Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
Editing and Publishing: Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
Advisor: ZHONG Shi-zhen
Editor-in-chief: OUYANG Jun
Former Editor-in-chief: XU Da-chuan
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Table of Content

    25 January 2012 Volume 30 Issue 1
    The optimal choice of fibula flap pediced with blood for clinical application
    CHEN Zhen-Guang, ZHENG Xiao-Hui, TU Li
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 1039 )  
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    Applied anatomy on lower cervical transforaminal endoscopic surgery by lateral approach
    WANG Feng, GAO Liang-Bin, FU Min, CA Zhao-Feng, TANG Yong, HUANG Lin, YANG Rui, CHEN Keng, CHEN Hui-Yong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  4-7. 
    Abstract ( 1565 )  
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    Objective To evaluate the feasibility of lower cervical transforaminal endoscopic surgery by lateral approach. Methods Applied anatomy in 40 sides of 20 adult cadavers were performed. Vertical incision at C3~7 levels along posterior margin of stenomastoid was performed through anterior or posterior space of brachial plexus (ASBP or PSBP) for lateral approach to target vertebra. Subsequently, dissection and anatomic measurement of important structures were carried out in mimic surgery. Results  (1) According to the lengths, root angles and root intervals of C5 to C8 nerve roots, sufficient exposure of these nerve roots was proved in transforaminal endoscopic surgery via anterior or posterior space of brachial plexus. (2) According to the distances between phrenic nerve (PN) and anterior tubercles of transverse processes (ATTP) of C4 to C6 vertebrae, PN was invulnerable in surgery through PSBP. (3) According to the distances between cervical sympathetic trunk (ST) and ATTPs of C3 to C7 vertebrae, lower risk in cervical ST injury was revealed in surgery via PSBP than that via ASBP.  (4) Thoracic duct (TD) ran into venous angle between C7 and T1 vertebra levels in 70% cases, and lower risk in TD injury was revealed in surgery via PSBP than that via ASBP. (5) Vertebral artery (VA) was distracted laterally by (2.5±0.4)cm at C7 vertebral level in mimic surgeries. Thus VA protection should be concerned in surgery both via ASBP and PSBP. (6) The distance between cervical pleura and C7 vertebral transverse process tip was (1.9±0.4)cm. Cervical pleura injury was observed in surgery via ASBP or PSBP. Conclusions Safe lateral approach through PSBP is proved for lower cervical transforaminal endoscopic surgery.

    Anatomic features and adjacencies of clinoid segment of internal carotid artery
    JIAO Qing, Tao-Xin, TONG Xiao-Guang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  8-11. 
    Abstract ( 2165 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic features and relationships of clinoid segment of internal carotid artery (ICA), and provide anatomic basis for clinic application. Methods By dissecting seven adult cadaveric heads perfused with red and blue latex into arteries and veins separately under the operating microscope, anatomic details related to the clinoid segment of ICA were explored. Results 1) The diameter of clinoid segment was about (5.11±0.81)mm; the distance between the midpoints of distal and proximal carotid dural rings was (5.46±1.90)mm. The incidence of ICA cave was about 78.6%. 2) For most specimens (78.6%), ophthalmic artery (OA) was sent out above the medial one-third of the superior surface of ICA, others (21.4%) the middle one-third (no one from the lateral one-third). 3) OA originated proximally to the distal ring in 7.1%, distally in 78.6%, or closed to the distal ring in 14.3%. Conclusions 1) Preoperative arteriogram is indispensable for clinic treating. 2) Contralateral pterional approach is valuable to expose the origin of OA. 3) OA and other structures in optic canal should be protected during circumferential dissection of the distal ring, as well the adjacent vessels and nerves when removing the anterior clinoid process.

    Applied anatomy of the anterior approach to 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebral bodies with osteotomy of the clavicle and partial median sternotomy
    DUAN Hong, LIU Zong-Liang, MIN Cha, HE Yun, LI Xin-Guo
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  12-16. 
    Abstract ( 1261 )  
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    Objective To explore an ideal method of exposing and treating 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebral bodies. Methods 30 adult embalmed cadavers (50 sides) were selected and observed. By modeling the anterior approach, the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebral bodies were exposed and treated through dissecting a safe space among superior edge of the aortic arch, left subclavian artery, left common carotid, brachiocephalic trunk and brachiocephalic veins. Results Under the standard left anterior approach combined with osteotomy of the clavicle and partial median sternotomy, through the synostosis between the manubrium and body of the sternum, a safe space can be acquired: left carotid sheath (common carotid, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve and its branches), thoracic duct, truncus sympathicus cervicalis, and left pleura mediastinalis were pulled towards lateral; trachea, esophagus, and left recurrent laryngeal nerve were pulled towards internal; left brachiocephalic vein was pulled towards inferior. T1-T3 can be easily exposed on the total 30 adult human cadavers and T4 also can be observed on partial cases. Conclusions Adequate exposure of 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertibral bodies can be obtained by the above approach. It provides adequate work room for treating them.

    Applied anatomy of the type II endoleak relevant arteries after endovascular aneurysm repair
    GUO Fa-Cai, DAI Yuan-Bin, XU Jiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  17-21. 
    Abstract ( 1282 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomic basis for transarterial embolization or transcaval embolization type II endoleak after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Methods  The outer diameters of the beginning end, position, tendency, distance to abdominal aorta furcation and relevant included angle of the following arteries of 30 adults corpses (18 male, 12 female) were observed and analyzed statistically: the superior mesenteric artery(SMA)and inferior mesenteric artery(IMA), lumbar artery(LA), median sacral artery, internal iliac artery, iliolumbar artery and accessory renal artery possibly appearing, and the clinical significance was initially discussed.  Results Both SMA and IMA originated from the anterior aortic wall with fixed location and less variation. Their included angels with abdominal aorta were respectively 50° and 23°. For all the specimens, the marginal arteries were observed without variation and absence, however, arc of Riolan was not found. Accessory renal arteries were observed in 2 bodies (frequency: 6.7%) with big differences in the beginning and originating height. The number and location of the lumbar artery and median sacral artery were relatively fixed. The lumber artery had the same tendency with the inferior part of its vertebral body and anastomosed with the iliolumbar artery. The included angel of the internal and external iliac artery was small(26°)or even 0°with almost parallel descent. Conclusions Understood the anatomy characteristics of patent sac contraflow artery due to transarterial embolization type II endoleak, were the precondition of transarterial embolization treatment. In order to get better therapeutic efficacy, different embolization channels and methods are suggested to be chosen on the basis of the distribution and anastomosis variation of patent sac contraflow artery of type II endoleak.

    The applied anatomy of proximal midcarpal joints and ligaments
    LI Xiu-Zhong, CA Jin-Fang, ZHANG Yuan-Shen, SHANG Hai-Ping, HOU Shu-Jian, ZHONG Shi-Tian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  22-25. 
    Abstract ( 1912 )  
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    Objective To observe and measure the anatomic properties of midcarpal articulation and partial carpal ligaments. Methods Sixty upper limb specimens from adult cadavers were used in this investigation. All dissections were carried out under room temperature. Scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL) were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and viewed under standard optic microscopy. Results The dorsal and palmar subregions of SLIL and lunotriquetral interosseous ligament (LTIL) were stronger than the proximal subregion. The length, width and thickness of the dorsal trapezoid-to-second metacarpal ligaments was about (3.13±0.28) mm, (9.12±0.35) mm and (3.28±0.25)mm averagely, and that of dorsal capitate-to-third metacarpal ligaments was about (3.45±0.15)mm, (11.87±0.44)mm and  (3.03±0.29)mm respectively. Both ligaments could match the size of dorsal SLIL by adequate modification. The histological observation showed the different features between proximal SLIL subregion and dorsal (palmar) subregion. The perforation ratio of SLIL and LTIL in formalin-fixed specimens was higher than that in fresh-frozen specimens obviously. Conclusions The morphologic features of bone, ligament and joints in wrist are complicated. Anatomically, the SLIL are composed of three discrete regions: dorsal, proximal, and palmar. The SLIL are composed of true ligaments dorsally and palmary, as defined by histological studies. Because of the high perforation ratio of SLIL and LTIL, arthrography cannot give accurate information concerning the ligament tear in some case.

    External plate fixation for treating the clavicle fracture: an applied anatomic study
    JIA Yu-Chun, WANG Shi-Bei, FAN Rong, ZHANG Fa-Hui, GAO Jian-Meng, HU Bin, HUA Guo-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  26-28. 
    Abstract ( 1461 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic features, adjacent structures and the projection of the clavicle, and provide anatomic basis for treating clavicle fracture through the external plate fixation. Methods 15 adult cadaveric specimens (30 sides) were selected to respectively observe subclavian vessels, brachial plexus, the clavicle and coracoid process. The projection area of the subclavian vessels, brachial plexus on the clavicle was measured and compared. Results Projection area of the neurovascular bundle was at the medial and middle 1/4 segment of the clavicle. Minimal distance from neurovascular bundles to the lower edge of the clavicle was about 0.42 cm and 0.57 cm at the left and right sides respectively. Conclusions During the fixation procedure using the external plate, the hole drilling on the medial and middle 1/4 segment of the clavicle should be careful and directed postsuperiorly to anteroinferierly, and the length of screw have to be considered, for protecting adjacent neurovascular bundles.

    Minimally invasive application of posteromedial anatomical plate on treating the distal tibial fracture
    CENG Rong-Ming, HONG Jia-Yuan, LIN Da-Sheng, DING Zhen-Ai, GUO Lin-Xin, KANG Liang-Ji
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  29-32. 
    Abstract ( 1543 )  
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    Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of the posteromedial anatomical plate (PmAP) on treating the distal tibial fractures. Methods The simulated operation of minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis using PmAP was performed on six pairs frozen adult lower extremity specimens through posteromedial approach. The effects on operational field exposing was evaluated. Postoperatively, the relationship among the surgical incision and the GSV, SN was observed. The integrity of both anterior and posterior neurovascular bundles, the contact relation between the PmAP and the neurovascular bundles were focused on. Results The operation performed smoothly. Operational field exposing was sufficient. The dissection indicated that, the GSV, SN and surgical incision intersected at the point (7.37±1.65)cm(5.02~8.16 cm) above the medial malleolus, and there was no neurovascular damage, compression or entrapment caused by plates was found, as well, no direct contact between the implant and neurovascular bundle was found. Conclusions The study claims that the PmAP was simple and safe, for treating the distal tibial fractures through the posteromedial approach.

    Blood supply of the supraspinatus and its clinical significance
    HU Ben-Ke, YANG Yun-Beng, LIU Hong-Chao, LUO Gang, LIU Bing, LIU Ben-Ju
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  33-35. 
    Abstract ( 1704 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomic basis of blood supply for preventing and treating of shoulder joint disease and reconstructing of shoulder joint function. Methods 40 specimens of adult upper limbs fixed and perfused with red emulsion were used. Supraspinatus was dissected for exploring its anatomic features. Results The blood supply of supraspinatus was mainly from the suprascapular artery and the descending branch of transverse cervical artery. The outer diameter at the beginning was (2.9±0.3) mm, and the length of main trunk was (4.8±0.7) cm. The muscular branches supplying supraspinatus divided into two to three branches to enter the muscle belly above or below the scapula ligamentum transversum. The place of the branches entering the muscle belly located at the point (1.9±0.2) mm antero-inferior to the scapula ligamentum transversum. The arterial anastomosis of tendon of supraspinatus was affluent at the transmigration part and expansion part. While the capillary was rare at the place 1 cm distal to the insertion of tendon in the parenchyma part, which was a apparent area lacking of blood vessels. The supraspinatus was mainly innervated by suprascapular nerve, which divided into two to three branches accompanied by blood vessels to innervate supraspinatus. Conclusions On repairing of the rotator cuff tear or injury, it is unsuitable to simply sew the broken end. The broken end sew should be performed after cutting the ischemic tissue or transferring suitable tendon medium, for improving the regional blood supply, which is helpful for healing.

    The evaluation of MRS on the excision of glioma: the initial study
    LIANG Chao-Feng, WANG Hui, JU Yan, LI Wen-Qing, KANG Peng, CA Mei-Qin, GUO Yang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  40-43. 
    Abstract ( 1352 )  
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    Objective To investigate clinical values of preoperative and postoperative magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) on the excision of glioma. Methods 16 patients with glioma were checked by routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 3D-MRS before and after operation, calculated and analyzed the ratio of Cho/Cr and Cho/NAA respectively. The excision area was assessed according to the position and corresponding relation of the tumors. As well, specimen tissue around the 'tumor' was collected during the operation to make pathologic examinations, for confirming the excision degree and compared it to MRS results. Results Integrated MRS and pathologic data were collected from 11 cases. According to the pathologic standard, 3 cases were complete excision, 8 cases were partial excision. However, 3D-MRS presented 2 cases of complete excision, and 9 cases of partial excision. There was no significant difference between two way (P> 0.05). Conclusions  It is a new application of MRS for evaluating excision degree of glioma noninvasively.

    MR diffusion tensor imaging and quantitative analysis of lumbar intervertebral disc
    LONG Hou-Qing, LIN Er-Jian, HU Yong, LI An-Cheng, LIU Shao-Yu, LI Bi-Bao-1
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  44-47. 
    Abstract ( 1292 )  
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    Objective To study the microstructure properties and quality analysis of human lumbar intervertebral disc by MR-DTI. Methods 20 healthy adults(20~57 years, averagely 37.4 years) were investigated under 1.5T Magnetic field. Imaging protocol included RF coil: CTL spine coil, Pulse sequence: Single-shot spin-echo echo planner imaging (SE-EPI), b-value: 600mm-2s, No. of gradient direction: 15, TE: 61 ms, TR: 3500 ms, No cardiac gating/VCG triggering, FOV: 48mm×139mm×80 mm, NEX: 3, Saturation pulse outside the region of interest (ROI), Shimming along the VOI. Results Higher FA in AF than NP suggested that diffusion in AF was more anisotropic than that in NP(P<0.05). The trace value in NP was higher than that in AF. This may suggested that the diffusion was more readily to take place in NP than in AF (Higher magnitude of diffusion in NP). In both AF and NP, the axial diffusivity was higher than the radial one, suggesting that diffusion in both medium was usually dominated in one direction, i.e. the axial direction. Conclusions The result gives an overview to the structure of IVD (AF and NP) based on their diffusion properties. The diffusion in AF is more anisotropic than that in NP. The diffusion is more readily to take place in NP than in AF. The diffusion in both medium is usually dominated in one direction, i.e. the axial direction. It is expected that in case of IVD disease, there will be structural damage to AF (AF tearing) and this will alter the local diffusion property.

    Photorealistic volume rendering of digital human slice colored images
    MENG Xing, HAN Dao, HE Long-Jun, DING Wen-Xiang, LIU Qian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  48-51. 
    Abstract ( 1747 )  
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    The applied anatomy of left hepatic artery under 64-MSCTA
    ZHENG De-Ru, ZHOU Ting-Yong, JIAN Hua-Hua, ZHANG Hui, XU Wei, LI Lin-Hong, LIU Zhi-Hua, LV Fa-Jin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  56-60. 
    Abstract ( 1221 )  
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    Objective To investigate intrahepatic distribution of the left hepatic artery using 64-multi-slice computed tomography angiography(64-MSCTA), and provide morphological data for treating liver diseases. Methods CT images of 120 volunteers were collected and dealt with volume rendering techniques (VRT).The data of left hepatic artery were measured and analyzed statistically. Results The length of the left hepatic arterial trunk was about (42.37±26.58)mm;the inner diameter of its beginning, midpoint and distal end were(3.06±0.70 ),(2.82±0.68), and(2.78±0.65)mm, separately. The frequency of the single trunk, dimidiate branchees, trichotomous branches and quadripartite branches were 4.2%, 63.3%, 28.3%, 2.5% respectively. The angle between endite branch and exite branch of left hepatic artery was about(80.21±23.36)°,While the length and the inner diameter of the starting point of exite branch were(42.80±29.11)mm and (2.25±0.70)mm, as well that of endite branch were (42.90±22.70)mm, and(1.66±0.64)mm, respectively. The frequency of left hepatic artery dispersed to segment Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ or segment Ⅱ, Ⅲ were 64.1% and 28.3%,and the aberrant left hepatic artery distributed to segment Ⅱ, Ⅲ,Ⅱor Ⅱ, or Ⅲ, Ⅳ were 5.0%, 3.3%,0.8%, respectively. Conclusions 64-MSCTA is feasible to provide accurate morphological information for the liver. The intrahepatic distribution of the left hepatic artery was complex, and the dimidiate branch of the left hepatic artery is common. The left hepatic artery chiefly distributes to segment Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ.

    The reference point determination of stereotactic brain atlas
    CHEN Wei-Gao, WANG Ti-Hua, LIU Yan-Bei, LIN Jian-Xin, DING Hai-Chao, SONG Xiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  61-63. 
    Abstract ( 1259 )  
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    Objective To measure the reference point of stereotactic brain in order to build morphological data for stereotactic brain atlas and stereotactic brain surgery. Methods The brain reference points of AC diameter, PC diameter and ICD length in stereotactic coordinate system were measured from 120 healthy volunteers using modern imaging techniques and 30 corpses using traditional anatomical techniques and then compared with each other. Results In stereotactic space AC and PC were seen clearly both in specimens and in MR imagines. The AC value in dead brain was(2.75±0.76)mm in anteroposterior diameter, (3.85±0.68)mm in vertical diameter, the PC value was (1.87±0.58)mm in anteroposterior diameter and (2.48±0.64)mm in vertical diameter and ICD length was (22.68±1.46mm). While in healthy volunteers the AC value was (2.80±0.32)mm in anteroposterior diameter and (3.82±0.37)mm in vertical diameter, PC value was (1.76±0.30)mm in anteroposterior diameter and (2.30±0.45)mm vertical diameter, but the ICD length was(23.84±1.32)mm, respectively.  Conclusions AC and PC are accurate reference points in stereotactic coordinate system and AC-PC is a constant reference line in brain.

    The course of the mandibular canal under spiral CT imaging and panoramic radiography
    XU Ai-Wen, LI Li-Heng, WANG Jun-Chen, AN Feng, ZHANG Li, DONG Fu-Sheng, XIE Li-Juan, WANG Juan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  64-67. 
    Abstract ( 1577 )  
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    Objective To investigate anatomic features of the mandibular canal under spiral CT and panoramic radiography. Methods Mandibles of healthy young volunteers were continuously scanned transversally by spiral CT, and by panoramic radiography, respectively, followed by 3D reconstruction. The anatomic position of mandibular canal was measured and compared according to two kind of reconstructed images. Results At the buccal-lingual direction, mandibular canal inclinated gradually from lingual surface to buccal surface and reached mental foramen finally, which coursed through the third and second molars before reaching mental foramen. There were no anatomic difference could be identified between two kinds of skills(P>0.05). Conclusions Spiral CT scan supplied with panoramic radiography detection is reliable for guiding the alveolar operation.

    The sonographic findings of diverticula pediatric Andrea Merkels and its differential diagnosis
    LEI Xiao-Xiao, HUANG Xue-Lan, YANG Xin, WANG Wei, ZHENG Chun-Mei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  68-69. 
    Abstract ( 1632 )  
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    Effects of secretoneurin on VCAM, MCP-1 and Ki67 expression in blood vessel smooth muscle cell
    WU Jiao-Qiong, LUO Meng-Yang, SHU Wu, YANG Bao-Lin, LUO Hua, CA Wei-Jun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  70-73. 
    Abstract ( 1239 )  
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    Objective To investigate the effect of secretoneurin on expression of VCAM, MCP-1 and Ki67 in blood vessel smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Methods VSMCs culture from adult mouse thoracic aorta were randomly divided into normal control and SN experiment. The expression of VCAM, MCP-1 and Ki67 were detected by immunofluorescene. The result was viewed and recorded under confocal instrument,and the data were processed with EZ-C1 3.70 FreeViewer system.Results The expression of VCAM, MCP-1 and Ki67 in VSMCs treated with SN about 24h were significantlty increased compared to that of normal control (P<0.05). Conclusions SN up-regulate the expression of VCAM, MCP-1,and promote the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells.

    The effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields on the proliferation of BMSCs modified by BDNF gene
    QIU Jia-Qi, ZHANG Ming-Sheng, LI Xin-Beng, BAI Wen-Fang, TUN Bo, BAI Li-Meng, XU Wu-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  74-78. 
    Abstract ( 1376 )  
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    Objective  To explore the effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields on the proliferation of BMSCs modified by Brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) gene.  Methods The replication-deficient recombinant adenoviruses containing BDNF gene(rADBDNF)was structured by the pAd-easy I adenovirus packaging systems in vitro. Rat BMSCs were isolated from rat femoral and tibial bone marrow, cultured and identified. BMSCs infected with rADBDNF were exposed to low frequency electromagnetic fields. The proliferation capacity of BMSCs was analyzed using the trypan blue staining assay and MTT assay, and cell cycles of BMSCs was evaluated by flow cytometry. Results BMSCs modified by rADBDNF had no significant change on cell proliferation compared with that of untreated cells (P>0.05). However, electromagnetic field exposed MSCs(LFEMF group) had a significant proliferative improvement compared with the control(P<0.05). The ratio of G2/M cell of the transgenic and LFEMF group was also increased. Conclusions LFEMF could enhance the cell proliferation of rat BMSCs modified by BDNF gene.

    The expression of integrin β1 in rat hypertrophic myocardium induced by isoprenaline
    WU Dun-Fang, GUO Zhi-Kun, ZHANG  Dong, GAO Jian-Hui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  79-83. 
    Abstract ( 1372 )  
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    Objective To explore the expression changes of the integrin β1 in hypertrophic rat myocardium. Methods The rat models of myocardial hypertrophy were prepared by isoprenaline(ISO) injection into dorsal subcutis at 7d, 28d and 56d respectively. Myocardial hypertrophic indexes of model animals were assessed. Immunohistochemisty and western blot were used to investigate integrin β1 expression in left ventricular tissue. Results Integrin β1 presented mainly in myocardial membrane. The expression of integrinβ1 in hypertrophic myocardium was higher than that of control group(P<0.05), furthermore, the expression level increased gradually from 7d, 28d to 56d. Conclusions Along the development of cardiac hypertrophy, the expression level of integrin β1 increases gradually, which demonstrates that integrin β1 plays an important role during the development of myocardial hypertrophy.

    Effects of silicon on the activity of the nuclear transcription factor NF-kappa B in osteoblasts
    QIU Xiao-Zhong, WANG Yong-Kuai, WANG Le-Yu, TU Lei, WANG Guo-Bao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  84-86. 
    Abstract ( 1239 )  
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    Objective To explore the effects of silicon on the activity of nuclear transcription factor NF-kappa B in osteoblasts cultured in vitro. Methods MC3T3-E1 osteoablasts were processed by sodium silicate solution (SiO32-) with the final concentration of 1mM and 2 mM for 6h, 12h, 24h and 48h, respectively. Untreated cells were taken as the control groups. Flow cytometry was used to detect the cell cycle and calculate cell proliferation index. Western blotting was used to detect the expressions and changes of NF-kappa B signaling pathway related proteins. Results Compared with the controls, significant proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells was found in the 24h and 48h groups treated with 1 mM silicon. Western blot analysis showed that the pro-proliferation effect of 1 mM silicon on osteoblasts was closely related to the high-expression of p-NF-kappa B. Conclusions Trace amounts of silicon released from bone materials can not cause damage of osteoblasts, on contrary, trace amounts of silicate may induce proliferation of osteoblasts by activating NF-kappa B signaling pathway.

    Differential expression of NPY in superior cervical ganglion of SHR rat
    ZHANG Shi, HUI Chu-Ping, WANG Shi, XU Feng-Xiao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  87-90. 
    Abstract ( 1099 )  
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    Objective To explore the effects of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on the occurrence and development of hypertension by observing its expression differentiation in superior cervical ganglion of spontaneous hypertensive rat (SHR). Methods We randomly selected SHR (n=20) and WKY (n=20) and observed the location, the shape, the size and the weight of the superior cervical ganglion. Real-time PCR and immunohistochemical PV-9000 method were used to examine the mRNA and protein expression of NPY in superior cervical ganglion of SHR and WKY. Results:The blood pressure of SHR was obviously higher than that of the WKY group(P<0.05). The results of Real-time PCR and the immunohistochemistry showed that the mRNA and protein expression of NPY in superior cervical ganglion of SHR increased obviously than those in WKY(P<0.05). Conclusions NPY may participate in the occurrence of hypertension by some complex mechanisms.

    Experimental study of DNA extraction and detection in burned bone
    XU Guo-Chang, HOU Xu-Wei, LIN  Fu, LIU Hai-Dong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  91-95. 
    Abstract ( 1190 )  
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    Objective To explore how to extract and detect DNA from burned bone. Methods 30 adult femoral bone were incinerated at 200℃ 1 hour in normal pressure, and then freezed and grinded to be bone meal in the liquid nitrogen before decalcification by ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA). The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted by improved phenol-chloroform, and the luminometer was used to detect the concentration and purity of the purified DNA. Subsequently DNA was five-fluorescent labeled, amplified by PCR, followed by capillary electrophoresis and the data analysis. Results DNA concentration was (28.5±1.7) ng/μl under the improved phenol-chloroform method, and the 16 genetic locus were detected, with the relative fluorescence units(RFU) of more than 500. The DNA concentration was about  (4.7±0.8) ng /μl, and some gene cound not be detected under the traditional phenol-chloroform extraction. Conclusions The DNA extraction and detection can be performed in burned bone by the improved phenol-chloroform method, multiplex polymerase chain reaction, and gene locus analysis.

    Variation of dorsal artery of foot: a case report
    LEI Ling, WANG Rui-Jiang, CHEN Hai-Fang, LIANG Jie
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  95. 
    Abstract ( 781 )  
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    Anatomic basis of liver transplantation of treeshrew
    SU Zhao-Jie, JIANG Yi, ZHANG Xiao-Jin, HU Ning, FANG Ying-Bing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  96-99. 
    Abstract ( 1601 )  
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    Objective To provide anatomic basis for liver transplantation of treeshrew. Methods Through anatomy of 12 adult treeshrews, the liver morphology and adjacency, the main blood vessels and biliary duct were observed and measured. Three groups of treeshrews was performed liver transplantation by two cuff method. Results The diameter of hepatic artery came from the celiac trunk was about  (0.63±0.21) mm, and that of the superior hepatic inferior vena cava  away from the diaphragm about  (5.35±0.55) mm was  (6.86±0.61) mm. The diameter of inferior hepatic inferior vena cava was (5.28±0.58) mm, and that of the portal vein composed by the superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein was (3.86±0.57) mm. The length of common bile composed by the cystic duct and general hepatic duct duct was (15.5±2.6) mm, and the diameter  (0.75±0.12) mm. Three groups of treeshrews were operated liver transplantation successfully and the survival time of postoperative were 3h, 5h and 6h respectively. Conclusions On the anatomic basis, the establishment of liver transplantation of treeshrew is a certain feasible.

    The variation of right axillary artery and its branches: a case report
    WANG Meng-Chao, LIU Xiang-Yu, YANG Xiang-Qun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(1):  117. 
    Abstract ( 831 )  
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