and dorsumand palpebrae were from the branches of ophthalmic artery, that of teeth, gingiva, cheek, mandibular joint, nasal cavity, palate and muscles of mastication were from the branches of maxillary artery, and that of parotid gland, orbicularis oculi, soft tissue of temporal and branch of facial nerve were from the branches of superficial temporal artery, respectively. Conclusions It is a beneficial reference for the approach of plastic operation in maxillofacial region, by investigating systematic anatomic features of maxillofacial region's blood supply.