Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
(Founded in July 1983 Bimonthly)
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Table of Content

    25 March 2015 Volume 33 Issue 2
    The characteristic of anatomical structures and clinical significance about the Glisson pedicle of right anterior section
    LIU Qiao-Yun, MA Xin-Yi, YU Zhi-Yong, GAO Ze-Hai, CA Jiang, HOU Li-Chi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  121-125.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 799 )  
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     Objective   To observe the anatomical structures and distributions of the Glissonean pedicle of the Right anterior section, and providing anatomical basis for the precise hepatectomy of the Right anterior section lesions.    Method   Making morphological observation of the Glissonean pedicle of the right posterior section through peeling and dissecting 20 cases of adult corpses without liver pathological changes ,then collecting the relevant data and making statistical analysis.   Result   95% of the Glissonean pedicle of the right liver divided into the right anterior and posterior branches, and 5% into the right anterior,G6 and G7 branches. The length of the Glisson pedicle of the stem of right liver is (2.36±0.56) cm. The length of the the Glisson pedicle of right anterior is (2.61±0.72)cm. The depth between the Glisson pedicle of the root of right anterior lobe and the visceral surface of liver is (1.99±0.43) cm;The depth between the Glisson pedicle of terminal segment of the right anterior lobe to the diaphragmatic surface of liver is (4.84±1.95) cm;The shortest distance between the Glisson pedicle of the stem of right anterior lobe to MHV's stem is (1.61±0.90) cm;The shortest distance between the Glisson pedicle of the stem of the right anterior lobe to RHV's stem is (1.89±0.80) cm. Angle between GRA/MHV is (74.4±16.8)°; angle between GRA/MHV is (73.1±19.6)°;The shapes of 20% of the Glissonean pedicle of the Right anterior section presented as Couinaud's type,65% Cho A's type, 15% mixed type;the number of third order branches is between 2 to 6.   Conclusion   The distribution of the Glissonean pedicle of the right anterior section does not entirely fit the description of Couinaud's segment; obvious individual differences do exist. Therefore, it is vital to understand the anatomy of the Glissonean pedicle of the right anterior section before precise hepatectomy is carried out.

    One case of the variation of the right lung with the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe
    XUE Gang, MA Jian-Jun, GUO Bao-Guang, ZHUO Jing-Jing, LIN Chao-Qun, LU E-Meng, QIN Bao-Qiang, HE Jing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  125.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 299 )  
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    Re-recognization of pretracheal fascia and its clinical significance in thyroid operation
    LEI Chang-Tong, DING Zi-Hai, GE Jun-Na, DIAO Dong-Hui
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  126-128.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 627 )  
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    Objective    To revisit the pretracheal fascia and the fascial space from the perspective of applied anatomy, and provide the anatomical basis for thyroid surgery.    Methods    To observe the anatomical features of pretracheal fascia and fascial space through dissection of pretracheal fascia on cadavers and  patients with thyroid cancer.    Results    Pretracheal fascia is divided into two layers, between which structures such as isthmus of thyroid,fat tissues, pretracheal lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, inferior thyroid vein could be found, assuming a sandwich-like appearance. There is a vessel-free space between the posterior layer of pretracheal fascia and the trachea, called the preteacheal space,which extended downward to the mediastinum, upward to the back of the isthmus and pyramidal lobe,laterally to tracheoesophageal groove. Conclusions    Pretracheal fascia is divided into two layers. the integrity of the anterior layer of pretracheal fascia should be maintained when the thyroid and pretracheal fat lymphoid tissues were exposed. Pretracheal space is the surgical plane of dissection for removal of the isthmus,pyramidal lobe of  and the pretracheal lymph nodes.

    The anatomical observation of L5~S1  intervertebral foramen associated with TESSYS' approach
    LI Song-Feng, ZHOU Liu, LI Ding, ZHANG Pei, LI Xi-Kai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  129-133.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 526 )  
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    Objective    Provide objective anatomical basis for postolateral percutaneous L5~S1 transforaminal endoscopic discectomy.   Method   To the adjacent relationship among the needle, the iliac crest, the superior S1  articular process, the L5 efferent roots, the dura, and the vertebral vessels were observed and measured; various types of protrusion of puncture angle range in 10 adult spinal specimens(20 sides) were also measured when TESSYS was placed into the L5~S1 foramen.   Results   All data have not shown statistical difference by paired t test (P>0.05). There were L5 posterior medial nerve branches, descending branches of dorsal branches of L5 segmental arteries and veins going around the roots of S1 superior facet. The vertical distance from highest point of iliac crests to the midline of spine was (9.25±0.47) cm, the angle between highest point of iliac crests and leading edge of superior facets on the coronal plane was (11.10±1.17) °, the distance between L5 transverse processes and iliac crests on the coronal plane was (10.78±0.81) mm, central protrusion angle of the needle was (83.00±1.92) °, lateral protrusion angle of the needle was (32.15±1.63) °~( 62.60±1.70) °, extreme lateral protrusion angle of the needle was (11.75±1.16) °, the anchor points of superior facets to L5 exiting roots and the dura was (8.30±0.87) mm and (17.29±1.06) mm, respectively, inferior margin of L5 exiting roots to lower edge of foramen was (5.84±0.67) mm, the height of superior facets was (11.31±0.96) mm, the length of S1 superior facets was ( 17.41±0.98) mm.   Conclusions   The puncture and location of postolateral percutaneous L5~S1  transforaminal approach is complex than other lumbar segments, which requires that physicians have a solid knowledge of anatomy and excellent spatial visualization.

    The entry point in antegrade humeral nailing: An anatomic study
    ZHOU Xian-Ting, TU Kai-Kai, TUN Yun-Jiang, SHU Chao-Yu, LIU Wei, HE Hang-Wen, DAN Cheng-Di, YANG Lei
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  134-137.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.201
    Abstract ( 1482 )  
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    Objective   To investigate the entry point in antegrade humeral nailing for Chinese population.    Methods   (1)the relatively safe area was obtained though observation and the distance between the axillary nerve, anterior humeral circumflex artery, post humeral circumflex artery,long head of the biceps tendons, suprascapular nerve, suprascapular artery and the reference entry point on 8 fresh-frozen shoulder joints were measured; (2)the correct entry point was localized though insertion of a nail in simulated surgery on 60 humeri, which were divided equally into 6 groups.    Results    The relative safe area was located behind the long head of the biceps tendons and medial the supraspinatus tendon. The distance between the correct entry point and supraspinatus tendon was 8.5 mm; Distance between the correct entry point to the long head of the biceps tendons was(12.12±0.68)mm(11.69~13.57mm).   Conclusions    It is important to obtain a correct entry point ,which  can not only improve the accuracy  in inserting the humeral nailing, but also reduce the postoperative complications.

    Anatomic study of cutaneous branches-chain based on the cutaneous perforators of the posterolateral lower leg
    QIN Xiang-Zheng, LI Liang-Chang, LI Guang-Zhao, JIN Fan-Hua, CUI Lin, FANG Jin-Nv, DING Zi-Hai
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  138-140.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.20
    Abstract ( 599 )  
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    Objective   To define the specific area of cutaneous branches-chain flaps based on the cutaneous perforators of the posterolateral lower leg, and to provide the anatomical basis for taking the cutaneous branches-chain flap.   Methods   A total of 15 fresh adult cadaveric lower legs (2 female, 13 male) with no history of trauma and surgery were studied. 13 specimens were perfused with red latex for microanatomical analysis, and then the outer diameter of the cutaneous branches at the level of deep fascia was measured. Additionally, 2 specimens were perfused with self-curing denture acrylic to get vascular cast mold for observing the linking pattern of the cutaneous perforators.  Results   A total of 67 cutaneous perforators came from the posterolateral lower leg was observed in our study, with an average (5.15±1.86) on each side;  the diameter of perforators at the deep fascia was(0.92±0.25) mm; The length of fibula was (34.78±17.78) cm. There are 34 cutaneous perforators participating in the formation of branches-chain, with an average (3.31±1.65) on each side; the diameter of perforators was(0.99±0.23) mm; the area of branches-chain of the posterolateral lower leg ranged from (28.33±17.79)% to (64.04±19.48)%.   Conclusion   The cutaneous branches-chain flaps based on the cutaneous perforators of the posterolateral lower leg could be harvested to expand the range of skin flap and ensure safety for harvest of the flap.

    Construction of a training model for laparoscopic liver resection
    XIAO Ju-Jiao, KONG Xiang-Xue, FU Mao-Qiang, LIU Fu-Yu, WANG Zhang-Lin, LI Jian-Die
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  141-143.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 244 )  
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    Objective   To construct and assess a simple, economical training model for laparoscopic liver resection(LLR) in a simulated continuous blood supply setting.   Methods    A fresh porcine liver was placed in a specific laparoscopic training device and the vessels were infused with red-dyed liquid gelatin to simulate the blood supply of the liver and with yellow-dyed liquid gelatin for respresentation of the bile ducts. A total of 3 liver surgical experts tried the initial model, whose impression of the prototype was collected to improve the model for future use. Then a final model were developed and used for practicing laparoscopic liver resection by 6 hepatobiliary surgeons with laparoscopic experience. Data were collected using anonymous questionnaires with a Likert scale (1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neither agree nor disagree; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree). Feedbacks on the ex-vivo model were obtained regarding the realism of the anatomical condition of the model, operative tactile properties, and the realism of the simulated blood supply during the resection.    Results   Compared with the real operative conditions, quality assessment of the model for anatomical condition was 4.6±0.3, for operative tactile was 4.9±0.1, for blood supply was 4.7±0.3,and for bile leak was 4.6±0.2.   Conclusion   The model is simple and economical. It can offer the trainees the opportunities to learn advanced skills necessary for LLH in simulated blood supply condition.

    Imaging study of three-dimensional reconstruction model to simulate lag screw internal fixation for the sacroiliac joint
    HONG Hai-Qing, YIN Wei-Gang, SHI Ceng-Yuan, LIN Rong, FAN Yong-Cheng, CHEN Yi-Yong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  144-147.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 329 )  
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     Objective   To provide anatomic basis for lag screw internal fixation of the sacroiliac joint through the line from the posterior inferior iliac spine to the tubercle of iliac crest.  Methods  CT scanning data from 60 adults pelvis(30 males and 30 females)were collected clinically and then imported into Mimics15.01 for 3D image reconstruction. Place screws from the intersection of the long axis of sacral articular surface and the pedicle axis of S1, S2, S3.The angle between the screws and coronal plane (α) and horizontal plane (β) were measured.  Results  (1) Three points that the screws penetrated through the outside of iliac wing fell on the line from the posterior inferior iliac spine to the tubercle of iliac crest. (2)The angle α and β were measured as follows: Male:α1(13.6±3.7)°,α2(4.3±1.8)°,α3(10.0±4.4)°;β1(19.1±5.3)°,β2(9.5±4.1)°, β3(4.0±1.5)°. Female: α1(12.4±3.4)°, α2(4.5±2.1)°, α3(10.7±4.0)°; β1(17.5±4.6)°, β2(10.0±4.1)°,  β3(3.7±1.5)°.    Conclusions     It is safe and convenient for placing lag screws through the entry point in the line from the posterior inferior iliac spine to the iliac tubercle for internal fixation of the sacroiliac joint.

    The anatomic study of percutaneous lag screw fixation for anterior column fracture in acetabulum in virtual three-dimensional reconstruction model
    ZHOU Hua, GAO Shi-Chang, ZHOU Cheng-Feng, SHI Li-Han
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  148-154.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 314 )  
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    Objective   To assess the risk of lag screw fixation for anterior column by measuring the applied anatomy parameters of the acetabular anterior column.   Methods   CT scan data of 155 (91 males and 64 females) cases of adult pelvis were obtained and virtual three-dimensional model were reconstructed by software MIMICS. Virtual screws were placed in the anterior column of the acetabulum,then the maximum diameter, length, entrance point of the screws were measured and the direction of the screws were calculated. The virtual cuts was made perpendicular to anterior surface of acetabulum , then the inner-outer and vertical diameter of anterior column was measured respectively. The arc of the anterior column of acetabulum in the edge of true pelvic was calculated.   Results    In the men, the maximum diameter and length of virtual screws were (7.95±0.98) mm and (124.84±6.79) mm, In the women,  the values were (6.42±1.15) mm and (120.00±7.52) mm. In the men, The angles between screws and horizontal plane (the screw pointed caput), sagittal plane(the screw pointed outside) were (21.55±2.67)° and (42.15±2.54)°; In the women, the values were (21.85±5.10)° and (41.51±5.23)°. In the men, The arc of the segment MN of anterior column was (38.29±3.28)°, which was (43.41±3.50)° in the women. All data presented statistical significance between men and women except the direction of virtual screws. There was linear correlation between screws diameter and gender, the arc of the anterior column, and the correlation coefficients were -0.468 and -0.164, respectively. The risks of the female received anterior column fixation by screws6.5mm and 7.0mm in length were 9.081 and 13.316 times greater than the male, respectively.   Conclusions   The lag screw of 6.5 mm in diameter is strongly recommended for fixating the anterior column fracture of the acetabulum in Chinese people. For female, when the arc of the acetabular anterior column is more than (44.49±2.47)°, plate fixation should be considered.

    Comparative study of the sectional slice of the anterior commissure and the internal capsule with its MRI images
    WANG Chan-Chan, MA Wen-Yi, ZHANG Xiao-Yang, YUAN Wu, LI Yun-Sheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  155-159.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 568 )  
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    Objective   To compare sectional anatomic features of the internal capsule and adjacent structures,the anatomical position of the relationship the anterior limb of internal capsule and the anterior commissure on the horizontal,coronal and sagittal sections with their corresponding MRI images, and to provide a reliable sectional anatomic basis for the study of the central nervous system and deep brain stimulation to treat the mental neurological diseases.   Methods   The brain of 100 normal persons received MRI scan and image analysis. 12 adult female brain specimens fixed by formalin, were made into serial horizontal、coronal and sagittal slices with the thickness of 500 μm by celloidin embedding techniquefor comparative studyof MRI images and morphologic features.   Results   The morphological characteristics of the internal capsule and adjacent structures on horizontal, coronal and sagittal sections can be described in detail. The MRI images cannot clearly identify the boundaries of the internal capsule and its adjacent structures. The anterior limb of internal capsule has fiber connections on the horizontal and coronal sections by the anterior commissure.   Conclusions   Sectional anatomy of brain slices can more clearly demonstrate the positional relationship between the internal capsule and adjacent structures than MRI images on the three directional sections, which can provide valuable data of clinical evaluation of internal capsule in treating mental neurological disease through deep brain stimulation.

    MRI study of sella tunica morphology for the patients with pituitary adenoma
    WANG Shou-Sen, DING Chen-Yu, QIN Yong, WEI Liang-Feng, WEI Lin, XIAO De-Yong, WANG Ru-Mi
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  160-165.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 571 )  
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     Objective    To analyze the relevant factors and their clinical significance by measuring the sella turcica on MRI in pituitary adenoma patients.   Methods   40 cases of pituitary adenoma (the diameter > 10 mm) with complete contour of sellar floor were selected. The midline saggital MRI scan and coronal MRI scan were used for study. The main indicators include sellar length, sellar face, sellar prominence, sellar angle, sellar window, tumor height, suprasellar and infrasellar tumor height, suprasellar and infrasellar tumor area. The comparison among these indicators was performed. They were also compared with different sphenoid pneumatization types and tumor resection extent.   Results   The patients were found to have the following sellar floor types: 29 prominent sella(sellar angle<90°), 10 curved sella (sellar angle 90°~150°) , 1 flat sella(sellar angle>150°). Tumor size had significant positive correlation(P<0.01)with sellar length, sellar face and sellar window. The correlation between tumor size and sellar length was most significant. Infrasellar tumor height had significant positive correlation (P<0.05) with sellar prominence, both of which did not possess significant correlation with the sphenoid types. Sellar prominence and sellar angle are relatively independent indicators; both have little relationship with sellar length, sellar face and sellar window. Conclusions With the growth of pituitary adenomas, sella size also tends to increase, making the sellar floor more prominent. Despite of the flat sellar floor in patients with hemisellar type of sphenoid sinus, the surgical procedure to open the sellar floor should be quite easy because of its larger sellar length and sellar window.

    Quantitative anatomy of median nerve in the carpal tunnel: a cross-sectional study using magnetic resonance imaging in adolescent
    LIN Tian-Wu, OU Yang-Han-Bin, YANG Xiang, XIAO Meng, XIE Pu-Sheng, HU Jing, HUANG Wen-Hua
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  166-170.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 522 )  
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    Objective    To investigate the value of quantitative anatomy of me-dian nerve in carpal tunnel among adolescent in the diagnosis and treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.     Methods     A total of 56 wrists from 28 adolescents were collected via magnetic resonance imaging. Cross section area (CSA), swelling rate ofmedian nerve (MNSR) and flatteningrate of median nerve (MNFR) were measured according to magnetic resonance images from multiple sections of carpal tunnel, and were com-pared between genders as well as bilateral upper limbs. Regarding CSA, MNSR and MNFR, perimeters including age, body height and body weight were considered as potential correlative factors for further correlation analysis.   Result    With regard to CSA, MNFR and MNSR, no statistical difference was found between bilateral upper limbs. No statistical difference was found between genders concerning  CSA and MNSR as well. MNFR in female was found to be statistically higher than that in male while a significant negative correlation was observed between MNFR and body height.    Conclusion    Magnetic resonance imaging(1.5T) used in quantitative anatomy of median nerve in carpal tunnel showed advantages of reliability and precision. There was significant difference between genders in Chinese adolescents regarding MNFR. The MNFR, having negative correlation with body height, appears to be much lower in Chinese individuals than that in westerners. For the Chinese individuals, the diagnostic standard for carpal tunnel syndrome based on MRI should be established referring to Chinese anatomical feature.

    Transcriptomic analysis of gene alteration related to the regulation of inflammation/immune responses after acute myoinjury
    YANG Tong-Qun, ZHANG Qian, GENG Chi-Lin, HU Xu-Chang, DING Meng-Cong, HUANG Mei-Xian, LIAO Hua-??
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  171-175.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 307 )  
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    Objective    To follow change of gene expression over time in crushed muscles of B6 mice using transcriptomic analysis.   Methods   Crush induced myoinjury was performed on gastrocnemius muscle of wide B6 mice. H&E and immunofluorecence staining were used to evaluate the necrosis and regeneration of damaged muscle. A mouse one color GE 4×44K G4846A, V2 microarray kit was used to perform global transcriptal expression analysis using muscle total RNA samples. Feature Extraction Software was used for the analysis of probe signals.  Results   Our microarray data identified 3494 genes (among 39429 probes) differentially expressed in crushed gastrocnemius muscle compared to normal muscle, and about 10% (319 probes) of these genes differed more than ten-fold in expression levels. In general, most of genes encoding proteins with important roles in muscle inflammation and immune up-regulated at day 2 and 4 postinjury, and then rapidly down-regulated and return to normal at day 10, which confirmed the effective but brief inflammatory response after acute myoinjury. 41 inflammatory/immune associated-genes persistently up-regulated at the day 7 and 10 after crush damage, which involved in many anti-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and growth factor-related genes.  Conclusions   Transcriptome analysis indicates transient behavior of crush-induced muscle immune response. The persistently up-regulated genes maybe have anti-inflammatory effects during the muscle repair.

    Effects of ketobodies metabolism on neuroprotection after acute spinal cord injury in rats
    WANG Xiao-Meng, LIU Qi, ZHOU Jian, KONG Gang-Gang, TUN Xiu-Hua, HUANG Zhi-Beng, SHU Jing-An
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  176-181.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 297 )  
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    Objective   Previous studies supported neuroprotective functionof ketogenic diet (KD) after spinal cord injury. The present study was aimed to investigate effects of pre-existing ketobodies metabolism on antioxidant and anti-apoptotic after acute spinal cord in rats.   Methods   Forty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned into 2 groups fed either with KD or standard diet (SD) for up to 2 weeks. Levels of blood ketones was measured for each rat at 2 weeks. All rats were subjected to a 1.5 mm contusion injury at 500 mm/s on the C5 spinal cord using an electromagnetic-servo material testing machine. Samples of spinal cord tissues were harvested at 3 h and 24 h after injury. Protein expression of Bax, caspase-3, Bcl-2 and CD68, indicating apoptosis and inflammation, were tested using double immunofluorescence. Contents of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA), reflecting oxidative stress, were measured using ELISA.Results   The blood ketone level in the KD group was 1.32 mmol/L, which was significantly higher than that in the SD group(0.38 mmol/L)(P<0.05). Expression of Bax, Bcl-2,caspase-3 and CD68 were positive after injury. A significant difference in expression between groups was seen at 3 h and 24 h after injury. The content of SOD in the KD group was higher than that in the SD group at 3 h after injury, and there was a significant difference between groups at 24 h (540 pg/mL vs 281 pg/ml) (P<0.05). Change of levels of MDA was opposite to the change of SOD. The level of MDA in the KD group was 509 pg/ml, which was significantly lower than the level in the SD group (855 pg/ml) (P<0.05).   Conclusion   The present results indicated that a pre-existing high level of blood ketones can reduce oxidative stress and apoptosis in the spinal cord after acute contusion injury, suggesting neuroprotective function for acute spinal cord injury under ketobodies metabolism.

    Behavioral evaluation and changes in levels of monoamine neurotransmitter within the nigrostriatal pathway in rat models of Parkinson's disease
    LIU Xiao-Jun, XIE Zhi-Ying, FU Xing-Hui, DI Mo-Qiang, JIA Chun-Lin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  182-188.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 211 )  
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    Objective  To study the changes in levels of monoamine neurotransmitter within the nigrostriatal pathway and evaluate the behavioral changes in rat models of Parkinson's disease.  Method  The unilateral rat models of PD were established by injecting 6-OHDA into the right medial forebrain bundle of adult Sprague-Dawley rats. After establishing the successful rat models, we observed their abnormal behavior and evaluated the behavioral changes (elevated body swing test, average velocity, actuation time and time length of rotation behavior). Additionally, we assayed the levels of monoamine neurotransmitter in the nigrostriatal pathway of PD rats by high performance liquid chromatography.  Results  (1) PD rats demonstrated some abnormal behavior such as stiffness of tail, akinesia or bradykinesia, tremor and the instable posture and gait, etc. (2) Statistically, elevated body swing test was not significant for the evaluation of PD rat models, while average velocity, actuation time and time length of rotation behavior were significant for the evaluation and showed a time-dependent pattern. (3) Both of the content of DA and serotonin were reduced in the substantia nigra and the striatum of the pathological lateral in PD rats, and the DA content decreased with time; Moreover, the degree of decline in DA content of the substantia nigra were respectively 62.96%, 82.88%, 92.71% and 91.50% and the striatum were respectively 77.47%, 91.39%, 96.25% and 96.18% during the second week, third week, fourth week and the fifth week. The average degree of decline in DA content of the substantia nigra was (89.03±5.36)% during the third week, fourth week and the fifth week by statistical analysis, while the striatum was (93.61±2.79)%.  Conclusions  (1) PD rats have the human-like clinical motor symptoms of PD, and the classic behavioral evaluation index of rotational behavior is average velocity, while actuation time and time length of rotation behavior play a supporting role in behavior evaluation of PD rat models; (2) There is a decline in the content of DA and serotonin of the substantia nigra and the striatum in the lesioned lateral of PD rats.

    The experimental study on proliferation and migration pathway of the neural stem cells in the rats following intracerebral hemorrhage
    SHANG Hua-Jun, FAN Guang-Bi, ZHENG Yu-Jie, DENG Chi, GAO Xiao-Jing, YANG Chao-Xian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  189-192.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 101 )  
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    Objective    To investigate proliferation and migration pathways of the neural stem cells in the rats following intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).    Methods    The 75 SD rats were randomly divided into the ICH group, sham group and normal group the ICH group received  injection of autologous blood to establish the ICH model. The bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to mark neural stem cells. Proliferation, migration and distribution of neural stem cells were observed by immunohistochemical staining.   Results BrdU-positive cells located in the ependymal epithelium of subventricular zone increased significantly in the ICH group compared with the control group and normal group( P<0.05), and migrated along corpus callosum, and finally settled in the hemorrhagic focus and the surrounding area.    Conclusion   Neural stem cells in the rats following ICH can proliferate and migrate to the hemorrhagic focus and surrounding area along corpus callosum, and participate in repairing the nerve function of hemorrhagic brain injury.

    Alterations of MCT 1、2、4 expression in adrenal gland of rat with acute heart failure
    HE Shu-Juan, SUN Shan-Quan, MA Rong, WANG Jing-Wen, JIANG Xu-Li, SONG Kai-Qin
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  193-198.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 172 )  
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    Objective   To observe the alterations of the MCT 1、2、4 expression in adrenal gland of rats with acute heart failure , so as to explore the alterations of energy metabolism of adrenal gland under stress of acute heart failure.   Method     Fifty healthy adult SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: normal, sham(2 subgroups) and experimental groups(2 subgroups). In experimental group, acute heart failure model was established by 1.5% sodium pentobarbital injection i.v . In sham group, the rats underwent the same surgical procedures as those in experimental group with NS instead of 1.5% sodium pentobarbital injection. After injection, left ventricular systolic pressure(LVSP)and increased rate of left ventricular pressure maximum(+dp/dtmax)were recorded to judge whether the model was successful or not. The animals were sacrificed and their adrenal glands were properly taken at 10 and 20 min after the models had been established successfully. Immunohistochemistry(IHC) and Western Bolt(WB) methods were used to localize and detect the alterations of MCT1、2、4 expression.   Results   IHC and WB results showed that the expressions of MCT1、2、4 were statistically increased in both experimental and sham groups in 10 min(P<0.05), compared with the normal group. The semi-quantitative analysis of MCT1、2、4 showed that in 20min the amount of MCT1、2、4 expression in experimental group was lower than that in control group (MCT1:P<0.05; MCT2 & MCT4: P>0.05).   Conclusions   Under the conditions of  acute heart failure and traumatic stress, the upregulation of MCT1、2、4 expression in adrenal gland might make a compensation for energy consumption within 10 min. However, the capacity of compensation was limited. The results suggest that MCT1、2、4 might play an important role in stress reaction .

    The correlation between non-diabetic cerebral infarction and acute hyperglycemia and its mechanism
    TUN Pei-Hua, DAN Jian, CHEN Jian, TAN Cheng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  199-203.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 207 )  
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    Objective   To explore the correlation between non-diabetic cerebral infarction and acute hyperglycemia and its possible mechanism. Methods   In this experiment ,  twenty-four SD rats were randomly divided into three groups, normoglycemia group (NG), two hyperglycemia groups(HG1 and HG2). Rats were rendered acute hyperglycemia during occluded the middle cerebral artery (MCAO) .To assess the correlation between non-diabetic cerebral infarction and acute hyperglycemia , the rats were observed for neurological functional impairment scoring and cerebral infarct volumes at 24 h after cerebral infarction. At the same time, the proliferation capacity of neural stem cell in ischemic ipsilateral dentate gyrus was observed.  Results   The levels of blood glucose of NG group was 4.0~5.0 mmol/L,and HG1 and HG2 groups were markedly up to the target blood glucose concentrations of 10.0 mmol/L and 20.0 mmol/L, respectively(P<0.01). 24h after MCAO, cerebral infarct volumes of HG2 group were obviously more larger than NG group and HG1 group (P<0.05), which suffered from more severe neurological impairment (P<0.05). However, there were no significant difference in cerebral infarct volumes and neurological deficits between HG1 group and NG group (P>0.05). The proliferation capacity of neural stem cells detection results were consistent with that of neurological deficits and cerebral infarct volumes.  Conclusion   Mild acute hyperglycemia (10.0 mmol/L) may protect the neural stem cells against the infarction cerebral injury. Severe hyperglycemia (20 mmol/L) obviously deteriorated infarct brain injury, which may be associated with impaired proliferation capacity of neural stem cells.

    The research of ovariectomy  combined with glucocorticoid for induction of osteoporosis in rabbits
    ZHANG Yuan-Hua, SU Yan-Jie, HUANG Chao-Dong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  204-208.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.201
    Abstract ( 172 )  
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    Objective   To explore the effect of ovariectomy combined with glucocorticoid on rabbits bone metabolism and develop a new method for inducing osteoporosis in rabbits.   Method   18 New Zealand female rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups: Sham-operated group (SHAM, Physiological saline 5 ml·kg-1·d-1);  ovariectomy group (OVX, Physiological saline 5 ml·kg-1·d-1); ovariectomy combined with glucocorticoid group (OVX +GC, Dexamethasone 1 mg·kg-1·d-1). The femoral bone mineral density (BMD) of the rabbit lumbar (3~6) and the right femoral were assessed at  0, 3 and 6-week, respectively. At the end of the experiment, the right femur biomechanics and the third lumbar vertebra bone tissue morphology metrology were determined.   Result  Compared with Sham-operated group, the BMD, the bone biomechanics (maximum load, fracture load) , the trabecular bone area percentage, the bone trabecular thickness and the bone trabecular number in the ovariectomy combined with glucocorticoid group were significantly decreased (P<0.05), the bone separating degree were significantly increased(P<0.05), while the ovariectomy group was not significantly different.  Conclusion   The method of ovariectomy combined with glucocorticoid is better at induction of osteoporosis in rabbits than ovariectomy alone and it is a feasible approach.

    Variation of left inferior phrenic artery with an extra:a case report
    GUO Bao-Guang, MA Jian-Jun, CHEN Yi-Xuan, GAO Xiao, XUE Gang, YANG Hao-Chen, LU E-Meng, LIN Chao-Qun
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  208.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 137 )  
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    3D gait analysis in modern traumatic patients of spinal cord injury with advanced reciprocating gait orthosis
    SUN Jia-Li, CHAN Shou-Qi, HUANG Mei-Xian, YA Han, ZHONG Shi-Tian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  209-212.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 82 )  
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    Objective   To evaluate the relationship between spinal cord injury level of SCI patients and ambulatory function wearing advanced reciprocating gait orthosis (ARGO) through three dimensional gait analysis, and to explore the quantizing guideline of reconstructing walking capacity of complete SCI patients.   Method    Fifteen paraplegic patients with complete spinal cord injury of lesion level between T2 and L1 who had experienced ARGO gait training for at least 3 months were selected into our study. We used 3D gait analysis system of Vicon Nexus to test and analyze these subjects, and examined their gait speeds,  cadences, stride lengths, pelvic angles of rotation, hip ranges of motion, crutch forces, angular velocities of hip flexion and extension phases, et al. We use Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient and Spearman rank correlation coefficient to examine the relationship between the level of injury and the kinematic, kinetic and time-spatial values.  Results   The mean cadence and stride length of these subjects were (34.9±1.97) step/min and (95.7±10.39) cm. Their mean hip range of motion, angular velocities of hip flexion and extension phases were (45.28±4.84)°, (22.34±1.96)°/s and (121.35±10.54)°/s respectively. The gait speed, stride length, peak crutch force, hip ROM, mean crutch force and angular velocity of hip extension phase of SCI patients all had significant pertinences with their spinal cord injury level.  Conclusion   The abnormal movement of pelvic, limitation of hip range of motion and excess upper limb load are the main reasons that lead to ambulatory disorders in higher thoracic lesion of complete SCI patients. Higher thoracic SCI patients should undertake some rehabilitative training exercises to reduce excessive physiological load, and thus help improve their ambulatory capacity.

    Finite element analysis of the throwing fracture of humerus fixed with locking compression plates and interlocking intramedullary nails
    ZHENG Xiang, ZHANG Ying, CHAN Yong-Xin, XIE Hui-Bin, GUO Xiao-Ze, SHU Chang-Rong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  213-217.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 37 )  
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    Objective    To explore and compare the biomechanical properties of the throwing fracture of humerus fixed with locking compression plates and interlockingintramedullary nails using finite element analysis, and therefore to provide theoretic reference for clinic application.   Methods    3D FE models of the throwing fracture of humerus fixed with locking compression plates in anterolateral and posterior, retrograde and antegrade interlocking intramedullary nails were developed. Each mode was tested in axial compression, bending and anticlockwise torsion. The von-Mises and total deformation of internal fixities, humerus and fracture end were used to compare.    Results    The maximum stress of the anterolateral plate placement was smaller than the posterior plate placement. Under compression loading, the maximum stress of the retrograde intramedullary nail was smaller than the antegrade intramedullary nail group while the opposite results were obtained under the bending and anticlockwise torsion loadings. The maximum deformation of humerus of locking compression plate groups was smaller than the intramedullary nail groups, the anterolateral plate group was greater than the posterior group, and the antegrade intramedullary nail group was greater than the retrograde group. The stress distribution of fracture end of the locking compression plate groups was more uniform than the interlocking nail groups and had a larger maximum stress.  Conclusions   The throwing fracture of humerus fixed with locking compression plate is more stable and the stress distribution is more uniform than  that fixed interlocking intramedullary nail. Locking compression plate in posterior placement is more stable than the anterolateral placement but have a larger maximum stress. Fixation with retrograde intramedullary nail is more stable than that with the antegrade intramedullary nail.

    Posterior unilateral transpedicular decompression with interbody bone fusion and internal fixation for treatment of thoracolumbar burst fracture of Denis type B
    YANG Dong-Jun, OU Yun-Sheng, CHU Beng-Hua, LIU Bo, SHU Yong, DIAO Ceng-Hui, JIANG Dian-Meng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  218-222.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 92 )  
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    Objective  To explore the clinical outcomes of posterior unilateral transpedicular decompression with interbody bone fusion and internal fixation for treatment of thoracolumbar burst fracture of Denis type B.    Methods   A retrospective study was done on 12 patients with thoracolumbar burst fracture of Denis type B who were treated by this method from April 2008 to January 2011; There was 8 males and 4 females with an average age 35.5 years(rang, 20~55 years). Fracture reduction,graft fusion,neurological function recovery,correction loss,lumbar activities and adjacent segment degeneration were observed through preoperative,immediate postoperative and final following-up X-ray,CT and neurological examinations to evaluate the clinical efficacy.   Results   The surgical duration ranged from 150 to 200 minutes, averaging 160 minutes, and the bleeding volume ranged from 200 to 700 ml, averaging 450 ml. They were followed up for 12 to 36 months, averaging 21.5 months. The results showed the vertebral fusion time was 3~6 months, and no loss of vertebral height was observed. All patients had obtained improvement of neurological function by 1-2 ASIA grades. The complications such as disruption, breaking or loosening of the screwrods, collapse, refractory low back pain, limitation of motion and degeneration of adjacent intervertebral disc were not observed. Conclusions: As long as indication is correctly chosen, posterior unilateral transpedicular decompression with interbody bone fusion and internal fixation can effectively achieve restoration of the spine curvature, complete decompression of the spinal canal, strut fusion of the anterior column, and preservation of the inferior part of the fractured vertebral body and the intact disc under the injured vertebra. Reduction of  the incidence of adjacent intervertebral disc degeneration can also result from this surgical approachThoracolumbar burst fracture;    Spinal fusion;    Ppedicle screw internal fixation

    Reconstruction of defects on the hand with flaps based on the perforator located at the snuff box
    ZHANG Fa-Hui, ZHANG Chao-Chun, LIN Song-Qiang, SONG Yi-Beng, ZHENG He-Beng
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  223-225.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 172 )  
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    Objective   The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical results of flaps based on the perforator located at the snuff box to cover soft tissue defects on the hand.   Methods   Between March 2005 and March 2013, based on the anatomic study of distal arterial perforators of forearm, 27 patients with soft-tissue defects on the hand underwent reconstruction with the flaps based on the perforator located at the snuff box The etiology of injury: 15 cases were caused by  machines, eight by traffic accident, 4 by explosion. The defect location was as follows: 13 at the dorsal hand, 3 at the palm, 11 at the first web. The defect size ranged from 5.0 cm×3.0 cm to 12.0 cm×4.0 cm. The smallest dimension of the flaps was 6.0 cm×4.0 cm and the largest 14.0 cm×6.0 cm. The rotation point was at the wrist joint level.  Results   26 cases of total 27 clinical application cases achieved primary healing; only one case obtained secondary healing. Postoperative following-up of the patients ranged from 2 to 12 months. all flaps survived completely with good color and the appearance and function were  satisfactory. The donor site healed without morbidity after reconstruction with skin-grafting.   Conclusion   tThe flap based on the perforator located at the snuff box  is an ideal flap for repairing soft tissue defects of distal segment of hands.

    The clinical study of bone biopsy and bone microstructure of elderly intertrochanteric fractures
    LI Jian-Chi, LIANG Jiang-Qing, LI Kang, CHEN Hui-Beng, CA Ti-Bei, XU Zi-Jiang, TAN Jia-Qun, XIE Wei-Jian
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  226-228.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 169 )  
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    Objective  To obtain the reference value of the bone micrstructrual morphology for therapeutic guidance by investigation of bone microstructure in bone biopsy from intertroachteric fractures in elderly patients.   Methods   The experimental group: 15 female patients and 15 male patients were who have femoral intertrochanteric fracture caused by low or moderate energy trauma and need of surgical treatment were included. Control group:  24 fresh cadaveric femoral specimens, 12 from male and 12 from female, were included.  A Trephine with a diameter of 1 cm was used to obtain a bone column with a size being 2cm in height and 1cm in diameter (the drill was placed on the intertrochanteric region by a uniform approach). The bone column was used for microstructural morphological study and quantitative analysis. Results  The trabecular connectivity decreased and the trabecula gradually disappeared.  in a certain width of bone, the trabecula was sparse and the percentage of trabecular area versus the whole bone area was relatively small. The average distance between trabeculae was long and the number of trabecularnodes was relatively small, while the free ends of the  bone trabeculae increased. Comparison of Trabecular number, Trabecular width, Trabecular separation, %Trabecular bone area, Number of nodes/Free end between the two groups revealed significantly statistical difference(P<0.05). Conclusions The elderly femoral intertrochanteric bone microstructure morphologic parameters have important guiding significances to osteoporosis treatment and appropriate functional exercise.

    Research development  of the nourish blood vessels inside the bone
    CHEN Shi-Ben, CHEN Fei, SHANG Bin-Yan, LIU Meng-Meng, CHEN Xian-Dun, DAN Xiao-Tian, ZHANG Xian-Fang
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  229-231.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 181 )  
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    Objective  To develop nourishing blood vessels inside the bone.   Methods   The nourishing blood vessels inside the bone were infused with vascular cast contrast agents and decalcified, then images of nourishing blood vessels inside the bone were obtained after X-ray photography.   Results   Plain radiographic images of the nourishing vessels inside the bone were clear, the location of nutrient canals which the blood vessels penetrate, the diameter, course, branch distribution, and anastomosis with  adjacent vessels was transparent. Conclusion  Vascular cast imaging and decalcification are useful techniques in clear demonstration of nutritional blood vessels inside the bone .

    Reconstruction strategies for ulna coronoid process damage
    YANG Guang-Pu, TIAN Jing
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  232-235.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 141 )  
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    The research progress of the effects of estrogen on adipose tissue
    DENG Ting, YA Ling
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  236-238.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015
    Abstract ( 200 )  
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    Two cases of Gallbladder artery variation:a case report
    SHANG Zhi-Min, SONG Shen-Rou, SU Wei, WANG Jun-Hao, HE Gui-Qiong
    Chinese Journal Of Clinical Anatomy. 2015, 33(2):  239.  doi:10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.201
    Abstract ( 58 )  
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