Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
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Table of Content

    25 November 2011 Volume 29 Issue 6
    Consensus on terminology of perforator flaps and its clinical principles
    ZHANG Shi-Min, TANG Mao-Lin, ZHANG Wei-Wen, XU Da-Chuan, XU Yong-Qing, YANG Da-Beng, WANG Chun-Mei, LIU Yuan-Bei, CHEN Hong, MEI Jin, WANG Xin, WEN Shu-Zheng, ZHANG Yi-Xin, HONG Hua-Jiao, WANG Chun-Hui, JI Wei-Beng, DAO Ku-Xiang, LIU Xiao-Lin, HOU Chun-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  599-601. 
    Abstract ( 1495 )  
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    Advances in the perforator flap
    TANG Mao-Lin, ZHANG Wei-Wen, ZHANG Shi-Min, XU Da-Chuan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  602-606. 
    Abstract ( 970 )  
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    Variation of branches of axillary artery
    CHEN Ju-Chao, A Bo-Du-Sa-La-Mu-·Ai-Ni, LIU Xiao-Qing, LIAO Bei, LIU Xiao-Xin, JIAN Ying, WANG De-Zhi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  605. 
    Abstract ( 996 )  
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    Perforator pedicled propeller flap
    DAO You-Lun, ZHANG Shi-Min
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  606-608. 
    Abstract ( 962 )  
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    A new method for observation of choke vessels: the dorsal skinfold chamber on the rat
    PENG Ti-Hong, HU Shi-Wang, TUN Dong-Fang, DING Mao-Chao, HUANG Mei-Xian, TANG Mao-Lin, XU Da-Chuan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  609-613. 
    Abstract ( 1410 )  
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    Objective To adopt of the dorsal skinfold chamber on the rat for observation of choke vessels between the angiosomes of the rat's skin. Methods  Firstly, a dorsal skinfold chamber that could ride on the back of the rat after its install was designed;Then, a three-territory flap based on the cutaneous perforator of the ilicolumbar artery was harvested, which was sutured back in situ immediately; Finally, the dorsal skinfold chamber was installed for real-time intravital microscopic monitoring at an interval of 12h continuously for seven days. Results 3 rats from 10 developed serious infection. Through the observatory hole of the dorsal skinfold chamber, both the choke arteries and veins can be clearly and integrally demonstrated. Mild expansion at the diameter of the communicating venules appeared 60 hours after flap elevation, and continued as time went on, reaching its maximal 5 days after flap elevation. The increase in the diameter of the venous trunks and choke arteries also happened, but not in the same massive scale as the communicating venules. Conclusions  Compared with conventional methods for investigation of choke vessels reported in literature such as X-ray radiographic angiography, computed tomographic angiography, the greatest advantage of the dorsal skinfold chamber is that it allows real-time and in vivo monitoring of choke vessels in rodent models. The shortcoming is that frequent anesthesia would inevitably lead to some influence at the physiological state of the rats.

    The variation of cranial and cervical vein:a case report
    CHAO Fang, Yang-Ze-Ken, CA Li, HU Nan, KONG Wei-Yun, CHEN Yang-Jie
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  613. 
    Abstract ( 918 )  
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    Applied anatomy of deep inferior epigastric perforator flap
    CUI Fu-Rui, TUN Dong-Fang, TANG Mao-Lin, MEI Jin, DAI Kai-Yu, HU Shi-Wang, CHEN Shi-Xin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  614-618. 
    Abstract ( 1504 )  
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    Objective To study the morphological features of the deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) using angiography and 3D visualization, in order to provide anatomic evidence for clinical application of the DIEP flap. Methods The systemic arteriography using the modified mixture of lead oxide-gelatine was performed on seven fresh adult cadavers and the polyvinyl alcohol-bismuth oxide on three specimens. All of the cadavers were serially scanned by a spiral CT. After that DIEP and their source artery were reconstructed by Mimics. The relevant information of DIEP was also observed by layers dissection combined with X-ray examination. The other five fresh bodies were used and underwent red latex injection. They were dissected by layers to observe DIEP and their source artery with whole course tracing. Results An average of six perforators with a diameter of over 0.5mm was located on each side of the DIEP flap. It was about 62% of the medial perforators and 38% of the lateral ones. The vascular cross-linking across the midline of the abdominal flap was rich and true. There always were perforators with a diameter of over 0.8mm within 4cm below the umbilicus or on bilateral of the umbilicus. Conclusions The medial perforators of the deep inferior epigastric artery are dominant arteries; the perforators near the umbilicus should be first considered when the DIEP flap is taken; it is reasonable to take a transverse DIEP flap.

    Vascular anatomy of deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap and superficial inferior epigastrical artery flap
    TUN Dong-Fang, PENG Ti-Hong, WANG Jian-Gong, CUI Fu-Rui, TANG Mao-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  619-623. 
    Abstract ( 1856 )  
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    Objective To explore the vascular structures, anatomical characters of perforasome and the choke vessels in infra-abdominal region. Methods 10 fresh cadavers underwent angiography by plain film and CT scan. Three dimensional reconstructions of the deep inferior epigastric artery and its perforators, as well as the superficial inferior epigastrical artery were performed by Materialized Interactive Medical Image Controlling System. Results The course of the deep inferior epigastrical artery can be divided into three types: single branch, double branches, and triple branches. When the deep inferior egigastrical artery had more than one branch, its perforators could be classified into a lateral row perforators and medial row perforators, which was of clinical significance. Conclusions Current debates surrounding the vascular zone of the skin and its underlying fat at the infra-abdominal region are associated with the intra-operative choice of which perforator to be used: a lateral row perforator or a medial row perforator.  Whenever the superficial epigastrical artery is of large diameter, and the tissue volume needed for reconstruction can be confined in a semi-abdomen, the superficial epigastrical artery flap should be regarded as a preferential choice rather than as a backup of the deep inferior egigastrical artery perforator flap.

    Applied anatomy of the anteromedial thigh perforator flap
    YANG Xiao-Dong, DING Mao-Chao, MEI  Jin, ZHANG Gen-Fu, YANG  Jin, LIU Yang-Wu, DING Jian-Bei, TANG Mao-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  624-628. 
    Abstract ( 1486 )  
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    Objective To produce a digitized model of the anteromedial thigh for determining the anatomical relationships of perforators in each zone of the anteromedial thigh. Methods Five fresh unfixed corpses underwent whole body red latex injection. Fifteen fresh cadavers injected with a modified lead oxide-gelatin mixture for three-dimensional reconstruction using a spiral computed tomography scanner and specialized software (Mimics). All of specimens were then dissected by layers. Angiography and photography were used to document the precise course, size, location, and type of individual perforators in the anteromedial thigh region. The surface areas of cutaneous territories and perforator zones were measured and calculated with Photoshop and Scion Image. Results The arterial supply to the integument of the anteromedial thigh was divided into proximal, middle, and distal zones. There were (21±4.0) perforators with diameters of greater than or equal to 0.5 mm; the average external diameter was (0.8±0.1) mm. Each perforator supplied an average area of (44±4.8)cm2. A number of perforators arised from the femoral artery,lateral circumflex femoral artery,and descending genicular artery in the middle zone of the anteromedial thigh. Conclusions The anteromedial thigh is an excellent donor site for local and distant flaps. Perforator flaps could be based in a variety of ways from each zone, especially the middle zone.

    Applied anatomy of the superficial peroneal artery perforator flap
    YANG Xiao-Dong, WANG Jian-Gong, TUN Dong-Fang, MEI  Jin, LIU Yang-Wu, YANG  Jin, ZHANG Gen-Fu, TANG Mao-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  629-631. 
    Abstract ( 1761 )  
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    Objective To provide morphological data that enables safe elevation of the superficial peroneal artery perforator flap. Methods Five fresh unfixed corpses underwent whole body red latex injection. Fifteen fresh cadavers injected with a modified lead oxide-gelatin mixture for three-dimensional reconstruction using a spiral computed tomography scanner and specialized software (MIMICS). All of specimens were then dissected by layers. Angiography and photography were used to document the precise course, size, location, and type of individual perforators in the anterolateral leg region. The surface areas of cutaneous territories and perforator zones were measured and calculated with Photoshop and Scion Image. Results The skin and muscles on the anterolateral leg are nourished by anterior tibial artery perforators and the descending branch of peroneal artery perforator. There were (7±3.0) perforators with diameters of greater than or equal to 0.5 mm. The average external diameter was (0.7±0.2) mm. Each perforator supplied an average area of (33.0±8.0) cm2. The diameter of the superficial peroneal artery was (1.2±0.3) mm at its origin from the anterior tibial artery below 5cm the head of the fibula, and the length was (5.6±1.8) cm. This artery was truly anastomoses with others perforaors to form the chain of superficial peroneal nerve accessory artery. Conclusions The anterolateral leg is an excellent donor site for local and distant flaps. Perforator flaps could be based on the chain of superficial peroneal nerve accessory artery. The volume rendering technique is very useful for preoperative flap design.

    Medial retromalleolar perforator adipofascial flap: anatomical and clinical study
    ZHANG Yang-Qi, ZHANG Shi-Min
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  633-636. 
    Abstract ( 1464 )  
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    Objective To introduce the anatomical study and clinical experience of medial retromalleolar perforator adipofascial flap. Methods Microsurgical anatomic study was carried out on 24 fresh cadaver limbs, and was focused on the distal perforators of the posterior tibial artery. Then five clinical cases of distally based medial retromalleolar perforator flaps were raised for medial wound coverage of the calcaneus after open fracture. Results The terminal part of posterior tibial artery run distally in the medial retromalleolar space. The space was usually 4cm long, with its anterior border of medial malleolus and flexor digitorum longus tendon, medial border of Achilles tendon, covered by deep fascia, and filled with areolar fatty tissue. In the space, there were about 2~3 fasciocutaneous perforators with caliber ranged 0.1~0.7 mm, usually less than 0.5mm with an average 0.47mm. The perforating artery usually had one partner veins. These perforators showed apparent link-anastomosis with the mostdistal septal perforator of posterior artery. In clinic, the five flaps, measured 5~6cm×6~12cm with pivot point 1~2 cm above the tip of medial malleolus, survived completely and smoothly. This adipofascial flap, compared to distally based faciocutaneous flap, has obvious advantages of reducing the morbidity to lower leg donor site, releasing venous drainage load, improving survived quality. Conclusions The retromalleolar perforator adipofascial flap is a thin reliable, pliable flap with an easy and simple surgical process. It should be considerated for medial aspect of the foot and heel.

    Perforator flap transplantation assisted by the multislice spiral computed tomographic angiography: the clinical report
    GAO Jian-Meng, XUE  Feng, JIA Yun-Bao, CHU Xu-Dong, HUA Guo-Jun, LI  Kun, JIA Yu-Chun, BO Gong-Mao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  637-640. 
    Abstract ( 1517 )  
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    Objective To investigate the potentiality of multislice spiral computed tomographic angiography(MSCTA) on preoperative planning of the perforator flap transplantation. Methods From May 2009 to September 2010, 6 cases with soft tissue defects of lower extremity, ankle and foot were treated in our department using perforator flaps. MSCTA was performed preoperatively in all patients scheduled for tissue transfer. MSCTA showed three dimensional images of blood vessels of the lower extremities and perforators. During perforator surgery, MSCTA image assessment allowed us to plan the axis, size and shape of perforator flaps according to the position, calibre and course of pedicled vessels. Results MSCTA images showed perforator vessels clearly, including lateral superior genicular artery perforating rami and posterior tibial artery perforating rami in 2 and 4 cases respectively, which was consistant to the course of perforator vessels observed during the operation. 2 cases were treated with the vascularized iliotibial flap transplantation, and 4 cases with the pedicled flaps transfer. Perforator flaps survived well in 5 cases, partly necrosis appeared in only 1 case. After one month, plastic flap recovered well. Conclusions MSCTA is valuable for providing anatomic reference during perforator flap transplantation.

    Cutaneous perforator vascular casting development
    DAN Xiao-Tian, GUO  Yu, QIU Xun-Yong, TANG  Jun, HAN Li-Jun, LIN Wei-Wei, DENG Wang-Xiao, ZHANG Xian-Fang, CHEN  Min
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  641-642. 
    Abstract ( 872 )  
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    Dynamic heart model construction based on anatomic and imaging data of normal heart
    FAN  Zhen, XU Guo-Chang, ZHANG Wei-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  648-650. 
    Abstract ( 1260 )  
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    Objective To construct three dimensional dynamic heart model based on the anatomic data of normal heart. Methods Anatomic data of normal heart were collected for reconstructing three dimensional dynamic heart model by Microsoft Visual C++ and 3DMax software, as well, the normal electrocardiogram (ECG) was integrated with heart model to demonstrate heart activity synchronously. Results The digital heart model was constructed, which reflected the shape and internal structures of the heart. Synchronous activity of ECG could be performed on heart model. Conclusions As a digital platform, the dynamic heart model is a valuable tool for anatomic teaching and heart disease analysis.

    The relationship between humeral head defect and glenohumeral stability
    LI Wen-Cui, BANG Liang-Quan, LIU  Wei, WANG Da-Beng, OU Yang-Kan, SHU Wei-Min, LIU Hai-Feng, FENG Wen-Zhe-
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  651-652. 
    Abstract ( 1294 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic relationship between the degree of humeral head defect and glenohumeral stability. Methods 12 cadaveric shoulder specimens were applied in this study. The defect scopes of humeral head were prepared as 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, and 4/8. Testing positions included 45° and 90° of abduction, 40° of internal rotation, neutral position, and 40° of external rotation. The humeral head was translated anteroinferiorly to the horizontal glenoid axis until its dislocation. The distance of dislocation (DD) was defined as humeral head translation. Results At the abduction position, there was no difference of the DD for different defects. However, external rotation of 40° significantly reduced the DD compared to that of neutral and 40° internal rotation. The defect of 3/8 and 4/8 significantly decreased the DD compared to that of intact ones. Post hoc analysis determined significant difference for the rotational positions. Decreased distance to dislocation occurred at 2/8 defect group at 40° external rotation with 90° of abduction. For the 4/8 defect at 90°abduction, the DD decreased compared to that of neutral and 40°external rotation; At the position of 45° abduction and 40° external rotation, the DD significantly decreased. At the 40° internal rotation, no significant difference appeared among different defect groups. Conclusions Glenohumeral stability decreases at the 3/8 defect and at external rotation and abduction, however, at the 4/8 defect and at neutral and external rotation, the stability further decreases.

    Operative approach through ethmoid region: sectional anatomy and clinical significance
    TUN  Yue, YANG  Rui, XU  Chong, JING  Xiang, WANG  Beng, MA En-Meng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  653-657. 
    Abstract ( 1198 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomic data for surgical treating through the ethmoid region. Methods Based on the study of gross anatomy, three-dimensional thin serial sections of the anterior skull base with improved celloidin embedding technique were performed, followed by the exploration of accurate anatomical features and complex adjacencies. Results The research exactly showed the structures and adjacencies in the ethmoidal region: the thickness of the lamina papyracea was about (0.35±0.089) mm, and (0.36±0.086 )mm for left and right sides respectively. The distances between the nasal columella and the opening of the maxillary sinus was (39.1±2.4) mm and (40.0±2.5) mm respectively. The distances from the sinus in middle nasal meatus to the ethmoid roof was (12.0±1.0)mm, and (11.8±1.1)mm respectively. Conclusions Surgical operation in anterior cranial fossa, orbit and optic canal through the ethmoid region is safe and feasible.

    The evaluation of spiral CT scans on the safety of cervical anterior transpedicular screw fixation
    JIANG  Jian, CHEN , ZHAO , LIU Zhi-Li, YIN Qiang-Shui, SHU  Yong, HUANG Shan-Hu
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  658-660. 
    Abstract ( 1386 )  
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    Objective To investigate the value of spiral CT on cervical anterior transpedicular screw insertion. Methods The cervical pedicle (C3~7) parameters for anterior transpedicular fixation from six cadaveric specimens were measured under CT scan and three dimensionally reconstructed. Cervical anterior transpedicular screws were implanted into cadaveric pedicles on the basis of the measured parameters. The position of cervical anterior transpedicular screws was evaluated by CT and reconstructing images, followed by the safety evaluation of screws insertion using Tomasino's method. Results In all of 60 pedicles (C3~7) measured, 4 was too small (the width of the pedicle<4.0 mm), and 1 was too closed to the upper plate, to be fixed. 55 screws were implanted successfully. Tomasino's evaluation demonstrated that, , Grade 1, 2 and 3 were 52, 2, and 1 screws in axial plane, and 52, 2, and 3 screws in saggital plane respectively. Conclusions Preoperative spiral CT scan is a valuable evaluation for safe insertion of cervical anterior transpedicular screw.

    Effects of glucose concentration on proliferation of hypoxic adult neural stem cells (ANSCs) in vitro 
    TAN  Cheng, CHEN  Jian, GUO  Yang, CHEN Rui-Qing, LI  Can, CHEN Tian-Zhou
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  672-676. 
    Abstract ( 1185 )  
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    Objective  To explore the effects of glucose concentration on the viability and proliferation of hypoxic adult neural stem cells (ANSCs) after OGD. Methods The ANSCs cell line from adult Fisher 344 rats were cultured in serum-free medium and identified using Nestin staining. Anoxic cultured ANSCs (1% O2, 94%N2,and 5%CO2 for  6 h) were treated with different concentrations of D-glucose (7.5, 17.5, 27.75, 41.75, 83.75 mmol/L). A normoxic-normoglycemic control group was also employed. CCK-8 colorimetric method was used to determine the survival and proliferation of ANSCs, as well Hoechst 33342 immunofluorescent staining was used to detect the apoptosis of ANSCs. Mannitol was used as a control to exclude a possible effect of osmolality on cell viability.Results Compared with those of the normoxic-normoglycemic control group, the O.D. at 450 nm of OGD group was higher significantly. Furthermore, there was a significant cell viability decrease in cultures exposed to 7.5 mmol/L, 41.75 mmol/L and 83.75 mmol/L glucose after hypoxia compared to that of control (P<0.05) . There was no difference between 27.75 mmol/L and 17.5 mmol/L glucose groups, under the exclusion of the influence of osmolarity on cell viability.The CCK-8 detection results were consistant with that of microscopic observation. Conclusions Mildly elevated glucose concentration after hypoxia may protect NSCs against hypoxia.

    Double origins of double muscle belly of abductor pollicis brevis: one case report
    ZHENG Jin-Long, WANG Ceng-Chao, RONG Kai, CHEN Chao, HOU Zhi-Dian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  680. 
    Abstract ( 949 )  
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    The effects of Ang-1 on the angiogenesis and vascular leakage of diabetic rats' femoral head
    CHEN Hai-Yang, WANG Xiu-Guo, CHEN Shao-Jiang, LIU Wen-Ge, TANG Jun-Min
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  681-685. 
    Abstract ( 1088 )  
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    Objective To probe into the effects of Ang-1 on the angiogenesis and microvascular leakage of diabetic rats' femoral head. Methods By establishing models of the rats with STZ diabetes, and randomly dividing them into the normal groups (CON1, CON2 and CON3) and the diabetic groups (DM1, DM2 and DM3) with 10 rats each group, the microvascular density through infusion with ink, the expression of blood coagulation factorⅧ with immunohistochemistry, and the expression of the mRNA of both VEGF by hybridization in situ and Ang-1 by RT-PCR, were performed. Results The diabetic rats'femoral head varied in the course of illness. Their expression of Ang-1, blood coagulation factorⅧ, and VEGF mRNA significantly rose, as compared with those of rats in the normal groups(P<0.01). The microvascular density enlarged with vascular proliferation and leakage. Conclusions The interaction and antagonism between Ang-1 and VEGF mRNA of diabetic rats' femoral head can promote microvascular proliferation and resist vascular leakage. The mRNA expression of both coagulation factorⅧ and VEGF in vascular endothelial cells have a positive correlation with the changes of their microvascular density.

    The biocompatibility of the injectable chitosan/nano-hydroxyapatite/ collagen scaffold
    CHEN Pan, XU Bo, LI Song-Jian, CHEN Zhong, LIU Cheng-Long
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  686-689. 
    Abstract ( 1444 )  
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    Objective To evaluate the biocompatibility of an injectable chitosan (CS) /nano-hydroxyapatite(HA)/collagen (Col) scaffold. Methods rBMSCs was mixed with CS/HA/Col solution and subcutaneously injected into Wistar rats. After 24h, 14d and 28d, the animals were sacrificed and subcutaneous tissues at injecting site were removed. HE, MASSON and immunohistochemical stainings were performed for evaluating the features if scaffolds. Results The liquid CS/HA/Col (room temperature) would form the gel after injecting into the subcutaneous tissue. The mixed rBMSCs survived well in the CS/HA/Col gel at even 28 days in vivo. The CS/HA/Col/rBMSCs gel induced less inflammatory reaction in the host tissue compared to that of simple CS/HA/Col gel. Conclusions Our results suggest that the CS/HA/Col system can be used to load rBMSCs in vitro homogeneously. The CS/HA/Col system can be used in vivo with the minimally invasive manner and feasible biocompatible environment.

    An innovative primary spinal cord injury model of rat cervical spinal dislocation fracture
    XU Zhun, JIANG Hui, HUANG Zhi-Beng, XIE Shi-Dong, TUN Xiu-Hua, SHU Jing-An, CHEN Jian-Ting
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  690-694. 
    Abstract ( 1498 )  
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    Objective To develop a clinical relevant primary spinal cord injury (SCI) rat model due to cervical spinal dislocation fracture. Methods A SCI device leading to cervical spinal dislocation fracture was developed based on cervical vertebrae anatomy of SD rats. A rostral clamp connected to a stereotaxic apparatus held C3 and C4 and kept stationary during injury, while a caudal clamp held C5 and C6 and was connected to a material testing machine. The caudal clamp was driven dorsally at a constant speed and returned to the original position, producing C4~5 dislocation fracture and spinal cord injury. The C4~5 dislocation fracture up to 1.90mm at 2mm/s was produced on eight male SD rats using the aforementioned method. The rats were perfused intracardially right after injury. One set of sections from each cord was stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Total hemorrhage in the cord was calculated. Results All C4~5 intervertebral discs were ruptured at C4 inferior endplate with an average of rupture displacement of (1.00±0.17) mm and the maximal force of (12.7±5.1) N. Two symmetrical hemorrhage strips or points were observed on all spinal cords in the experimental group. The hemorrhage was mainly located in the gray matter and scattered in the white matter more dorsally than ventrally. The average of total hemorrhage was (2.46×10-3±1.26×10-3) ml. Conclusions The model can produce cervical vertebrae dislocation fracture and primary spinal cord injury, and is a clinical relevant animal model for SCI study.

    Anatomical observation of the lumbar nerve roots in SD rat
    ZHONG Gui-Ban, LI  Wei, LIU Jie-De, WANG Han-Tao, NI Feng-Wen, JIAO Zhi-Guang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  695-697. 
    Abstract ( 2014 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomical basis for the functional reconstruction of the lumbar root after spinal cord injury. Methods Anatomical features of the lumbar roots were observed and summarized on 30 SD rats during the operation and on 10 SD rats microdissected after perfusion. Results There were six couples of the lumbar roots in SD rat. The L2-L4 roots mainly made up femoral nerve which dominating the quadriceps femoris. Sciatic nerve was composed of the L5-L6 roots which dominating the dorsal femoris muscle group. The lumbar medullary originated at the 12th thoracal vertebra and terminated at the 2th lumbar vertebra. The lumbar anterior root with one bunch was thin and its posterior root with two bunches was thick. Its anterior root and posterior root were wrapped together in one dura mater of spinal cord. The dura mater of spinal cord was thick and solid. The ventral and dorsal foots of spinal nerves were surrounded by meningeal tubes seperately till the point of dorsal root ganglion. Conclusions There are some difference in anatomical character of lumbar roots between SD rat and human.

    Biomechanical study of the transitional thread pedicle screw
    LIU  Bin, TUN Chang-Fu, DIAO Wei-Dong, SUN Pei-Dong, BI Zhen-Yu, OU Yang-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  698-701. 
    Abstract ( 1150 )  
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    Objective To clarify the biomechanical stability of the transitional thread pedicle screw (TTPS) in spinal vertebrae. Methods For this study, 30 calf thoracolumbar vertebra(60 pedicles), with the mean bone mineral density of (1.186±0.182)g/cm2 , were used. All the specimens were cleaned of soft tissues and separated into individual vertebrae. Each vertebra was prepared and instrumented with one of six pedicle screw. Pilot hole preparation was standardized and coaxial orientation was confirmed by direct inspection. Axial pullout was performed at 0.08mm/s displacement. The typical screw pullout load-displacement curve for the TTPS was illustrated. Results The maximum axial pullout strength of the A0, A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 screws were (983.99±324.19) N, (1119.84±362.47)N, (1067.67±398.00)N, (900.04±255.89)N, (799.07±406.79)N,  and (850.71±408.11)N, respectively. No significant difference in pullout force was noted for the six TTPS. Conclusions There are no differences of pullout strength among screw types.

    The absence of the right posterior communicating artery: one case report
    LI Hai-Long, DU Yi-Qiang, WEI Ru-Tong, ZHOU Xiao-Kun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  701. 
    Abstract ( 1098 )  
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    The operative approach and treatment effect of the pelvic tumors
    LI Song-Jian, XU Bo, CHEN Pan, JIN An-Min, ZHOU Chu-Song, YANG Jian-Cheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  702-705. 
    Abstract ( 1562 )  
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    Objective To investigate the operative approach and treatment effects of the tumors of pelvic ring. Methods From January 1992 to November 2008, 46 patients with tumors in pelvic ring were treated. In all cases, 34 suffered from malignant tumor, and 12 from benign tumor with malignant inclination (27 males and 19 females, aged 32-65 years, averagely 46.8 years). Partial pelvitomy or partial sacrectomy were performed for all cases. The ilioinguinal incision, utilitarian incision, inguinal and perineum incision, and the anterior and posterior approach were used for typeⅠ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ tumors respectively. The benign and malignant tumors in pubis, ischium or pubic symphysis were resected radically, defects were reconstructed with plastic plate or not. Results The following up time was about 3-53 months (averagely 32 months), and 43 patients survived. Conclusions Pelvic tumorectomy will get good therapy effects. Radical resection, proper reconstruction according the position of the tumor and carefully protection of the nerve are the key to get good results.

    Non-functioning pituitary adenoma deteriorate visual sense on middle and old patients and the outcome after endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery
    HONG Hai-Yu, FAN Yun-Beng, LI  Qi, LV Meng-Hui, CHEN Ge-Xin, WEN Wei-Beng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  706-710. 
    Abstract ( 1133 )  
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    Objective To report the clinical experience and outcome about ten middle-aged and old patients with visual deterioration rooting in nonfunctional pituitary adenoma. Methods The ophthalmologist diagnosed 10 cases pituitary adenoma patients who main complained of sudden or progressive damage on visual acuity and visual field. All the patients underwent surgical resection under nasal endoscopy; and the follow up lasted for at least half year. Results 5 of the 10 patients who were respectively diagnosed within 1 month after onset of visual damage have excellent postoperative visual recovery. 5 other patients who had were misdiagnosed for longer than 6 months and severe visual damage had nothing visual improvement at postoperative one week, and four of five hadn't any visual improvement until 6 months postoperatively except one had improved to light perception. Conclusions Visual deterioration is often the only complaint of non-functional pituitary adenoma without any endocrine symptoms; this kind of tumor is inclined to be misdiagnosed. For the patients who are timely and accurately diagnosed, the clinical effect of endoscopic transsphenoidal surgical removal is reliable for its lower complication, which is valuable to extend in clinic.

    Anatomic variations of coronary artery and the interventional therapy of its stenotic diseases
    WANG Jin-Da, CHEN Yun-Dai, LIU Hong-Bin, SUN Zhi-Jun, CHEN Lian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2011, 29(6):  711-713. 
    Abstract ( 1470 )  
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    Objective To explore the incidence of anatomic variations of the coronary arteries in Chinese and sum up the experience of interventional therapy to the anomalous origin coronary artery with stenosis. Methods We reviewed 3015 patients undergone coronary angiography(CAG) in 2010,analyzed 42 anatomic variations of coronary artery, and summed up percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI) on 5 patients of anomalous origin coronary artery with stenosis. Results Among all patients undergone CAG, 42 cases had anatomic variation, with an incidence of 1.39%. Anomalous origin coronary artery appeared in 28 cases(0.93%), coronary pulmonary-artery fistula appeared in 8 cases(0.27%), the left ventricular fistula in 2 cases(0.07%), the right ventricular fistula in 2 cases(0.07%), the left atrium fistula in 1 case(0.03%), and the arteriovenous fistula in 1 case(0.03%). PCI was performed successfully in 4 cases, failed in 1 case, and no major complication happened. Conclusions PCI to the patients of anomalous origin coronary artery with stenosis is safe and feasible.