Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsor: Chinese Society of Anatomical Sciences
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Advisor: ZHONG Shi-zhen
Editor-in-chief: OUYANG Jun
Former Editor-in-chief: XU Da-chuan
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Table of Content

    25 March 2012 Volume 30 Issue 2
    Ligaments between the first cuneiform and the second metatarsal base: anatomy and clinical significance
    LI Chun-Guang, SHU Guang-Rong, LI Bing, TU Xiao, CHEN Da-Wei, JIA Jiang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  119-122. 
    Abstract ( 2066 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic features of the ligaments between the first cuneiform and the second metatarsal base, and provide basis for the treatment of Lisfranc injury. Methods 20 normal adult fresh foot specimens were dissected. The length and width of the ligaments between the first cuneiform and second metatarsal base, including dorsal ligament, plantar ligament and Lisfranc ligament, the included angle between Lisfranc ligament and the shaft of the second metatarsal bone, and the distance between the origin of Lisfranc ligament and the border of the first cuneiform, were measured and analyzed respectively. Results  The lengths and widths of dorsal ligament, plantar ligament and Lisfranc ligament were  (5.44±0.83)mm and  (4.20±0.64)mm, (7.07±1.05)mm and (5.23±1.10)mm, (9.33±1.34)mm and (8.00±1.23)mm, respectively. The included angle between Lisfranc ligament and the shaft of the second metatarsal bone was (61.45±5.03)°.  The distances from the origin of Lisfranc ligament to the dorsum of the first cuneiform,  the planta of the first cuneiform , the distal and proximal end of the first cuneiform, were (10.89±0.84)mm, (8.31±0.92)mm, (5.35±0.60)mm, and (12.04±0.85)mm respectively. Conclusions Within the Lisfranc complex, the Lisfranc ligament is the largest one, the dorsal ligament is the smallest and the plantar ligament is in the middle among them. The origin site of Lisfranc ligament and the included angle between Lisfranc ligament and the shaft of the second metatarsal bone can provide reference for the treatment of Lisfranc injury.

    Anatomy and clinical significance of the tarsometatarsal ligaments
    LIU Kai, LI Xi-Kai, SHAO Gong-Yan, LA Wen-Dui, CHEN Ting-Rui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  123-126. 
    Abstract ( 2195 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic features of the tarsometatarsal ligaments. Methods The tarsometatarsal ligaments were dissected, observed and measured on cadaveric specimens. Results Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments were flat and thin. They were longitudinal, transverse or oblique between adjacent bones. There were interosseous ligaments among the metatarsal bones (2~5 metatarsal bone), the cuneiform bones, the lateral cuneiform bone and the cuboid bone, the medial cuneiform bone and the second metatarsal base. At the plantar side of the tarsometatarsal joint,the fibers of posterior tibial tendon extended to the distal part of the foot connected three cuneiform bones and the bases of 1~4 metatarsal bones, which formed a group of ligaments. There was a ligament among the medial cuneiform bone and the base of 1 and 2 metatarsal bone respectively. As well, a transverse ligament connected the lateral cuneiform bone, the cuboid bone and the base of 3~5 metatarsal bone. Conclusions The tarsometatarsal ligaments are the main structures to maintain the stability of tarsometatarsal joints.

    Prolapse of gastric mucosa :a case report
    HU Fan-Gang, LIU Jin-Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  126. 
    Abstract ( 857 )  
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    Applied anatomy on blood supply and operative approaches of talus
    LI Yuan-Zhou, YANG Mao-Wei, YANG Cheng-Gang, GUO Bao-Lei, WANG Zhen-Feng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  127-130. 
    Abstract ( 1248 )  
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    Objective To explore arterial supply of the talus and the related operative approaches. Methods 20 fresh adult foot specimens, with no vascular disease, and injected with red latex, were used in this study. Ankle joints were dissected at different levels, followed by the observation and comparison with the casting specimens. We measured external diameter of main arteries nourishing talus, and dissected it's origin, courses, distributions and anastomoses.  Results Talus was mainly supplied by the deltoid branch, posterior tubercule branch, and the tarsal canal artery of the posterior tibial artery with the diameter of (0.98±0.04)mm, (0.25±0.06)mm and (1.02±0.1)mm, respectively. Those branches distributed mainly to the posteromedial aspect of the ankle joint. The superior cervical branch and the tarsal canal artery issued from the anterior tibial artery, with the diameter of (0.3±0.1)mm and (1.08±0.6)mm, distributed to the anterior aspect of the ankle joint. The calcaneal branch and the perforating branch arised from the peroneal artery, with the diameter of (0.42±0.18)mm and (0.69±0.12)mm, distributed to posterolateral aspect of the ankle joint. Extensive vascular anastomoses among them were recognized on the cast specimens of foot and ankle. Conclusions The anteromedial approach to the talus between the anterior tibial artery and the deltoid artery causes least damage to talus blood supply.

    Anterior part of calcaneus and sustentaculum tali: anatomic relationship and clinical significance
    WANG Bing, LI Chao, SHU Yu-Cheng, WANG De-An, MA Jun, QIU Yong, YANG Chun, GAO Dian-Shuai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  131-135. 
    Abstract ( 2091 )  
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    Objective To explore anatomic relationship of the anterior part of calcaneus and sustentaculum tali, and the feasibility of screw insertion from anterolateral wall of calcaneus into sustentaculum tali. Methods 36 calcaneus specimens were performed anatomic measurement, digital radiography and computed tomography, respectively.  The special focus was on the anatomic parameters of the anterior part of calcaneus and sustentaculum tali. The screw insertion point and direction from anterolateral wall of calcaneus into sustentaculum tali were decided through the simulated operation. Meanwhile, the safety of screw insertion was evaluated. Results Anterior part of calcaneus closely related to sustentaculum tali. The length, width and height of them were (22.27±2.96)mm and (24.24±2.27)mm, (23.60±1.99)mm and (15.44±1.41)mm, and (25.25±3.03)mm and (10.96±1.25)mm, respectively. The anteversion and extraversion angles were(39.13±5.28)°and (27.78±4.36)°respectively. Two sites were selected as screw insertion point from the anterior part of calcaneus to the sustentaculum tali. For anterior point, the superior and inferior oblique angles were(21.37±3.35)°and (22.39±3.13)°respectively,  with the effective fixation length of (43.46±2.12)mm. For posterior point, the superior and posterior oblique angles were (33.60±4.15)°and (10.09±1.03)°respectively, with the effective fixation length of (44.69±2.32)mm. No screws penetrated through the cortex of the anterior part of calcaneus. Conclusions Sustentaculum tali is a ideal position for screw insertion for treating calcaneal fracture. Screws can be inserted safely into sustentaculum tali from anterolateral wall of calcaneus. The angles of insertion and the screw length are determined by the anatomic relations between them. Our work provide anatomical basis for internal fixation for treating calcaneal fracture.

    Anatomic relationship of abductor digiti minimi nerve and neurogenic painful heel syndrome
    FENG Cheng-An, SUN Dun, LIU Zong-Liang, FAN Wei, ZHANG Dong-Kui, LIU De
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  136-140. 
    Abstract ( 1465 )  
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    Objective  To investigate anatomic relationship between abductor digiti minimi nerve(ADMN) and neurogenic painful heel syndrome (NPHS) for clinical diagnosis and therapy. Methods 32 fixed adult lower limb specimens were used in the study. The ADMN was dissected for observing it's origin, course, branches and distribution. Results For cases of 81.25%,  ADMN originated from the lateral plantar nerve, which consisted of 19 trunks (59.38%) located in the posterosuperior quadrant. The vertical depth of the origin site to the reference line was (10.81±0.96)mm and (10.24±1.10) mm at left and right sides respectively. ADMN firstly issued 1~3 periosteum branches, which arrived the periosteum of medial process of calcaneal tuberosity. The horizontal distances from the site of medial process of calcaneal tuberosity to the left or right tuberosities were (19.95±1.82) mm and (20.89±2.48)mm, seperately. Conclusions ADMN is probably stamped when it goes through the abductor hallucis, the medial head of quadratus plantae and the medial process of calcaneal tuberosity. The stamp or lesion of ADMN (especially periosteum branch) is probably related to the occurrence of the plantar fasciitis. The calcaneus spur doesn't always cause the NPHS.

    The grouping and clinical significance of arterial arch at the superior border of the hallucal abductor
    TAN Wei, XU Da-Chuan, ZHANG Wei, LIU Ke, SUN Chao, LIU Chang, HUANG Wen-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  141-144. 
    Abstract ( 1358 )  
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      Objective    To group arteries of arterial arch at the superior border of the hallucal abductor according to their constitutes and provide anatomical basis for reverse bifolicated flap based on it. Methods The constitute, track-way and distribution of arterial arch at the superior border of the hallucal abductor were observed and analyzed on 81 lower limbs cast specimens and 2 fresh feet specimens perfused with red latex. Results According to their constitute , arterial arch can be classified into 3 types: ①typeⅠ, constituted mainly by the branch of anterior medial malleolus artery and/or the medial tarsal artery, with the occurrence rate of 22.9% (19 case); ②typeⅡ, constituted mainly by the superficial branch of the medial plantar artery, with the occurrence rate of 3.6%(3 case); ③type Ⅲ, constituted mainly by the superficial branch of the medial plantar artery anastomosed with the branch of anterior medial malleolus artery and the branch of medial tarsal artery, which can be further divided into 2 subtypes according to the different anastomosis of the artery: directly and indirectly. The direct type was about 48.2% (40 case), with the forming of arterial arch from the anterior medial malleolus artery and/or the medial tarsal artery anastomosed directly with the superficial branch of the medial plantar artery. The indirect type was about 24.1%(20 case), with the forming of the arterial arch from the arterial circle ,which anastomosed by the branch of anterior medial malleolus artery, the branch of medial tarsal artery and the superficial branch of the medial plantar artery. Conclusions Arterial arch at the superior border of the hallucal abductor can be classified into 3 types: The type of anterior medial malleolus and medial tarsal arteries, the type of superficial branch of the medial plantar artery, and the type of the mixed. Furthermore, mixed one can be subclassified to the direct and indirect types according to the different anastomosis of arteries.

    Origin of cutaneous branch of lateral supramalleolar flap: anatomy and clinical significance
    RONG Kai, CHEN Chao, HOU Zhi-Dian, CHEN Gang, WANG Ceng-Chao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  145-147. 
    Abstract ( 1345 )  
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    Objective To study the origin of the cutaneous branch of lateral supramalleolar flap, and provide anatomic basis for the related clinical applications. Methods 30 fresh cadaver legs injected with red latex were dissected, and 8 patients receiving repair of the lateral supramalleolar flap were observed. Anatomic data, including the origin of the cutaneous branches and the outer diameter of related arteries were collected and analyzed. Results 22 out of 30 cadaver legs (73.3%) and 5 out of 8 patients were found that the cutaneous branch of lateral supramalleolar flap arose from the arterial arch between the anterior tibial artery and the peroneal artery, which was proximal to the inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis. The cutaneous branch of the another 8 specimens (26.7%) and 3 patients arose from the perforating branch of the peroneal artery or from the peroneal artery directly. Conclusions The cutaneous branch of the lateral supramalleolar flap mainly arises from the arterial arch between the anterior tibial artery and the peroneal artery, and the origin of the cutaneous branch should be identified during the surgery treating.

    Laparoscopic anatomy and clinical significance of perigastric vessels
    ZHI Feng-Ke, ZHANG Ce, TU Jiang, WANG E-Nan, HU Pan-Feng, LI Guo-Xin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  149-152. 
    Abstract ( 1607 )  
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    Objective To evaluate vascular anatomy and clinical significance relating to gastric cancer , as well their implications on laparoscopic assisted distal gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy. Methods Living observation was carried out in 100 patients diagnosed as distal gastric cancer and undergoing laparoscopic gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy. Results Although in different planes, gastric vascular network was consisted surrounding the pancreas, ascribing to intrinsic contact of flowing blood. In pancreatic spaces at superior margin of pancreatic tail left gastrcepiploic vessels were located in the area of the third part of splenic arteries. In retropancreatic space at inferior margin of pancreatic neck,superior mesenteric veins can be found in front of the uncinate process of pancreas and the third part of the duodenum. Right gastroepiploic vessels were located in gastric mesenteries inferior to gastric pylorus. In retropancreatic spaces at superior margin of pancreatic body, gastropancreatic folds, splenopancreatic folds and hepatopancreatic folds were landmarks respectively to locate left gastric arteries, splenic arteries and common hepatic arteries(branches of coeliac trunk). Conclusions There ares many variations of perigastric vessels, exposed by the guidance of central landmarks of pancreas and concrete landmarks of vessel trunks and their furcations.

    Applied anatomy of rectal adjacent structure in procedure of trans-anal rectosigmoidectomy
    TUN Hua-Dong, ZHOU Jian, YANG Xin-Wen, WANG Ning, HOU Jia-Wei, JIN Xin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  153-156. 
    Abstract ( 1255 )  
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    Objective To provide the guidance for transanal rectal resection through anatomic observation with the center of lower rectum. Methods The rectal adjacent structures were observed and the width and thickness of anus sphincter were measured, and then the thickness of recto-vaginal gap and recto-urethra gap were measured and recorded on 14 basin specimens and the film of basin CT scan in 28 adults which were selected from the material without pelvic diseases. The data were compared among different measuring ways and sexes and analyzed with t-Test statistically. Results There were many muscular structures surrounded the lower rectum and anus, and every muscule with fascia bandle itself could be recognized easily. The measured values of recto-urethra gap on basin specimens and CT films were(1.65±0.19)cm and (1.26±0.05)cm ,and the values of recto-vaginal gap were(0.89±0.11)cm and(0.75±0.04)cm respectively. It was larger in basin specimens than that in CT films and also larger the values of recto-urethra gap in males than that of recto-vaginal gap in females with significant statistical differences (P< 0.05). Conclusions Recognition the structures carefully and keeping the anatomic plane are necessary for avoiding invase injury, because of complicated adjacent structure around the lower rectum and thining recto-vaginal septum.

    Quantitative analysis of the periprostatic nerve distribution and the improvement of prostatectomy
    LUO Xiang-Ning, CHEN Ling-Wu, GUAN Wei-Meng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  157-160. 
    Abstract ( 964 )  
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    Objectives To determine the typical pattern of nerve distribution along the prostatic capsule by counting in each sector. Methods Serial sections of 15 normal prostate specimens were investigated. A total of 90 slides taken from the apex, mid-part, and base of the prostate were analyzed under microscopy. Before microscopic observation, slides were divided into 12 sectors. Every single nerve and ganglion between the prostatic capsule and the periprostatic tissue was counted in each sector. Results The majority of nerves found in the sectors corresponded to the typical location of the NVB at the rectolateral sides of the prostate (4/5 or 8/9 o'clock sectors). In these two sectors, a median of 64.4~75.7% of counted nerves per slide was found. However, a signifcant amount of nerves (24.3%~30.5%) was detected above the horizontal line. Conclusions We conclude that 1/4-1/3 of nerves can be found along the ventral circumference of the prostatic capsule. To preserve a maximum number of nerves, we therefore recommend a modifcation of the surgical technique for nerve sparing on the ventral parts of the prostate.

    Virtual anatomy study on cerebral anterior circulation aneurysm
    ZHANG Hui-Jian, WANG Shou-Sen
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  161-165. 
    Abstract ( 1099 )  
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    Anatomy and clinical application of the composite flap pedicled with the superficial peroneal nerve and its nutrient vessels
    SUN Wen-Jin, DAO Ku-Xiang, TU Guo-Rong, YU Ai-Chi, LEI Feng-Cheng, DAO Zong-Fei, ZHANG Su-Xiang, JIAN Chao, ZHANG Hai-Chao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  166-168. 
    Abstract ( 942 )  
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    Digital anatomy of the distal femoral fixation with LISS plate
    HAO Ting, TU Bin, HAO Ceng-Chao, FENG Wei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  169-172. 
    Abstract ( 1296 )  
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    Objective To provide a basis on operation of distal femoral fracture by measuring screw canal parameters of distal femoral fixation using digital 3D skill and reverse engineering. Methods 15 adult cases (CT data came from the second affiliated hospital of Inner Mongolia medical college, without knee joint illness, extending from the lower of greater trochanter of femur to the upper 1/3 of tibia, ranging from 18~41 years, averagely 32 years old)were 3D reconstructed, including nail canal digital simulation and fixation. Results For 3D model of distal femur, the canal of screws gradually increased. 5 cases were not fit in left and 7 cases in right. Conclusions The screw canal, which is less invasive stable system for distal femur, is regular, with the gradually increased length. The parameters of LISS are differ from anatomic features of Chinese distal femur, and the improvement of LISS is necessary.

    Applied anatomy on the treatment of distal femoral fracture with dynamic condylar screw
    CHEN Gen-Jiang, SHAO Da-Bao, FANG Hua-Hua, JIANG Jin-Zhan, CHEN Gao-Gao, LI Xu-Sheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  173-175. 
    Abstract ( 1083 )  
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    MRI study of deep cerebral veins after subarachniod hemorrhage in rabbits
    DAI Zong-Fei, DENG Xue-Fei, ZHANG Zi-Han, SHU You-Zhi, ZHANG Yu, LI Da-Ku, JIA Xiang-Wei, MO Zi, HAN Hui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  176-180. 
    Abstract ( 1424 )  
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    Objective To build a model of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in rabbit and observe the changes of diameters of the deep cerebral veins after SAH, in order to provide a new theoretical basis for the occurrence and therapy of vasospasm after SAH. Methods A total of 38 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into two groups: normal saline (NS) group (n=5), and SAH group (n=33). The SAH animals were made by infusing autologous arterial blood into the cisterna magna twice, and the NS group had saline instead of blood. The behavior and neurological function of animals in SAH group (4 rabbits) and in NS group (2 rabbits) were observed. Another 14 SAH rabbits were sacrificed and observed by microscopic anatomy. MR scan was performed 1 day before making model and 5 days after making model again in other rabbits.    Results     Microscopic anatomy showed that coagulated blood was obviously found around the ventral surface of brain stem, lateral ventricles and quadrigeminal cistern. In NS group, no statistical difference was found (P>0.05) among the diameters of internal cerebral vein (ICV), basilar vein (BV) and great cerebral vein (GV) before and after making model. In SAH group, the diameters of ICV, BV, GV were separately (0.57±0.13)mm, (0.38±0.08)mm, (1.33±0.31)mm before making model. However, the diameters of them were (0.42±0.08)mm, (0.25±0.12)mm, and (1.26±0.31)mm at 5 days after making model, which were significantly different compared to that at 0 day.   Conclusions    Various vasospasm of deep cerebral veins after SAH will be developed.

    Anatomic evaluation of the lingual artery using magnetic resonance 3D-Tricks technique
    WANG Zhong-Beng, LI Yong-Mei, OU Yang-Hu, LV Fa-Jin, LUO Tian-You, CHEN Xuan, CENG Chun, HOU Huan-Xin, HUANG Fu-Hong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  181-184. 
    Abstract ( 1534 )  
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    Objective  To evaluate the ability of three-dimensional time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics (3D-Tricks) sequence for identifying the lingual artery with three-dimensional reformation technique. Methods Forty-three subjects without vascular disease of brain and neck (including 28 patients with suspected vertebrobasilar insufficiency and 15 patients who excluded metastatic brain tumor) underwent 3.0T MR scans using a 3D-Tricks sequence. Morphologic features of lingual artery were evaluated using the volume rendering (VR), multi-planar reformat (MPR) and maximum intensity projection (MIP) techniques. The distances of the origin of lingual artery from both the segment of the greater horn of hyoid bone and bifurcation of common carotid artery were measured. Results 86 lingual arteries were clearly displayed in forty-three subjects. The 58 lingual arteries directly originated from external carotid artery. 27 lingual arteries originated from the facial artery and only one arised from superior thyroid artery. The position between the lingual artery segment in the greater horn of hyoid bone and the greater horn of hyoid bone were relatively constant. 45 lingual arteries located in the superior to bifurcation of common carotid artery. 9 arteries ran forward in parallel with bifurcation of common carotid artery. 32 arteries located in the inferior to bifurcation of common carotid artery. The inner diameters of lingual artery from the origin of lingual artery were (2.88±0.46) mm. The distances of lingual artery from the bifurcation of common carotid artery to the segment of the greater horn of hyoid bone were (1.33±0.62) cm, (1.28±0.61) cm, respectively. Conclusions 3D-Tricks can clearly visualize the morphologic features of the lingual artery in vivo, which is a helpful instruction for clinical application.

    The development of normal fetal lumbar spine: postmortem MRI study
    MIAO Meng-Meng, LIN Xiang-Chao, LIU Shu-Wei, ZHANG Zhong-He, WANG Guang-Ban
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  185-188. 
    Abstract ( 1345 )  
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    Objective To describe MR imaging features of normal fetal spine at different gestational ages. Methods Postmortem MR imaging was performed on 52 fetuses ranging from 15 to 40 gestational weeks. T2-weighted MR imaging of the lumbar spine was performed in the coronal, sagittal and axial planed. The following parameters were measured: signal and height of L1 disk, height and area of the L2 vertebral body and ossification center, area of vertebral canal, the ratio of ossification center to the overall size of the vertebral body, and the range of A-P vertebral body to vertebral canal. Results The L1 disk space increased linearly with gestational age (P<0.01). It appeared as a linear low-signal-intensity area in fetuses less than 21 weeks gestation but increasingly developed high signal intensity in the disk after 21weeks. The height and area of the vertebral body, ossification center, vertebral canal increased linearly with gestational age (P<0.01) .The ratio of ossification center to the overall size of the vertebral body increased with gestational age (P<0.01). The range of A-P vertebral body to vertebral canal was 1:1.3 to 1:0.6. Conclusions The normal growth and signal-intensity characteristics of the vertebral body, vertebral canal and spinal cord can be well described on Postmortem MR imaging.

    MRA study on the relationship between posterior communicating artery and the development of intracranial segment of vertebral artery
    CHEN Chi, LV Fa-Jin, TAO Kai-Qing, LI Jian-Qiu, LE Dou-Xiao-Lan
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  189-192. 
    Abstract ( 1392 )  
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    Objective    To investigate the relationship between the posterior communicating artery (PCoA) and the development of intracranial segment of vertebral artery. Methods A total of 115 subjects underwent 3.0 T magnetic resonance angiographic (MRA) were involved in this study. The development of vertebral artery and the state of PCoA were observed. The diameter of intracranial segment of vertebral artery, the diameter and length of PCoA were measured. As well, the correlation between them was analyzed. Results ①the frequency of hypoplastic left and right vertebral arteries were respectively 15.65% (18/115) and 39.13%(45/115), and the absence of the right vertebral artery were in 0.87%(1/115), the hypoplasia of bilateral vertebral artery were in 2.61%(3/115). 72 patients demonstrated single or bilateral development of the posterior communicating artery, among them 35 cases were bilateral developed, 23 were the left and 14 were the right developed. ③The developing of PCoA was correlated with the development of intracranial segment of vertebral artery(r=0.677,P=0.000). Conclusions The hypoplasia of intracranial segment of vertebral artery leads to the compensatory developing of the posterior communicating artery.

    Prelimilary study on digital reconstructing of orthotopic and heterotopic kidney transplantation in rat
    ZHANG Shen, SU Ze-Han
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  193-196. 
    Abstract ( 1104 )  
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    Objective To investigate the simple spacial 3ds Max model reconstructing  orthotopic and heterotopic kidney transplantation in rat. Methods Based on the anatomic structures of rat, the following organs, such as kidney, adrenal gland,blood vessel, bladder, airtubs and glandula thyreoidea were reconstructed using the commands of loft, boolean controler, poly select, bevel profile, lethe et al. Those virtual organs were then merged into the abdomen and neck scenes, at the same time, installed free camera was used to get 3D images after rendering. Results  Organs related with kidney transplanation were reconstructed and simulated the scenes in situ,right iliac fossa as well as anterior site of neck successfully, which can provide reliable references for improving surgery effects of animal operation. Conclusions The 3D model building methods of non geometric shape organs and scenes of 3ds Max have the advantages of repeatibility and easy to perform in personal computer.

    The treatment of skin wound healing of rats by different transplantation approaches of BMSCs combination with Activin B
    SUN Li, WANG Xue-Er, ZHANG Min, CHEN Shi-Xuan, KONG E-Nan, CUI Meng-Qing, ZHANG Lu, ZHANG Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  197-202. 
    Abstract ( 1279 )  
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    Objective To discuss the optimum transplantation approaches of BMSCs combination with Activin B on skin wound healing. Methods BMSCs were identified by immunocytochemistry. Residual situation of the CFSE-labeled BMSCs after transplantation was detected by the In Vivo imaging system and frozen section. Wounded areas were recorded and wound healing was observed by the paraffin section and HE staining. Results Positive expression of CD90 and negative expression of CD80 were observed by immunocytochemistry. Fluorescence of the wounded sites of rats in the experimental groups was observed by In vivo imaging system, but it didn't be observed in control group at the 7 and 14 days after skin wounding. Wound healing rate in the experimental group was increased in comparison with that in the control group (P<0.05), but wound healing rate in the different transplantation approaches had no significant difference. Conclusions BMSCs transplantation via the epidermal and the tail vein can both migrate to the wounded sites and promote the wound healing. Compared with the tail vein transplantation group, wound repair in the epidermal transplantation group was more simple and feasible.

    Expression of eNOS and iNOS in postnatal rat ovaries at different developmental days
    JUE Li-Hua, JUE Jiao-Hua, LONG Chi-Feng, LI Mei-Xiang, DAN Jin-Feng, LUO Gong-Mei, MO Zhong-Cheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  203-208. 
    Abstract ( 1285 )  
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    Objective To observe the expression of eNOS and iNOS in varies and investigate its significance. Methods Immunohistochemical technology and image analysis system were utilized to detect the expression of eNOS and iNOS in ovaries from postnatal rat at different developmental days. Results Positive reaction for eNOS and iNOS was weak in oocytes of rat ovaries at day 0. In ovaries from older rat than day 4, both of eNOS and iNOS immunoreactivity were intense in health oocytes and very weak in degenerative oocytes. Expression of iNOS was strong positive in follicular cells and theca cells of ovaries from younger rat than day 30,but became very weak in those of growing follicles from older rat than day 30, and increased in those of atretic follicles compared with those in health growing follicles. Positive expression of eNOS was constant. Interstitium and atretic follicles increased in ovaries from older rat than day 240, and interstitium showed an enhanced expression for iNOS. Ovaries from older rat than day 360 became fibrosis, in which iNOS stain was more intensive than eNOS.  Conclusion In rat ovaries from different development stages, expression of eNOS is relatively stable and expression of iNOS is the minimum in child-bearing period after sex maturation, but increases gradually with rat age (month) progressing and ovarian functional deterioration.

    The abnormity of course and branches of Musculocutaneous nerve and high takeoff of the radial artery: one case report
    DAO Wei, WEN Min, LI Dui, TAO Wei-Wei, MA Chao, ZHENG Wen-Li
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  208. 
    Abstract ( 799 )  
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    Experimental study of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells transplantation to treat myocardial infarction in Rats
    WANG Hai-Ping, ZHANG Lei, DIAO Jing, TUN Zhi-Gang, LV Xiang, WANG Gao-Yu, SHAO Su-Xia-
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  209-213. 
    Abstract ( 1186 )  
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    Objective To investigate the effects of bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) transplantation on heart function of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in rats and to observe their survival and differentiation in damaged host myocardium. Methods AMI was created by occluding the left anterior descending artery (LAD) in SD rats. BMSCs of healthy rats were isolated, purified, amplified and labeled with colloidal gold. The rats were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the means dealing with BMSCs and the components injected into myocardium, with 12 rats for every group. Group A received exogenous transplantation of BMSCs,but group B received exogenous transplantation of BMSCs induced by 5-aza. Group C (control group) was injected 100μl IMDM. At the 4th week after transplantation, index of hemodynamics were tested. Survival and differentiation of the transplanted BMSCs were observed by immunohistochemistry. Results (1) The difference in cardiac function among three groups were remarkably significant (P<0.01) at 4th week after intramyocardiac injection. There were no significant difference between group A and B. (2) LVEDP was lower in treatment group than control group (P<0.01), LVSP and ±dp/dtmax were higher in treatment group than control group (P<0.01). Transplanted cells differentiated into cardiomyocytes with positive cTnT and α-sarcomeric actin and survived in area of inferepicardium, myocardial scar and besided normal myocardium. Conclusions The exogenous BMSCs can improve the heart function remarkably when transplanted into infarcted myocardium and can differentiate into viable cardiomyocytes.

    Effects of autologous olfactory mucoma combined with β-aesine sodium on expression of FasL and Caspase-3 after spinal injury
    XU Nian-Xiang, LIU Ceng-Xu, LUO Xiao-Feng, CHENG Hua, TU Qiang, LIU Hui-Fang, LIU De-Meng-
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  214-217. 
    Abstract ( 1499 )  
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    Effects of breviscapine on proliferation and apoptosis of scar fibroblast in vitro
    LIU Yin-Beng, HUANG Dong, TUN Wei-Chi, HUANG Yong-Jun, HUANG Guo-Yang, LIN Gao
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  218-220. 
    Abstract ( 1421 )  
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    Objective   To study the effects of breviscapine on proliferation and apoptosis of scar-derived fibroblasts, for exploring new drugs to treat human pathological scar. Methods Fibroblasts were cultured as an experimental model and the effects of breviscapine were studied.Cell proliferation was determined by MTT assay. Apoptosis of cultured fibroblasts induced by breviscapine at the IC50 was detected by Annexin V/PI staining and flow-cytometry. Results In vitro,the proliferation of fibroblasts was significantly inhibited by breviscapine in the manner of dose-dependent(F=3.309,P<0.01). Compared with the control group, proliferation of fibroblasts was significantly inhibited in the concentration at 80,100,150 μmol/ml (P=0.015,0.006,0.000). Apoptosis rate of fibroblasts induced by breviscapine at the IC50 was significantly increased. Conclusions Breviscapine can significantly inhibit the proliferation and induce the apoptosis of cultured scar fibroblasts.It may be developed as a new drug for the treatment of pathological scar.

    Biomechanic effects of hybrid technique on treating multilevel cervical disease by Mobi-C prosthesis: a finite element model analysis
    ZHENG Hu-Chen, MIN Shao-Xiong, ZHANG Li, ZHANG Hui, CAO Yan-Lin, DUAN Yang, JIN An-Min
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  221-224. 
    Abstract ( 1377 )  
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    Objective To investigate the stress patterns of a hybrid technique combined cervical ACDR and ACDF in treating multilevel cervical disease by Mobi-C prosthesis. Methods A previously validated FE model of a subaxial cervical spine was used. The skull load of 74N and torsion preload of 1.8Nm were simulated on C2. Two hybrid models and a three-level fusion model were simulated to analyze the prosthesis including endplate and inlay and the facet joint force of all the segments. Results ⑴ The stress on the superior endplate of Mobi-C prosthesis was higher than the inferior endplate in the two hybrid models. ⑵ The high stress concentrated around the middle and posterior regions of the endplate. The maximum stress in M1 was 79.4Mpa while in M2 was 70.9Mpa. The peak stress concentrated around the bilateral parts of the core. The maximum stress in M1 was 11.6Mpa while in M2 was 14.4Mpa. ⑶ Comparison of three reconstruction models with intact model, the facet joint force showed decrease in the fusion segment but increase in ACDR segment. The facet joint at adjacent segments of operation was significant increased in the three-level fusion model than hybrid models. Conclusions For the application of the hybrid technique by Mobi-C prosthesis in treating multilevel cervical disease, the result of the study showed that the hybrid technique has a low incidence of subsidence and can effectively restore pressure of facet joint compared with three-level ACDF.

    Biomechanic comparison of 2-column and 3-column thoracolumbar injury after short segmental fixation
    YANG Yong, JU Lin, JIANG Jian-Meng, DIAO Wei-Dong, JI Dong-Bin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  225-228. 
    Abstract ( 959 )  
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    Objective To compare biomechanical stability of 2-column and 3-column thoracolumbar injury after short segmental fixation.   Methods   Eight fresh frozen porcine thoracolumbar spine specimens (T13-L5) were collected, and divided to four groups: intact group (A), injury group(B), 2-column injury fixation group(C), and 3-column injury fixation group(D). The stability of four groups at flexion, extension, lateral bending and axial rotation were measured respectively. Two-column injury model was created using dropping technique. For three-column injury model, The excision of supra-spinous ligament, inter-spinous ligament, ligamenta flava and zygapophysial joint was performed on the basis of two-column injury.    Results   The ROMs of group D at extension, lateral bending and rotation directions were signifcantly increased compared to that of group C (P<0.05), as well ROM of group D at axial rotation increased signifcantly compared to that of group A (P<0.05). The ROMs of group B at all directions increased significantly compared to group A (P<0.05), and ROM of group C decreased significantly compared to group B (P<0.05). The compression stiffness of group D decreased significantly compared to group C (P<0.05), and that of group C decreased significantly compared to group B (P<0.05). The compression stiffness of group D had no difference compared to group B (P>0.05).    Conclusions    Compare to the three-column injury, the short-segment fixation is more suitable for keeping mechanic stability of the 2-column injury of thoracolumbar level.

    Acquisition and analysis of six degree of freedom of thumb apposition
    HUI Qiu-Heng, DIAO Wei-Dong, XIE Yang, CHEN Ze-Feng, BI Zhen-Yu, LIU Yang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  229-232. 
    Abstract ( 1458 )  
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    Objective To explore the digital motion course of thumb opposition, through acquiring the six degrees of freedom using motion capture and analysis system, evaluate a digital hand motion examination method and provide digital basis for the virtual reality of hand function. Methods One had specimen from a normal adult without morphological and functional abnormalities, was marked on the back of palm and the dorsal surface of the finger bone by fluorescent balls. Thumb opposition was defined and performed six degrees of freedom using motion capture motion capture and analysis system. Results The data of six degrees of freedom of the thumb opposition were collected.  At the free states, thumb contacted with the rest of 4 fingers. The biggest changes of line displacement and angular displacement occurred mainly in Y-axis and Z-axis, respectively, followed by the different displacement changes of the another two axis accordingly. The changes of displacement reduced at the fixed state. Conclusions Motion capture motion capture and analysis system are sensitive tool to detect the six degrees of freedom of thumb opposition. The digital rules of thumb opposition will be able to achieve with six degrees of freedom, and provide the basis for virtual simulation of hand functions.

    Clinical study of cup abduction angle after total hip arthroplasty
    LEI Wei-Jie, JIN Da-De, LI Zhi-Chen, CHEN Dong-Feng, TU Nan-Sheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  233-236. 
    Abstract ( 1301 )  
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    Objective To assess cup inclination of THAs by measuring the abduction angle and to find out if the abduction angle relate to polyethylene wear or not. Methods Cup abduction angle and polyethylene wear were measured on the X-ray with a series of 145 hips undergone THA before 2011 May. The rates of abduction angle greater than 50 degree and 55 degree were calculated. The relationship between cup abduction angle and polyethylene linear wear was evaluated. Results It happened in 32(22.1%, 95% CI: 15.3%~28.9%) hips that abduction angle exceeded 55 degree and 61(42.1%, 95%CI: 34.1%~50.1%) hips'abduction angle greater than 50 degree. Abduction angle that greater than 50 degree significantly caused polyethylene liner wear. In 107 unilateral THA, positive correlation between abduction angle and liner wear was revealed by a scatter diagram and then a curve estimation was taken. R square was up to 0.697 using Quadratic curve. Regression equation was ■=4.431-0.21x+0.003x2. Conclusions Incorrect abduction angle may cause polyethylene wear in THA. Measurement should be made to place the cup at appropriate position.

    The experience about preventing hepatic artery injury during hepatic graft repair
    ZHANG Guo-Wei, ZHOU Jie
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  237-238. 
    Abstract ( 882 )  
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    Objective To discuss the experience about preventing hepatic artery injury during hepatic graft repair. Methods From Aug. 2004 to Nov. 2010, 202 patients received liver graft were retrospectively summarized, including the variations of hepatic arteries of the donor livers and the methods of preventing hepatic artery injury. Results The aberration rate of hepatic artery was rather higher. 44 out of 202 hepatic arteries varied and 10 were injuried during the repair process. Conclusions Most aberrant liver arteries come from superiormesenteric artery or left gastric artery. The presence of hepatic artery variations increased the risk of injury. The gastroduodenal artery approach may be effective in preventing hepatic artery.

    Treating of type Jensen Ⅲ femoral intertrochanteric thrypsis with DHS and TSP: clinical research
    SHU Xiao-Lu, TIAN Jing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  239-242. 
    Abstract ( 1185 )  
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    Objective To explore clinical effects of DHS(dynamic hip screw) and TSP(trochanteric stabilization plate) on treating of type Jensen Ⅲ femoral intertrochanteric thrypsis. Methods From May 2007 to August 2010, 25 cases of type Jensen Ⅲ femoral intertrochanteric thrypsis treated with open reduction, DHS and TSP were reported. Results All 25 cases were followed up. According to Sanders traumatic hip rating scale,21 cases were excellent, 2 cases good, 1 case fair, 1 case bad. The excellent and good rate was 92.0%.  Conclusions DHS and TSP is an effective method to treat type JensenⅢ femoral intertrochanteric thrypsis. The keys to success are suitable internal fixators, correct placement of internal fixators and right perioperative management.

    Sagittal anatomic parameters of the pelvis and its influence on spondylolisthesis
    FENG Yu, CHEN Liang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2012, 30(2):  243-245. 
    Abstract ( 1044 )  
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