Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
Advisor: ZHONG Shi-zhen
Editor-in-chief: OUYANG Jun
Former Editor-in-chief: XU Da-chuan
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CN: 44-1153/R
ISSN: 1001-165X

Table of Content

    25 January 2011 Volume 29 Issue 1
    Microsurgical anatomy of cisterns and arachnoid membranes in pineal region
    FAN  Dun, QI Song-Chao, ZHANG Chi-An, DAN  Jin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 2287 )  
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    Objective To study micro-anatomical features of cisterns and their arachnoid membranes in pineal region. Methods Cisterns in pineal region including their shapes, borders, contents and arachnoidal membranes were observed in 20 cadaveric brains using an operating microscope. Results  Arachnoid membranes of the pineal region include the arachnoidal envelope, the posterior perimesencephalic membrane and the cerebellar precentral membrane. At the level of the tentorial apex, arachnoid membranes covering the inferior-medial surface of occipital lobe and the superior surface of cerebellum converge to form the arachnoidal envelope, which encloses the vein of Galen with its tributaries, the pineal gland and the suprapineal recess. The posterior perimesencephalic membrane arises from the outer arachnoid membranes covering the inferior occipital lobe and the superior cerebellum at the tentorial edge. It surrounds and is attached to the dorsal mesencephalon. The cerebellar precentral membrane originates from the arachnoid membrane covering the superior cerebellum where it meets with the arachnoidal sleevelet, and is attached to the inferior colliculus anteroinferiorly. The quadrigeminal cistern borders the superior cerebellar cistern by the cerebellar precentral membrane, the posterior pericallosal cistern by the arachnoidal sleevelet and the posterior ambient cistern by the ascending part of the posterior perimesencephalic membrane; the posterior ambient cistern borders the cerebellomesencephalic cistern by the horizontal part of the posterior perimesencephalic membrane. Conclusion The borders, communications and relationships between cisterns in pineal region as well as their arachnoid membranes were redefined in this study.

    The chorda tympani anatomical observation in facial nerve decompression surgery
    LI Jian-Dong, LI  Juan, WANG Xue-Yong, ZAO  Liang, LIU Yong-Liang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  7-9. 
    Abstract ( 1973 )  
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    Objective to study the location of chorda tympani, and provide relevant anatomical data for facial nerve decompression surgery and other mastoid surgery. Methods From April 2005 to October 2009, there were 216 adult Han nationality patients with peripheral facial paralysis receiving  facial nerve decompression, in the surgery, under NC4 surgical  microscope, the chorda tympani location and the type of issue were observed and analyzed. Results 69.0%(149 cases) of chorda tympani nerve issues from the facial nerve in the form of a single root, and 19.4%(42cases) of chorda tympani nerve issues in the form of double roots, while 3.2%(7cases) of chorda tympani nerve has 3 roots, there is no pattern in 4 roots or more, all roots converge into a chorda tympani nerve on the top of the facial nerve recess and then go into the middle tympanum.  Due to our surgical approach, chorda tympani roots were not found in 18 cases(8.3%). Single chorda tympani nerve by the issuing site is divided into: from the cone-shaped fascia of stylomastoid foramen region in 82 cases, accounting for 55.0%, from the mastoid segment of the facial nerve in 64 cases, accounting for 43.0%, from the second genu of the facial nerve in 3 cases, accounting for 2%. Conclusion In adult Han population, the branch form of the chorda tympani nerve is more complex than that in our traditional knowledge. There is the phenomenon of multiple roots. 69% of the chorda tympanis have single root, while 22.6% have multi-roots phenomenon, only 29.6% of chorda tympani nerves issues from the mastoid segment of facial nerve. In addition, in this survey, we found that three cases of chorda tympani issued from the second genu of the facial nerve, these phenomena should arise the doctor's attention, so that we can avoid accidental injury to this malformation of chorda tympani during the surgery.

    Applied anatomy of the sigmoid sinus in lateral skull base surgery
    YAN  BO, LV Hai-Li, ZHANG Qiu-Hang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  10-12. 
    Abstract ( 2579 )  
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    Objective To investigate the quantitative relationships between sigmoid sinus(SS) and anatomic landmarks correlated with SS, and provide anatomic basis for safety in lateral skull base surgery. Methods 40 human temporal bones were obtained and dissected with typical radical mastoidectomy so that the dura mater of middle and posterior cranial fossa, lateral semicircular canal, genu of facial nerve, SS, jugular bulb(JB), mastoid process, stylomastoid foramen, digastric ridge, the posterior wall of external auditory canal(EAC) can be exposed. The distances from SS to neighbouring structures were measured with caliper or electron sliding caliper. Results The distance from EAC to anterior border of SS was (1.41±0.32)cm, the distance from lateral wall of SS to lateral wall of mastoid process was (1.02±0.38)cm, the length of the mastoid portion of facial nerve was (1.28±0.13)cm, the distance from the beginning of the mastoid portion of facial nerve to SS was (0.56±0.20)cm, the distance from the end-point of the mastoid portion of facial nerve to SS was (0.62±0.22)cm, the distance from digastric ridge to SS was (0.52±0.18)cm, the distance from stylomastoid foramen to SS was (1.02±0.24)cm. Conclusion A statistically significant correlation was found between the distance of the SS to the beginning and the SS to the end-point of the mastoid portion of facial nerve; Comparing the distance of the stylomastoid foramen and the digastric ridge compared to the SS, a proportional and direct relation was found; A significant relationship between the degree of mastoid pneumatization and the morphology of SS was found.

    Anatomic features of the prevertebral fascia and its significance in the anterior cervical approach
    SHAN Jian-Lin, JIANG  Heng, LI  Fang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  13-16. 
    Abstract ( 2147 )  
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    Objective To make the anterior cervical approach more reasonable and safer by means of investigating the anatomic features of the prevertebral fascia and its anatomic relationships to surrounding organs. Methods Twenty-two embalmed cadavers were dissected. At the level of cricoid cartilage the trachea and esophagus were divided and pulled aside to observe the lateral transition and continuation of the prevertebral fascia and observe the location and corresponding level to the cervical vertebra where the inferior thyroid artery and the right recurrent laryngeal nerve exit from the prevertebral fascia and its location relationship to the carotid sheath. At the same level the carotid sheath and its content and the prevertebral fascia were cut transversely to observe the layers and texture of the prevertebral fascia and transition of each layer , the morphology of the carotid sheath and its relationship to each layer of the prevertebral fascia were observed.  The degree of difficulty of dissecting the superficial layer of prevertebral fascia from the deep layer and dissecting the deep layer prevertebral fascia from the anterior cervical vertebral body was assessed. Results The prevertebral fascia was composed of the superficial layer and deep layer, the former was thick and dense, forming the anterior and posterior part of carotid sheath., and the former can be dissected from the latter easily. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve exit from the prevertebral fascia at approximately the leval of T1 vertebrae at the medial margin of the carotid sheath, and the inferior thyroid artery exit from the prevertebral fascia at approximately the leval of C6 vertebrae at the medial margin of the carotid sheath.   Conclusions The anatomic features of the prevertebral fascia can be utilized to make the anterior cervical approach more reasonable and safer.

    The applied Anatomy research of Anterolateral approach to the cervical spine
    GU Hong-Lin, ZHANG  Feng, JIN Guo-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  17-20. 
    Abstract ( 1545 )  
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    Objective To provide basis of the applied anatomy basis for the anterolateral approach to cervical spine. Methods Ten cadavers were dissected, observed and measured through mimicing the right anterolateral approach to the cervical spine. Results The common carotid artery bifurcation was mostly found at the level of C4 (70%). The facial vein drained into the internal jugular vein mostly at the level of C3/4 (70%). Cervical sympathetic trunk was located posteromedial to carotid sheath and just anterior to the longus muscles. It extended longitudinally from the longus capitis to the longus colli over the muscles and under the prevertebral fascia. The average distance between the cervical sympathetic trunk and medial border of the longus colli muscle at C6 was (14.5±4.8) mm. The average diameter of the cervical sympathetic trunk at C6 was (2.6±1.2)mm. Superior ganglion of cervical sympathetic trunk in all dissections was located at the level of C2 vertebra. The length and width of the superior cervical ganglion were (11.9±2.5)mm and (7.4±4.2)mm, respectively. Forty percent of the middle ganglion was at the C5 level,  and 60%  was at C6 level, ; The the length and width of the middle cervical ganglion were (8.9±5.9)mm and( 5.1±3.2)mm. All of the vertebral artery arteries entered the transverse foramen of C6. The height and width of C5 uncinate process was were smallest but had the greatest distance from the medial edge of the uncinate process to the anterior tubercle (P<0.05). Conclusions Choosing anterolateral approach to the cervical spine approach could reach the lesion directly,causing less damage to the anterolateral transverse processes. This technique also allows through decompression, and preservation of cervical motion and spinal stability to the full extent.

    The anatomical study of superior ulnar collateral artery perforator flap
    LI Rui-Jun, LU Lai-Jin, GONG  Xu, ZHANG Zhi-Xin, XUAN Zhao-Peng, CUI Jian-Li
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  21-24. 
    Abstract ( 1781 )  
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    Applied anatomy of a reverse medial femoral condyle periosteal flap pedicled with the infrapatellar branch of Descending Genicular artery 
    LIN Jin-Dui, LIN Jia-Fu, ZHENG He-Ping, XU  Hao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  25-27. 
    Abstract ( 1901 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical basis of medial femoral condyle periosteal flap pedicled with the infrapatellar branch of the descending genicular artery for reconstruction of the knee joint. Methods  30 embalmed lower limbs of adult cadavers perfused with the red latex were used for this anatomical study. The adductor tubercle and medial femoral codyle were observational landmarks, the followings were observed: the course, branch and distribution of the branch of the desceding genicular artery to the knee joint. Results The articular branch of descending genicular artery above the inferior edge of medial femoral condyle (5.9±1.2)cm always gives off two mian branches: the periosteal branch and the infrapatellar branch. The original diameter of the periosteal branch is(1.3±0.2)mm, and it travels along the medial femoral condyle (4.8±1.1)cm in length; the original diameter of the infrapatellar branch is(1.3±0.2)mm, and its length is (6.6±1.5)cm. Conclusion The medial femoral condyle periosteal flap pedicled with the infrapatellar branch of the descending genicular artery can be developed to repair bone injuries of knee joint.

    Applied anatomy of ankle lateral ligament reconstruction with periostum- patellar tendon-bone autogenous graft
    SUN  Qiang, ZHOU Han-Dong, ZHENG Jia-Fa
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  28-30. 
    Abstract ( 1438 )  
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    Anatomical features of infrapatellar fat pad vascular network and its significance in TKA
    LIN Yu-Jin, GAO Xin-Hua, HUANG Bao-Hua, HOU Zhi-Qi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  31-33. 
    Abstract ( 1799 )  
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    Objective The purpose of this study is to provide an anatomic evidence of why and how to protect the blood supply of infrapatellar fat pad(IFP) in total knee arthroplasty(TKA). Mothods 20 embalmed adult cadaveric knee and 2 fresh ones underwent micro-anatomy to observe the composition,route and distribution of their IFP vascular network. Result The lateral part of IFP vascular network was formed by inferior lateral genicular artery and the descending branches of superior lateral genicular artery, and the medial part of it was formed by the ascending branches of inferior medial genicular artery and the branches of descending genicular artery. All the arteries and branches connected to each other to build a "concentrated area" which ranged in 5mm to both side of patella, 14mm below the lower end of patella and 10mm behind PL and nourish the lower end of patella, the back of patellar ligament(PL) and the synovial membrane of the whole IFP. Conclusion IFP should be protected in TKA, because of its nourishing function, especially the "concentrated area".

    Applied anatomy of presacral approach for axial lumbar interbody fusion
    LI Xiang-Ming, ZHANG Yu-Song, HOU Zhi-Dian, WU Tao, DING Zi-Hai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  34-38. 
    Abstract ( 1393 )  
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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of the presacral approach for axial lumbar interbody fusion. Methods (1) The pelvic region of 12 adult cadavers was dissected and analyzed. All specimens were divided in the median sagittal plane. The main goal of these dissection was to understand the fascial structures of the presacral space and measure some data correlated with the rectosacral fascia and pelvic splanchnic nerves. (2) The blunt guide pin was inserted using the technique described by Marotta into 24 pelvic-halves, the distance from the trocar to important structures in the presacral space was measured. Results (1) The fascial structures of the presacral space was multilaminar, it could be divided into five levels. (2) The rectosacral fascia was found in 11 out of 12 specimens(91.7%),it originated from the parietal presacral fascia at the level of S2 in16.7% ,S3 in 41.7% and S4 in 33.3%. The presacral space was divided into superior and inferior portions by the rectosacral fascia. (3) Pelvic splanchnic nerves confined the dissection of the lower rectum, its length which could be used as a measure of  the'sagittal safe zone' for presacral space was(22.9±3.2)mm. (4) In this study, the shortest distance from the guide pin to pelvic splanchnic nerves was (7.8±1.9)mm, the vertical distance to the S3/4 junction was(15.0±3.6)mm. Conclusion It is risky to perform the presacral approach for axial lumbar interbody fusion because of the presence of the rectosacral fascia, presacral venous plexus and the vascular variations.

    Anatomical measurement of sacrotuberous ligament and sacrospinous ligament and its significance
    XU  Song, JIA LEI , JIANG  Chao, KUANG Man-Yuan, WANG Qi-Ben
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  39-41. 
    Abstract ( 2301 )  
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    Observation of thoracic intervertebral foramina ligaments in adults and its significance
    LIU Zhen-Ming, QU Yong-Song, AN Yue-Yong, LV Mei-Ling, PEI Yan-Fang, HAN Wen-Xiang, WANG  Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  42-44. 
    Abstract ( 2950 )  
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    Objective To study the significance of the thoracic intervertebral foramina ligaments in adults. Methods The thoracic intervertebral foramina ligaments were dissected and observed in 15 cases of the adult cadavers. The related data were measured with vernir caliper. Results No superior transforaminal ligaments and corportransverse ligaments were found in all specimens. No inferior transforaminal ligaments were found in T1. The inferior transforaminal ligaments were found in T2~T12. And their occurrence rates were 6.7%、16.7%、30.0%、43.3%、50.0%、83.3%、82.1%、84.6%、83.3%、87.5%、95.5% respectively in T2 ~T12.  Conclusions The thoracic intervertebral foramina ligaments are the normal components of the thoracic intervertebral foramen in adults. They may be cut when they press the thoracic nerve roots because of thickening and calcification.

    The abnormity of two brachial arteries complicating musculocutaneous nerve: one case report
    ZHANG  Xing, XIA Chun-Bo, LAN Ling-Yuan, YANG  Zhan, CHENG Xian-Xiong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  44. 
    Abstract ( 949 )  
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    Digitized virtual hand: anatomical characteristics of longitudinally-severed fingers
    CHEN Long-Fu, HUANG Chao-Tong, LI Jing-Kuang, CHEN Dong-Sheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  45-50. 
    Abstract ( 2182 )  
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    Objective To study anatomical characteristics of longitudinally-severed fingers via digitized virtual technology. Methods Multiple dissections of hand were performed by software of Mimics, and the finger was cut into a palm-half and a dorsum-half from tip to metacarpophalangieal striation along the midline of finger via the tools of Mimics. Many forms of digitized virtual longitudinally-severed fingers were obtained. All parts were observed, measured and analyzed. Results Anatomic structures were exactly showed on the virtual hand, through the multiform solitude or combined ways. Digital bone, extensor and flexor tendons, innate arteries, and nerves can be cut longitudinally into multiple parts, involving oblique, transverse or longitudinal rupture or loss on some segments. The morphologic features of digitized virtual injured hand looked like that of actual traumatic hands. Conclusions The visible hand model can provide 3D morphological data for clinical practice and research of longitudinally-severed fingers, as well provide digitized model for virtual reality.

    One case of variation of bilateral renal and testicular vessels
    ZHANG Wei-Min, FANG Wen-Jie, YANG Xiang-Qun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  50. 
    Abstract ( 728 )  
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    Anatomy study of soft tissue in the styloid process of radius and its clinical significance
    XIAO  Liang, LI Qiang, LI Yi-Kai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  51-54. 
    Abstract ( 1668 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical data for local blocking treatment and the needle knife therapy through investigating features and anatomical variance of the soft tissue in the styloid process of radius. Methods Anatomical observation was performed at 30 adult wrist joints of cadaver samples. The diameter of upper and lower openings and length of the first extensor compartment, the distance from the first extensor compartment to radial artery and the distance from the first extensor compartment to superficial branch of radial nerve were measured. The septa of the extensor compartments and APL tendons were observed. Results In 19 specimens (63.3%), there was two tendons (APL and EPB) in one compartment. In 11 specimens (36.7%), there was APL and EPB in two separate compartments. In 21 specimens (70%) , APL had more than one tendon. The length, inside and outside diameters of lower opening and inside and outside diameters of upper opening of the first extensor compartment were (35.35±3.04) mm, (9.36±0.38) mm, (11.08±0.36) mm,(13.15±0.87) mm and (13.67±0.82) mm. The distance from the first extensor compartment to radial artery and the distance were (1.60±0.17)~(4.58±0.45) mm, (1.42±0.18 )~(4.59±0.45) mm from the first extensor compartment to superficial branch of radial nerve. Conclusion The first extensor compartment is a safe and effective area for treatment.

    Applied anatomy of submandibular gland transposition for preventing  xerostomia  after  radiotherapy
    WANG Bo-Jun, XU Zhi-Wen, WU Liu-Qing, XIA Chun-Bo, TAN Yong-Hua, QIN Xiao-Yun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  55-57. 
    Abstract ( 587 )  
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    Objective The purpose of this study was to provide an anatomical basis for prevention of post-irradiation xerostomia by submaxillary gland transposition in the submental region. Methods Under the portable operating microscope with 2.0~3.0 magnification, we dissected submandibular gland (SMG) and blood vessels of 30 specimens of normal adult head and neck through the external carotid artery with red latex and observed morphology of the submandibular gland, length of submandibular gland duct and course, distribution, adjacent relations,et al. of gland arteriovenous gland vessels. Results The submandibular gland was divided into two parts - shallow and deep , to the limit of posterior margin of mylohyoid muscle, the shallow part about (1.7±0.5) cm3 , the deep about(1.0±0.8)cm3  which was the extension for the submandibular gland. The submandibular gland ducts were from the submandibular gland deep issue, about 5 cm, opening in the sublingual caruncle on the side of the lingual frenulum.    Conclusion    This result is of reference value for prevention of post-irradiation xerostomia by submaxillary gland transposition in the submental region.

    Variation of the superficial flexor muscle of small finger: one case report
    ZHANG Lan-Fang, MA Jian-Jun, SHI Jing-Bao, ZHOU Zhi-Shuai, CHEN Liu-Yi, YANG Zhi-Kui, LIU Xue-Ya, HU Wei-Li
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  57. 
    Abstract ( 517 )  
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    Study of the type of cerebral vessels in normal condition through 3.0T MRA
    SHI Jian-Cheng, LIU Hui-Jun, ZAO  Lin, LIU Zeng-Pin, WANG Tie-Gang, ZHOU Cun-He
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  58-62. 
    Abstract ( 267 )  
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    Objective To study the proportion and sex ratio of various kinds of cerebral vessels in normal condition. Method 1081 magnetic resonance angiography(MRA) images performed in recent two years were defined as shape of cerebral vessels in normal condition. According to the blood-supply scope of internal carotid artery (ICA) and developmental condition of Willis circle, we divide and analyze occurrence of various types. Result The composition of gender in one-sided dominance and non-one-sided dominance was not statistically significant (x2=1.6274 P=0.2024),The incidence of left A1 dominance (121/164) and right A1 dominance (43/164) showed significant difference (u=6.09,P<0.001), left dominance showed high incidence obviously. The composition of pro-circulation and non-pro-circulation was not statistically significant in side (x2=0.6285  P=0.4279) and showed significant difference in gender(x2=30.1706  P<0.001), female had higher incidence. In the incidence between the combination of one-sided dominance with pro-circulation and pro-circulation in non-one-sided dominance there was no statisticall significance (x2=0.1254  P=0.7233).In normal condition ,The display ratio of complete Willis circle of MRA was lower. Conclusion MRA was an non-invasive and effective method to study the type of cerebral in normal condition, and it can as the control group for other disease related with various types of cerebral vessels.

    Multi-slice CT angiography of the mastoid emissary vein and imaging anatomy
    SHENG Bo, LV Fu-Rong, LV Fa-Jin, XIAO Zhi-Bo, YOU Yun-Feng, LIU Nan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  63-66. 
    Abstract ( 933 )  
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    Objective To explore and delineate the mastoid foramen and the mastoid emissary vein for clinical operation. Methods A total of 67 images of mastoid emissary vein canaliculus(MEVC)  were obtained by three-dimensional reconstruction after CT angiography of head and neck, to determine the position of the mastoid foramen and to observe mastoid emissary vein canaliculus. Results The number and location of the mastoid foramen and the MEVC are variable; the external aperture outnumbers the internal aperture of MEVC in larger amounts. The external aperture of MEVC is mainly located at the range of 1.5 cm backward connecting line between asterion to mastoidale, exactly located at neighboring middle point of right side of asterion around 1.5 cm. The internal aperture of MEVC is mainly located at the range of 1 cm forward connecting line between asterion to mastoidale; Most of them are located at the range around 1 cm of vertical line of crossed midpoint of connecting line between asterion to mastoidale as well . The abovementioned range is the trajectory of the mastoid emissary vein. Conclusions There are complicated anatomical variations in the mastoid foramen and the mastoid emissary vein,which can be finely evaluated by CT angiography.

    The measurement of proximal femoral medullary cavity and the selection of different types of femoral prosthesis
    LIU Hong-Wei, SUN Jun-Ying, ZHANG Yun-Kun, YU Zhong-Jie, WANG Yu-Ji, SUN Rong-Bin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  67-71. 
    Abstract ( 665 )  
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    Objective Through the study of the X-ray measurement of the anatomical parameters of 414 proximal femoral medullary cavity to provide evidence to the selection of geometric types and design of artificial femoral prosthesis. Methods Randomly select the X-ray DICOM data of proximal femoral pre-operatively of 414 cases which has undergone THA from March 2005 to December 2008 in First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University , measure 10 parameters of diameter and five morphologic parameters of the proximal femoral medullary cavity with DICOM VIIEWER software, and analyze the correlation among various parameters of proximal femoral and the correlation with gender and age. Results (1)There was significant positive correlation between the factor of age (female) with the internal diameter of isthmus. (2)MCFI mainly in 1.8~2.4), possessed 68.1% of all the test people. (3)According to Nobel'classification of proximal femoral medullary cavity, chimney-type (CFI<3.0) occupied 13.0%, the normal type (3.04.7) occupied 14.5%. (4)MCFI and CFI showed strong positive correlation, but there was no significant correlation between MCFI and DCFI; CFI showed strong positive correlation with DCFI、and the opening angle of distal femoral ; CFI showed strong positive correlation with internal diameter of isthmus; DCFI had significant correlation with the opening angle of distal femoral medullary cavity. Conclusion (1)There was significant variation in the shape and size of proximal femoral medullary cavity,  and there was diference between Chinese and Caucasian to a certain degree. (2)MCFI( metaphyseal canal flare index) and CFI(canal flare index) and DCFI(distal canal flare index) had different emphases on describing the morphological characteristics of proximal femoral medullary cavity, and the three index combined with the parameters of diameter of proximal femoral medullary cavity could describe the shape of medullary cavity more accurately.

    The expression of SDF-1α in the malformation of cortical development model rats
    ZHANG  Yi, YAN  Yong, ZHANG Jian-Gang, HUANG  Min, HE  Xin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  72-76. 
    Abstract ( 214 )  
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    Objective To get a message of the expression about stromal cell-derived factor-1α(SDF-1α)in the Malformations of cortical development(MCD)in rats model and investigate the effects in forming abnormal neural circuit in the MCD. Methods Sprague-Dawley pregnant rats exposed to X-irradiation on embryonic 16(E16)days can induce MCD in the offspring. We observed the histological changes of the brain with HE staining and Timm staining,and the expression of SDF-1α with immunohistochemistry,RT-PCR and Western-Blot in the pups at postnatal 30 days(P30)and postnatal 60 days(P60). Results ①Timm staining demonstrated mossy fiber sprouting was formed in the MCD model;②Immunohistochemical results showed that expression of SDF-1α appeared in the CA1 ectopic neurons of hippocampus;③From the results of RT-PCR and Western-Blot,we got a reduced expression of SDF-1α at P30 and P60 in the model group contrast to control group at the same period.    Conclusion    the downregulation of SDF-1α may play a role in forming abnormal neural circuit in hippocampus of MCD.

    Experimental Study on repair of rhesus monkey cranial defects with novel  bone(PDLLA/PLA-PEG-PLA)
    LI  Sen, JIN An-Min, WANG  Qing, LIU Cheng-Long, ZHANG  Li, WANG Gao-Ju, MIN Shao-Xiong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  77-82. 
    Abstract ( 339 )  
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    Objective To evaluate the prospect of PDLLA/ PLA-PEG-PLA for bone tissue engineering. Methods Each of 24 cranial defects with 10 mm diameter and complete resection of periosteum of adult rhesus monkeys was implanted with four kinds of composite scaffolds seeding osteoblasts with good cell biocompatibility in cell culture model. The specimens were harvested in 6,12 weeks. The samples were examined by X-ray,  histology and scanning electronic microscope (SEM) to evaluate the effect of defect repair.  Results All of the experimental animals survived from the operation and the incisions healed without special treatment. The results obtained from radiographic bone formation,histologic analysis and SEM indicated the PDLLA,  PDLLA/BG,  PDLLA/β-TCP and PDLLA/PLA-PEG-PLA cell-polymers stimulated more bone formation than control group and osteoblasts injection group. And PDLLA/BG, PDLLA/β-TCP and PDLLA/PLA-PEG-PLA cell-polymers have more bone formation than PDLLA cell-polymers. The scores of X-ray examination demonstrated a maximum bone formation of 70% of defects with PDLLA/PLA-PEG-PLA cell-polymers. Conclusion Four kinds cell-polymers of PDLLA, PDLLA/BG, PDLLA/β-TCP and PDLLA/PLA- PEG-PLA can be used for bone tissue engineering to improve the bone formation in vivo. PDLLA/PLA- PEG-PLA was a new valuable scaffold and showed a applied prospect for bone tissue engineering.

    A case report of the ascengding colon allotopia appendicitis
    LI  Jian, YUAN Xi-Hong, ZENG Qing-Li
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  82. 
    Abstract ( 192 )  
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    A novel kind of spinal fusion model-rats interbody fusion
    ZHANG Zhao-Fei, JIANG Jian-Ming, FU Zhao-Zong, WANG Feng-Long, WANG  Fei, YANG De-Hong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  83-86. 
    Abstract ( 396 )  
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    Objective To establish a novel kind of fusion model, and provide the influence of fusion by different bone mass in rats interbody fusion model.    Methods    Sixty male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent interbody fusion with bilateral iliac bone and 1-tailbone autograft into intertailbone. 0.3 cm3 autograft bone was transplanted into the fusion segments of group A and 0.2 cm3 autograft bone was transplanted into that of group B. In contrast,control group C had no bone placed. Fusion segments were removed and analyzed with manual bending and radiography at 3 and 6 weeks, respectively. Histologic analysis was performed at 6 weeks. Half were sacrifced at 3 weeks; the others were sacrifced at 6 weeks.    Results    At 3 weeks, 10%(1/10) of group A rats fused, 0%(0/10) of group B rats fused and 0%(0/10) of group C rats fused by manual palpation. At 6 weeks, 40%(4/10) of group A rats fused, 40%(4/10) of group B rats fused and 0%(0/10) of group C rats fused by manual palpation. By radiographic scoring system  ("0"no bone formation,"5"full fusion), the scores of group A,group B and group C were evaluated as(2.567±0.876),(2.467±0.878)and(0.233±0.316)at 3 weeks after operation, in contrast with(3.233±1.218),(3.267±1.235)and(0.467±0.322)at 6 weeks after operation, respectively. From our gross observation, bone formation with interconnected bone trabecula, which existed in the fusion area of the experimental group, was verified by HE and VG staining at 6 weeks. The neogenesis of the osteoblast and the active bone remodeling with the irregular bone cement lines were seen at the higher magnification. However, there were no existence of bone fusion area in the control group, the fibers tissue is distributed instead.    Conclusions   Our research created a new animal model for spine fusion and verified the effect of quantity of bone autograft on fusion.

    Experimental study on revascularization detection in tissue engineered scaffold using vascular cast technique
    WU Yan-Ge, YANG  Lin, SUN Xua-Feng, WANG  Zheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  87-88. 
    Abstract ( 395 )  
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    Objective To explore the feasibility of vascular cast for revascularization of tissue engineered organ. Method Tissue engineered scaffolds DegraPol were implanted in rat omental 1 weeks. The anatomic technology of vascular cast was used to observe revascularization of DegraPol scaffold. Results  Vascular cast showed more blue vessels around the DegraPol scaffold in omental implants. Micro-vessels were found grew into the porous scaffold. Conclusions Vascular cast technique is suitable for detecing the microvascular, and could be used as a new method to observe revascularization of tissue engineered organ.

    Finite element analysis into the effect of discectomy on lumbar biomechanical characteristics
    LI Hai-Bo, FANG Jie, CHEN Qi-Xin, LI Fang-Cai, TANG Xiao-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  89-93. 
    Abstract ( 286 )  
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    Objective To investigate the effects on the lumbar biomechanical characteristics caused by the discectomy in the treatment of the lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion using three-dimensional finite element model analysis methods. Methods The new effective CAD methods were adopted to accurately create the L4/5 segment's finite element model and simulate the normal disc, the degenerated disc, the denucleated disc immediately after operation as well as the postoperative disc in a long run; their biomechanical characteristics were also compared. Results ⑴The stiffness of the denucleated model, compared with the normal one, was reduced; ⑵the stiffness of lumbar segment drastically rose and even surpassed that of the degenerated one due to the fact that the scar tissue has been full into intra-disc cavity.⑶The facet contact force was decreased in discectomy model and the scar growth model was increased. Conclusion There is small impact on lumbar stability and posterior structure after discectomy immediately. The lumbar motion segment may stiffen and the stress of articular process may increase after discectomy in a long run.

    Influence of different nail and distal locking screw diameters on biomechanical properties of interlocking intramedullary nail
    TIAN  Chong, ZHANG Mei-Chao, OU Yang-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  94-96. 
    Abstract ( 216 )  
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    Objective To predict the stiffness and stress distributions in interlocking intramedullary nail with different nail and distal screw diameter using 3-D finite element analysis. Methods 3-D finite element models of the intramedullary nail with different nail and distal screw diameter that are commonly-used in clinical practice were generated. A 3-D model of femur was also created. Then finite element analysis was performed in Abaqus. The stiffness and stress distributions were calculated. Results Stresses of all models do not exceed yield strength. Larger nail diameters were significantly associated with larger stiffness (P=0.005). The maximum stiffness is 670.52N/mm. Larger distal locking screw diameters were significantly associated with larger maximum principal stress in nail (P=0.009) while with smaller maximum principal stress in distal locking screw (P=0.006). The minimum maximum principal stress is 276.5Mpa and 168.3Mpa in nail and distal locking screw, respectively. Conclusions In the range of commonly-used intramedullary nail in clinical prac- tice, the larger the diameters are of the nail and distal locking screw, the more stable the intramedullary nail is.

    Experimental biomechanics study on the relationship of psoas major muscles and lumbar spine movements
    HUI Si-Zong, TIAN Xin-Yu, WANG Hui-Min, XIE , BING
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  97-99. 
    Abstract ( 441 )  
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    Objective To explore the function of psoas major muscles on lumbar spine movements in biomechanics of Rhesus.  Methods Four Rhesus were studied in our study. The dynamic AP and lateral digital X-ray views of Rhesus were conducted in three different status, including normal status, one side psoas major resection and bilateral psoas major resection. Vertebral rotations of the spine were evaluated in AP views. The segment areas of lumbar curvatures were calculated in lateral views in applied mathematics geometry. The parameters of vertebral rotational degrees and segment areas of lumbar curvatures were analyzed in three different positions: sitting, standing and stepping in statistics. Results For measurements of both the vertebral rotational degrees and segment areas of lumbar curvatures, there were significant differences between normal status and one side psoas major resection, but there were no significant differences between normal status and bilateral psoas major resection. Conclusions Psoas majors are the major muscles to maintain lumbar curvature and conduct vertebral movements. In statistics, these particular muscles are the anterior powers to maintain the lumbar spine balance.

    Posterior lumbar interbody fusion using a unilateral single cage in the degenerative lumbar spine
    GU Yu-Tong, YAO Zhen-Jun, CHEN Tong-Yi, DONG Jian, JIANG Xiao-Xing, ZHANG Jian, FEI Qin-Ming, YAN Zuo-Qin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  100-104. 
    Abstract ( 392 )  
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    Objective We retrospectively evaluated the clinical and radiological outcomes of posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) using a unilateral single cage and a local morselized bone graft. Methods Fifty five patients who underwent PLIF with a unilateral single cage filled with local morselized bone graft were enrolled in this study. The average follow-up duration was 39.2 months. The clinical outcomes were evaluated with the visual analogue scale (VAS) at the pre-operative period, at 1 year post-operation and at the final follow-up, the Oswestry Disability Index and the Prolo scale at the final follow-up; the radiological outcomes were evaluated according to the change of bone bridging, the radiolucency, the instability and the disc height. Results For the clinical evaluation, the VAS pain index, the Oswestry Disability Index and the Prolo scale showed excellent outcomes. For the radiological evaluation, 55 cases showed complete bone union at the final follow-up. Conclusion PLIF using a unilateral single cage filled with a local morselized bone graft for treating degenerative lumbar spine disease provides excellent outcomes according to the clinical and radiological evaluation.

    Anatomy and clinical application of transplanting modified the second metatarsophalangeal joint for metacarpophalangeal joint reconstruction
    YANG  Tao, WANG  Li, CHEN Chuan-Huang, GONG Yun-Xia, LI Wen-Qing, ZHU Xiao-Di
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  105-108. 
    Abstract ( 364 )  
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    Objective Basing on anatomic characteristics of the second metatarsophalangeal joint, we studied the method and clinical effects of reconstructing  composite tissue defects in the metacarpophalangeal joint by transplantation of modified composite tissue  in the second  metatarsophalangeal joint. Methods  According  to the defects of the metacarpophalangeal joint , modified composite tissue in the second  metatarsophalangeal joint transplantation was conducted to reconstruct metacarpophalangeal joint: total  metatarsophalangeal joint transplantation  in 7 cases, semi-joint transplantation  in 5 cases. Results All reconstructed metacarsophalangeal joints survived in 12 cases. With follow-ups for 6~36 months, all cases have no joint degeneration in X-ray manifestation and the restoration of joint function is satisfying; the function of cases with metatarsophalangeal semi-joint transplantation was better than those in total joint transplantation.. Conclusions It is an effective method to reconstruct composite tissue defects in the metacarpophalangeal joint by transplantation of composite tissue in the second metatarsophalangeal joint.

    Vice-semimembranosus : one case report
    YANG Zhi-Kui, MA Jian-Jun, CHEN Liu-Yi, ZHANG Lan-Fang, LI  Hui, WANG Dan-Dan, DU Kun-Feng, FU Ting-Ting
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  108. 
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    The anatomical basis and therapeutic effects of repairing with musculocutaneous fiap for rectus abdominis in medium incisional hernia
    LI Liang, SUI Liang, LV Guo-Qing, WU Ri-Zhao, LI  Yue, LIU  Zheng, BAI Zhi-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  109-111. 
    Abstract ( 259 )  
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    Objective    To investigate The anatomical basis and therapeutic effects of repairing with musculocutaneous fiap for rectus abdominis in medium incisional hernia belonging to the middle or large types. Methods (1)The medium incisional hernia cases of middle and large types were 48, whose ages were between 20 to 67 and who had received the repair with patch; 29 middle types were divided into 17 males and 12 females,and 23 large types were divided into 13 males and and 7 females (2)Compared with another 52 cases with medium incisional hernia cases of middle and large types in the same time ,whose ages were between 23 to 65 and who had taken the repair with abdominal tissue ; 28 middle types were divided inot 18 males and 10females; 20 large types were divided into 13 males and 10 females. Result The repair with composite skin flap rectus compared with those repaired with patch:(1)the recurrence rate, middle-type incisional hernia group, the observation group was 7.1% and the control group was 3.4%, P>0.05;in large-type incisional hernia group, the observation group was 15.0% and the control group was 4.3%,P>0.05.(2)Foreign body sensation and chronic pain after operation, the rate, in middle-type incisional hernia group,the observation type were 0% and 0.7% and the control group were 41.3%and 95.7%,  P<0.05;in large-sized incisional hernia group,the observation group were 0% and 30% and the control group were 34.5% and 47.8%,P<0.05. Conclusions The repair in medium incisional hernia of middle to large types with composite rectus musculocutaneous flaps has the same efficacy with the tension-free herniorrhaphy.,but has obviously superiority when it comes to complications and discomfort.

    The establishment and use of thoracolumbar fracture model
    WANG Hua-Jun, LI Yi-Kai, CHEN  Chao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  112-114. 
    Abstract ( 353 )  
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    The manipulate method for entirely vascular casting specimens
    SHI Jin, MO Yi-Ping, ZHONG Guang-Ming, LIU Yue-Wen, LIU  Chang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  115-116. 
    Abstract ( 479 )  
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    The variation of superficial and deep palmar arch in one hand
    ZHONG He-Qing, DU Xin-Yu, LUO  Ying, YONG Liu-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(1):  117. 
    Abstract ( 345 )  
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