Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
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Advisor: ZHONG Shi-zhen
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Former Editor-in-chief: XU Da-chuan
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Table of Content

    25 March 2011 Volume 29 Issue 2
    Posterior communicating artery cistern and associated arachnoid membrane: the  microsurgical anatomy and clinal significance
    SONG Hai-Min, QI Song-Tao, FAN  Jun, HUANG Guang-Long, HUANG Li-Jin, FENG Wen-Feng, LI Wei-Guang, LIU Yun-Tao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  119-123. 
    Abstract ( 2477 )  
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    Objective To investigate the microsurgical anatomic features and clinical significances of the posterior communicating artery cistern (PComA cisterns) and associated arachnoid membranes. Methods 10 cases(20 sides )of formalin-fixed cadaveric head specimens were microdissected to observe structures of PComA cistern and related arachnoid membranes under the operating microscope. Results The frequency rate of PComA cistern was about 60% (12 sides from all of specimens).The anterior wall of the cistern was the posterior communicating membranes. The carotid cistern directly communicated with the PComA cistern in the absence of the posterior communicating membranes. The posterior wall of the cistern was  diencephalic and mesencephalic leaves of liliequist membranes. The medial wall was the carotid membranes and the lateral wall of diencephalic and mesencephalic leaves of liliequist membranes. The anterolateral wall was the lateral carotid membranes or the medial temporal lobe, and the posterlaeral wall the arachnoid trabeculaes arising from mesencephalic leaves of liliequist membranes which attached to the oculomotor nerve and posterior communicating artery. The superior lateral wall was incrual membranes, and the bottom wall the arachnoid membranes of base skull and diencephalic leaves of liliequist membranes. The features of different membranes were distinct. Conclusions This study identifies the features of the PComA cistern and associated arachnoid membrane, which is a valuable reference for clinic application.

    Endoscopic anatomical study of the inferior peroclival region via retro-condylar keyhole approach
    PENG Zhi-Qiang, TIAN Guang-Yong, XU Da-Chuan, FU Wan-Xin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  124-127. 
    Abstract ( 1414 )  
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    Objective To explore the endoscopic anatomical characteristics of the inferior petroclival region and the clinical feasibility of the retro-condylar keyhole approach to the region. Methods Ten adult cadaver heads were used in this study. A longitudinal "S" shape skin incision about 7 cm was performed with its super border 2 cm behind the middle point of mastoid and inferior margin at the level of C2. A bone flap (2 cm in diameter) was cut with a craniotome and the cerebellar hemisphere was retracted. The exposed anatomic structures were observed under endoscope. Results The outlets of posterior group cranial nerves, including jugular foramen and hypoglossal canal, were exposed under endoscope, as well as the ventral aspect of brain stem and the extremity of vertebral artery. Complex relationship among the cranial nerves and blood vessels was also found. The distance of lateral margin of bony window to internal orifice of jugular foramen was (17.5±0.29) cm. Conclusions Usage of endoscope can diminish the bony window in retro-condylar keyhole approach. Both of the spinal root of accessory nerve and internal orifice of jugular foramen can be used as markers in endoscopy assisted retro-condylar keyhole approach to lower peroclival region.

    Lateral ventricular neuroendoscopic anatomy through the interhemispheric transcorpus callosal approach
    WU Chun-Fu, LU  Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  128-130. 
    Abstract ( 1566 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical basis for lateral ventricular neuroendoscopic surgery through the interhemispheric transcorpus callosal approach. Methods The anatomic investigation of the lateral and third ventricle was performed in 10 adult cadaveric head specimens, through interhemispheric transcorpus callosal approach. Results The thickness of corpus callosum was (6.1±1.2) mm, the sagittal and transverse diameters of interventricular foreman (5.6±1.4) mm and (3.0±1.6) mm, and the sagittal and transverse diameters of interthalamic adhesion  (6.3±1.8) mm and (3.4±1.2) mm. There were very less drainage veins to the sagittal sinus anterior to the coronal suture. The body and front horn of the lateral ventricle, the "Y" shape structure of interventricular foreman could be observed under different angular neuroendoscope. Cut size of 2 cm on corpus callosum than that of 1.5 cm was better to reveal the structures and exert operation under a rigid endoscopic surgery. Conclusions Interhemispheric transcorpus callosal approach is a safe and valuable way to treat affection in double lateral ventricle, area of interventricular foreman and the third ventricle.

    Applied anatomy of the mastoid segment of facial nerve
    WANG Jun-Yu, DANG Rui-Shan, LU Yi-Cheng, LIAO Jian-Chun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  131-134. 
    Abstract ( 2272 )  
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    Objectives  To provide anatomic data for identifying the mastoid segment of facial nerve during mastoidectomy through the lateral approaches. Methods The research was applied on 8 cadaveric specimens. Electric drill was used to remove the superficial bone of the mastoid process to expose the underlying semicircular canals and the mastoid segment of the facial nerve. The length and diameter of the vertical segment of the facial nerve were measured. The distances from the vertical segment of the facial nerve to surrounding structures were measured. Results The length of the mastoid segment of the facial nerve was about (11.04±1.03)mm,and the diameter (2.29±0.39)mm. The distance from the beginning of the mastoid segment of the facial nerve to sigmoid sinus, Helen's spine, durra mater of the posterior fossa, the junction of sigmoid sinus and transverse sinus, posterior semicircular canal was(9.41±2.06)mm,(15.61±2.11)mm,(5.96±1.51)mm,(20.20±3.44)mm,(3.84±0.14)mm separately. The distance from the end of the mastoid segment of the facial nerve to the sigmoid sinus, Helen's spine, mastoid tip, durra mater of the posterior fossa, the junction of sigmoid sinus and transverse sinus was(7.05±2.01)mm,(20.32±2.69)mm,(16.48±2.48)mm,(7.97±2.61)mm, and (27.38±4.21)mm respectively. Conclusions Horizontal semicircular canal, posterior semicircular canal and the digastric ridge are important structures for identifying the mastoid segment of the facial nerve. The mastoid segment of facial nerve lies in the triangle formed by the posterior semicircular canal, the horizontal semicircular canal and the anterior edge of the digastric ridge.

    Anatomy and clinical significance of laryngeal artery
    XIE Yong-Jun, LUO Tian-You, WU Shao-Ping
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  135-139. 
    Abstract ( 1774 )  
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    Objective To explore morphological characteristic of laryngeal artery and further to provide precise anatomic basis for larynx neoplasms 3D radiotherapy, laryngeal transplantation and laryngeal reconstruction. Methods The total of 10 casting cadavers (5 male and 5 female samples, respectively) corroded by hydrochloric acid were used to explore the status of laryngeal arteriole, and then the size of laryngeal arteriole and its branches was measured by sliding caliper. Another total of 20 casting cadavers (10 male and 10 female samples, respectively) were cast by Vinyl chloride and BaSO4 mixture solution, then the scan of horizontal and vertical plane was harvested by GE signa MR/I 1.5T MRI technique to acquire image data of laryngeal arteriole. Thereafter, they were frozen with 1mm/piece-milling and grinded to pinpoint the position of laryngeal arteriole for analysis the localization of blood vessel supplying laryngeal blood. The branching of laryngeal artery and branches of 10 cadavers (5 male and 5 female sample, respectively) were indicated by Micro-dissection under a stereoscopic microscope (coic xtl 23:7.5-30×). At last, the direction and branching of laryngeal artery were explored with quantification analysis. Results The blood supply of laryngeal was from branching of arteria thyreoidea superior and arteria thyreoidea inferior, which length were (4.2±0.2) cm and (4.0±0.2) cm, respectively, with a diameter of (1.5±0.3)cm from the beginning. There were mainly 7 branching origining from arteria thyreoidea superior, as showed in table 1. The length of left and right arteria thyreoidea inferior were (2.3±0.27)cm and (2.2±0.27)cm, respectively, and the terminal diameter was (1.4±0.3) mm and (1.3±0.3) mm, respectively. There were mainly 4 branches origining from arteria thyreoidea, which were the 1st to 4th branches of arteria thyreoidea superior inferior, identified as showed in table 2.    Conclusions    The basic datum of the size, branching, direction of laryngeal arteriole, and the micro-vascularity of tissues around laryngeal are obtained with four morphological methods.

    The anatomy and clinical significance of the cubital tunnel and epitrochleo-anconeus
    JIA Ke-Feng, DING  Shi, ZHAI Li-Dong, YUAN  Wu, LIU Geng-Chen, LI Yun-Sheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  140-144. 
    Abstract ( 2534 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic features of cubital tunnel, and provide reference for the decompression treatment of the cubital tunnel syndrome. Methods 14 formalin-fixed adult elbow specimens were used in this study. 11 of them were dissected to reveal anatomic features of the cubital tunnel, other 3 were embedded by celloidin and performed successive horizontal, coronal and sagittal section with the thickness of 1mm, followed by the cubital tunnel reconstruction adopting successive horizontal sectional images. Results The floor of cubital tunnel was formed by the capsule of elbow and all the three bundles of medial collateral ligament (MCL). The roof of this tunnel was composed of cubital tunnel retinaculum or epitrochleo-anconeus (EA) and the fascia between the two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. Epitrochleo-anconeus originated from the medial epicondyle. The upper portion of this muscle inserted to the medial margin of the olecranon through a fascia while the lower 2/3 portion directly to it. A fascial pedicle was identified at the level of the retrocondylar groove. It connected the ulnar nerve to the posterolateral portion of the floor. Conclusions Reasonable excision of EA is efficiently for the ulnar nerve suffered compression by epitrochleo-anconeus. The fascial pedicle has the function to prevent the ulnar nerve from subluxation.

    Anatomic basis of the proximal ulnar artery perforator neurocutaneous flap
    CHEN Chao-Yong, YUE Su-Qin, WEI Zai-Rong, LIN Jia-Fu, ZHENG He-Ping, ZHANG Fa-Hui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  145-148. 
    Abstract ( 1732 )  
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    The variation of right axillary nerve:one case report
    WANG Hong-Yu, CHEN Xu-Dong, YAN Fa-Long
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  148. 
    Abstract ( 836 )  
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    Blood supply of the distal pedicled sural nerve nutrient vessel myocutaneous flap
    GE Jun-Wei, HUANG  Dong, ZHANG Hui-Ru, WU Wei-Chi, JIANG Qin-Wen, HUANG Guo-Ying
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  149-151. 
    Abstract ( 1788 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic features of nutrient vessels of sural nerve and its possibility to supply the myocutaneous flap. Methods 17 fresh adult leg specimens were used in this study, with 16 cases perfused with red emulsion, and 1 case with gelatin and lead oxide.  The posterior regions of the leg were dissected layer by layer, for investigating the distribution and anastomosis of perforator arteries of myocutaneous arteries with nutrient vessels of sural nerve. Results Fibular artery gave off 0 to 3 perforators in the posterolateral muscle interval above the tip of lateral malleolus about 10cm. Terminal branches and lateral calcaneal arteries of this artery in the posterior interval of lateral malleolus continued to send out 2 to 3 skin perforators. 2 to 7 anastomostic branches could be found between nutrient vessels of sural nerve and bilateral myocutaneous perforators of gastrocnemius, which was in the deep fascia. Another 2 to 3 ramus anastomoticus appeared between bilateral myocutaneous perforators, as well, 1 to 3 perforators existed persistantly and anastomosed with each other near the connection of muscle and tendon of gastrocnemius with the range of 2~4 cm. Conclusions Permanent anastomosis among myocutaneous perforators of medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius and nutrient vessels of sural nerve can be found, which is the anatomic basis for designing blood supply of the distal pedicled sural nerve nutrient vessel myocutaneous flap. Closed perforators can be taken as pedicle vessels to repair defects of the individual without suitable perforators.

    The design of the perforator periosteal flap with monitoring flap pedicled with the anterior tibial artery perforator
    JIANG Qin-Wen, HUANG  Dong, WU Wei-Chi, GE Jun-Wei, HUANG Guo-Yang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  152-154. 
    Abstract ( 1537 )  
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    Clinical anatomy of the tibial insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament
    HE Guo-Chao, WANG Qing-Chun, XIANG Xiao-Bing, HU Xing-Rong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  155-158. 
    Abstract ( 1538 )  
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    Anatomic features of patellar insertion of the vastus medialis and its significance for TKA through subvastus approach
    HUANG Bao-Hua, GAO Xing-Hua, LIN Yu-Jin, HOU Zhi-Qi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  159-161. 
    Abstract ( 1488 )  
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    Anatomic investigation of the complex body of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis
    LIU Zeng-Jun, LI  Jun, MENG  Zhen
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  162-164. 
    Abstract ( 1841 )  
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    Objective To analyze the injury mechanism of the distal tibiofibular joint through the anatomic investigation of the complex ligament of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. Methods To dissect the complex ligament of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis layer by layer and simulate the clinical injury of the distal tibiofibular joint by performing the injury model of the distal tibiofibular joint in 8 cadaveric specimens. Results The complex ligament of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis included the anterior tibiofibular ligament, the posterior tibiofibular ligament, the transverse tibiofibular ligament and the interosseous tibiofibular ligament. In this simulation test, the anterior tibiofibular ligament would be broken but the posterior tibiofibular ligament and the transverse tibiofibular ligament could be preserved at the position of extroversion and posterorotation.   Conclusions The tibiofibular joint may be separated under the damage of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, which implicates that the repairing and reconstructing of the broken ligament in time is necessary.

    Clinical anatomy of the tendon of quadriceps femoris
    ZHANG Xin-Chao, ZHU Hang-Fei, DAI Zheng-Shou, TAN De-Yan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  165-167. 
    Abstract ( 1909 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomy data of the tendon of quadriceps femoris for reconstructing cruciate ligament of knee joint. Methods On 10 adult cadavaric lower limb specimens (20 knee joints), anatomic features of the patellar insertion of quadriceps femoris tendon were investigated. The length and width of the tendon of rmusculus rectus and the thickness of upper patellar pole were measured respectively. Results The patellar insertion  width  of  rectus  femoris was about(3.20±0.33)cm, and the original width (1.28±0.25)cm. The length of tendon tissue was (6.96±0.80)cm. The proximal four-fifths of rectus femoris was fully discrete, but the one-fifths of distal end fused with vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius, and formed the quadriceps femoris tendon, which inserted to the three-fourths upper pole anterior aspect of the patella. The average thickness of the upper pole of patella was (2.22±0.14) cm. Conclusions Given of the anatomic features of quadriceps femoris tendon, it is suitable for reconstructing the cruciate ligament of knee joint using this tendon.

    The variation of branches of common hepatic artery: a case report 
    LI Ting-Ting, HUANG Jian-Fei, JIN Ting-Ting, JIA Yuan-Yuan, JIN Rong-Pan, LIU Wen-Qiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  167. 
    Abstract ( 986 )  
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    Anatomic measurement and clinic significance of the surgery safe zone for processing the proximal humeral fractures
    ZHU Ai-Feng, ZHANG  Rui, CHEN Yun-Feng, LU  Yie, HE Hong-Tao, LU Yi-An
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  168-170. 
    Abstract ( 1329 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic features of the anterior humeral circumflex artery and axillary nerve, and provide clinic reference for processing safely the proximal humerus fracture. Methods  20 healthy adult upper limb specimens were used in this study. The distances from the anterior humeral circumflex artery and axillary nerve to the operative incision and the special bony landmarks were measured respectively. Results The vertical distance between the undersurface of the tip of acromion next to clavicle and the superior border of the anterior humeral circumflex artery was (5.1±0.2)cm (4.6~5.5 cm), and the distance between the prominence of small tuberosity and the superior border of anterior humeral circumflex artery (2.5±0.2)cm (2.0~3.0 cm). The internal diameter of anterior humeral circumflex artery was (2.6±0.2)mm (2.2~3.1 mm), and the obliquity of anterior humeral circumflex artery with the vertical axis of the humerus was (14±4)°(5~22°). The distance between the anterior-inferior border of acromion and the superior border of axillary nerve was (6.3±0.5)cm (5.2~7.0cm), and the distance between the prominence of greater tuberosity and the superior edge of axillary nerve (3.5±0.2)cm(3.2~4.1 cm). The obliquity of the the axillary nerve with the vertical axis of humerus was (22±7)°(8~37°). The transverse diameter of axillary nerve at the anterolateral 1/3 space of deltoid muscle was (4.2±0.8)mm(3.7~5.5mm), respectively. Conclusions The present study shows the safe area above the anterior humeral circumflex artery and the axillary nerve, with the incision and the bone landmarks. Using the safe area should avoid damaging the anterior humeral circumflex artery and the axillary nerve during the proximal humerus fracture operations.

    The applied anatomy on the plastic operation in nasolabial fold area
    ZHOU Dong-Gen, DING Zi-Hai, HAN Ying, CAO Zhi-Ming, WANG Mu-Sheng, LIU Zhi-Yong, XIONG Xiao-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  171-173. 
    Abstract ( 1493 )  
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    Objective To provide morphologic data for plastic operating in nasolabial fold area. Methods:10 formalin fixed adult female head specimens perfused with red latex were used in this study. Microdissection was performed on the specimens along the incision from the tempus's hairline and the medial side of antilobium to the edge of the mandible. Results ①Under the subcutaneous musculoaponeurotic system(SMAS)between the outer edge of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi's and infraorbital margin, a loose tissue space directed from the laterosuperior part to the medoinferior part can be taken as the operation space for tighting soft tissues and molding nasolabial fold. ② Cheek-upper mandible ligament,stretching from the periosteum at the junction of the maxilla and the cheek bone, to the SMAS fascia and the cheek skin, with the more fat tissue at the upper part and the less at the lower part, was the key anatomic element for forming nasolabial fold. Conclusions The appearance of nasolabial fold is closely related to various factors such as the laxity of ageing skin, fat and ligaments, frequent muscle contraction, the gravity and the maxillary hypoplasia etc. Morphological analysis of different structural characteristics of individual nasolabial fold, consistent with anatomical, physiological structure and motion characteristics of surgical correction, can be expected to achieve good results.

    The anatomic variations of hepatic artery and its clinical correlation
    YIN Yong-Fang, NIE Shi-Xin, TU Zhi-Tao, GUO  Lu, SUN Shan-Quan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  174-178. 
    Abstract ( 2242 )  
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    Objective To summarize the variations of the hepatic artery, and provide anatomic basis for clinic application. Methods A total of 74 cadavers were collected randomly for his study. The celiac artery and its branches were completely exposed. The hepatic artery were observed and recorded. Results Referring to Hiatt's six types of hepatic artery,three of them were observed: Type I(n=57, 77.02%),with the common hepatic artery originating from the celiac artery to form the gastroduodenal and proper hepatic arteries,and the proper artery dividing distally into right, middle and left branches; Type II (n=7, 9.47%), with a replaced or accessory left hepatic artery originating from left gastric artery; Type V (n=1, 1.35%), with the common hepatic artery originating directly from superior mesenteric artery. Besides, three uncommon types were found: Type VII (n=5, 6.76%), with a replaced left hepatic artery originating from common hepatic artery; Type VIII (n=2, 2.70%),with a replaced right hepatic artery originating from gastroduodenal artery; Type IX (n=2, 2.70%), with a replaced left hepatic artery together with the gastric and esophageal branches originating directly from celiac artery. Conclusions Three uncommon variant types of hepatic artery are observed in our small samples, which indicates that, the variation of the hepatic artery is complex and occasional, which should be pay close attention to this features.

    Left ascending cervical artery origin from aortic arch: a case report
    LAN Zhi-Hao, WANG Hao, LIU Wen-Qing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  178. 
    Abstract ( 899 )  
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    The significance of individual measuring by preoperatively application of helical computed tomography in the placement of screw on the sacroiliac joint
    LIU Xin-Uuan, HUANG Ji-Feng, LIU  Zhong, ZhAO Wei-Dong, TIAN Long-Hai, DUAN Lian-Hong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  179-183. 
    Abstract ( 1503 )  
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    Objective To explore the feasibility of individual measuring the parameters of the screwing trajectory of the screw on the uninjured side by application of helical computed tomography before open reduction and internal fixation using sacroiliac screw to guide the placement of screw on the injured side.  Methods (1) Ten frozen pelvic specimens of normal Chinese adults were scanned and multiplanarly reconstructed by helical computed tomography in order to measure the entrance direction of the S1 screw, the distance from the entry point to the posterior superior iliac spine and the posterior inferior iliac spine, the length, and safe angle of the screwing trajectory as well. (2) The left and right sacroiliac joints of eight pelvic specimens were made into vertical unstable model. Then, the left sacroiliac joints were individually validated by the iliosacral screws according to the measurement result of the screw trajectory scanned by CT on the right sacroiliac joints, and the right sacroiliac joints by the measurement results of the screw trajectory on the left side. Results (1)The direction of screw was (25.95±1.39)° to the coronal plane, and (19.61±2.97)° to the horizontal plane. The distance from the entry point was (37.17±2.90) mm to posterior superior iliac spine, and (38.23±1.69) mm to the posterior inferior iliac spine. The safe angle of the screw trajectory was(19.87±1.61)° to the coronal plane, and (23.84±2.08)° to the axial plane. (2)All of the ten inserted iliosacral screws of the left sacroiliac joints inserted were entirely within the pedicle; In the right side, except one deviated out of the bone, other nine cases were entirely within the pedicle. Conclusions The method through individual measuring the parameters of the screwing trajectory of the screw on the uninjured side by application of helical computed tomography before open reduction and internal fixation using sacroiliac screw to guide the placement of screw on the injured side has been proved a reliable method.

    Surface location of the transverse sinus by computed tomographic angiography and its clinic significance
    SHENG  Bo, LV Fu-Rong, XIAO Zhi-Bo, OU Yang-Yu, LV Fa-Jin, DENG Jin-Mu, LIU  Nan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  184-187. 
    Abstract ( 2602 )  
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    Objective To evaluate the anatomical relationship of transverse-sigmoid sinuses and surgical landmarks for clinic surgery by computed tomographic angiography with 64-row CT, and to determine the reliability of the superior nuchal line (SNL) and the line drawn from the zygoma root to the inion for the posterolateral approaches as the surgical landmark. Methods The images of transverse-sigmoid sinuses from 100 cases were collected adopting CT angiography and further three-dimensional reconstructed to determine the location of the transverse-sigmoid sinuses. Results The main asterion located at the transverse-sigmoid sinuses transition (TSST), and closed to transverse sinuses. Regarding its position from the TSST, it was at the transition point for most cases (81%), at the lower part of transition about 15%, and at the upper part about 4%. It was disaccord to the course of SNL and the line drawn from the zygoma root to the inion, furthermore, their relationship with the transverse sinus was varied. Transverse sinus and SNL was inconsistent. The line from the zygoma root to the inion can be used as a sign of proximal transverse sinus, but with their outward migration, the line passed below the transverse sinus and gradually away from it. Conclusions SNL is different from the line from the zygoma root to the inion, and cannot be taken as a strictly reliable landmark for locating transverse sinuses. Subtraction CT angiography is a reliable method in the localization of the transverse-sigmoid sinuses for surgical craniotomies.

    MRI evaluation on the repair process of postreconstructive acute rotator cuff tear with or without stress loading
    LI  Sen, JIN An-Min, LIU Cheng-Long, WANG  Qing, ZHANG  Hui, MIN Shao-Xiong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  188-192. 
    Abstract ( 1855 )  
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    Objective To explore the roles of stress on the postoperative recovery after acute rotator cuff injury. Methods 26 adult male New Zealand white rabbits were used in this study. Taking as the control, 2 rabbits were randomly selected to conduct MRI scan preoperatively. The acute rotator cuff tear was performed in other 24 animals, followed by the randomly group division: stress loading group with the passive activities on bilateral shoulder joints 2 weeks postoperatively, and non-stress loading group without any postoperative movement behavior. MRI survey was performed on 3 rabbits randomly selected in each group at the week of 2, 4, 6 and 8 after operation, respectively. Results 2 weeks postoperatively, T2WI showed high signal on the insertion of the tendon of supraspinatus muscle, at 4 weeks, the areas of the low signals of the tissues connected tendon and bone were slightly larger than that in non-stress group, at 6 weeks, the signals were larger than that in non-stress group, however, which was not significant between two groups. At 8 weeks, the high signals of the crack still preserved, although the intensity decreased compared to that of other time points. The lower signal area of the healed tendinous structure was slightly larger in stress loading group, but the signals of synovial fluid were not significant compared to that of the unloading groups. Conclusions MRI is valuable for monitoring the repairing process of postreconstructive acute rotator cuff tear, while, stress stimulation plays an active role for the repairing of reconstructed rotator cuff tear.

    The variation of left kidney anephrogenesis accompanied by several blood supply: a case report
    FENG  Qi, LIAN Yan-Yan, HE Yue-Bin, ZHENG Yue-Xia, YANG Yan-Jing, GAO Gui-Shan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  192. 
    Abstract ( 1070 )  
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    The anatomical measurement of adolescent thoracic pedicle on CT 3-D reconstruction
    WANG Zhen-Feng, LI Zhi-Jun, LI Xiao-He, CAI Yong-Qiang, LI Ting-Bin, WANG  Xing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  193-196. 
    Abstract ( 1810 )  
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    Objective To provide the anatomical data for teenagers thoracic pedicle fixation. Methods  Using multidetector-row CT for scanning the thoracic spine of 46 volunteer normal teenagers(14~17-year-old); after the reconstruction, measurement of height and width of pedicle cancellous bone and pedicle cancellous bone was made, observation of bone structure of the pedicle was carried out. Results The width of the pedicle assumed a trend of being large at the sides and small at the middle, T4 minimum (3.85±0.77) mm, T1 maximum ( 8.12±139) mm; the height of the pedicle assumed an gradually increasing wavy curve, T3 (10.93 ±0.88) mm, T12 maximum (15.68±1.25) mm; Pedicle cancellous bone wide first decreases, T11 maximum (5.24±1.3) mm; Pedicle cancellous bone high T4 minimum(5.74±2.4) mm, T11 maximum (13.18±2.3) mm. Conclusion It is the cancellous bone that really decides the diameter of the screw; during the placement of the screw, its direction and site should be guided by the imaging materials.

    A case report of rare congenital the first metacarpal absent and polydactylism of hand
    QI Shu-Qing, CHEN Yuan-Hui, CHEN Ming-Yuan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  196. 
    Abstract ( 898 )  
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    A quantitative profile of autonomic innervation of canine left atria and pulmonary veins: implications for atrial fibrillation
    GAO Chong-Han, WANG Fei, JIANG Rong, ZHANG  Jin, YIN Ti-Hui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  197-201. 
    Abstract ( 1436 )  
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    Objective To quantitatively determine the cardiac autonomic innervation in different regions of the left atria and pulmonary veins in dogs and investigate its implications in atial fibrillation. Methods 8 healthy adult mongrel dogs were euthanized immediately after acute physiological experiments. The heart and great vessels were rapidly removed en bloc through a median sternotomy. Tissue samples were obtained from the posterior left atrium (PLA), left atrial roof (LAR), anterior left atrium (ALA), interatrial septum (IAS), left atrial appendage (LAA) and pulmonary veins (PVs). Nerve density of tissue samples were determined by immunohistochemical staining and comupter-assisted morphometric analysis system. Results Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves distributed through the LA and PVs in a similar way. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve densities decreased in the order: PLA>PV>IAS>LAR>ALA>LAA. For sympathetic nerves, multiple comparisons between any two regions showed a significant difference(P<0.05 or P<0.01) except for PV versus PLA (P=0.211), IAS versus LAR (P=0.140), and LAR versus ALA(P= 0.204); for parasympathetic nerves, all the differences between any pair of regions were statistically significant (P<0.05 or P<0.01) with the exception of PV versus PLA(P= 0.256), IAS versus LAR(P=0.130), LAR versus ALA (P= 0.238), and ALA versus LAA (P=0.124). For both nerve types, there was a decreasing gradient of nerve densities from the external to internal layer(P<0.001,each comparisons). Nerve density for either nerve type was significantly higher at the ostia than the distal segments of PVs(P<0.001). Conclusions The left atria and PVs are innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves in a regionally heterogeneous way, which may has close relation with the initiation and perpetuation of AF and be of important significance for AF ablation.

    Effects and mechanism of the transplantation of human umbilical cord blood msenchymal stem cells to treat spinal cord injury
    SUN  Li, YU  Li, ZHANG Hua-Fang, WANG  Li, WEI Zhi-Xin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  202-207. 
    Abstract ( 1629 )  
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    Objective To explore the therapeutic effect and mechanism of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from human umbilical cord blood on rat spinal cord injury. Methods MSCs were separated and purified from human umbilical cord blood. The spinal cord semi-transection was done on adult rats and then the animals were randomly divided into three groups which were treated with BrdU labeled MSCs, culture medium or saline respectively. Functional outcome was measured using the Basso-Beattie-Bresnehan (BBB) score method periodically up to 28 days post-surgery. MSCs survival and migration were observed by immunofluorescence double labeling techniques. The expression pattern of HMGB1 and NF-κB were detected by immunohistochemical techniques. Results BBB score showed that locomotor improvement in MSCs transplantation groups was much better than that of normal saline group and culture medium group at 28 days post-transplantation (P<0.05). BrdU-labeled MSCs could be detected in the lesion area at 7, 14 and 21 days post-transplantation. 53.3% of transplanted BrdU-positive cells were GFAP-positive, and 22.15% of them were NSE-positive. The positive rate of HMGB1 and NF-κB expression in MSCs transplantation group were lower than that in saline group and culture medium group, and there was a significant differences among three groups (P<0.05). Conclusions MSCs could promote functional recovery of the injuried spinal cord by replacing damaged nerve cells and alleviating inflammatory reaction.

    Expressions of CK19 and TGF-α in reserved liver after partial hepatectomy of rat with hepatic fibrosis
    YUE Xue-Qiang, SHI Xiang-Kong, LI Na-Na, ZANG Wei-Dong, LIU Heng-Xing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  208-212. 
    Abstract ( 1528 )  
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    Objective To detect the expressions of CK19 and TGF-α in reserved liver after partial hepatectomy (PH) of rat with hepatic fibrosis at the different time phase, for evaluating the bile canaliculi regeneration in fibrotic liver tissue.    Methods Male SD rats were divided into two groups: the control group (35 rats) and the experimental group (35 rats). The rats of experimental group were injected i.p. with CCl4 to establish the hepatic fibrosis model, and then animals from two groups was endured PH operation. The liver tissues were obtained from each group at 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7d after PH, followed by immunohistochemical analysis. Results  (1) The expression of CK19 increased gradually after PH in both groups, however, in experimental group, the expression intensity was significantly higher than that of in control group at the same time point (P<0.05) except for that at 7d. As well, the expression of TGF-α increased gradually after PH in both groups, however, The expression was significant higher in the experimental group at 0 d, 1 d, 3 d and lower at 5 d, 7 d compared to that in the control group. Conclusions For rat model of hepatic fibrosis, the increased expression of CK19 can be detected in reserved liver after partial hepatectomy, which indicates that the proliferation and differentiation of HOCs can be promoted by hepatic fibrosis and PH treatment. In contrast, TGF-α is uneffective for promoting proliferation of HOCs and bile canaliculi regeneration.

    In vitro biocompatibility of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and nano-hydroxyapatite scaffold
    ZHANG  Kai, WANG Da-Ping, ZHU Wei-Min, LIU Jian-Quan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  213-216. 
    Abstract ( 1618 )  
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    Objective To assess the compatibility of rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(rBMSCs) with nano-hydroxyapatite(nano-HA) scaffold,and to verify the feasibility of nano-HA material as scaffold material of bone tissue engineering. Methods rBMSCs were cultured on nano-HA scaffold in vitro. Inverted microscope and scanning electron microscope were used to observe the morphologic features of cultured cells attached on the scaffold, as well, cell proliferation and differentiation under the influence of the material were detected by MTT and ALP methods. Results On the nano-HA scaffold, rBMSCs attached and survived well. Scaffold did not interfere with the proliferation and differentiation of the seeded rBMSCs, which indicated that Nano-HA scaffold was favourable for the survival and differentiation of rBMSCs in vitro condition. Conclusions Nano-HA material can be taken as the ideal rBMSCs scaffold for its excellent biocompatibility.

    The asymptomatic flatfoot and normal foot of the young female: the relationship of plantar pressure and plantar arch form
    WANG  Ting, WANG Ji-Song, LI  Jing, LIU Yi-Jun, LIN Ruo-Lan, HUANG Yong-Hong, WU Li-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  217-221. 
    Abstract ( 1727 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic difference of the asymptomatic flatfoot and normal foot of the young female, and characterize the relationship of plantar pressure and plantar arch form. Methods Using Zebris-system, the static and dynamic plantar pressures of normal feet (twelve cases) and flat feet (twelve cases) were measured, as well, the lateral X-ray projection of the two groups under the weight bearing and non-weight bearing conditions were used to test the plantar arch shape, followed by the statistical analysis. Results When standing upright with double feet, there was no significant difference of the plantar pressure between the flat feet and normal feet (P>0.05). When standing upright with single foot, the weighting proportion of fore foot of flatfoot group was significantly increased than that of the normal-foot group. In walking stance, the central movement trajectory of the plantar pressure between the flatfoot group and normal-foot group was obviously different. There was significant difference of each parameter of plantar arch form between the weight-bearing and non-weight bearing position of the flatfoot group (P<0.05), and between the weight bearing position of flatfoot group and that of normal-foot group (P<0.05). Conclusions In walking and uniped standing conditions, the plantar pressure and plantar arch form between asymptomatic flatfoot and normal foot are obviously different. That may provide the quantitative data for evaluating and diagnosing the asymptomatic flatfoot.

    New way of 3D reconstruction of cervical vertebrae aiming at finite element analysis in Mimics
    FAN Ji-Hong, ZHONG Shi-Zhen, JIAO Pei-Feng, WU Li-Ping, ZHANG Mei-Chao, ZHAO Wei-Dong, LI Jian-Yi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  222-224. 
    Abstract ( 2081 )  
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    Objective To explore the new 3D reconstruction aiming at FEA (Finite Element Analysis) in Mimics. Methods Importing CT images into Mimics software, selecting adequate "Thresholding", reserving holistic CT images of C3~6, distinguishing spaces of adjacent cervical vertebrae by single pels (picture element) erase Circle tool of Edit Masks, and adopting "Calculate 3D"tool to reconstruct C3~6 models were performed one by one. Results The front and rear spaces of vertebral body between adjacent vertebrae wee smaller than that of the middle. The articular process spaces between adjacent vertebrae showed rather low pels (one or zero). The amount of triangular plates of four cervical vertebrae was about 78300, and that of the nodes was 39133. Spaces of adjacent 3D models of C3~6 were sharp and tiny, which was valuable to be used in grids partitioning and analysis FEM (Finite Element Method). Conclusions It is an effective method to exert grids partitioning and analysis FEM, by reserving holistic CT images of C3~6 and distinguishing spaces of adjacent cervical vertebrae though single pels (picture element) erase Circle tool of Edit Masks.

    Biomechanical evaluation of a new type of the bidirectional latch external fixation device
    ZHENG  Wei, ZhAO Wei-Dong, LI Shao-Gang, CHEN  Chun, LU  Wei, HUANG Wen-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  225-228. 
    Abstract ( 1363 )  
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    Analysis of risk factors in preeclampsia with abnormal placental blood flow and the impact on perinatal outcome
    JIN Jin, XIA Xun, YU Yan-Hong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  229-231. 
    Abstract ( 1242 )  
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    A sample preparation technology for frozen section of GAD67-GFP knock-in mice brain
    LI  Jing, XUE Song-Chao, FENG  Hang, HAN  Dao, LIU  Qian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  232-234. 
    Abstract ( 1357 )  
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    Application of vacunm packaging technology in the human sectional specimens preserved
    WANG  Miao, WANG Xiao-Cheng, HU Jian-Guang, YANG Ke-Qiu, LI Guang-Yi, XIE Zheng-Lan, RAO Li-Bing, PAN Ai-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  235. 
    Abstract ( 1265 )  
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    Congenital absence of the internal carotid artery: a case report
    ZHAO  Jun, YUAN  Fei, LIU Yin-She
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  236. 
    Abstract ( 1063 )  
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    Several malformations in right shank and foot : a case report
    MENG Xin-Wen, BIAN  Jiang, AN Qin-De
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(2):  2361. 
    Abstract ( 828 )  
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